//------------------------------// // Chapter 38 // Story: I Just Walk Away // by madhat886 //------------------------------// "So what's the story with this world?" Captain Planet ask as he sits with the rest of the group. No one paid much attention to him because they're in a superhero world of My Hero Academia. They're all sitting at a restaurant waiting for their meal to come. "Yeah it's different from the last one we were at," Naruto said. "People seem to down about something or angry," Kasumi said. "I'm still looking," Twilight said as she read through a newspaper. They stop onto this version of My Hero Academia to see what kind of gear they could get and to restock on supplies like food when they were suddenly hit by how people are acting. "Twilight you really should just use a phone," Sunset said as she looks up the news online using her smart phone. "Ok so what's happening?" Trixie ask drinking from the glass of water they were given while they waited. "Oh my. It seems Deku in this world is a villain thanks to All Might breaking his dream of being a hero because he didn't had powers," Sunset said. "And what happen?" Twilight ask. As all she got from the news paper was the scandals about heroes that she didn't know of from cannon. "He became this world's Joker, just without the clown thing. He killed a number of heroes and tons of others from planting bombs to just plain murder, all to show the world how someone who has no powers could become the worst villain ever, that a hero without powers could do the same. Derailing trains, destroying airport control centers causing planes to crash, causing a fire in an oil depot, releasing toxic waste around Japan causing a drop in sea life, destroying major harbors by destroying oil tankers preventing most imports from coming in, putting a chemical that kills plants in manure to destroy many farms, poisoning major water supplies, bombing the Japan Wallstreet to cause a market crash and his last crime was him setting off Mt Fuji by stuffing it with so many bombs that earthquakes rock Japan on the 10 and upper scale," Sunset said reading through the articles. "So that's why things look so run down," Trixie said having seen things here and there that needed to be fix or replace. "Yeah the market really crash and with Deku also releasing information that the hero agencies have been hiding about the heroes working in said agencies, like that fire hero what his name who replace All Might in cannon as number one hero. All the information about him being a abusive father and husband came out with how he cause his son to kill himself and drove his wife mad all came out. He's no longer a hero and his kids all left him with them doing what they can to help their mom now, and him unable to go out without reporters mobbing him. He's awaiting a court hearing about his son's death as it's being treated as a murder case thanks to public outcry about it and being world wide news," Sunset said. "From what I read in the paper the hero agencies are closing down and many heroes have lost their licenses. The whole hero culture has fallen apart and the government along with it because of how the government branch that handles the heroes had been hiding crimes that some of the heroes have done and only allowing those with flashy powers to be heroes to look good to the public. And because of how Deku revealed the truth about All Might being like him without powers and how it's because he destroyed his dream of being a hero because he didn't had powers, is the reason why he became a villain in the first place. Has cause people to lose their faith in him and all the heroes as well," Twilight said. "Tell me about it," Sunset said still looking at her phone. "The hero schools are now allowing students without powers and those who had powers but weren't seen flashy enough to be a hero. They also replace that hero Eraser something with the eye power to depower people as a teacher seeing how he expels students, who Deku recruited to be his minions and actually teach them how to use their powers. The minions once captured revealed how the schools and agencies expel them while letting the students with the flashy powers stay no matter how bad they are, because of their flashy powers. The schools and hero agencies that are left are doing everything to improve their image by doing what they can to get students without powers to join, by giving those who sign up gadgets and power armor. Which is what Deku used as a villain, showing how anyone given the right tools can be strong. And also the ones with less flashy powers to join up too with the teachers no longer able to expel any student unless they commit a crime. And to make sure there are cameras in all the classrooms so that the teachers will always be on camera so they have to do their jobs and follow the new rules." (1) "They're really going all out to look good," Captain Planet said. "Yeah according to some of the post of the students. The schools don't want to look bad by expelling students or having students leave because of how they're treated. Some schools have already closed because of that," Sunset said. "So what happen to All Might?" Trixie ask. "He's a fallen hero now keeping out if sight out of shame for being the one who made Deku into a villain. Not to mention he can't use his power anymore because of him going over his limit. He's going to give his power to the first non-powered hero who becomes a pro-hero," Sunset said. "He's not going to pick or train them himself?" Naruto ask. "No he's not as he stated that he lost the right to pass judgement when his mistake cost so many lives. He and the older heroes are part of the old system and the new ones to take their places. But the turnout for new students are low with some classes only having 5 students at the smallest because of the low turnout rate. Till a new hero comes along to inspire people and for them to put their faith in, the hero culture is dying," Sunset said. "Then what about the villains?" Kasumi ask. "The would be students just switch to police schools to train there," Twilight said. "Oh yeah there are police here who have powers already," Naruto said thinking about it. "So why don't the heroes just be cops when it isn't like Marvel or DC where for some reason people with powers can't... wait thinking about it. That's dumb in not letting people with powers be in law enforcement when there are supervillains with powers around." (2) "Worlds where that happen there isn't much bang like in worlds where costume heroes are around. And that most heroes in those worlds don't want to be held back by red tape and all that," Trixie said. "Hey, I have an idea for something we can do," Twilight said. "Oh not this again," Sunset said as she and Trixie shared a look as they seen the face Twilight is making. ! In another My Hero Academia world - Izuku Midoriya stared down at the destroyed giant robot the zero-pointer. He remember the stories his mentor told him about his adventures and how that all giant robots have a weak point if you know what to look for. The zero-pointer's weak point was the fuel port where the the engineers fuel the engine that powers the robot. Thanks to a girl with