//------------------------------// // Chapter 24- Her Unlikely Supporter/ The Price Of Wrath // Story: The Thestral With The Golden Halo // by DougtheLoremaster //------------------------------// As Faust and her young charge watched the scene unfold, it became quite apparent something was much different between the two. Fluttershy’s tone held nothing but admiration, and Hazel was more doting as she explained how every animal was made and all their components, instincts and habits. While it was a delight to watch Cozy Glow couldn’t help but wonder why. Glancing up as if to seek an answer she found herself staring into Faust’s teal eyes, as the alicorn stared down at her. “The answer is Kindness. Fluttershy had never been shown kindness in life growing up, and so she too grew cold and icy towards others. Hazel simply broke the ice by showing she truly cared.” Between the two, everything had fallen into place. Hazel was smiling, and Fluttershy was listening with great interest. Finally, the two were at a table, drinking tea, for Fluttershy and Apple Whiskey of a brand the unicorn had never seen in a language she had never read, for Hazel. “Does this mean I have to start worshipping you?” Hazel laughing, simply said. “No. You don’t have to do anything and in all honesty neither myself or Faust wish to be worshipped day and night. All we wish for our children is that you make the most of life, treasure every moment. Happy ones as well as sad ones, without the valleys how would we ever know when we reach the mountain peaks.” Taking a sip of her tea, Fluttershy was silent for a moment, deep in thought. Looking at Hazel, she smiled and responded, her eyes sparkling with a strange light. “I finally get it. All life is precious.” Hazel nodded as she began to down her bottle of whiskey. It was at that moment that the unicorn’s face had become creased with sadness. “And I took hers away.” *BAM* The empty bottle was slammed down on the table with such force that it seemed to rock the immovable table. Fluttershy stared into Hazel’s eyes with shock. The thestral spoke softly and with a tone of no arguments would be tolerated. “You did. Out of selfishness and anger, you took another’s life. She is dead. She won’t be coming back and you WILL have to answer for it…” Hazel paused, as if considering her words. “One day. Tell me, though; you are alive. Will her needless end be the turning point? Can you grow from this or will you let this lesson go by the wayside? That’s what it all boils down to. I shall leave you with a few words to consider, my daughter. Kindness isn’t something that should make you happy. It’s something that should affect others. One single kind word or action can be all one creature needs to blossom into their potential and turn their life around.” After Hazel had left Fluttershy in her house next to her lost companion, Cozy watched the unicorn go on to become a shining beacon of Kindness; Fluttershy would never let anypony or creature suffer while she was present. With her new-found animal knowledge, she became a veterinarian for Ponyville and out in public she would go out of her way to spread the message of Kindness by doing anything she could to ease another's pain. Sadly like all creatures Fluttershy found herself once more back where she started, standing before Faust, in the Realm of Celestials. “Your majesty, I’ve come home.” Faust smiled warmly at the mare. “You’ve grown my child. From the spoiled brat-” A window in time appeared showing Fluttershy’s childhood. The unicorn looked ashamed as her face went beet red. “To maliciously evil-” The sight of the slain form of Bittersweet appeared in the window causing tears to flow as Fluttershy blurted out. “I am so sorry, I went too far, I wish I had a chance to make it right once more.” Faust raised an eyebrow in interest as she continued. “To your, shall we say, heart to heart, with my sister of all ponies-” The window displayed the scene once more as Hazel spoke of Kindness. “During which you were given an important message, from a rather unlikely source-” Placing a wing over her muzzle to stifle a giggle, Faust cleared her throat and continued. “Ahem. That message, you then took to heart. Your eyes opened you made sure to let others know of the power of being kind. That spark in your heart ignited into a raging inferno, which has brought you to me this moment in time.” Looking down for a moment, Faust raised her eyes to stare into Fluttershy’s. “You’ve blossomed into a truly beautiful rose. However-” The alicorn’s horn glowed a golden hue as she continued. “Every rose has its thorn, and you are no different. The time has come for you to atone for what you did.” “I am so-” “Stop. You needn’t say these words to me, my child. A special somepony has been waiting 65 years to talk to you. Bittersweet, come here. It’s time.” A pegasus whose fur was as black as the midnight sun appeared behind Fluttershy. Her mane and tail were radiating flames of bright orange and red, while her body itself had been encased in black flames. The voice that came from the mare was angry and spiteful. “So we meet again, mistress.” Faust’s words were soft as she began. “As you can see her anger has-,” Fluttershy didn’t hesitate. Turning around she began to run without a second thought towards the burning form of Bittersweet and wrapped her hooves around her in a big warm hug crying out. “Bittersweet! I