Only Fools Rush In

by The Mad Clopper

2: Falling in Love

Thomas couldn’t get over the fact of how light ponies were. Looking at them, you’d swear they weighed an easy couple hundred pounds for such small things. After all, they’re built like small horses, and he remembered horses could weigh in the tons back home. Yet when the need came, such as when he’d grabbed Rainbow Dash and Applejack by the napes of their necks, they were practically weightless. Was it a cartoon-like rule, where their weight only mattered when the time needed it? Was it some Rodger-Rabbit-like trickery being played? They could sure punch with enough weight and momentum behind a hoof, or kick. 

He hated when they kicked.

Speaking of weightless ponies, it was now Rarity’s turn to be carried by the human. Cradling her in his right arm, his left hand was supporting her back. They were locked in a passionate embrace; her hugging his neck, and their mouths glued together, using flowery adjectives like in a trashy romance novel.

The walk up the stairs was interesting, to say the least. Based on the past encounters playing in his head, he noted Trixie loved to lead. She loved to tease, and would make him follow her up the stairs, giving him a generous view of what was to come. Although, during the action scenes, she rarely gave any hints of her enjoyment save for a subtle moan or curse thrown his way.

The previous mare he’d had in his bed was so plastered -hell, he was too-  he didn’t even remember how they got back to his place, let alone his bedroom. Only that the next morning he woke up with a lot of crop marks on his ass.

She was a cherry farmer, or so he thought. Cherry Jessabelle or something of the sort?

His door was already ajar, so with a simple kick of his foot the door swung open, smacking into the wall.

Thomas couldn’t get over the idea that he’d carried this unicorn mare all the way up, without tumbling, or even a single trip on the stairs. It went totally against his usual drunken behavior, alcohol consumption be damned. Although he could still feel the buzz of it in his system, it didn’t seem as potent as it should for what he’d drunk tonight. If the flushed red face of Rarity was to be believed, she was still right at that perfect level of any sex is good sex. That, or maybe he really did still have it.

Trixie never really complimented him in bed, so tonight would tell.

Ignoring the open door, Thomas made way for his bed, kicking off his left boot with a one foot hop that nearly did send them to the floor. Finally, leaning his left shoulder against the wall, he kicked off the other boot. He left his socks on, and pulled Rarity away from him, their lips parting.

“Now what do you think you’re-”

She found herself being tossed haphazardly onto his bed, bouncing a couple times, making the springs groan.

The next goal was his pants; struggling, he began undoing his belt. However, his hands got a tingling sensation, and were drawn away.

“Now now, Mister Baker, you said so yourself, the undressing is the fun part.”

Thomas couldn’t help but grin, and his hands were once again returned to him. Slowly, he took a step towards the bed, then another, all the while a dull blue glow shone from his waist, giving his bedroom a little light.

His belt came off first. Another step towards his bed. Then he felt the button and zipper being undone, and allowed his jeans to fall to the floor, stepping out of them as he continued to draw near.

The only articles of clothing left were his socks and boxers with his shirt on Rarity. He felt a tug on his waistband, but licked his finger and touched it to her horn, stopping the magic.

“Now now, we’re not there yet,” he said in a mocking jest.

Rarity rolled her eyes.

“Oh please, darling, I’m not in the mood for any foreplay. I’m horny, tipsy, and I’m ready.”

Thomas grinned. Just the kind of women I like. “Fine by me, but I wanna finish opening my present first.”

Sitting up, Rarity cocked a brow. 

“But, it’s not Hearth's Warming. That analogy doesn’t really serve-”

The bed protested to the added weight of Thomas as he knelt onto the mattress, and touched lips once again with Rarity. He pushed against her, the two slowly falling back so that Rarity’s lower croup, and then her back, landed onto the soft comforter, absorbing her slow descent. His hands were on either side of her shoulders, pressed down into his bed, which positioned him above her, kissing all the while.

Thomas’ tongue battled brave with the mare’s, but eventually hers would be victorious. He’d let out a huff of air through his nose, and she’d return one as well. Kissing, while fun in its own right, was not what both of them wanted to be doing all night. He pulled away once more, sitting up against the backs of his legs, kneeling with both of his legs on either side of her.

Then, slowly, Thomas ran his hands over his shirt on the mare, feeling the faintest trace of ribs in all the right places. Nearing his breast pocket, the long lost twinge of missing a human woman’s breasts was overlooked by the soft fur a pony had covering them.

As he traced his hands along her, Rarity could not help but let out small giggles, a hiccup or two escaping as her face blushed. Once Thomas reached the collar, he began slowly unbuttoning the shirt down her barrel.