gravity powers giving him a boost, he made it up on top of the robot and stuff a pipebomb he made and used the parachute he's been wearing to jump off as the robot blew up once the blast made it's way down into the main fuel tank. He landed right in front of the girl Uraraka who he saved after her legs were caught under some rubble. The other students gathered around him cheering. The staff of the school who have been watching were all shock seeing what just happen. The only one that wasn't was the mentor of the only powerless child trying to enter the school of heroes. "As, I said the kid only needed a chance to show what he can do and for someone to believe in him," Duke McQueen said. "You taught him how to make a bomb?" All Might ask. "One thing I learned after ending up on an alien planet. Is that you never know when you be able to pick up a weapon when you need it. So it's better to have something at hand and know how to make it," McQueen said. (3) "You're still going on with you being a space hero?" Nezu ask. It's been months since McQueen in that retro looking spaceship crash in the city and him claiming to be an space hero who doesn't have powers. And that he's from the early 1900's where his plane flew into a wormhole ending with him in another galaxy and thanks to how time works while being in a wormhole he ended into the far future. Everyone just figures he's an American who got his hands on a ship and ended up crashing in Japan. The only one who believes him is Uraraka who was the first one to greet him and became his student. "I given up in getting anyone here to believe me. All I need is one person who believes in me as I do with him," McQueen said. "It's just sad that, I have to go." "You're finally going back to America?" All Might ask. "No, back to space," McQueen said as he pointed to the large spaceship suddenly appearing in the sky above the school. McQueen just walk out of the control center ignoring the heroes trying to get him to answer their questions. He walk till he got to the training grounds where a small shuttle was waiting for him. Sunset in her 12 foot tall giant form and Trixie were waiting for him, with the things he wanted to give his student. And speaking of which he was there waiting for him with the other kids who have crowded around the pair and their ship. "You're really leaving?" Izuku ask. "Sorry kid but there isn't anything left for me here and the family I left back in space. All the people I met and befriended are waiting for me. And you who, I been training and mentoring all of this time. You no longer need me to hold onto the handles of the bike. You know how to ride now and it's time for you to learn how to do it your own way," McQueen said as he kneels down to meet Izuku's eye level. "You knew, I would be leaving once someone answer my S.O.S." "I just thought you would be here longer," Izuku said losing the man who believed in him when no one else did. "I'm sorry kid but, I only return here because, I thought I still had people waiting for me here. I'm part of the Star Commands that, I help start to bring peace and help the Galactic Alliance to expand," McQueen said. "I'm going to miss you," Izuku said hugging McQueen who return his hug. "I know kid, I'll miss you too," McQueen said. "Cheer up kid you got to be personally trained by a living legend. Who is known as the greatest current hero alive in 3 galaxies. Well you can argue in 5 or 6 if you're really reaching," Trixie said. "McQueen here has saved those galaxies many times over. From one tyrant, warlord, and space creatures. Using nothing but the skills he has picked up here and there. That was before he started using the standard space ranger suit," Sunset said. "That reminds me. You two have it right?" McQueen ask. "Here it is," Sunset said as she pulls out a spacesuit. "I am leaving you but it doesn't mean I'm not going to be leaving you something to remember me by," McQueen said as he gave Izuku the suit. "Standard Space Ranger suit, the fabric is an armored something or whatever and has a force field to add another layer of protection. Has a collapsible helmet that allows you to survive in just about any environment, inbuilt jetpack and wrist mounted energy blasters. In built servos that increases your strength and has an auto repair system where it will just repair itself using materials you give it. And the whole suit will reshape itself to fit you," McQueen said. "Don't forget the genetic lock that will prevent anyone but you to be able to use the suit," Trixie adds. "From now on kid you're a cadet of Star Command of this planet," McQueen said. A Mr Gutsy appeared next to McQueen. "And this is a Mr. Gutsy who will takeover for me in your training and will help you in the upkeep of your equipments." "What equipments?" Izuku ask looking around and saw nothing. "Subspace pocket," Mr. Gutsy said as it pulls out a long metal rode out of a side compartment on it's side. "Super advance alien tech," McQueen explains. "Goodbye McQueen. Thank you for believing in me," Izuku said. "And remember if you don't like how things work here in this school. There is no shame in going to another whose teaching style is right for you. I didn't train you like the others, I mentored. I taught each of them differently as you aren't like my last student and she wasn't like you. You can just see what the other schools are like or even try schools in other countries," McQueen said. "I'm sure there be plenty of schools and countries who would love to have a space hero. Besides these heroes on this planet," Trixie said waving to the teachers who followed McQueen. "Sure I guess they're ok but space heroes are the ones who go out and protect entire planets and handle things that planet bound heroes can't." "Go to another school or country?" Izuku asked. "You're still young and just because you don't meet the standards of this school. Doesn't mean it's the only path for you. Just go and find the one that works for you and show what a real hero is. By not just being the most flashy or have the coolest power. By doing the right thing when no one else will. Like when you were the only one who was willing to try to save bomb boy from that slime villain when no one else would had," McQueen said. "But with that said and how he continues to treat you even after saving his life. You don't have to keep saving someone like that. Some people who refuse to change aren't worth saving. I learned that too many times where, I kept saving someone who never earned me risking my life and having it thrown back in my face, till I finally let them die." "I remember the stories you told me," Izuku said. "Learn from them and the mistakes that I made in them. And remember that killing isn't the hardest thing you can ever do, it's the easiest," McQueen said as he enters the ship followed by Sunset and Trixie. The door closed and the ship lifted up into the air and flew back to the bigger ship. The bigger ship lifted up into the air becoming smaller and smaller till it disappeared from sight. Leaving behind Izuku still holding onto the spacesuit with his new robot teacher, to remember the space hero who believed that a boy without powers could become a hero. "