//------------------------------// // Same Unicorn, Different Manestyle // Story: Same Unicorn, Different Manestyle // by Discord The Narrator //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle's routine was always the same: after waking up and having some breakfast, she spent hours inside the Golden Oak Library, either reorganizing books or practicing different spells, while Spike helped her. Twilight would also hang out with her friends, so they had a fin time doing activities. That routine wasn't exactly a big problem, although there were times when Twilight would stress out or get tired. After a few failed attempts to make herself feel more relaxed, she thought it would be better if she asked her friends for any kind of solution. Soon, she found it wasn't that easy, as everypony had their own solution: Fluttershy suggested she could have a day with the animals; Rainbow recommended her to sleep on a cloud; and Pinkie gave her own bed so the Unicorn could have a nice nap. But trying to sleep in a place with an excited party pony wasn't neither possible nor beautiful. Twilight also asked Applejack, but she didn't know many good relaxing methods, so the farmpony asked her to look for Rarity. With a smile, Twilight said goodbye as she flew away. Nowadays, Twilight's routine included some visits to Ponyville Day Spa. Rarity had told her it was the best place in the town to get comfy and feel relaxed, also telling her about her usual regimen. As Twi saw after entering the building for the first time, the fashionista wasn't lying: the place looked wonderful, and there were two ponies who took care of everything, called Aloe Vera and Lotus Blossom. They almost looked like twins, although their colors were differently placed. The first time Twilight entered the spa, Aloe and Lotus were simply happy to see her, specially because she hadn't visited the place since she arrived at the town. Twilight was a little nervous, but they told her there was nothing to worry about, as the only thing she had to do was stay still and let them do the rest. "Uh... Rarity told me about her own... regimen. I... guess I could try it," she said. "Oh, that is a marvelous choice! I assure you that you will feel truly better after that process," Aloe replied. "Besides, you are not the first pony to follow Rarity's method. Even more wanted to try it after she became more popular," Lotus added. "Well... Ok then, let's give it a try," Twilight said, feeling confident, as the spa ponies guided her through the different areas of the building. First, they led her inside the steam room. She felt a bit hot in there, but it was comfortable. "Um... What do you do for this room to be this warm?" she asked. "Oh, we use boiling water. The steam is what fills the room," Aloe answered. "Interesting..." Twilight said before a steam cloud engulfed her. After a while, there came the mud services, some kind of bath where Twi didn't exactly feel prepared until they told her there was no problem. Aloe put two cucumber slices over Twilight's eyes and she helped her to get inside one of the two muddy pools. It actually felt cold, and she liked it. "Heh, Pinkie Pie would probably eat the cucumber," Twilight said, laughing a bit. "Actually, she does that everytime she comes here..." Lotus said, and the three of them shared a laugh. Later, Lotus and Aloe gave the Unicorn a nice massage all over her body, in which she almost fell asleep. "Heheh... I have to admit... you two are good with this." "Oh, thank you, Twilight!" Aloe said, accepting the compliment. Next, there was a hoof bath service. It was just a small pool with some water for the hooves, but Twilight liked it. After using it, her purple hooves felt nicely soft. The procedure also included an iron file, which Aloe used for taking care of Twilight's horn, leaving it as soft as her hooves. "I'm feeling really good with this," she said, making them smile. And then, they were about to finish, although there was one last thing. "The last step before we finally end is washing your mane, Twilight," Aloe explained. "I don't see any issue with that, so... Good!" Twilight replied. The spa ponies put her on a chair, making her head rest on a washing basin. "You can close your eyes while we take care of your mane," Lotus said, and Twilight nodded, closing her eyes. Just a few seconds later, she heard the faucet open as the spa ponies began to wet her mane. "Ah... Rarity was right... This is such a nice place to come and spend some time relaxing," Twilight thought, feeling happy because of Rarity's suggestion. After getting her mane washed and then dry, it was the time for Twilight to choose her style. For starters, Aloe and Lotus put her original manestyle, also preparing a mirror in front of her. "Hmmmm... Let's see: everything has been cool, but I could always change anything... Like what?" she thought, finally speaking for the spa ponies, "You know what? I think it's time to change, so... show me another style!" Nodding, Aloe and Lotus reassembled Twilight's mane, fixing it and preparing other styles. Twilight didn't like all of them, but she got surprised at other manestyles. She even looked like Rarity at one time. "Heh... Well, um... Next style, please..." she said, blushing. Some time later, she finally found her favourite style: her mane was tied in two pigtails behind her. "Wow... This is amazing!" Twilight exclaimed. "If you want, we will make sure to save this style for future times you come here," Lotus said. "That would make me happy. Thank you two for everything. I feel so much better right now," Twilight said, and the two ponies smiled. "You're welcome, Twilight. We're glad to know you feel better," Aloe replied. Twilight nodded, "I'll probably come back more times, no matter how stressed I am. Anyways, I have to go now. See you!" And Twilight left the place as she waved at the spa ponies, who happily returned the gesture. As she walked out of the Ponyville Day Spa with her new manestyle, she had no idea that, a few months later, she would get a complete makeover that would surprise everypony, including her friends. The End