Pandemic: Monsters We Make

by Halira

Chapter 14: Showtime

Tonya walked between the various participants for the test demonstration today, smiling and trying to give reassurance. Tom and Amanda were sitting together and kept looking out at the small crowd of spectators apprehensively. Jean was lying on a hospital bed, unable to move, with Roger standing beside her holding her hand. The other human participant, Bill, was on a separate hospital bed with his wife beside him, encouraging him.

Then there was Sunset; the red unicorn stared out at the crowd of government delegates as if trying to read their minds. The representatives from Equestria were dismissed as mostly unimportant, and the preacher's eyes never crossed over them. Today's decision would be decided by the people of Earth, not aliens from another world. The Equestrians were merely spectators for what Sunset hoped would be her ultimate victory. Tonya just hoped it wouldn't end up costing her wife too much.

The doctors, mages, and crystal ponies were all standing by, waiting for their jobs to begin. Security was at every entrance to the chapel and stood in every aisle leading up to the stage. Additional protection had been put out in the lobby and halls and every entry into the building. Protestors outside had gathered in force to protest the government and UN officials inside, even though they didn’t know what was about to occur here. There were news crews outside covering the protests, but news crews were also in separate rooms inside the Bastion to release the news of what had been achieved. Soon the world would know that temporary transformation was not only a possibility but a reality.

"How are you two holding up?" Tonya asked the pony couple as she walked up to them.

Tom looked to his wife then back to Tonya. "We didn't sleep the best last night. I can't remember my dreams, but I know they weren't too good."

"We put up brave faces in front of the fillies, but to be honest, we're kind of dreading this," Amanda said quietly.

Tonya frowned. She'd personally tried checking in on their dreams last night, but they were so indistinct and chaotic that she couldn't successfully dreamwalk them. This wasn't an altogether uncommon occurrence, and it didn't always indicate a nightmare, but what she was hearing boded poorly.

"Do you want to back out? Tell me now, and you can walk right out of here and be done," Tonya stated. She hoped that they would finally come to their senses.

"It's just this last time, and I'll be done. Knowing that, I think I can bear it. This is for what good may come of it," Tom replied and looked over at the disabled humans. "I look over at them and try to imagine--what if that were my daughters? Wouldn't I want them to have some option of being well?"

Amanda snuggled close to her husband. "If Tom is going through with it, I'm going through with it. We're a team, and I'm not letting him face this alone."

Tonya sighed. It was too much to hope. She looked over at her wife and let her ears sag. She then did a silent prayer for each of them. She didn't want any of them to go through what Velvet or Megan were going through right now. For her wife, she'd go through with this herself; for any of them, she would if it got them out of this. The idea of any of them having to face those waking nightmares was nightmare enough for her.

She sat and considered for a moment, then came closer to them. "You'll tell me right away if this gets too much for you, won't you?"

The pair nodded, but she was only paying half attention to the nods--focusing instead on using her magic in a manner that was harder for her. What she was doing was letting her magic feel their emotions. It wasn't a violation of any law to do this without consent since she wasn't doing anything to them. She could feel the anxiety, the fear that they were trying to be brave about, all the things that were hidden just below the surface. She wasn't very good at using this aspect of her power, but this was information she needed to know.

After only a second or two, she could tell that they couldn't take too much from this experiment. She'd have to keep a close eye on them and tell Sunset that this needed to stop at the first tiny hint of trouble. There were not going to be two more ponies in the same state Velvet was in.

She moved on and did the same near Jean. The hospital bed here was set very low so that when she transformed, she could easily leave it on her own. A short stool had been placed beside the bed where Roger now sat. He was holding his wife's hand still and looked up at Tonya as she approached.

"How's she holding up?" She asked as she came and stood beside the bed.

Roger shook his head. "I'm pretty good at reading how she's doing. I know it's hard for anyone else to tell, but she's restless. She wants to have more time as a pony this time."

She looked over at the human woman, who stared back at her, unable to move. Jean was in no state to answer any verbal questions, but the emotions that were felt at least close range told the story. There was eagerness and longing, as well as disgust--extreme disgust and loathing--for her current shape. The level of hate and contempt took her by surprise. There was no way of knowing without verbally communicating with Jean if this was a side effect of that pony mindset, hatred for her situation, or mixed. The closest comparison she could give was what Sunset felt when reminded of her old human self. There was no question Jean wanted the transformation to happen, and not being transformed was just adding to the distress. The polar opposite of the two ponies.

Jean needed some extra time for a psychiatric evaluation while in pony form. Tonya knew that it was currently beyond her level of expertise to dig into what was going on in the woman's mind. Years of suffering made it hard to tell what was the result of that and what was the work of the temporary transformation. As soon as she could manage it, she would try to sit down and talk with the woman in her pony form about what she felt as a human. Jean needed to voice all this; having no outlet to communicate her frustrations and suffering was not good for her.

She moved on to the other human. Like Jean, his bed was set low to the ground to give him easy access to get out, and just like Roger, Bill's wife sat beside him. What was unlike Jean was the fact that Bill did have motor control of everything from his midriff up, and he was propped up on his elbows talking to his wife as Tonya approached.

"Any anxiety about the temporary pony transformation?" She asked as she came and sat down next to the couple. "It's okay to express any concerns."

Bill looked down at his legs with a forlorn gaze. "I'm still trying to get it in my head that they don't work. I keep thinking I can just stand up, but I feel absolutely nothing down there. Doctors poked me all over with needles, and I didn't feel a thing. Being a pony for a little while can't be any worse than this."

His wife, who Tonya never caught the name of, rubbed her arm. "I'm nervous for him. Everything's happening so fast. His injury, the diagnosis about his spine, this experiment. It's a lot to take in, and I haven't been able to process yet."

Having a spouse turned into a whole different species had to be a tough pill to swallow as well, even if the woman didn't say that out loud. Tonya put on a gentle smile and touched a wing to the woman. "I know a lot has happened in a very short time. We're doing what we can to help your husband. What he's doing is very brave and will help lead to helping a lot of other people, and you're courageous to be here by his side."

She could feel the woman's anxiety and worry, and a slight cringe at the wing. Something else needed to be addressed as well, even if it was likely to cause more stress.

"I need to make sure you understand something, both of you. I know this has been told to you already, but it needs restating. The pony mindset that comes with this version of the spell is almost as strong as ETS was," she said slowly. "While he is transformed, he'll think of himself completely as a pony. That can be off-putting to see happen. For him, it will seem the most natural thing in the world, but for you, there may be worry that it isn't even him anymore. I promise that it still is him, and he'll still look at you with the same love he has now. You need to remember to look past the body and mannerisms of a pony and see your husband."

"I'm sure I can," the woman said quickly, too quickly.

Tonya stretched a wing out and gave Bill a pat on his hand, taking in his emotions as she did. He was anxiety, worry, fear, nervous expectation. Even though his wife wasn't going to be transformed as well, she checked the wife too. The wife was much the same, only even more so.

The fact that she wasn't very good at this aspect of her mind magic was exceedingly frustrating right now. She could feel those emotions, but she couldn't tell what they were directed at; it was all guesswork. Some of it was easy enough to guess, but feelings were funny things that could be produced in ways that you least expected. Right now, she didn't have time to question the test volunteers to get a good clue of what was being referred at what, and that was adding to her anxiety over what was about to happen.

There was only one subject left to check. She turned and walked over to her wife. Sunset turned to her briefly and gave her a brief necking in a surprising display of public affection for the two of them before turning attention back to the delegates. They were very affectionate with one another, but typically not right in front of strangers. The brief display had given her a chance to feel Sunset's emotions; determination, resolve, anxiety, dread, anxiousness, pride, and love. A complicated cocktail of emotions that made more sense than the more focused feelings of the others, if only because she knew Sunset so well.

"You just used your magic to read me, didn't you?" Sunset asked, eyes still on the audience.

"Yes," Tonya replied. The determination and resolve were all she needed to feel to know there was no talking Sunset out of this. "I did on everyone. Tom and Amanda aren't doing half as well as they are pretending to be doing. There are lingering effects, even with the reduced time yesterday. You need to cut things short with them and for yourself today."

"How about Jean? How is she doing?"

