The formation of the Rainbow Daggers

by Larry Kluga

Chapter 5 The missing link

We look at each other and we didn't know what to say but Larry broke the silence.

"Who was it my friend" asked Larry, Kyle looks up to Larry with a tear in his eye and fear.

"It was Jackson Popel he's here in this world as we speak" said Kyle. Me and the rest of the boys jumped back from that name.

"That's impossible he's gone I watch him get turned into broken glass" I yelled but knowing Kyle I knew he wasn't making it up. If he was lying his nose would of wiggled which means Canterlot is in deeper threat than we thought.

"Um. Excuse me but who is Jackson Popel" asked Twilight, we look at each other then we started to talk about the elephant in the room.

"Jackson was our old nemesis he is part of the reason that most of our old world isn't liveable in most parts" Larry said with an upsetting tune of voice. The girls were puzzled but then Rainbow Dash started to speak.

"So this Jackson guy is bad news but. What does it mean for Canterlot? I mean it's not like he's gonna destroy this city right?" Asked Rainbow, we gave her a look of grief.

"We don't know but if our fears are true then Canterlot is in Jeopardy" said George. We started to figure out what's Jackson's next move. But we just realized something.

"Um.. You girls haven't seen Pinkie Pie anywhere did You" I asked. They looked at each other and gasped. So we ran to the pickup and AppleJack stomped the gas pedal like there's no tomorrow. Once we made it to Pinkie Pie's house the front door was destroyed. We walked the building then we saw Maud Pie unconscious in this black substance. That looks like the tar from Equestria. We tried to get magical tar off of her but it was too sticky.

"Hey Nick do you think you can use your ice ability" asked Larry. I nodded I took off my gloves and grab the tar then not even a second it turn to ice. Then we smash the icey tar off of Maud. Once we freed her we heard Rarity scream George and I stayed with Maud while everyone else ran to Rarity. When others got to Rarity,she was laying in AppleJack's arms. With her right arm in an upper angle with her back hand on the forehead.

"It's so horrid simply horrid" Rarity dramatically added, they walked in Pinkie Pies room. Chair broken,her mattress flipped over, curtains ripped,window wide open,and the pole that was holding Pinkie's curtains. That had a tair peace of her clothing. Pinkie pie was nowhere to be found she was missing.

"Who would kidnap Pinkie Pie" Fluttershy cried, we look at each other but none of us. Had a clue but when Maud woke up we started to ask her about what happened.

"Maud do you know who broke in and abducted Pinkie Pie" Asked Sunset Shimmer. Maud looks up to her gaze.

"I was just getting some crackers for boulder. After I open the cabinet I heard a big boom in the house. I look around a corner and saw this man he was glowing with a lot of darkness. He had a bushy beard and a long scare on his left eye. Once he glance at me he shot this magic stuff at me and boulder after that it was a blur" Maud explained. When she describe this man it sounded like Jackson. But he didn't had magic before.

"I knew Jackson was evil but kidnapping Pinkie Pie is a seriously low blow" said Noxs. We went to Twilight's lab to figure out a plan to save Pinkie. While we were looking I picked up the book and try to figure out what's going on. But it kept on saying things over and over until I got to a couple blank pages witch was odd. After I looked at the blank pages I asked Noxs to hand me his lazer knife. I activated the knife and placed it under the pages then words appeared.

"Guys check this out" I yelled everyone came to look at the book. Once Twilight looks at it she started to freak out.

"Those drawings looks just like our geodes. But how?" Twilight jumped back we look at the plans and it was much worse than we thought. Jackson never really wanted to destroy Canterlot. He wanted to eliminate this reality. When night fall we started to get ready to find Pinkie Pie. When we grab our gear Rainbow Dash stopped us.

"So when are we leaving to find Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash asked we looked at each other but Larry was the one that told her.

"The boys and I are going to find and save Pinkie you're staying here with the others." He said while checking his blaster Rainbow Dash as usual was being stubborn.

"But with our help especially mine we can save her in a snap" Rainbow said with a tune I was about to intervien. But I was stopped by Rainbow Dash "I can do this your blasters might not be enough. If I was in Pinkie's situation she would the same" she said.

"But you can't it's too dangerous Jackson isn't your typical Equestrian magic crazed lunatic. He's much worse and won't just injure you he will eliminate you do you understand." Larry shouted with a bit annoyance in his voice.

"Bu..Bu... But" Rainbow dash was stopped by Larry hugging her then he whispered in her ear.

"It's noble of you to put yourself at risk to save your friend. But I can't bare to see my friend get destroyed" he let's go from the hug an turns to grab his blaster. "Okay men lets do this like old times,only destroy as a last resort" said Larry. We nodded our heads and left but when I turned around I saw Rainbow Dash crying.