Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of the Rainbooms

by PonyJoel

Rarity's Nightmare! Blaze Inbound! War is Coming!

Rarity and her family is in the wake of Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle looked like she's finally in peace. No longer in pain, no longer in sorrow and no longer in regret. Hondo and Cookie left as Rarity stood by. She stayed with Sweetie Belle and talked about her regrets towards her younger sister. Her biggest mistake for neglecting Sweetie Belle's attention. Rarity cries and hits herself in the head over for making a foolish decision; a decision that ultimately led to her sister's demise. Rarity blames herself for allowing demons entering her sister's mind. She wishes that she has a second chance to redeem herself as a better sister. As time flew by, she packed her things and kissed Sweetie Belle's cheek.

Rarity walks towards the exit but the door goes further away from her. She runs but couldn't catch up to the door. Then the door stood still but she couldn't move. Her feet were bound to the floor. Rarity struggles vigorously. Pulling her feet from the floor but it didn't budge. Rarity looked around as she saw Sweetie Belle getting out of the coffin. She walked towards her sister and pulls up a chair. She sat and looked at her sister.


Rarity starts to get confused. She doesn't know how to handle this.

"Why, Rarity? Why didn't you want me in your life?"

"S-Sweetie Belle..." Rarity begins to pant. "I did want you in my life. I-I-I was foolish with my decisions. I chose my friends over you and I'm truly sorry for my mistakes. I wish I can have a second chance darling. To set things right and be a loving, caring sister that I was supposed to be."

"Too little too late!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

Flames engulf the room. Right before her very own eyes, Sweetie Belle transformed into a demon. Rarity knew what the demon is. She remembered Blaze mentioning a ritual that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle performed.

"You're the archfiend that my sister and her friend summoned."

"Yes. I am quite surprised that you know of my physical being. I take it as you are the smart one of the group."

"It's catchy that a demon like you would transform into something uncouth. "

The archfiend breaks the chair and grabs the broken leg wielding it like a knife towards Rarity's throat.

"Is that so?" The archfiend laughed. "The way you treated your sister was uncouth. The way you kicked her out of your room for her efforts for that big slumber party was uncouth. You should know your language, you hypocrite."

Rarity glares at the archfiend. She resisted the urge of feeling down and depressed.

"As long as I shall live, that second chance will never come into reality even in the afterlife."

"How come?"

"Her soul belongs to ME!"

The archfiend held a relic that contains souls of loved ones. Sweetie Belle's spirit can only touch the glass of the relic. She can see her sister and begs for help.

"Let her go!"

"Not a chance. The price to pay for summoning me is selling her soul and she has. Therefore, her debt has been paid for all eternity."

Rarity starts getting teary.

"Don't worry though. You'll see her soon. When the end is near."

Rarity shouted Sweetie Belle's name so loud that she finally wakes up from her nightmare. She pants and noticed that she, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy have woken up from their slumber. Only ten minutes have passed.

"Girls? Are you all alright?" Rarity asked.

"No!" Rainbow shouted. "My dream was awful!"

"My nightmare was surreal. I have never felt any pain from a dream before." Fluttershy said.

"My dream started like any other but it has gone south in an instant." Pinkie said.

"Did any of you saw something talking back?" Rarity asked.

"I saw demons in my dream. They were talking to me." Rainbow said.

"Me too," Both Pinkie and Fluttershy stated.

Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow explained their nightmares to each other. They explained how their friendships, their negligence, and hatred brought the creature in the physical being. Rarity believes that Blaze may have something in mind to put the archfiend down once and for all. They need to make a phone call and hope that Blaze can come by. Rarity gets up and leaves the room. She heads towards her parent's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Cookie said.

Rarity comes in and Cookie can see the fear in her daughter's eyes.

"Oh no, what happened, dear?"

"Mom, my friends and I need to call Blaze. There is an archfiend lurking in our dreams and we cannot sleep right."

"Alright, take my phone and dial him."

"Thanks, mom."

Rarity grabs and dials Blaze. Around this time, Blaze received the Chinese food he ordered a half-hour ago. Then he picks up his phone.


"Hi, Blaze."

"Rarity? What's the problem you're having?"

"My friends and I just had an Archfiend in our dreams."


"The Archfiend spoke to us and he knows about Anon-A-Miss, Sunset Shimmer and all the awful things that my friends and I have done which drove Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom into their doing."

"The Archfiend can dream hop. This is quite terrifying. Stronger than it looks when I struck my sword on his physical being," Blaze said to himself. "Alright, Rarity. I'll be there in 20 minutes."

"Thank you, Blaze."