"As near as I can tell without being able to talk to her, I think she's eager to get back into her pony form," she replied and paused as she considered what else to say. "She hates her human body, literally hates it. I know that is to be expected in her situation, but I don't know if there are lingering effects of the mind magic at work as well."

"That's why we are still in testing and not presenting a finished product. After today we will get other locations testing, and we can iron out these wrinkles easier," Sunset said with a hint of confidence that didn't match her emotions. Full confidence that this test would get that public testing approved was partial bravado. Sunset had confidence it, but Tonya felt those lingering threads of doubt her wife kept from her face and ears.

"Please, just make sure the pony to human times are brief," Tonya said with her ears lowered.

Sunset nodded and turned to look at the doctors and mages standing off to the side. "All seems to be ready. It is time to start this and advance God's plan."

The unicorn stepped forward to the podium and spoke into the microphone. "Distinguished delegates from our great government, the United Nations, Griffin Kingdom, Kirin tribe, and Equestria; if I can please have your attention, we are ready to begin."

The chatter died down as all eyes turned to Sunset Blessing. The unicorn smiled out to the crowd. "Over six years ago, a rogue unicorn from Equestria unleashed a pandemic upon our world that forever changed it. While we can all agree that her methods were wrong, what we can also agree with is that the introduction of the ability to do magic has revolutionized many fields. We are now able to grow crops at rates we never could before, we are learning how to be masters of the weather rather than be at its mercy, and unicorns cast spells that help make what had once been science fiction and fantasy now a reality. Even now, there is a magical awakening among humanity, which I am confident will further make us masters of our destinies as that magic matures and spreads."

The red unicorn paused as she looked out at the crowd, judging their reactions. Tonya looked them over as well. That last part might have taken some guests by surprise to hear come from an arch-Shimmerist's muzzle. However, some may have already gotten word of Sunset's evolved ideas about Shimmerism. Sunset smiled as she continued.

"The people of Earth, and the United States, in particular, represent the largest population of magic beings there are. We are not content to sit in Equestria's shadow, waiting for them to trickle magical knowledge that they approve of to us slowly. One of the hallmarks of this nation has always been innovation and the drive to be at the forefront of all advancements. Some said that we were too far behind ever to match Equestrian magic or surpass it in our lifetimes. Those that mutter such things do not know the American people."

A small amount of clapping and a hoofstomp or two from where the delegates from their government sat ensued before dying off.

Sunset's smile broadened. "Today, we are going to demonstrate how far we have come in such a short time. The Equestrians have told us that repeated temporary transformations are destructive. Using the spells that they have developed for this, they are telling the truth, but we here on Earth are innovators, and we have determined how it can be safely done. In the field of transformation magic, we have risen to new heights, as is fitting for a world that found itself at the mercy of such magic just a short time ago. We shall never be at the mercy of such magic again, for we are now its new masters."

Tonya tried to get a read on the crowd by their faces, but their poker faces were definitely in place. She hoped Sunset knew how to play to this crowd.

Sunset flicked her yellow streaked purple tail. "Some might question whether we should be pursuing transformation magic so soon after what happened. But I say our world has a desperate need for it. There are ponies out there who wish to see their humanity restored that decided too late that was the path they wished to take and found themselves locked in their form by their cutie mark having that choice denied them. There are humans out there who are suffering from debilitating injuries and illnesses that would be cured if I had only had a chance to transform as well."

There were small mutterings in the crowd that quickly quieted down.

"To both these groups, mercy and compassion is owed, and we are a merciful and compassionate people. It is time we stop worrying about who is human and who is a pony and recognize that we are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of our creator in Heaven. It is time we do the right thing for those who want options, whether they be a marked pony who wishes to cup things in their hands again or the cancer patient that has been told there is no hope. It is time for the lines between human and pony to go away, and we become only the people of Earth."

There was a noticeable increase in the volume of clapping and hoofstomps this time around.

Sunset dropped her smile. "Now I must address what many of you see as the elephant in the room, me. With the ongoing threat of radical Shimmerists who wish to do as Sunset Shimmer did, it can be difficult to trust that I, a Shimmerist, don't intend to use this to advance a pony world without humans. That anything that we do in this field is suspect because of me overseeing its development. Let me soothe your fears."

Muttering started again among the delegates, and even those on stage had confused expressions on their faces. Tonya held her breath. This was not something she had been expecting, but she knew what was coming.

Sunset lowered her head and took a deep breath before raising her eyes back to the crowd. "I will not deny I think any human that wishes to be a pony full time should be given that self-determination. I am also not lying when I say that I think humanity as a whole now is being denied self-determination of a different type. The future is bathed in magic, and so many humans at the moment lack it. Magic should be the right of all thinking beings, human or pony. This temporary transformation from human to pony has a lasting side effect even after the spell wears off. It permanently grants the human magic. Today we can offer not only freedom from hurt and illnesses; we offer the self-determination for the future where humanity will rise as equals to ponies in magic, and all will share in this great gift. The future of the world is not all ponies or all humans, but a people united in their ability to shape their destinies."

This immediately caused a great deal of loud gossip to start among the delegates. the information had been leaked just yesterday, and apparently, most of the representatives were not in the loop about it as of yet. It was hard to read what was going on in the gossip from the stage, but there was no angry shouting going on--which was a good thing.

Sunset stomped a hoof a few times against the podium like she would a gavel. "If I may have your attention again, for the time being, there will be time to discuss this later. I'll be happy to answer questions once the demonstration has been done."

The delegates slowly quieted down, and Sunset turned and gestured to Tom and Amanda. "You have all received the briefings about each of our participants, and I hope you have had time to read over them. Tom and Amanda Gilmore here have already done the pony to human transformation once, and you can see they are in good health."

She gestured to Jean. "Jean Martinez likewise has done the human to pony transformation once already as well. Her reasons for doing it are severe Parkinson's disease. In her pony form, she was free from the malady, and we'll be showing that to you again today."

Sunset gestured to Bill. "William Longfellow recently suffered an injury that has cost him the use of his lower body. This will be his first time undergoing the spell."

And with those introductions made, she turned back to the delegates. "There is a final participant that you were not briefed on ahead of time. That participant is me. I have full faith in our spell, and would not subject any of these people to a spell I wasn't prepared to have cast on myself."

There was a shocked gasp from the crowd as the most famous of Shimmerists announced she was going to transform into a human temporarily. Tonya bit the inside of her cheeks. She hoped Sunset was going to be alright. It didn't seem there could be any way this could go well for her. If Velvet reacted badly, as well as Tom and Amanda, it was almost inevitable that Sunset was going to be suffering nightmares as bad or worse.

Sunset turned to Bill's wife and Roger. "I need all family to clear the stage until after the spells have been cast and the doctors have done their checkups." She turned to Tonya. "All family. You all have seats set aside for you in the front row of the chapel. Please go take them."

Tonya reluctantly obeyed and, with a few flaps of her wings, flew down to the seating in front of the stage. Roger and the woman who she really should learn the name of followed after on foot and took up seats beside her. The delegations had long since moved on from the VIP section to the chapel proper and were only a few rows back from them. She imagined she would have to restrain herself from turning to look at them through the demonstration.

"All participants will be put under a sleep spell while the spell is being cast," Sunset explained. "This is to help prevent any emotional trauma that might arise from seeing their body changed before their eyes. We shall all be woken up after doctors have checked to make sure everyone is well. Since this will be the first time either William or I have undergone this procedure, there will be a short period of adjustment for us to keep balanced. This should pass quickly."

Tonya watched as her wife step down from the podium and then simply curled up on the floor where a simple white sheet had been placed since she had decided to have no hospital bed for herself. Sunset signaled the mages, and five unicorns went out and got to work casting the sleep spells. Within a few seconds, all the participants, including Sunset, were sound asleep.

The remainder of the mages stepped forward and first took up position around Jean. The crystal ponies moved to the edge of the stage as if making a wall between the spellcasting on stage and the audience beyond, and they kept a vigilant eye on what was going on. The unicorns' horns lit, and the spell began. Tonya watched as the process went into effect once again, and for a solid two minutes, it carried on, with soft gasps being uttered by the audience behind her. In the end, once again, the blue-furred and pink maned crystal pony lay on the hospital bed.