missed you so much!” It was very apparent to Cozy Glow the flames were scorching the soul of Fluttershy, as burns appeared upon it. Still the unicorn held on crying, with tears streaming down her muzzle. “Give me your rage, your pain. I’ll take them all. You have no idea how much I’ve missed you and hated myself since that night. You were in my mind every waking day. If only I had known how much you meant to me before you were gone! Make me hurt! I want to take your fury!” These words were heard and answered as Bittersweet began spouting profanities and curses; raging at Fluttershy for all the torment, she had endured at her hooves. Fluttershy didn’t cry out once. Instead, as her soul was burned and scorched beyond belief by the hatred of Bittersweet, she wore a grateful smile. Cozy Glow watched in horror as the soul of Fluttershy hung limply, still hugging Bittersweet, completely and utterly destroyed by the flames. The flames surrounding Bittersweet vanished as Faust spoke softly yet again. “Such a shame you couldn’t let go of that hate. Two of my children, lost to me. Report to Hazel-” Faust finished writing on a piece of parchment. “And give her this for me.” At once in a flash of light, Cozy Glow and Faust found themselves in Tartarus, observing Hazel staring at Bittersweet with Fluttershy’s still form on her back. Silently Hazel read the message presented to her and finally spoke. Her voice conveyed a slight sadness to it. “Place her on my desk.” As Bittersweet did this, Hazel’s horn glowed and spectacles appeared on her face. Intently she began to examine the form as if searching for something. Occasionally she spoke to Bittersweet. “So you finally got your revenge, did you?” Bittersweet stayed silent as she stared at Fluttershy in shock. Hazel continued performing odd taps and touches here and there on the charred soul. “Answer me. Child, was it worth it? Was it worth 65 years of miserable torture here in Tartarus? Starving, blistering in the heat, whippings? Was it worth enduring all that to nurture hatred for this one? You’ve sat festering in anguish for this one moment in time. Tell me, did it heal your broken heart?” The pegasus shook her head in confusion. “No. It just hurts. It hurts even more than before. Why does it hurt so much? Shouldn’t it feel great?” Hazel shook her head slowly as she continued to examine the burnt soul. “No. Many assume that but revenge is never an uplifting experience. The hatred that festers over time eats away the soul-” Lowering her ear down to the chest of Fluttershy, Hazel stayed silent for a moment before smiling. Lifting her head back up she glared at Bittersweet. “Until nothing worth redeeming remains. And so-” A mirror appeared before Bittersweet causing her to gasp at the sight. The words of Hazel continued. “The soul turns black, engulfed by the very hatred it embodies. My realm is filled with countless innocents who never overcame their rage at having their life cut short. Forgiveness is divine-” Hazel’s horn glowed crimson, causing the form of the roasted soul to float before her. “To hate is the way of the underworld. It's sad that only now, you realize all you got from your hatred.” Without another word Hazel smashed her forehoof straight into the chest of Fluttershy’s soul ripping into it as easily as a nutcracker breaks walnuts. Swiftly, she pulled back her hoof now holding a glowing, golden-yellow orb. Slowly the orb was brought just an inch to the surface of the desk. Hazel’s horn glowed a bright crimson and with a grunt of pain, a dreadfully dark crimson hammer made of a shiny metal appeared. It looked all the world like… “Metallic blood.” Cozy Glow looked up at Faust who stared back into her eyes. “You are borne of us and that tool is made from Hazel’s blood. We suffer to create every creature. Take note Cozy Glow of what you see.” Turning back to the scene, Cozy Glow stared in awe as the hammer came down with immense force. The very air seemed to shatter with each blow. The golden orb began to change shape slowly with each carefully aimed hit. Hazel seemed to be happily chanting in time to her strikes. As she worked, the raw sinew of her muscles showed as she gripped the massive hammer in both hooves and brought it crashing down onto the orb. “Borne from horn, blood and fang, I call on you to walk again, *CLANG* My lessons that you took to heart, You have earned a brand-new start. *CLANG* A heart so pure, your form remade-” As the two observers watched in awe as the small golden orb stretched out, to take the shape of a earthpony. “-Makes me glad to you I came. *CLANG* On that night your anger grew, And yet, your eyes were opened too. *CLANG* You led your life From that day on, Promoting kindness Right from wrong. *CLANG* Your wings you earned, your new form too, Shall display this side of you.” *CLANG* The earthpony form’s shoulders stretched and reached as Hazel sculpted feathery wings from the golden light. “Fur of yellow like your golden soul, Seperate the new from old.” *CLANG* The golden lightof the now clearly pegasus form solidified into a buttercream yellow fur, enveloping the entirety of the form. “Mane of pink, your tail too; Shall show the kindness that flows in you.” *CLANG* From off to the side, Hazel grabbed some pink clay and carefully, with delicate grace shaped and carved what looked like the mane and tail of a pony from it. She slowly pressed it into place at the form’s neck and flank areas as magic from her horn enveloped it. The clay then fell to the ground leaving behind a luxurious pink mane and tail respectively. “And though it seems a bit reversed, Three butterflies shall be your cutiemark,” *CLANG* Hazel gracefully drew three butterflies of pink in the air, carefully lowering them down onto the flank of the pegasus, with a smile. “Your love of animals to others eyes, But to mine an effect none shall spy. *CLANG* An effect caused by fixing your past, By going to the future, My daughter you made your mother proud, As well as her little sister.”