"You're welcome." Blaze hangs up the phone and looks at the cashier. "I need you to deliver this to Commander Sombra's house."

"Sure thing. He is a regular here after all." The cashier said.

"Thank you."

Blaze left the restaurant and drives off to Rarity's house. 20 minutes later, Blaze parked his car and walks up to Rarity's house. He knocks and Rarity opens the door. Blaze enters.

"Where are your friends?" Blaze asked.

"Upstairs in my room."

The two walk up the stairs and enter the room. Blaze looked all around to sense the Archfiend's presence.

"Son of a bitch, he's here."

Blaze throws salt all around the room.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Rainbow asks.

"Concealing the Archfiend from leaving."

"But, we want the archfiend gone!" Pinkie shouted.

"Are you Demon Slayer?"

"No..." Pinkie quietly stated.

"Do you know what to do when an Archfiend is present?"

"No........" Pinkie lowered her voice to a minimum of Fluttershy's voice.

"Then you should keep your mouth shut. My duties as a Demon Slayer are quite difficult to explain to you regular people. It is best to remain calm and allow me to do my work." Blaze said as he lit up candles and place them all around the room in formation.

"Why are the candles being placed in different areas of the room?" Rarity asked.

Blaze groans "The candles are in a dream catcher's formation. This is a dream ritual I'm performing. I'm gonna need all of you to join hands and sleep."

The girls looked at each other then at him.

"When you all go to sleep, I'll start a chant to put myself into slumber but it'll allow me to enter the realm of dreams. From there, I can enter each of your minds and defeat the Archfiend from within. You may experience a Deja Vu within your dream but ignore them. The real focus will be my battle versus the Archfiend. It may take a while; it may not. Just know that by the end of the night, you'll sleep peacefully."

The girls join hands with Blaze and they fell asleep. Blaze chants in his language and he too falls asleep. As Blaze enters the realm of dreams, he felt a ripple behind him and a dark mass flew away entering another dream.

"What was that?" Blaze got up and headed towards the other side but a wall of light blocked his way from entering. He touches the light and has an eerie similar feeling when he touched the statue near Canterlot High. "Hmm, seems like I am unable to explore those regions. Perhaps another time."

Blaze steps away and enters Rarity's dream. She is reliving her nightmare. Blaze opens the door and peeks inside. Rarity is seeing Sweetie Belle transforming into the Archfiend once more. Blaze kicks the door down. The Archfiend turns and shudders.

"Ah, so you are afraid of me."

"Me? Afraid? No!"

Rarity saw the eyes of the Archfiend. They changed. Her eyes widen.

"Get back! Or else!"

"You don't threaten me," Blaze said as he took out the Holy Bottle Containment.

"What is that?"

"Your tomb."

The Archfiend spears Blaze but it didn't flinch him. Blaze grabs the Archfiend and throws him back down.

"What? How are you able to hurt me?"

"This is a dream stupid ass. A dream that I can control with my creativity."

Blaze got into position. The Archfiend tackles and tries to claw Blaze's face but it didn't work. Blaze used the realm of dreams to manipulate his enchantment through body wave motion and seals the Archfiend within the Holy Bottle Containment.

"One down, three to go."

"Uh, what?"

"This Archfiend is smarter than it looks. He's splitting his image throughout the dream realm of you and your friends."

"How can you tell Blaze?"

"Archfiends to my understanding search for the darkest moments in people's lives and exploit them. Then they feed off the misery and grief. Last, then send warnings of impending doom. Throughout my life, I encounter a few Archfiends but not like this. Something else is amiss. I believe my investigation is now turning into a holy war."


"Demons arise from the pits of hell then there are us, Demon Slayers with holy properties. There is only a handful but throughout ancient times, we protected the world from powerful threats against demons and mystic creatures."

"So, uh, what was the last battle like?"

"As far as I know, my ancestors took down these winter demons known as windigoes. They claim to have come from a different dimension but they were easily taken down. Anyways, I have to get going. I have three more dreams to conquer."

"Wait, before you go I have one more question to ask."

"Go on."

"When the Archfiend came, we could have used our power of creativity to fight them off?"

"Yes and no. Yes in the sense that you can but to face an Archfiend, show no fear. No in the sense that when you are having a nightmare and things are fearful, you lose concentration of what's going around you. Your mind plays tricks on you then the Archfiend can use it for his advantage. It is something that I could have told you and your friends but I rather not. I prefer to have no distractions when I use the Holy Bottle Containment. Right now, your dream will come to an end but you won't be able to wake up. Not until I finish the Archfiend duplicates in the other dreams."