As the doctors moved in to check on Jean, the unicorns moved on to Bill. As they did, his wife gripped onto Tonya's wing as if grabbing onto an arm. The grip was tight, but not so tight that it hurt. The unicorns' horns lit, and the process started again and continued just as it had with Jean before. At the end, when their horns unlit, there was a fuchsia furred crystal pony stallion with an orange mane lying on the bed.

She raised a curious eyebrow at this. What were the chances of having the spell create two crystal ponies in two uses? The last version had made two night ponies in two uses. That was four ponies total from tribes that were the two smallest in size. Perhaps the temporary transformation had an additional bug that hadn't been noticed till now. That needed some looking into.

Bill's wife didn't release her grip as the doctors moved in to start checking him. The mages didn't move immediately on to the others, instead going to the side of the stage where there was water set aside. This was not easy spellcasting, and it had been anticipated they'd need a brief reprieve halfway through.

"Is he alright?" Bill's wife whispered as she stared at the crystal pony version of her husband that the doctors were still looking over.

"He'll be fine," Tonya assured the woman. She could hear whispering going on back where the delegates sat as well.

"When are they going to wake him up? Will I get to talk to him like this? Why's this taking so long?" The woman continued on in a worried series of questions.

Tonya turned and patted a hoof on the woman's hand that was still tightly gripped on the wing. "They'll wake him once everyone is done being transformed. You'll get to talk to him after he gets his bearings, and Sunset is done readdressing the delegates. I know this seems like it is taking forever, but everything will be alright."

The hand didn't release from the wing, but Roger reached over from the woman's other side and gripped her other hand as he stared at his wife up on stage. Tonya turned her eyes back to the slumbering form of her own wife as she felt the same sense of worry and dread.

The mages' break did not last long. As they went over to where Tom and Amanda were lying, the sounds of the audience came to a halt. This was a key point of convincing the government that the temporary transformations were desirable. Earth had done things before with magic that the Equestrians hadn't, but it was primarily things that were unneeded or untried in Equestria. The Equestrians said that transforming ponies with cutie marks to humans was impossible with the rehumanization spell; that they had researched it and tried and proven it could not be done. Today that was going to be proven to be at least partially wrong.

Once again, the process began, only in reverse of the last. This time took a little longer because there were two individuals at once being worked on. After a little under five minutes, it was done, and Amanda and Tom were in their human forms once again. Excited whispers started up from the delegates as pair of mages quickly levitated a couple of blankets on top of the pair before the doctors moved in. The whispers continued as the mages moved onto their final subject.

Tonya held her breath and her muscles tensed as the mages circled her wife. She knew she should be putting on a brave face, but this was just too much for that. She did a small jump as the hand that previously gripped her wing moved to her mane. A glance to her side showed Bill's wife giving her a sympathetic look as she started to brush Tonya's mane with her hand soothingly. Tonya gave a small smile in gratitude before turning her attention back to the love of her life.

Time and sound seemed to stop as the final casting of the spell began. All that existed to her right now was the form of her wife engulfed in the white magic of multiple unicorn hues joining together in what was reshaping Sunset's body. Fur retreated and vanished, facial structure and bones shifted, limbs stretched and elongated. It was agonizing to watch. It had been hard each time watching the pony to human transformation, but this time it was Sunset up there, and Tonya could not take her eyes away. She kept reciting prayers in her head that Sunset would be alright, begging God to give her wife mercy and calm. Tonya had gained her faith in the last few years, but at this moment, she needed it more than ever. She wondered if this was how Sunset had felt when Tonya had awaited judgment from the Dreamwardens.

The spell ended, and the doctors moved in, obscuring Tonya's view of her wife. It took a monumental force of will not to start flapping her wings to get a better view, or better yet, hurry to her wife's side. Was Sunset, alright? Had everything gone well? Her thoughts were an echo of what Bill's wife's had been just minutes before.

It seemed like forever before the doctors were done, and a blanket had been draped over Sunset's sleeping form. Not much could be made out from where Tonya was sitting except for Sunset having reddish-brown hair. The doctors were all standing close by the temporary humans with robes ready for each of them. They signaled the unicorns and began waking Sunset.

Sunset stirred, and a doctor moved forward quickly with a robe, putting himself between her and the audience. He bent down and started whispering to her, likely explaining she was alright but that they needed to get a robe on her pronto. It seemed that Sunset gained lucidity from her slumber quickly; as a moment later, she sat up and had her back turned to the audience with the blanket still draped over her shoulders. The doctor moved to remove the covering to put the robe on, and Tonya could see Sunset briefly resist having the blanket removed. If this were any other pony turned human, Tonya's first thought would be wondering if they'd developed a nudity taboo despite there being no mind magic involved. This being Sunset, it was likely shame of being seen with a human body at all. Sunset's resistance lasted but a moment, and the blanket was pulled away, revealing the pale flesh of her back. The doctor quickly helped get the white bathrobe on her and closed so she wouldn't expose herself in a way humans would find offensive.

Tonya held her breath as the doctor helped Sunset get to a standing position, keeping an arm a hold of her so she would not fall. Sunset was unsteady on her feet, but she got turned around so she could face the delegates. When she did so, Tonya gasped in shock at what she saw.

There was nothing wrong with Sunset's face or anything else in terms of health. What was wrong was the sudden reminder of Sunset's previous identity. When Tonya looked at that face, she saw Charlotte Gilmore instead of Sunset Blessing, and despite knowing the two were one and the same, and despite knowing ahead of time this was the face Sunset would be wearing during this demonstration, it still hit Tonya like a brick to the face to see it. She loved her wife dearly, but that face had a history--one that involved some of the terrors of Tonya's childhood.

She took a deep breath and started to whisper reassurances to herself. "It's still your wife; Charlotte is gone. She's been gone for a long time. Don't get freaked out about this. It's okay. Everything will be okay. Just don't think about the face."

Sunset was helped to the podium, and when she reached it, she braced herself against it, though she had to hunch over a bit due to it being designed more for a pony than a human. She waved the doctor off and then turned back to the delegates as she bent down to speak into the microphone.

"I'm in good health," she announced. "It will take me several minutes of practice to get used to walking on two legs again. My mind still knows how to use a human body, but the memories are a little rusty. This will be a common thing for those who have the spell used on them for the time being. We hope to develop better versions that will cut down on this adjustment time, but for now, I can confirm at least that my body is healthy." She paused and grimaced as her eyes drifted to her hands briefly. "While I'm getting myself acclimated to trying to use this body, they'll be waking the others. They may or may not need time to acclimate as well. Once everyone is acclimated, I will take questions and allow family members back up here, but not before then."

The mages woke up each of the others in turn. The hand once again moved to Tonya's wing as Bill was awakened. The first thing the new crystal pony did was look around and blink at his surroundings; the second thing he did even before standing was stretch out every leg and watch in fascination at each of them moving. When it became clear that all of them were working, the stallion let off a loud whoop and all but jumped to his hooves with a happy buck. The doctors had to rush over to steady him before he tried taking off without getting accustomed to his new balance.

"He seems alright," Bill's wife said with cautious optimism.

Tonya nodded. Though she was keeping an eye on everyone, her primary focus was on Sunset still. The human version of her wife didn't make any attempt to walk around. What she seemed more focused on was just trying to stand upright on her own without having to brace herself against the podium. It was pretty clear to anyone watching she had no intention of leaving the podium at all during the duration of this transformation. Sunset also seemed to be trying hard not to even look at herself, beyond an occasional glance at her hands to make sure she was supported against the podium properly when trying to stand upright. After a few minutes of trying, she seemed to find her center of gravity and stood at the podium with her arms crossed tightly against her chest, turning to watch each of the others' progress.

Amanda and Tom were able to get on their feet and steady almost right away this time. They stood answering the doctors’ questions while nervously rubbing at their arms. The doctors would be performing a few motor control tests with them this time around—nothing complex, but enough to get some data.

Jean didn't waste any time getting back on her hooves once she had awoken, and made a beeline right towards the edge of the stage to try to get to her husband in her excitement. This was brought to a halt by the other crystal ponies blocking her progress and earned a pout. She then started trotting about the stage like some school filly while human doctors tried to keep up with her and ask questions. She eventually did come to a halt by Amanda and Tom and started engaging them in conversation--much to the annoyance of the doctors who were trying to question each of them.

