That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp


It was noon when Alan decided let his plan unfold

"Alright! Everone. Get in formation." Alan instructed, it was a 'V' pattern. Verona was at the front with Nightmare and Betty flanking her sides, and Mia with Blackout on the end.

"Let's tear up the fuckin ground!" Yelled Betty

They were on their way to Ashley's house when they seen an unexpected sight.

A 2018 Nissan GTR rolled up next to them.
It was a guy in his 20s and he looked distressed.

The convoy of muscle slowed to a stop

Alan got out of Verona

"Oi do you know where this place is? I woke up and me house and cars are in a new place!" The man yelled

"Its ok sir, this is a place called Equestria. I was teleported here too. Along with a friend of mine. Everyone here is kind and understanding, and the inhabitants of this planet are Sentient pastel coloured ponies." Alan said to the man

"I must be dreaming." The man said

"LYRA!" Alan yelled towards Blackout

Blackouts door opened and a certain mint green unicorn we all know and love came out

"Sup" Lyra said flatly

The man then fainted


"W-WHAT HOW!?" Lyra started panicking

"Calm down, he just passed out from shock." Alan chuckled

"When will he wake up?" She asked

"Verona" Alan called to his Demon

"Yes Alan?" She asked

"Go get Twilight" Alan said looking at the man

"On it!" Verona said happily as she sped off

At Twilight's house

"No Spike the Daring Do books belong on the reserved pile." Twilight explained sternly

"I should go hang out with Alan after this." Spike said to himself

"Spike are you even list-" Twilight was cut off by the sound of a V8 revving loudly and honks outside

"That sounds urgent." Spike said to Twilight.

They both walked outside

"Twilight wheres Alan?" Spike questioned

"Hey Verona whats wrong? Wheres Alan? Is he ok?" Twilight said a tad frantic

"It's not Alan who needs help. Just get in" Verona said opening her doors

"Spike, you coming?" Twilight asked getting in

"I think im gonna stay here" Spike said with an odd tone

"Ok, I'll be back in a little bit!" Twilight yelled out the window as they drove off

By the GTR

"Is that them there?" Alan asked Lyra


"Holy shit Verona, you crazy bitch." Alan said with a proud smile wiping a tear from his eye

The Demon powerslided to where they were at

"Alan you need to teach your car to control herself. Going 150mph is not fun when you aren't that a GTR?" Twilight asked

"You've been reading too many of my books. Yes it's a GTR, and yes there's another human. He's unconscious right now and we were hoping you could wake him." Alan said

"Wake up." Twilight said as she rolled her eyes and cast the spell.

"Woah! That dream was......weird. WHAT THE FUCK IT WASN'T A DREAM!?" The man panicked

"DUDE!" Alan yelled which startled the Ponies, and the man "We aren't gonna hurt you. We can't help if you dont listen. Ok?"

The man nodded

"Ok so, first things first. Whats your name?" Alan asked

"My name is Jack Phillips." Jack said

"Nice to meet you. My name is Alan Pearce." Alan said

"Wait. Did you have a cousin named Aiden from Chicago?" Jack asked

"Uuuhhh, yeah why? Did you know him?" Alan asked

"Of fucking course i knew him! He has one of the most badass Dodge Angels on istagram ever!" Jack laughed

"What model is the Angel based on!!!???" Alan basically screamed in the poor guys face

"If you were brought here in 2018 i cant spoil it." The ginger man winked.

Alan flopped on his back "Why does the world hate me?" He groaned over dramatically

"Alrighty then. If all of you could kindly explain where I am, that'd be jolly." Jack said

Twilight stepped forward "You are in the land of Equestria, a different universe entirely from your own." She said way to calm

"So me brain ain't on LSD?" He asked

"LSD?" Twilight cocked her head like a confused puppy

"It's a drug that makes you see shit thats not really there." Alan explained "It's how i lost my virginity." Alan continued, revealing too much as usual.

"Alright then.......anyway so this is your arsenal. Quite impressive. But say, how do they all get around at once?" Jack asked putting a finger and thumb on his very scottish orange beard

"Hiya! I'm Verona, its a pleasure to meet you and your....handsome....GT-R" the Dodge Demon greeted

Jack fainted again

"What is with this dude and passing out. Also Verona, stop checking out his car. Its not alive and you dont have reproductive stuff." Alan said with unammusement

"Well....I'm pretty sure I do" the Demon said with noticable embarassment

"What are you on about?" Alan asked with his curiosity peaked

"Well, over the past few days ive started to develop nerves on other parts of my chassis. Recently I've been more ticklish towards my rear.....near where my diff is......and i think i have a-" the Demon was cut of by a now blushing Alan

"None of you and I mean none of you, lay a single fender, tire, bumper, mirror, not even a fucking bolt on her! You hear me?!" Alan shouted at his other cars

They all revved in understanding

"Holy shit, that LSD trip was insane. I seen a talking Challengerrrrholy shit its happening again!" Jack curled into the Fetal position

"Lets just go back to your house, ok? Lyra, Twilight. Get in Verona and follow close! Alan instructed

"So you're riding w-with me?" The still shaking man asked

"Yeah why not? Plus im curious of your cars and Ive never been in a GT-R before." Alan said

"O-ok" Jack sputtered.

"Lighten up ok? You can trust them. From one human to another they're cool. The one is my friggin girlfriend heheheh" Alan jested

"Really? Even in a world of no humans love is present. Thats quite remarkable." The man lightened up

"Woah thats your house!?" Alan nearly passed out himself