Blaze leaves Rarity's dream and enters Fluttershy's dream. Fluttershy is being hung by the branches again. The Archfiend is tormenting Fluttershy but he isn't aware of Blaze performing the ritual to conceal the Archfiend in the Holy Bottle Containment. The Archfiend had no idea what was happening until it was too late. Blaze explains to Fluttershy about the dream ending and she won't be able to wake up until his task is completed. Fluttershy dreamt a better dream for herself. To be with her kind and caring animals.

Blaze leaves Fluttershy's dream and enters Pinkie's dream. The Archfiend is mocking Pinkie Pie for how a horrible friend she truly is. How her purpose in life for bringing smiles is a scam. Blaze performs the ritual once more behind the Archfiend. Like before, it was too late for the Archfiend as he is concealed in the Holy Bottle Containment. Like with Fluttershy, Blaze explains about going to the final dream and Pinkie won't be waking up until he completes his mission. Pinkie sits on the ground and waits until it's all over.

Blaze left her dream to enter Rainbow's dream. Rainbow's dream was far sinister than Pinkie's and Fluttershy's. Scootaloo and Sunset are demons for the Archfiend's amusement. Blaze heard everything that both Scootaloo and Sunset said towards Rainbow Dash as she thrashed around. Unable to move. Blaze saw the Archfiend rising and that's when Blaze kicks down the door in the basement. The Archfiend turns around and realized what's happening.

"You're the one whose been weakening me! How dare you?"

"Just doing what I do best. Taking out the trash in this world."

The Archfiend roars but Blaze didn't flinch. He stood his ground. Rainbow Dash, however, closed her eyes. She never heard a roar scary like that before. The Archfiend roars again to show fear but it wasn't working for Blaze. He stared at the demon he's going to put away. The Archfiend got angry and lunge at Blaze but it didn't work. The Archfiend fazes through Blaze. The Archfiend tries to claw, punch, and grab him but to no avail.

"Why can't I touch you!"

"Ew, gross."


The Archfiend roars as the ceiling in the basement forms into a bloody vortex. His anger grew and Blaze knew exactly what he's noticing. The Archfiend has a side effect that causes him to lose his intelligence when he's splitting himself apart. That would explain why the Archfiend from the previous dreams didn't sense him or look back. They had no idea what has happened with the first one. Blaze performs the ritual for the Holy Bottle Containment. The Archfiend sees what's happening and tries to throw the bottle away. Unfortunate for him, the bottle is enriched with Holy Water thus burning the Archfiend's hands. The Archfiend soon realized that is was over. He couldn't beat something Holy. The Archfiend turns to Rainbow Dash who has her eyes shut still.

"If, I'm going, she's coming with me!"

The Archfiend lunges himself towards Rainbow Dash but he is short. The Archfiend turns back and sees a strong presence coming out of the bottle and grabs him. He screams not wanting to be in containment for all eternity. He swore revenge at Blaze as the Archfiend is finally sealed. The dreams end and Rainbow Dash is free from her terrifying nightmare.

"Everything is going to be fine now Rainbow."

"Fine? Not okay or better?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, if this Archfiend was capable of entering the realms of dreams then it has other powers as well. Just know that your dreams are safe. As for everything else, good until further notice."

"So, what happens now Blaze..?"

"I leave the dream realm and everyone will wake up."

"Okay then."

Blaze leaves Rainbow's dream and saw the dark mass entering another dream from the other side. Blaze got closer and once again, the wall of light prevented him from going further.

"Hmm, maybe that world is in dire need of saving as well. When I'm done here and this barrier is uplifted, I'll go and investigate."

Blaze leaves the reality of dreams. As he and the girls wake up, it is now Saturday morning. The girls finally relieved from the Archfiend, Blaze couldn't help but have the feeling of an upcoming Holy War. He leaves the room but Rarity grabs his hand.

"Thank you, for what you've done for us."

"My pleasure. It's my duty after all. Now I have someplace to be and hopefully, he won't kill me for coming late to a party."

Blaze leaves Rarity's house and headed back to Sombra's home. Miles away from Rarity's household, Big Mac is still in the Apple Barn. Big Mac is still possessed by Nero as he haves a conversation with the Archfiend within his mind.

"So, Blaze has your separate beings in the Holy Bottle Containers?" Nero said.

"Yes, My particles are now rounding up all the demons within. To build an army to take over this planet."

"Good. Blaze will not interfere with our plans for world domination for he will be too weak to stop us. Then we'll hop over to the other world and take everything away from the Draqonacuus that I mentioned to you about."

"His Chaotic power with mine shall be life's endgame."

The two demonic creatures laugh for a possible future that awaits. The beginning of an end soon to be rising up.