Bill took some time to find his balance, but once he did, he tried to make his way to his wife. Just like Jean, he was blocked off from leaving the stage. Sunset called out a reminder that he needed to be checked out in-between answering the doctors’ questions herself. He lowered his ears and then submitted to having the doctor question him.

Questioning by the doctors went on for a while, with intermittent requests that they try to perform some small task. It was more than what had been done previously, but the doctors had insisted they wanted more time with patients. It was also a good show for the delegates to see; humans doctors in seeming control of the situation. Sunset knew what she was doing regarding what the representatives were seeing and how it would be responded to. The problem was this was stretching out the time that Sunset, Tom, and Amanda were spending in human form.

Eventually, the doctors seemed to be satisfied for the time being. Bill and Jean sat talking with one another as well as trying to engage the unicorns mages in conversation. Tom and Amanda were looking more and more skittish, and it was increasingly clear that this couldn't be allowed to continue much longer for them. The fact this was their second go-round for them helped with them having motor control and balance quickly, but it also seemed like it was only making the deterioration of their emotional state go faster.

Sunset turned back to the delegates and reached down to pick up the microphone from where it was slotted into the podium. She handled the microphone as if she was completely used to holding things in hands. Sunset had spent a lot of time just watching humans on video use their hands last night to visualize what she needed to do today. The unnerving feeling of seeing Charlotte Gilmore standing in place of her wife was starting to fade, but it wasn't completely gone.

Bringing the microphone up to about a foot from her mouth, Tonya's wife spoke. "I apologize for the delay in addressing you. The doctors needed to check our health. I'm pleased to say we're all in perfect health, as was promised. I'll go over a few details quickly and then start taking questions. We have loved ones who want to be given their time, and I don't want to delay that longer than needed."

Sunset cleared her throat and continued. "The first thing that needs to be addressed now that you see it does successfully heals a debilitated person when used is that this is not a final product. I would be lying if I said we didn't have bugs to work out, and there are details we have not resolved yet. I am asking for testing to be expanded to additional centers around the country. With the expanded testing, we can better isolate problems, develop more consistency, and have independent teams able to verify results. While I am proud of what my team and I have accomplished thus far, I know we are but one set of testers with a limited base to test upon."

Tonya could hear whispering going on among the delegates but couldn't make things out clearly. The acoustics of the chapel were meant to muffle sound out in the audience and were making things harder to hear.

"The second thing I need to address is I'm fully in favor of government regulation of this," Sunset continued. "Magic of this type is not something done lightly and should be kept under strict controls. As we further test, congress can decide what those controls will be and how to implement them. This is something that is for the betterment of the people of Earth and should be pursued. We simply need to know how to be responsible in our usage."

Sunset turned her eyes to the Equestrian delegation. "Third, at the moment, Equestria has a monopoly on transformation magic. Sunset Shimmer's spell is still kept under lock and key in their capital. Although Equestria expresses its good intentions and desires not to see such a spell used again, we are very much at their mercy as things stand if they should suddenly decide to unleash a new pandemic upon us. The people of Earth owe it to our security to understand such magic just as well as the Equestrians so that if we ever need to, we can counter such things ourselves. Not just the people of Earth either, but also the other nations that border Equestria in the other world. The Equestrian monopoly is a threat to everyone who is not under Celestia's rule."

Sunset turned her gaze back to the government delegates. "Let's not forget the portions of her spell were leaked to Shimmerist factions early on. I can confirm this since they shared the information with me before I reported them and what I learned to the authorities. It bears mentioning that their primary ambassador had the opportunity to capture this information from the original faction, but chose to walk away instead. We must know how to defend ourselves if Equestria says they are going to stay out of it when radicals try to unleash their own spell."

This was something that Tonya couldn't resist turning to look at the Equestrian delegation for. The Equestrians themselves kept neutral expressions for the most part. A few did frown at the implications being made. The griffons, in particular, looked thoughtful. It was well known to Sunset that the griffons had been Sunset Shimmer's original targets, and it was still something that had not been forgiven or forgotten. The distrust for the Equestrian ponies was still a significant force in griffon foreign policy. A glance at the delegates from her government and the United Nations showed similar glimpses being made at the Equestrians. Sunset never failed to play this card, and it never failed to be effective.

"That concludes the points I wanted to make sure were covered if they did not come up in your questions," Sunset concluded. "I have an aide with a microphone who will be passing it to each of you who have questions. At the moment, I am without the benefit of pony ears, so I request that you please speak clearly."

The microphone was given over to a human man that Tonya was pretty sure was part of the Homeland Security group. "Sunset Blessing, you mentioned that this temporary transformation spell grants magic to humans that use it. How much magic and of what nature?"

Sunset nodded. "The subjects so far have shown small PREQUES numbers, less than half a point, after the temporary transformation has ended. Due to the small sample size, I cannot comment on the nature or strength of their new magic, but we have seen humans with low PREQUES numbers have their magic grow in the past. This is something that will need further study."

The microphone was passed to a unicorn mare who looked was likely a member of the Department of Pony Affairs. "You say that this spell can be used for healing. I read over the reports that provided for Tom and Amanda Gilmore and saw no health problems listed. As far as I know, you had no health problems either. With all due respect, I must point out that your pony to human spell, as demonstrated, has not been shown to cure any medical ailments as a result. Is there a good reason why you did not find a sick pony for this demonstration?"

Sunset nodded in response. "This is one of the problems of our limited testing area, and secretive testing has produced. While it is a good thing that we have few ponies suffering from severe enough injuries or health problems in Riverview, it also limits our options. We approached the ones that did match those criteria, but none of them were interested in participating. This left us falling back to others known to be interested in returning to humanity. These were primarily night ponies. However, we have had some initial concerns about the psychological health of the night pony volunteers we have received and have prohibited them from joining in testing as we evaluate how to proceed with them. There are complex social issues with their tribe that need to be properly cared for when experimenting with this type."

The unicorn was not done. "I also could help but notice the mood of your pony to human participants is much more subdued and that the Gilmores are spending a lot of time fidgeting uncomfortably, rubbing their hands and arms. Forgive me for implying this, but it must be addressed. It seems an interesting coincidence that the ponies who are transformed into humans in an experiment run by a Shimmerist seem to be having more trouble than the humans turned pony."

Tonya grit her teeth at the accusation that was being made. How dare she imply that Sunset was deliberately causing discomfort to anyone to advance a Shimmerist agenda. Despite all Sunset had done to try to work with and care for humans, there was always the belief that she was out to get them in some way.

Sunset didn't seem to get upset, though. "Let me address your concerns about this. The version of the spell you have seen today is an outdated one we will no longer use. The reason we are using it today is that the newer version uses mind magic to create a more human mindset. Just as the other version creates a more pony mindset for the duration of the spell. This is a critical step to ensure patient comfort as it prevents severe body dysphoria. We used this version at the Gilmores' request, having warned them of all possible consequences, as they were staunchly opposed to having mind magic used. For consistency sake, I had the same version applied to me." She put on a smile. "And this also is another reason to have independent teams at other locations working on this. If you don't trust my intentions, you can have other teams working and making adjustments that you do trust."

The mare sat down, and the microphone was surprisingly taken over to the Equestrian delegation. Rarity stood up and stared at Sunset. "Even though my skills and selection of spells have improved during the last few years, I must confess that I am not a particularly skilled mage. However, my fellow unicorns that have come with me are skilled mages well versed in this subject, and they have noted to me that this spell bears a shocking resemblance to Sunset Shimmer's spell. You mentioned before the information that was leaked to other Shimmerist factions years ago. They say that this goes well beyond what those redacted documents should have allowed you to learn. I must ask, did you manage to somehow steal more information from us?"

There was an audible gasp among many in the audience at the direct accusation of espionage that Rarity had just leveled against Sunset. It was probably one of the most direct allegations of wrongdoing Tonya had ever heard an Equestrian make. This might have been a result of Sunset making implications against Equestria's intentions, though. Sunset had poked Rarity, and Rarity was biting back.

The grin deepened on Sunset's face. "It seems that you and your delegation were not listening when I said that Americans are innovators not content to play second fiddle to others' accomplishments. While I confess that what we learned from those early leaks was indeed more useful than what others might believe, no one has committed any further acts of espionage to our benefit."

