[New version] Equestrian Diamonds

by Silas5399

Chapter 8

{Time skip day of the wedding Purples POV}

I can't believe this day is finally here. The day I finally get married.’ I thought nervously as a few gems were making sure my wedding dress was perfect and Red was with his best gem Bloodstone making sure his suit was right.

"Purple diamond it's almost time." A gem said.

“Thank you My Little Gem I will be right out.” I said. Right after I said that there was a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” I asked

"It's me and Luna we wanted to see how you're doing," Cadence's voice said through the door.

I opened the door and saw Cadence in a very tight dress and i looked behind her and saw Luna.

"Luna and I wanted to see you before the wedding," Cadence said.

“Im a nervous wreck right now,” I said shaking like a leaf.

"That is normal what's important is that you go out there and marry the Stallion of your dreams." Cadence said.

"What if this is a mistake? What if we can't have kids? What if-" I start before Luna butted in.

"Well if your so scared maybe i should snatch him or we could share we ponies practice polygamy." Luna said and she was elbowed by Cadence.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY RED!!! HE IS MINE AND MINE ALONE," I yelled at Luna in a voice that rivaled the RCV.

"Let's calm down." Cadence said.


"I also said we could share." Luna said and she was elbowed even harder and then Cadence said.

"I'm sorry for my aunt Celstia told me once she's set her eyes on somepony it's difficult to get her to stop." Cadence said.


"But it also got rid of your fear didn't it and you stopped spouting nonsense." Luna said with a smile and she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Huh! I guess you're right thanks." I said.

"And don't worry i wont try to steal him from you." Luna said as she hugged and whispered in my ear. "But if you want to change things up feel free to send a letter and I'll come over." She said and let go and gave me a sultry look and then Cadence walked over to us.

"Well i think it's time to go you ready?" Cadence asked.

"Yes i agree now would you two, please leave so I can finish getting ready." I said calmly.

"Yes we will leave you alone." Cadence said and as they walked out Luna looked back and gave her hips a little sway giving me a good view of her behind and blew a kiss as she closed the door behind her.

"Crazy mare," I said under my breath.

*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* "Who is it?" I asked

The voice of Black Pearl called through the door. "My Friend it's time for the ceremony." She said as I opened the door fully dressed and made up.

"Thank you old friend. Thank you for giving me away." I said lovingly as I bent down and hugged her.

"You're...you're...you're welcome My Diamond Purple." She said as we walked up to the doors out to the gardens. As we walked out into the gardens the wedding match started to play.

Red was at the left side of the altar with Bloodstone at his side and he was wearing a black suit with a red tie and bloodstone was wearing a red dress and she bowed her head when she saw me. I nodded to her in reply. Standing at the right side of the altar was Dragons Blood Jasper, Blue Danburite, and Red Pearl and Cadence stood in front of red and she was ready to read the vows we were to repeat.

After reaching the altar she moved back and stood in front of Red and she said.

"Today we stand here to watch the union of these two gems are their any who object speak now or forever hold your peace." Cadence said and no one spoke and when she was about to continue the sky darkened and we looked up to see smoke filling the sky.


"What is it?" Red asked with worry in his voice.

"It's a Dragon up in that mountain snoring." I said pointing to the said mountain.

"Well if their anything like what i have heard of they don't play nice I'm going up there in my dragon form." Red said and he changed into his adult dragon form and he was bigger than last time and I turned into my teenage dragon form slipping out of the dress and my gem was on my chest and I climbed on his back and we took off into the air.

After a few minutes we reached the top of the mountain where we saw a massive cave.

"It not big enough for both our adult dragon forms I'm better in combat so you stay on my back." Red said.

"Alright but I have an uneasy feeling right now." I said.

He slowly walked in the cave and snoring echoed through the cave and we saw a sleeping dragon on the cave floor.

"Get up." Red said scooting the dragon's head a bit and he opened his eyes and stood at his full height just a few feet smaller than Red who reached the cave ceiling.


"I don't give a fuck who you are you snoring smoke ruined my wedding so I want you off this mountain." Red said poking him with his claw not backing down.

After sniffing the air the dragon prince moved his head around to look directly at me. "WHY DO YOU SMELL LIKE MY SEX SLAVE?" He asked.