“I’m beginning to see the appeal in removing apparel.”

Thomas grinned. “Just wait until it’s your turn.”

“Maybe I can’t wait.”

Thomas stopped mid way down, feeling his boxers once again being tugged downward, the front of the clothing hung up on his bulge.

“Well, let it not be said that I left a lady waiting.”

Rarity smirked, and her horn died with an audible snap of his boxers on his rear.

The hairs along Thomas’ back stood on end. It’s gonna be that crazy cherry farmer all over again, isn’t it?

Finishing with the last button, Thomas couldn’t help but appreciate the fact that his shirt had done absolutely nothing to hide any of her naughty bits. Breasts? They were much lower, right along the main prize. Teats would be the more appropriate word he’d been taught once upon a time, but there was still that part of him that missed the feel of a busty woman.

Not that mares couldn’t also be busty, however that held other implications that Thomas tried his darndest to not pay attention to when he was at Amethyst’s home before, during, or after nursing time.

Ponies were weird. Then again, he’d thrown out his inhibitions about going native years ago. He saw that movie with the blue, tailed, space-indians before he left Earth, and he’d tap that. This wasn’t so different.

The shirt was still on by the sleeves along Rarity’s forelegs. Hilariously too long, she had rolled them up at some point. Leaning forward, just above where a woman’s navel would be, he began nibbling along the much thinner fur of her barrel, working his way up towards her head.

Rarity was letting out small coo’s of delight, eyes looking down at the human. Finding her forehooves with much more maneuverability now that the shirt buttons weren’t holding her leg movements back, she touched the sides of his head, running her hooves along his scalp in small circles.

One of those hooves hovered over his right ear, and he pulled his lips from her fur, already knowing where this was going.

“My ear’s aren’t as sensitive, so no, they’re not a possible erogenous area.”

“Oh pity. I do love a pony’s ears.”

Thomas smirked. “That’s okay, I got other places.”

“Oh? I’m all ears.”

“Sorry, you should have asked Trixie.”

For a moment, Thomas saw a glint in her eyes break past the alcohol fog. Before she could speak, he lowered back to her barrel, quickening his pace up towards her chin, his hands now finding both her dock and flanks in need of attention.

“Oooooh, those hands.”

Thomas nipped at her chin, then straightened his back so he was face to face once more proper. 

“That’s not even the half of it.”

The action of moving forward did two things: Brought him closer so he could look at her, and lowered him down so that his still trapped erection rubbed against her tits. Rarity’s blush jumped ten fold, her entire face went crimson.

Thomas wiggled his hips, and he already knew he had her.

Before he could move further down, Rarity let out a lady- like cough, catching his attention.

“Yes?” Thomas asked.

“Um, Darling, I just had a thought. Before we get too excited.”

Thomas looked down at his bulging erection between her two crotch tits.

“I’m pretty sure we’re beyond that point.”

“No, I mean, that is to say…” Rarity’s eyes moved from his face, looking at one of the walls. “I… neglected to bring some personal items.”

Thomas blinked, and then his grin grew wider. 

“Oh. Oh. What, like a condom or something? The Pill? Pfft, I’m pretty sure I’d have heard by now if I’d actually achieved to knock up a pony. No, there’s like, no way it can happen.” Then, a thought struck. “But you’re worried about it. You’re such a dirty, naughty mare.”

Rarity’s eyes shot back to him, just in time for him to kiss her once more.

This one was much quicker, and Rarity couldn’t help but pant in his face when he pulled away, and began whispering into her ear.

“Forgetting your protection like that, deep in the throws of passion with any stallion.” He said as Rarity shivered. “Pinning you to the bed, tearing away at your dress to have his way with you, plowing your ass for all it’s white tushy worth.” 

Rarity was absolutely shaking from Thomas’ huskily whispered words in her ear.He suddenly grabbed her forelegs in his hands, forcing them outstretched to her side, pinning her. 

“What says you we quit screwing around, and get right to the screwing?” he whispered.

Rarity gulped. As rough as this was starting to go… oh how did she just want this.

Thomas began sliding down her barrel, his thick haired chest running along the thin fur of her stomach. A gasp escaped the mare, as he reached her sensitive teats. He’d let go of her forelegs, but she held them far out from her body, not daring to move them down to shove his face in between those small mounds.

A lady did not beg, after all. And that was probably a sign of begging… probably.

At some point, Thomas backed up, shifting so he wasn’t about to fall off his bed, and hovered his chin above Rarity’s tits. While not the big, plump human breasts, they were still something to marvel at, to touch, suckle, and their position closer to a mare’s goods made them a fantastic spot to tease when eating her out.