"It seems you did not hear my question clearly as I did not question your ability to innovate, but for a simple hedge mage like yourself, who doesn't even have a cutie mark in magic, to display a spell that is almost a copy of the one your namesake produced strains credulity, no?" Rarity asked with narrowed eyes. Tonya had an extreme desire to slap that unicorn back to Equestria for the insult against her wife.

"A hedge mage?" Sunset said with a chuckle. "Let me tell you something, my dear fashionista; Equestria is largely stagnant in terms of much of its magical development. In fact, I would go so far as saying regressive. You think so highly of Sunset Shimmer’s accomplishments because she was actually making progress in magic where the rest of you were casting the same tired spells from the same worn-out books. The truth is that at this very moment, I have figured out how to do a permanent transformation spell instead of just a temporary one. I don't doubt that others will learn how to in time as well. Once you’ve understood this area of magic enough, it’s simply how the runes fall together."

This caused a lot of gasps, shouts, and loud commenting. Rarity stayed calm as she stared at Sunset, and the crowd quieted as Rarity cleared her throat. "A bluff. A pony of your particular convictions would not keep such magic to herself."

Sunset shook her head. "I am not bluffing. The world is lucky that it was me and not some crazed radical that learned how to do it first. I respect law and order, and as such, will not be casting or teaching anyone how to do such a spell. A key word must be said again though--first. There will eventually be others, and everyone must have the knowledge to prevent any unscrupulous radical from doing what Sunset Shimmer did. Equestria keeps that knowledge from everyone to maintain their leverage over the nations on Earth. With this magic we have developed, the threat of such bioterrorism becomes less relevant, and so does Equestria."

The microphone was snatched from Rarity by Sapphire Sky's wing. "Is this really all this was about?" the pegasus demanded, voice slipping into a noticeable Equestrian accent in her anger. "Some new-age lost cause garbage? Trying to prove how much better Earth is? That some weak magic hick from the south measures up? All this for a pissing contest."

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "My my, a pegasus of questionable allegiance is upset that I'm saying the truth about her Equestrian hypocrite friends. I'm so shocked."

"If you want to see just how upset I am, come over and say that to my face," Sapphire growled. "But you'll just hide behind your pulpit, doubly so now as you can't even walk after being foolish enough to use a broken spell on yourself."

Sunset chuckled and stepped away from the pulpit to carefully step to the edge of the stage, still gripping the microphone in her hand. It was showmanship, but Tonya held her breath all the same because she wasn't sure or not if Sapphire's taunt was false.

"Oh, you have gone so native with them," Sunset said in an amused tone. "A complete lack of respect for law and order to the point where you can’t even wait you’re turn. Tell me, how often have the Elements of Harmony and their friends gotten away with major crimes based on who they are? Does law even apply to them, or the alicorns for that matter? Why has Rainbow Dash never had to answer for destroying a weather factory? Why did Starlight Glimmer all but get rewarded for her crimes? The Journal of Friendship and accompanying volumes list serious crime after serious crime done with no legal repercussions. Equestria is a cesspool of cronyism and fearful of anyone else being a match for them in power."

Sapphire looked to be caught off balance by such a lengthy and varied list of Equestrian indiscretions for a second before her expression hardened again. "Even if everything you said was true, they'd still stand head and shoulders above a pony like you, Sunset Blessing. You put all this together so you could air your grievances towards Equestria and to stroke your ego."

Sunset shook her head. "This is hardly about my ego. I know you are not a religious pony, but you should know that confession is truly good for your soul. My confession is that despite the fact I don't harbor any animosity for humans I do have a great deal of hatred for my past human self. There is no more humiliating experience for me to stand, exposed before others, wearing her skin. This isn't about me, or even Equestria and its questionable respect for our laws and sovereignty. It's about progress and aiding the people of Earth. I am proud of my nation and my planet, and I want to see things made better; while some of us seem to be caught up in the false promises of Equestria's stagnation."

"Sunset..." Amanda called out interrupting the two feuding mares. Everyone's eyes turned to the dark skinned woman who was fiercely scratching her arms. "I think we need to end the spell now....please."

Sunset’s face lost it’s confidence for the first time and she looked decidedly worried before she nodded briskly and put her mask back in place. "Of course, thank you for letting us know. Crystal ponies and mages, please help Amanda and Tom ASAP. Leave me and the others be." Sunset turned back to the audience. "As I said before, this particular version of the human to pony spell is not our current version and without the mind magic to make someone have a human mindset it can cause distress over extended periods of time. We're going to demonstrate how quickly and easily this spell can be ended and after that if you have any continued questions you can catch me in the lobby where catering services have set up food and refreshments for us all to eat. Jean, William, and myself will be maintaining our current forms till the spells run their course."

That was too much. Tonya almost interrupted her wife with an outburst demanding to know why Sunset was going to let this run its course with her when she knew the level of distress that would cause her. She didn't want to be checking Sunset into a psych ward after this. She knew why though; Sunset was determined to show she would endure anything for the sake of her work.

As the mages and crystal ponies got to work she tried to calm herself, but her eyes wouldn't leave her wife, and worrying that Sunset was about to go too far for the sake of making a point.

Wild sat at a small table with the same mug of champagne she had picked up five minutes before. She watched as humans and unicorns walked around with fancy wine glasses, but earth ponies and pegasi struggled with holding those tiny glasses. Typically the alcohol in her mug would be long gone and she'd have moved onto another and then the next, but she was trying to keep drinking extremely light while pregnant. It was a struggle though, and the fact that it was a struggle bothered her. It was the sign of a problem, and she was becoming more aware of her problems as of late.

Where were her parents? None of the participants had emerged into the lobby yet. Her papa, that human's wife, and Tonya were still in the chapel with them. Sunset said they'd all come out soon, but hadn't given explanation for the delay. She could guess a few reasons for delays. Tom and Amanda needed to be attended to if the temporary transformation was getting to them that much. Sunset likely wanted to practice walking around a little so she didn't fall flat on her face. That human's wife needed time to wrap her head around the fact her husband was still her husband. She wouldn't be surprised if Tonya was taking time to have some choice words with her wife in private as well, the pegasus had not looked pleased when Wild saw her last.

She had privacy for the moment, though it would likely be short lived. She'd been talking to her sister and sister-in-law until just a moment before, but the two of them had now ventured off into the crowds to socialize. Phobia's two most trusted bodyguards, Tempest Shadow and Crystal Dreams, were standing in a corner with the three demons between them. The demons were all curled up with their wings draped over their heads; it was well past their bedtime and it had been a long day for them.

The delegates were all in their own little groups chatting and discussing what had been presented. She could easily hear most of these conversations and things seemed to be looking very positive for eventually expansion of testing. The Equestrians stood further apart from the other groups and were harder to hear, but they were obviously quite livid with how Sunset had painted them. Most of them didn't seem to realize that Sunset had played them like a fiddle. Equestrians had a much tamer world of politics, and even with six and a half years of dealing with Earth were often still ignorant of many of the nuances of how the game was played here.

Wild frowned as a particularly pissed off pegasus walked away from the Equestrian delegation and in her direction. Sapphire Sky wasn't an Equestrian, but she could be described as a sort of goodwill ambassador between the two worlds without an official title, even having an Equestrian husband. Sapphire should have known better than to walk into Sunset's trap, but she'd all but dove headfirst into it.

"Your associate is lucky I am not a violent pony," Sapphire fumed as she sat down in a seat next to Wild. “One light flap of my wings and she would have fallen off her high horse.”

Wild took a small sip from her mug and set it back down. "Why'd you even get into it with her? You know that's exactly what she wanted you to do."

Sapphire gave her wings a brief shake. "I know she wanted an outburst, but couldn't stand her sitting there slandering Equestria while making us all drown in her ego. That evangelical prick pulls dirty crap all the time and she has the nerve to espouse how much she respects law and order? I just don't have it in me to let it go without saying something."

"She probably anticipated that. She psych profiled everyone that she invited. I'll give Sunset that, she is very thorough in making sure she can manipulate things to go her way." She paused and took another small sip. "I'm sorry she decided to pull dirty tactics out against you and your friends, but I'm not sorry that it looks like her talk managed to get the support we needed."