"SEX SLAVE, SEX SLAVE, YOU HAVE A GEM AS A SEX SLAVE!" I screamed so loud that a few stalagmites fell. Upon hearing that the dragon prince saw my gem and tried to grab me but before he got close Red bit his neck just below his head and bashed his head against the cave wall and upon letting go the dragon recoiled backing up a bit.


"Oh I'm no half breed I'm pure gem." Red said as he matched his roar and got ready to fight.

The dragon prince breathed fired at us and red only chuckled for a second before his eyes glowed slightly and the flames dispersed in front of us and then the prince stepped forward with the cave so small to the best they could do was claw and bite at each other and Reds claws cut through his scales as they glowed red with heat and after bleeding heavily the dragon shrunk and went between reds legs before flying out of the cave and red turned to his normal self.

"Let's find that gem." Red said.

"Alright if my knowledge about dragons is any good the cells for the living parts of a dragon's hoard would be at the back." I said and he flew deeper into the cave me close behind as I manipulated the air around me to allow me to hover.

We found a massive pile of gold jewels and gems and i saw Red fly over the pile and land on the other side and i made my way around.

What I saw shocked me there were ponies chained to the walls starving and near death Red was melting the chains that held them after they were freed they slowly made their way out and we searched for some the gem he talked about.

"Over here I found her!" Red shouted and i saw him he was holding the gem in his arm her clothes were torn to shreds and Red comforted her draping his wing over her and pet her head telling her everything is fine. I shifted back to my normal form.

"Ambassador White Lace Agate is that you?" I asked genuinely surprised to see her so far from Homeworld and alone at that.

"Yes little one it is me." She said getting up slowly as I ran over and jump-hugged her crying with joy at seeing such an old friend of my mother's and mine again after all this time. She leans over and whispers in my ear. "Little one who is that handsome gem that was comforting me."

"Oh, Ambassador Agate this is my fiance and he is also going to be the sire of the first two Royal Gem Eggs of my own." I said giddily this causing Ambassador White Lace's carefully crafted diplomats mask to fall and she started to gawk at the both of us for ten minutes straight.

"Is she ok? Red asked.

"I think I broke her" I said right before a huge smile crept onto her face and she let out an ear piercing *EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* before she got serious again.

Turning to Red she started barraging him with questions. "What kind of gem are you? Are you a wartime gem or a peacetime gem? Can you provide for the gemlings and my little Purple?-" she said before I put my hand over her mouth and glared at her.

"I am Red diamond I am both a war and peacetime gem while I do not like conflict I am not afraid to fight if needed and yes I can provide for them," Red said.

"How will you provide for them?" She asked glaring right back at me.

"We already have a colony up and running and we do not need to drain the planet of life to make sentient gems like you Homeworld gems do." Red said.

"Good, Good, just what i want to hear you know you remind me of Pink Diamond. She has a love for all living things too. So how do you do it? Is it like how Black and Little Purple here do it?

"No i can make sentient gems without the gem eggs all i need is a gem and then i can make one using one of my auras though there are a few effects." Red explained.

"Admirable, very admirable. What kind of effects? Hopefully not something harmful." She asked.

"No, nothing like that but the aura I use is my passion aura it allows me to bring life to a lifeless gem and it also connects them to me in a way and it also affects already sentient gems by making them very very horny and the gems I make already feel it to an extent when I'm nearby and not using it on them," Red said bluntly. Right after that, I released her from my support and she promptly fell over out cold.

"Why did you do that?" Red asked.

"Do what let her try to stand on her own feet?" I asked.

"Well a quick burst of my passion aura will wake her up and she won't get horny," Red said and he released the quick burst and she jolted awake.

"Why do I feel all warm and tingly?" She queried.

"I had to use a quick burst of my passion aura to wake you up and that might last for a few minutes unless you want me and Purple to take care of it for you real quick you'll enjoy it?" Red asked her as he picked her up and she blushed.

"What do you say Purple?" He asked as he pulled me closer with his tail and kissed me.

“I think we need to return to our wedding,” I said turning back into my teenage dragon form.