*CLANG, CLANG* As she spoke these verses, the thestral delicately pressed down on each butterfly, causing the image to burn into the flank of the pegasus. Slowly lifting off the stencils she had made, Hazel quickly colored in the brand. “And finally a quirky trait, Lest humbleness be forgot, A measure to help you trot straight *CLANG* The gift of shyness, you shall carry, With you,this moment on.*CLANG* Grabbing some more clay, Hazel rolled two small round balls carefully inserting them into the empty eye sockets of the pegasus. After she had carefully colored in each pupil with an emerald green, her horn glowed and the clay became real eyes. Taking a step back, the thestral took a moment to admire her reforging of the soul and nodded, her horn aglow once more. “And so my daughter time to rise, Open up those emerald green eyes. Flap your wings reach for the sky, My darling daughter, Fluttershy.” Stepping forward Hazel leaned down and gently exhaled into the open mouth of the pegasus, before standing back once more. The eyes of the pegasus blinked. Her voice was melodic yet rather timid. “Wha-where am I?” Hazel locked eyes with Fluttershy and opened her muzzle to speak. “Fluttershy I am so pr-” Her words faded into nothing as she stood there silent for a moment as if choking on the words, before smiling and shaking her head. Her tone changed from soft to all business once more. “Faust is waiting for you, no time to talk.” Without another second passing, the Queen of the Underworld’s horn glowed crimson and Cozy Glow found herself watching a confused Fluttershy appear, sprawled at the hooves of Faust. Fluttershy looked up in anxiousness, her voice nervous and.softer than before with a slight stutter. “Wh-what happened?” The answer from the celestial alicorn was a bit cryptic and almost angry in tone. “Certain knowledge is best left unknown, though often sought after. Flames of such nature are not my forte, that honor belongs to my sister. Go see her if you so desire to learn more. Understand, though, she is not as forgiving as I am. Begone, our time is over.” It was then Fluttershy saw the strange feminine biped with wings and a tail before Faust. Those horns on her head and the strange shade of her skin made Fluttershy curious. And then in the time it took to blink, it was gone. “Your maj-jesty w-what was that?” Faust turned to look at the pegasus with a glare that made it clear asking further would be dangerous. Fluttershy decided to change the subject. “Look mom, I-I have wings! W-what do...what do y-you think of them?” The face of Faust once more looked warm and inviting. She smiled. “Those wings suit you far better than a horn of magic. Welcome back my daughter. There is something I wish to discuss with you.” Watching with great interest, Cozy Glow observed Faust explaining about the Guardians of Harmony and how she was the perfect candidate for the role of Kindness. “Six from different points in time and different worlds scattered throughout the cosmos. Different backgrounds, different upbringings. All have tread the abyss between mine and my sister’s realms. To share the encouragement to continue when times get tough.” As she spoke, Faust used her magic to show four figures clad in shadow walking side by side; a pegasus, two earth ponies and a unicorn. “Six individuals each with one of six defining traits. Alone they are mighty, together they can change the world.To give hope when there is none, having been there themselves. Currently, there are 4; honesty, laughter, generosity, and loyalty. Fluttershy, not as your creator, but as your loving mother, I ask you. Will you join these Pillars of Friendship as the Pillar of Kindness?” As soon as Fluttershy’s answer left her muzzle, there was a flash of bright golden light from Faust’s horn and Cozy Glow found herself in Ponyville observing a scene where Twilight was speaking. “My name is Twilight what’s yours?” And there in front of Twilight, was none other than Fluttershy timidly stuttering. “F-flutter-” Leaning in close, Twilight tried again. “I’m sorry didn’t quite catch that.” Blushing profusely the butter-yellow pegasus repeated herself. “I’m flutter-” Her voice rose to a squeal. “Shy!” At that moment, Spike, Twilight’s baby dragon popped his head over the shoulder of his guardian.The eyes of Fluttershy lit up and she spoke clearly and excitedly. “Oh my! Is that a baby dragon? Oh, he’s soooo cute!” *** Faust slowly closed the book and gently nuzzled Cozy Glow. “Shall we review, what you’ve just learned, my daughter? I’m sure you have many questions, and I don’t know about you, but I could use some apple juice.” At the words apple juice, the little pegasus rushed towards the giant stone table once more. As she did, Faust, chucking in amusement, slowly rose and trotted towards it as well.