Sapphire sighed. "The thing that really pisses me off is that she didn’t have to do any of it. It worked, she changed marked ponies back into the humans that they were. I’d have voiced my approval for it off that alone until I saw how distressed they were, and then she made her big speech advocating disharmony with Equestria because Shimmerists like her can’t have what they want. "

Wild raised an eyebrow at that. "You're in favor of it? I'm a little surprised."

"Why?" Sapphire asked. "It can help a lot of people. I have family that this would have helped. I'm pretty sure most Equestrians would have agreed as well if she wasn't taking pot shots at them. I just don't want this turned into an Earth is great and Equestria is bad thing, like she’s doing. These things aren’t mutually exclusive, we can have more advanced magic on Earth without fighting Equestria."

This was good to hear. There may not be much for behind the scenes opposition from Equestria. "Well, try not to let her get to you so much. You didn't see her getting angry in response. You gave her full control of the narrative with that little outburst. Words are just words; don't let them get to you."

Sapphire gave her a long dubious look. "You spend half your time concerned about bad PR, when did you start having a 'sticks and stones' mindset?" she asked before muttering under her breath as she took a drink. "Not that remaining stoic is a sign of anything but her own lack of empathy, that sociopath."

Wild lowered her head and stared into her quarter filled mug. "I doubt I was the only one who got a visit last night, but Ghadab was in my dreams when it all happened. His talk kind of stuck with me."

That seemed to take the pegasus aback. The taller mare seemed torn between sympathy and anger. "Shit...they made you sit there and witness that happening? I thought Dreamwardens were supposed to protect dreams not give you nightmares. I feel awful for what was allowed to happen, but they shouldn't have done that to you."

Wild shook her head. "It wasn’t like that, he had come to help me with a problem last night. Ghadab seemed to take an interest in my personal problems right after that and they just all kind of hung around till it happened. He knew the whole time what was going on, yet he still tried to make me feel better," She stopped and wiped her muzzle. "I cried so hard in my sleep when I saw those stars going out and realized at last what was happening. I had just started getting to know Ghadab. I actually like him. None of them deserved that."

The blue mare almost put her mug down before taking another drink. "To Ghadab, may his troubles be less and all those he protected at rest ." Wild picked up her mug and clunked it against the pegasus's mug before Sapphire continued. "If you don't mind me asking, what brought the whole herd of Dreamwardens into your dream to begin with?"

Wild glanced around then huddled close to the older mare. "Triss was in my dream, pushing me to try to ascend to an alicorn. I told her no and to leave, and when she didn't listen and leave right away the Dreamwardens showed up and pretty much told her get out or else they were going to have Sha'am do her worst to her."

Sapphire whistled low. "Triss visited you again? Can’t say I’m too surprised."

Wild turned her head in confusion. "What do you mean again? That was the first time I’ve ever met her."

Sapphire started laughing which confused Wild all the more. After the pegasus finished with her mirth she bent close and continued whispering. "First time? That I am surprised by. I figured she'd have tried and been rejected by you at least four years ago, I think that was the last time I saw her."

"She tried you first?" Wild asked in shock. "That doesn't make any sense. No offense, but I'm much more magically powerful than you."

Sapphire raised an eyebrow and laid one of her ears back. "Well, I never asked if I was the first, but if you think ascension is purely about who has the most raw power then you sound as misguided as Sunset Shimmer thinking transforming a world into ponies would grant her ascension. Sure, you're like the greatest earth pony, but you've never made an effort to understand the magic of the other tribes. Honestly, I think you're being unfair to yourself by thinking she would only visit you because you're so strong, you’re not that one dimensional."

"I understand runes better than just about any earth pony I wouldn't be able to control my powers without them. I'm a mage in my own right," Wild said defensively.

Sapphire shrugged. "Sorry, that was unfair on my part. Whatever her reason, I really don't believe raw power is the only thing her and the Princesses would judge us on. I told her that I wasn't going to be the only alicorn on Earth. Hearing that you two had a little chat makes me curious if I could have said yes."

Wild sighed. "I guess I'm letting my ego talk. I take a little too much pride when it comes to my magic. It's interesting to hear she's tried both of us though. It makes me wonder how many others she's talked to and who they might be. Also makes me wonder why she's pushing so hard for it. What's she know that we don't?"

"How to notice eavesdroppers for starts," Phobia's voice purred from behind her and both of them jumped in their seats, nearly knocking their mugs over.

The night pony came and sat beside them. "As for why she's pushing so hard you have to see things from her perspective. She's been around a very long time, longer than any Dreamwarden has ever been. She's lonely and she's seen civilization after civilization fail or be destroyed. She's sought out more candidates than I could recount searching for another who could ascend. She has always failed. Now we come along and we have a head start, we’re far more developed and aware of things than the vast majority of those civilizations she's ever come across. She sees hope to end that loneliness at long last, but she's also scared we’ll be snuffed out by the Devourers. Even a being such as Triss has much to fear."

"Pushing hard seems an inaccurate description in light of such things," Sapphire remarked, fluffing up her wings and resettling them against her sides with her eyes on the night pony.

Phobia gave small shake of her head. "I say this as a person that cares. I hold no animosity towards Triss, regardless of what she thinks. I feel sorry for her. I can sympathize with what she has endured, but ascension is not something done lightly. It carries with it a weight far beyond its responsibilities. To be honest with both of you I don't think there is a pony on our world ready for those burdens, no matter what your own egoes might tell you. I want to help her, but not with making situations worse by seeing ponies who just aren't ready ascend."

"Help her how?" Wild asked with narrowed eyes.

"She's lonely. She felt out Celestia and Luna in the other world and was eager to meet and talk to them well before ETS broke out. I think it might be best to have her go there," Phobia explained. "She'd have to take a physical form to do that, and that's hard to convince her to do--but it is within her power. But she’s tied too tightly to this reality, she wants to see the Devourers defeated on a personal level that would be hard for many to understand. I don't think she'll take any suggestion to just leave until they are gone."

Phobia paused and then smirked at the pegasus. "You're very right to say that power is not her only criteria, Sapphire. You weren't the first, or even second she contacted. Don't tell my mother about this, but I actually stepped in and told Triss no for attempting to speak with her. I love my mother, but I think we can all agree that no one wants to see her ascend."

"Sunset Fucking Blessing?!" Wild growled. A few people turned her head and she hastily lowered her voice again. "Now I am insulted if she was considered before me. Why the fuck her? No offense to you, but your mother is...she's Sunset Fucking Blessing!"

Phobia turned back to Wild and shrugged. "She's a leader and a uniter. One who's matched by few others. She's done marvels despite being so magically weak. Who are you to say you're a better choice? I say you're all poor choices. I only stepped in with my mom because she would have probably said yes right away, and if Triss really is pushing candidates straight to alicorn that would have caused a lot of misery. I have more faith in the rest of you to say no..." She gave Sapphire a side glance. "Though perhaps my faith may have been misplaced."

"Well yes, you would be a good judge of making eternity spanning decisions, no?" Sapphire asked and sipped at her mug.

Phobia raised an eyebrow. "Considering I have billions of years of memories stuffed in my head I have a bit more perspective on it than either of you. My mother and Wild aren't the only ones with massive egos that blind them, Sapphire. You might wish to look in the mirror."

Sapphire didn’t immediately respond so Wild had to ask again to see if she could get a clear answer. "Still, why Sunset? There would have been a war if she ascended."

Phobia nodded. "I don't doubt it. Another reason to have nipped that in the bud. I don't doubt my mother may have won that war with her existing capabilities combined with the following and power she'd have gained as an alicorn. It would have been long and bloody, but she could win. My mother is not a pony to underestimated, and my mother with alicorn power would be a force to be reckoned with."

"Sorry, but I can’t keep a check on my ego all the time. I'm a pegasus, energy, sass, and ego are our primary ingredients," Sapphire said with a smug grin; completely ignoring Wild's focus. That smile dropped into a grimace. "You talk about all the wisdom from all those memories, but it sounds like you’re still just worshipping your mother."

Wild snapped out of her shock. "Sapphire, let it go. Phobia said she wouldn't approve of her mother ascending, and I have to agree with her assessment of Sunset as an alicorn. She'd be a tyrant, but she'd be capable of winning. You're just proving Phobia right about you not being ready by behaving like this. Alicorns are suppose to be something better than this, prove you're something better."