"Ok then maybe later let me just suck all this stuff into my gem real quick," Red said as he helped White Lace Agate stand on her own two feet and he stood in front of the massive pile of gold and gems and then a fiery vacuum burst from his gem sucking everything in and then he turned into an adult dragon and we climbed on his back.

{Time skip an hour later Purple POV}

We were back at the altar and we just finished reciting our vows.

"You may now kiss the bride." Cadence said and Red kissed me and everyone cheered and after an hour we were attending an after party and i saw Lapis' dance it was wonderful and I and Red got separated in the party.

“Red! Red!” ‘where is he I just saw him a minute ago.’

"Is your looking for red he's over there," Cadence said and I turned around and I saw her pointing to her left and I looked and saw Red standing next to a pillar with Luna.

Seeing this I stormed over and started to yell “GET AWAY FROM HIM NOW!”

"Hey it's ok she hasn’t tried to flirt much she said she left the decision to you," Red said.

I blushed at my outburst and said: “I'm sorry Princess Luna for my behavior.”

"It's ok just give some thought to what I said and I’ll call it even," Luna said I walked up real close to her and gave her a long kiss on the lips.

“Oh I have and Red is going to be left out of our fun time. It will be a girls-only party.” I whispered in her ear after I broke the kiss.

"That was hot, can I get in the action?" Red asked.

“NO.” Both Luna and I said simultaneously.

"Why not i want some of that ass," Red said and gave Luna's ass a little spank to where she smiled.

“You have your gems I have Luna.” I said.

"And I promised you I wouldn't solo anymore and I meant it," Red said with a cute pouty face. "Can you at least invite me every now and again I learned a few new tricks?"

Luna and I looked at each other and had a quick mental convo before we both said with mischievous grins, “We never said you couldn't watch.”

He gave us got a sultry look before kissing us and saying. "Ok, then i hope you don't mind if i bring Lapis and Pearl so I can enjoy myself and also give you two a show as you do the same for us." He said and kissed us again this time with more passion and love and he grabbed our asses.

“HEY watch where you grab out in public.” I said blushing up a storm.

"So do you mind me having company while you two go at it?" He asked.

Luna and I looked at each other again having another silent convo before we turned to him and said, “We don't mind.”

"I promise I'll put on a good show. So when we doing it tonight and after me and Purple can have the royal gems Or some other time?" Red asked.

“Another night this is your Wedding Night. It's not my intention to butt in on such an important night.” Luna said waving her arms.

"Ok then, but with all this talk I don't think I'll be able to hold back when Purple and I get to our room," Red said and hugged me.

“In that case, I'm glad I got this for you instead of the Ponysutra book I was originally going to give you,” Luna said as she handed a package wrapped in runed paper. “It's a reusable silence spell, spell crystal that lasts for eight hours and takes three hours to recharge from empty, can be turned off at any time and anything short of ten dragons roaring is silenced to those outside the room the crystal is in.”

"Thank you we could use that though if Purple had as much energy as me then it might be a problem," Red said as he put it in his gem.

“I highly doubt I have your stamina or staying power,” I said blushing like a tomato

"And you won't anytime soon and likely not for a few years." He said and kissed my cheeks.

“If you will excuse me I will leave you alone so you can cuddle and such.” Luna said with a bow and she left to join the party.

"So want to head home?" Red asked me.

I turned to him with the fire of lust in my eyes and said, “If we don't go home soon and fertilize these two Royal Gem Eggs I'm carrying I'm gonna jump you here and now.” and he turned into his teen dragon form and held me tight as he took to the air.

{Clop Begins}
After landing at the castle he said. "Trust me I'm going to pump enough into you to fertilize a dozen so don't worry." He said as he carried me to our room and when he closed the door he turned back to normal but he was naked and he used the crystal.

“Mmmmm my sexy beast. Take me just take me.

"Last time we did two this time it's three so where are the eggs?" He asked.

In reply, I just rubbed my belly.

He grinned and laid me on the bed but I only saw two cocks.

“I thought you said there was going to be three?” I asked and i felt something rub the corner of my mouth.

"There are three see for yourself." He said with a grin.

I turned towards the feeling at the corner of my mouth and saw he turned his tail into a tentacle-like cock. I opened my mouth and sucked in the tip and started to run my tongue around it.

