Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of the Rainbooms

by PonyJoel

Fluttershy's Nightmare!

Fluttershy is enjoying herself in the garden. Attending to every creature that swarms her with love and passion. As they get closer to Fluttershy, she couldn't help but notice the slight change in their eyes. Every creature around her had red eyes. Fluttershy gasps as they started to change horribly. Their bodies turning into hellish creatures. Fluttershy screams and even her pet; Angel Bunny formed and growls at her. Fluttershy accidentally kicks Angel Bunny instead of hugging him. Fluttershy panic and runs away from the garden. Unfortunately for her, the garden she was in turned into a never-ending maze. Each turn Fluttershy makes, the scenery got even worse. She ran through fire, corpses, blood, and bones.

The hellish creatures led by Angel Bunny were after Fluttershy. They followed her movements through the maze. Some even separated hoping to find a different path to catch Fluttershy. Fluttershy didn't even bother looking back as she can hear the screeching squeals of the hellish creatures that followed her. Tears running down her face as she takes another turn, hoping to find the exit. Instead, the branches in the maze grab a hold of Fluttershy. The branches held Fluttershy high as she is now trapped. Unable to get herself free.

Angel Bunny caught up and climbs on to Fluttershy carrying a black marker. He drew a pentagram all over Fluttershy. Fluttershy tries to call out for help but the branches covered her mouth. Thorns grew on and out of the branches stabbing Fluttershy repeatedly. She wails in pain from the stabbing. The black ooze stops coming out of Fluttershy; instead, her blood came out. The branches stopped stabbing Fluttershy long enough. Her blood forms a pool and a demonic creature arise. It looked at Fluttershy as the branches release its grip of her mouth.

"The quiet one and yet, you gave Sunset Shimmer a powerful impact on Friendship." In her voice, "You are not our Friend! I laugh at that statement from afar."

Fluttershy squirmed rapidly in fear of dying from what's she's seeing and hearing.

"Then again, why bother to listen to reason when hate is on your mind. The hate of one person's sin to convince you and the others to neglect your closest friend. Seems wonderful on how human nature forgets to learn and forgive even when the accuser has nothing to do with the situation at hand."

The demon held onto Fluttershy's cheek as she closes her eyes.

"You should have shown kindness to dear Sunset Shimmer but instead, you've shown negligence and anger."

Fluttershy couldn't help but cry. She failed as a friend to Sunset and now she's waiting for the inevitable. She can't stand for the demon in front of her to repeat her mistakes anymore.

"Enjoy what you have left before it's taken away."

The demon fades into darkness as everything around her deforms. The branches decay releasing Fluttershy and the creatures started to disintegrate leaving Fluttershy stranded. All Fluttershy can hear is the screams of Sunset Shimmer suffering throughout the days of Anon-A-Miss. Fluttershy tries to scream to block Sunset out of her mind. As she covered her ears, a large knife pierces through her chest. When Fluttershy felt and looked down, it was a corrupted form of Sunset returning the favor. Giving Fluttershy an actual broken heart. Fluttershy gasped and screams so loud that she had finally woken up from her nightmare. At the exact moment of time, Rarity, Pinkie, and Rainbow woke up from their nightmares. Breathing heavily as they couldn't believe what just happened.

Only ten minutes of slumber went by and everyone couldn't believe what just happened.