"Prove to a Dreamwarden? That I'd be worthy of being an alicorn?" Sapphire snorted and rose from her seat. "Whatever, you should worship your parents while you can, the time you have with them always seems short in hindsight," she finished and took off towards the restroom.

Wild considering chasing off after her friend but decided to just let the hot headed pegasus cool down. She turned back to Phobia with a glare. "Sunset Blessing..."

Phobia grabbed Sapphire's abandoned mug and sipped from it. "My mother has all the ingredients for greatness. It isn't just me as a daughter saying it, Luna has seen the same thing. She is probably closest in terms of the capabilities that matter for being an alicorn, but they are twisted heavily with corruption. I will not see that kind of corruption given that kind of power. I already saw it happen once with Sha'am. I love Sunset, because she's my mother, but I don't let that love for her blind me to what kind of pony she is. I have had to face the difficult choice of forcing my sister Dreamwarden into retirement for the good of all; I don't want to have to help the world plot how to kill my mother for the sake of peace."

"And Triss isn't aware of how twisted your mom is?" Wild questioned.

"Triss may simply be recognizing potential and trying to simply guide her candidates to eventually realizing their potential. In which case she wouldn't be just turning them straight into alicorns, and possibly never doing so. The Dreamwardens can't be sure of that though, and we don't want to see her giving too much power to someone not ready and may never be ready," Phobia muttered. "That goes for the rest of you too, not just my mom. Your friend definitely has some work of her own to be done. Quite the temper."

"She's good intentioned and passionate," Wild said in Sapphire's defense.

"So's my mother, right down to the short temper and vindictiveness. They should start a club," Phobia said with a snort.

Wild frowned. "That's unfair, Phobia. I doubt you really know Sapphire."

"I don't doubt she is a good person, just pointing out she isn't half as ready to be an alicorn as she thinks she is," Phobia replied as she picked up the mug again and drained it.

"Well, how much sooner than expected are the Devourers going to be here that it is this urgent for Triss?" Wild asked. "If she has really tried at least four ponies if not more in the last six years that's a lot."

Phobia shook her head. "Can't tell yet, but our lifetime. Once more people get to working with what Jessie started we'll get a better idea. That's another reason we don't need an alicorn now. I don't want to risk the conflict further slowing getting defenses ready. This is something that we would be less objectionable to after the Devourers are dealt with. Triss thinks an alicorn will help unite the world faster, but the other Dreamwardens and I humbly disagree with that idea."

"Not so humbly," Wild replied with her own snort. She agreed with the statement all the same.

"Perhaps not," Phobia confessed. "It is a huge risk to take though. Triss may not be thinking clearly. Her mind is one of two known magical minds we can't penetrate, so I cannot say what all goes on in it. It worries me that she would take such risks when time is so short. She should be helping us win first and then she would be free after to actually find good candidates, and not such major fixer-uppers."

Wild decided not to complain about being called a fixer-upper as she glanced towards the doors to the chapel. She was becoming more aware of her own flaws by the day. "What's taking them so long? They should have been out by now."

Phobia looked down. "My dad and Amanda. This hit them very hard, much harder than what you were seeing. When you all were preoccupied I dreamwalked to check on them while they were being changed back. They're going to need some extended help. I am the closest adult family member and the two of them have given me permission to make arrangements for their care and discuss their problems so they don't have to. l've already agreed to let my little sisters stay with me for the time being while they get themselves together."

That was extremely worrisome to hear. The stories she heard about Velvet Nightshade were bad. If that was happening to Tom and Amanda she didn't know what she would do.

"How bad?" She asked in a small voice.

Phobia bit her lip. "Just thinking about anything involving their past humanity is enough to give them a fit right now. Just saying their names because they are reminders of that time is difficult. I don't know what my dad is going to do yet, but expect Amanda to be a lot more insistent on people calling her Treasure or Treasure Finder. They just don't want any form of reminder of their past humanity right now."

Wild looked again at the chapel doors and back to Phobia. "If you need any help from me don't be afraid to ask. I did much of the funding for this project and that means I carry part of the responsibility for what happened with them."

The chapel doors opened as Phobia was nodding back. All conversation in the lobby quieted down as Sunset Blessing, still in human form and wearing what looked like a white bathrobe, stepped out into the lobby. Right behind her were Wild's parents along with William and his wife. Tonya brought up the rear and was watching Sunset intensely.

"Sorry for the delay," Sunset said loudly. "We needed to make sure some things were taken care of. All of us are a little in need of food and refreshments. William said he is open for questions after he eats, and the same can be said for me. Jean wants a little time with her daughter's first, and I hope everyone can respect her wishes for privacy. These spells should last long enough so there is no rush."

The unicorn turned human walked with confidence to the buffet area. If Sapphire was watching she was probably annoyed by the fact Sunset seemed perfectly steady on her bare feet and didn't seem to be in danger of any faceplants. Rosetta suddenly came from out of nowhere to come sit beside her wife as the three of them sat and waited for their mama--mother-in-law in Phobia's case-- to arrive.

They were not kept waiting long. Her mama happily trotted over to them with papa following close by. Her mama took a seat at the table with a smile, casually wrapping her tail around her flank while sitting as if she did this every day and it was second nature to her. Her papa pulled out one of the stools and sat down, looking like an adult at a kiddie table due to the fact this table was designed with ponies in mind.

Rosetta was the first to speak. "How are you feeling, Mama?"

Their Mama giggled into a hoof. "I feel great. They're letting the spell go for as long as it will go and I get to be out and free for the full duration."

Their papa held up a robe that Wild just noticed. "I'm standing by to help her the second it ends. Have this just in case it ends and we're in public."

"In public? What do you mean in public?" Rosetta asked as her eyes narrowed.

Wild cleared her throat. "Sunset is still waiting on approval, but if she gets it there's going to be a news conference at the end of this get-together to announce to the world what happened today."

"And from what I hear from the delegates that may well be coming," Phobia said as she glanced towards the various other groups in the lobby. She then got up from her seat. "I'll leave the rest of you to talk privately. I need to call Paul and let him know that Jackie and Jordan will need to come to our home. I also need to brief Tempest and Crystal that they're going to be doing some extended foalsitting while Rosetta and I are sleeping. Crystal will take it well, while Tempest will likely grumble."

As Phobia walked away her mama got up from her seat and came and gave her a hug. She leaned into the embrace and held her mama a little tighter than she normally would. Crystal ponies were a bit more durable than other tribes--other than earth ponies--and a little more strength could be safely used in a hug without fear of hurting her. She released her mama in shock a few seconds into the hug as her mama lit up and went translucent.

Her mama blushed somehow through her glassy exterior. "Sorry, I was just so eager to feel this charged up again. It's hard to describe the warmth of it, makes me feel kind of full. You aren't mad, are you?"

Wild blinked then shook her head. "No, I'm not. You just took me by surprise. Try not to do that to anyone else though, okay? The other crystal ponies said you can draw a lot. I don't want you hurting anyone by accident like some surging foal."

Her mama nodded. "You’re right, I wouldn't want to hurt anypony. I'll keep strictly to you when doing that. Do you mind if Bill tries too? I was telling him about it and he wanted to try as well."

She shrugged. "Sure, I don't see why not." Before she could continue her mama quickly hurried off in her fellow temporary pony's direction. Wild stared blankly at the two talking for a second before continuing "Okay...guess this is something they're really eager to do."

Rosetta frowned. "Are you sure you should be letting them do that? We don't know what that absorbed magic will do to them yet, and I don’t like you being treated like a magic buffet."

Wild waved it off. "You're overreacting. It's fine. You're treating Mama like she's some sort of magic vampire."

"Saying absorbing your magic makes her feel full and the fact she seems more focused on that right now before other things gives off that impression," Rosetta replied in a whisper.

Wild looked over to her mama who was eagerly pointing at her while speaking to her new crystal pony friend. Her mama looked happy to her. What was a little magic absorbing going to matter if it made her happy?

Jessie sat and chewed on the pencil she had strapped on. She glanced over to Jackie's drawing and back to her own. Jackie's had some pretty good perspective of clouds at various distances, a trick Robby had taught her how to do. They weren't great looking clouds, but she could tell they were clouds at different distances. Jessie's picture looked like a bunch of sticks at various lengths. They were supposed to be trees, but she just wasn't creating the same effect. The talent for art apparently had skipped her.