With one thrust he penetrated my ass and my sacred place and when he did not feel my most sacred place he grew until the head reached and touched the Royal Gem Eggs inside.

Removing the tail dick from my mouth I screamed out, “MY DIAMOND, OH MY DIAMOND, KEEP GOING MY DIAMOND.” and the tail dick shoved itself back down my throat and he started thrusting.

"So good you're perfect," Red said as he grunted with every thrust and I hummed vibrating his tail dick.

He lifted me off the bed and sucked on my breasts and I wrapped my legs around him as he got even deeper and he grabbed my ass with both hands as he began to thrust harder and faster.

"Your the best you've outclassed every single gem I have ever fucked." He said with heavy breaths and he spanked me sending shocks of pleasure though my body.

"Here comes the first round." Red said. I tightened up my sacred place and ass and started humming at a faster pace to bring him over the edge.

And then he hilted inside me and his seed went down my throat as well as in my ass and most sacred place.

Red took his tail dick out of my mouth and shot a few more squirts in my mouth and on my face then asked. "For the second round do you it in your mouth or not and do you want more dicks to fuck you?" He asked and kissed my neck and did small thrusts inside me as he laid, me back on the bed, and then he groped my breasts. I just laid there basking in the afterglow.

A few minutes later I had recovered enough to put a coherent thought together. "Another dick for my boobs and give me back that tail!" I said

Red grinned as his tail dick turned into two and one went between my breasts and the other waited at the entrance of my mouth.

"How hard do you want to be throat fucked again and can you make your breasts a little bigger?" He asked and then added." And are their any positions you want to try?"

I grew my breasts by one cup size making them E's and Red started to drool. "How about I'm on top this time."

"Sure and you didn't answer my other question." He said as he flipped us over and he laid on the bed.

"It's because I wanted to show you." I said as I took his tail dick in my mouth and started deep throwing him from the get go.

"And what about the other feel like pressing your breasts against each other.?" He asked at which I did just that and his other tail dick slipped in the middle and started thrusting between them.

"Well now you can start whenever you're ready." Red said as he enjoyed the view and I lifted myself up a bit and dropped back down on his lap and I started a steady rhythm and we enjoyed every bit of it and i could feel his tail dick trying to go deeper down my throat and I let it.

He grabbed my hips and started thrusting up while making me go faster.

"Fuck I'm in heaven." Red said.

'Your not the only one my darling' I thought as I reached my third orgasm of the night.

"I think it's time I made good on my promise here it comes." Red said and went as deep as he could inside me and his tail dick pulled out of my throat and started shooting his cum in my mouth and my breasts were covered in cum and he laid me on the bed.

"Do you think you can go another round or are you out of energy?" Red asked as he pulled out and more cum covered my body.

With my cheeks being as big as a watermelon from all the cum I started to swallow.

"How does my cum taste?" He asked.

After I finished all the cum I said "It tastes like Cherry Jubilee."

"Then maybe next time i should bring ice cream so you can have my cum as a topping." He said chucking. "So how about a third round?"

"Oh baby, you treat me so good. Let's do it to it."

"This almost makes me hope our children are feeling this." Red said as he turned me over and lifted my ass in the air and started fucking my like their was no tommorow. "Maybe they can lick all the cum off you when their born." I morphed an arm out of my hair and smacked Red across the face.

"What did youp do that for?" He asked.

"That is incest which I wouldn't have a problem with if it wasn't for them being newborns." I said in an angry voice clamping my sacred places muscles down extremely hard on his dick to add more friction.

Red said. "Sorry I was just really excited." Red said as he thrust harder.

"It's ok. All I ask is you wait till after their first poofing.

"Poofing like being beaten in combat?" He asked.

"No no a poofing is a ritual that my mother started with her gem eggs, since they start out as infants, where after a few months they get poofed and they grow up to an adolescent stage."

"Ok and I hope maybe one of our children inherents my fire power I could use a hot fuck literally." He joked as he got faster and faster. At that I started to rock back into him on his thrusts and rock away from him on his pullouts.

By this point I looked seven months pregnant.

"I wonder if you can suck both my tails at once want to found out?" He asked and the two tail dicks moved in front of my face.

