//------------------------------// // Interlude: The Voices // Story: Dissonance: A Hidden World // by Braininthejar //------------------------------// “So, it is done. Is that what you wanted?” “I didn’t plan all of this, especially the filly. But it turned out even better than I had hoped. All the pieces are finally falling into place.” “Your plans are too convoluted. No wonder it has taken you so long.” “You know I had to wait. I couldn’t afford unnecessary risk.” “What about the risk of keeping me in the dark?” “All the better for you to play your part. Don’t you trust me?” “Should I? After what you’ve done?” “You know that’s the only way. The pawns are on the board, and the game is on, but we’re aiming for a very specific outcome here.” “Can’t we find a different way to communicate? This enforced vagueness is getting on my nerves.” “It can’t be helped. It’s hard enough to hide from the Amaranthine. Dissonance echoes. The last thing we need now is -” “...a prophecy.” "And as for the plan, Do not worry. I’ve had thousands of years to become good at this. When they finally see it coming, it will be too late.”