Her dad had stepped downstairs just a minute or two ago when his phone rang. At first she had worried that something was wrong with her mom or her little brother, but he'd addressed Ms. Amanda when answering. Jordan and Jackie's parents were probably just checking in, or giving some instructions, or saying when they were going to be home. The two sisters had perked their ears up when they heard their mother’s name, but her dad had decided to keep the conversation private for some reason. Maybe their parents were bringing home a surprise.

Jordan looked up from trying to color her house and dropped her orange crayon in the process. She looked over at Jessie's drawing with curiosity. "What's that?"

Jessie frowned down at her lost cause. "It's supposed to be trees. I was trying to draw them with perspective, like Jackie is doing."

Jordan lowered an ear. "What's perspective?"

Jessie pointed a hoof at Jordan's drawing of the house which used a rough cube shape. "Giving it depth, like you're doing to show the sides of your house."

"'re trying to show the sides of the trees?" Jordan asked in confusion. "But trees look the same on all sides."

Jessie shook her head. "I'm just trying to make some seem farther away, but not doing a good job at it. And trees don't look the same on sides. Every part of every plant is unique. I guess you wouldn't understand that since you aren't an earth pony."

"What's it like being an earth pony instead of a unicorn?" Jordan asked.

"Um, I don't know since I've never been a unicorn," Jessie said in a bemused tone. "What's it like having a horn on your head? What's it like for Jackie to have wings?"

Jordan stared upward as if trying to gaze at her pint sized horn. "It tingles sometimes, and it feels funny when things touch it. When I think about the tingling really hard like daddy says he does, I can feel it… pop, and it feels really funny. Jackie said having wings was like having more legs, except you can’t walk on them"

Jessie looked at her two friends’ extra appendages. "Well, I guess being an earth pony is just like what you'd feel like without your horn."

"But you're really big and strong," Jordan pointed out.

"Not yet," Jessie countered.

"You're bigger and stronger than me, and you look even bigger and stronger than Jackie."

Jessie gave Jackie a dubious look, but upon closer inspection Jackie did seem a little less bulky than she did. "I'm just big boned."

"So earth ponies have bigger bones?" Jordan asked.

"Could be, does your mom have bigger bones than your dad?" Jessie asked.

Jordan thought about it and scrunched her muzzle up as her brain turned the problem over in her head. "I don’t know, you can’t see bones, they’re on the inside.."

She sat and reconsidered how to explain the question. "Is your mom bigger than your dad the same way I'm bigger than you and Jackie?"

Jordan considered this and then spread her forelegs in front of her. "She's bigger this way but not taller. So earth ponies are bigger this way and that means they have big bones?"

"That might be an indicator," Jessie said. She knew that she was built to hold more muscle, even if she didn't have all that muscle yet. She knew that gave her some extra weight, but never really noticed that it might make her a little bigger than foals her age in other tribes. She didn't spend time with foals her age in school--except for gym class, gym class they said would be completely unfair for her to be in with high school students as she was so little in comparison.

"Jackie, Jordan, can you two come over here. I need to talk to you about something," her dad called out as he came up the stairs. He was wearing a serious expression and seeing it made Jessie's ears drop. Were they in trouble for something?

Jackie laid her ears back and put her crayon down. "Are you mad about the bathroom? We didn't mean to make it all wet. We were just having fun."

Jessie's dad shook his head. "No, I'm not mad at any of you, and you're not in any trouble. Your parents need me to talk to you about something important."

The two sisters got up and walked slowly over to Jessie's dad. Despite him saying they weren't in trouble for anything, from his tone it still didn’t sound good, and they held their tails between their legs. Jessie decided to follow after them to find out what was going on without needing to be told later. Her dad looked at her for a second, but didn't put up any objections to her joining them. When they all got close to him he crouched down and looked at the two sisters.

"Something’s came up and you're mom and dad are going to be away for a few days. While they're away you'll be staying with your older sister in her house," he said in a serious tone.

“Why?” Jordan's eyes welled up with tears. "I don't want them to go away."

Jordan started mirroring her sister's expression. "Did we make them mad? Dad’s been mad about something since yesterday."

Jessie’s ears flattened and she put her hooves over them as the sisters began to loudly shout at her father all at once.

"We'll clean it up."
"Is that why they aren't going to be home?"
"I want Mommy!"
"Tell them we're sorry!"
"I'll never be bad in the shower again!"
"Just tell Mom and Dad were sorry so they come home!"
"I want Mommy and Daddy!"

Her dad shook her head while wincing and holding out his hands out pleadingly towards the two crying fillies. "You've done nothing wrong, and they aren't mad at you. They just...they’ve had a really bad day, bad enough they need a few days to get over it. Think of this as an opportunity to spend more time with your cousins and your sister. Like an extended sleepover."

"Are Mommy and Daddy hurt?" Jordan asked while still crying.

Her dad seemed unsure how to answer for a second then laid a hand on Jordan's back. "No.... they had a big scare, they aren't hurt. Just a day or two to get better that’s it. You get scared sometimes, right? Well, they got extra scared. They'll get better in a few days, don’t worry."

"What could scare Mom and Dad that much?" Jackie asked in confusion. "Mom is super strong so she can beat up any monster, and Dad can use his magic on it."

"Is it going to come get us too?" Jordan asked almost on top of Jackie. As she huddled close to her older sister.

"Is that why we have to stay with Phobia? Because she's scarier than any monster and can scare all the monsters away?" Jackie asked right after.

"Are you two scared of Phobia?" Her dad asked in concern.

"No," Jackie said right away. "She's our big sister. She's only scary to bad guys."

Jessie respectfully disagreed with that assessment. Phobia Remedy wasn’t mean but she was definitely scary.

"Well, Phobia is going to make sure you stay safe and in a few days your parents will be back to get you. You two just need to be good fillies for your big sister, okay? I'm sure your parents are going to ask her if you were good and didn't get into much trouble," her dad said in a typical parent trying to coax a foal into being good tone. Jessie knew that tone well.

"We'll be good," Jordan said as she seemed to calm down. “Promise.”

"We won't get into any trouble," Jackie said right after. Jessie doubted that was possible if they were spending time with the demons. The demons lived and breathed trouble.

It also occurred to her that all her friends and Robby were going to be at Phobia Remedy's house together. She knew why they were all going to be there, but she still felt left out.

"Dad, can I sleep over at Phobia Remedy's house too?" She asked. She felt weird asking, because she'd never asked to go to a sleepover before.

That seemed to get Jordan's interest and turn her frown upside down. "Can she? I want to do a sleepover with Jessie."

Her dad blinked and looked at her for a second. "That might not be a bad idea. Your mom and grandmare could use a few days to just focus on Dusk, and Phobia is practically family. It's nice seeing you trying to spend time with friends too. Are you sure though? You've never spent a night away from home before."

She smiled. "It will be fun, and Robby will be there at night to watch me. I get to spend extra time with him too."

Her dad considered. "I'll have to check with your mom and see what she says, but I'll give a tentative yes. For just a few days while you're keeping your friends company, and if you get homesick and want to come home early you just have someone give us a call."

“Yay!” Jordan grabbed her in a tight hug. "This is going to be so much fun!"

Jackie still didn't seem happy, but seemed calmer. "Spending time with big sis won't be too bad, I guess. But I want Mom and Dad to come home."

Jordan's excitement seemed to have a wet towel thrown on it as her ears sagged and her grip on Jessie released after the reminder about why they were going to Phobia's house. Jessie grabbed her unicorn friend back into a hug before Jordan could get too upset though.

"It will be an adventure, like in my books," she said. "We're going to gather our companions together so we can vanquish the monsters as a team."

"What's vankish mean?" Jordan asked in confusion.

Jessie rolled her eyes. "Vanquish, it means defeat, beat, kick the monsters flanks."

"Maybe big sis can teach us how to be scary like her so we can scare the monsters that scared Mom and Dad," Jackie said in excitement. "That will show those monsters for scaring our Mom and Dad."

Jordan brightened up. "Yeah! Let's get those monsters back for being mean!"

Jessie couldn't help giggling are her friends' commitment. This was going to be great.