"Not today honey," I said flatly.

"Fine will stick with one for now." He said and had a moment of silence before saying." I just had an idea you're going to love it." He said and one of the tail dicks moved away and I could hear him morph it and then I felt something sucking on both my breasts.

"Oh Baby I Love It. I'm Almost There Keep Going Please For The Love Of God Keep Going." I screamed as I sucked his tail dick.

After several moments of nothing but the sounds of flesh hitting flesh we both stopped and we came at the same time.

After a few minutes of basking in the afterglow Red said. "I think you've had enough for one night." He said as he pulled out and i fell to the bed.

"That was our best session yet." I said.

"And it will only get better each time." Red said. "So when do you think we will have Luna come over I wanna spank that ass." Red said with a chuckle to which I slap him.

"No bad Red my Woona."

"Come on, I would only do it when you both asked me two plus don't you want to see her face when you both cum at the same time as i reach your deepest depths plus i was the reason she decided to flirt." Red said with a matter of fact tone in his voice and his tail dick suddenly started squirting seed all over my back.

"Plus it could give us a chance to see if a royal gem egg can take the genetic material of an organic." Red whispered in my ear and spanked my ass making me cum again and his other tail stopped sucking my breasts.

"Mmmmmm that's the spot. Let me think about it." I said.

Red laid down beside me with a satisfied look on his face. "And who do you think we should invite for our next session I could only suggest either my Pearl or Lapis do you have any ideas your Dragon Blood Jasper seemed interested in me when we first met?" Red asked and he got up off the bed again.

All of a sudden I had the need to puke. "*BLARG*" I vomited all over the floor next to the bed and Red asked.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Are you having the babies already?"

"It's called morning sick-*BLARG*-ness it's a sign of pregnancy. How don't you know that?" I asked.

"I have been more focused on my diamond memories than my human memories." He said and he looked at his hand. "Red diamond is who I am now so I have been neglecting my human memories - when I first saw Dragon Blood Jasper do you want to know what I would have done If I had done it sooner?" He asked


"I would have likely started making out with her while caressing her naked body." He said with a grin.

I got up hugged him and his hands started to caress my body and he thrusted his two dick between my legs.

"Trying to get another round out of me?" He asked.

"No." *BLARG* I puked all down Red's back over his shoulder.

"Looks like we both need a shower." He said calmly.

"Yea looks like." I said dragging him to the bathroom.

"You know I never fucked in a bathroom before you wanna?" He asked jokingly but I knew he would do it given the chance.

I gave him a sultry look and said. "Sure as long as you don't mind just eating me out and getting a blowjob."

"My tails can do anything you can think of just ask and you will receive." Red told me as we entered the bathroom.

"Ok then I want them to suck my breasts and eat me out." I said and I sat him on the edge of the tub.

"Since your breasts will be occupied do you just want one dick?" He asked and I nodded.

One of the dicks disappeared but the remaining grew a bit more and I looked at his tail and they became small mouths and two of them latched onto my breasts while the other waited at the entrance to my sacred place.

"They may be a little small but they have excellent sucking power." Red said.

I gave his enlarges dick a long lick from the base to the tip and I slowly popped the tip in my mouth and started trying to swallow all of it it took a few tries but i got to the base of it and the mouth at my sacred place started licking it.

"So who so you trust enough to invite to our sessions I already told you mine?" He asked.

I created a mouth on the back of my neck and said. "The only one's I trust are Blue Danburite, Black Pearl, My Pearl, and Dragon Blood Jasper, and now Luna."

"Dragon blood jasper i was wonder if i would get the chance to fuck her." Red said and he made another tail mouth though this one was a bit larger and used it to kiss the mouth on the back of my neck and I started bobbing my head up and down on his cock and they started sucking on my breasts.

"Why didnt we fuck sooner?" Red said throwing his head back and i went faster and the other mouths were working double time and the last one was starting to make out with my other mouth.

After several agonizing minutes later we both felt ourselves getting closer and he hilted his cock in my mouth and let it all go down my throat and when i came the mouths all started to lap up my juices and i got off him after it ended and we took our showers and went to bed
{end of clop}
End of chapter