Huffing his breath over one of the small bumps, the other hand began to play with the other breast. Rubbing, squeezing, all the while he leaned down more to give one of her nipples a soft lick, teasing suck here and there.

Rarity’s panting was getting more intense, and she fought to speak. “Darling.... I thought… huff, we were skipping the…”

Thomas’ other free hand squeezed her flank, causing the mare to squeak, and her rear legs to squeeze against his head.

“I lied.”

“You… you…”

“Go ahead, say it.”


“Close.” Thomas gave another squeeze of her right teat, rubbing the tip of his tongue on the left.

Another gasp. “Brute! Beast!”

“Nope, try again.” Removing his hand from her tit, he slapped her right flank, now using both hands to massage and squeeze those areas of plump fat. His face buried in between her two breast mounds, and he rubbed his cheeks and chin against them.


“That’s the stuff!” Thomas couldn’t smile bigger if he had a pony’s muzzle.

Pulling his face and hands away, he couldn’t help but look over the quivering mess that was once a pony. Now, she was his plaything, and before she could fully recover and turn the tables (which all women/mares eventually do to him), he needed to get to some fun. Taking a rear leg in each hand, he spread them open, gently rubbing his hands down her inner thighs, and spreading them to reveal his true prize.

Back to the fact of pony anatomy being a strange thing, Thomas had been left awake at nights (when he’d been short on alcohol), just thinking about how similar a pony’s genitals were to that of a real horse back home. He was not a biologist, or whatever they were called, and hadn’t spent much time looking at horses’ privates, on the rare occasion he was out in the more rural Michigan towns.

So were they? Similar? It was still a mystery, looking at Rarity’s darker privates, watching her folds opening from her clitoris winking at him, he could see the similarities to women back home, albeit few. An idle thought of his youth came to mind, the wise words of his father when he’d broached the topic of dating a black chick.

“Son, no matter what color their skin, they’re all pink on the inside.”

Wiser words had never been told to his fifteen year old self. Although, the advice he’d learn a few years later of don’t stick your dick in crazy would have been helpful.

I guess some lessons are learned through blood, sweat, and the sharing of bodily fluids.

His alcohol riddled mind was constantly wandering, so Thomas knew he needed to get right into the action before Rarity regained her composure and took over.

He waited for one of the timed winks, and once the pink nub had popped out, he stuck his face right down into her folds, his lips wrapping themselves around the small pink flesh. Rarity let out a gasp, and Thomas took that as his cue to run his tongue over it. Already, she was just dripping with fluids. She was either a very easy mare, or he did still have it.

Self doubts aside, Thomas continued sucking and licking Rarity’s moist pussy, allowing her clit a break from his playful nature here and there. The mare herself was moaning with pleasure, demanding more, more, more.

Alcohol made time work improper. Had it been a minute? Five? However long it had been, between licks of his tongue, and hands fondling her flanks and tits, Thomas was suddenly startled by a loud cry of ecstasy, and his face being washed in a healthy dose of mare fluids.

Backing away, he licked his lips and removed his hands from the mare. 

“Well, that was a treat,” he said.

Thomas allowed Rarity a few moments to collect herself, and sooner than he thought she was sitting up, face red and ears twitching. 


“Glad I hadn’t lost my touch,” Thomas said, smiling.

“Maybe. However, there’s one thing left to take care of.”


Thomas felt a strange twinge on his leg, and quickly stood to make sure it wasn’t a cramp starting. With a knowing smirk, Rarity’s magic continued to glow and grabbed his boxers. Third time's the charm, as she finally dropped the clothing to the floor, exposing Thomas’ manhood to the mare in all it’s… uh…


Thomas blinked. “What?”

“Well, it’s just…”

“It’s just what?

“Not what I expected.”

Thomas looked confused. “Are we sobering up? Like, do we need to back away, or…”

Rarity silenced the human with a zip of his lips. 

“Oh hush, you. I’m the Element of Generosity, for Celestia’s sake. You had your turn to please, so it is only fair I give back.”

Glaring at the mare, Thomas crossed his arms, silent. Rarity removed the zipper from his lips.

“So what was with that expression?”

“What expression, Darling?”

Thomas waved his finger at her. “Oh no, don’t you dare try that. I’m a professional drunk, so I’m like, less fucked than you are.”

“That is true, I’ve already come to orgasm once.”

Thomas opened his mouth to argue, but stopped, lowering his hand.

“Well, I can’t argue with that logic.”

Watching Rarity roll onto her barrel and crawl along the mattress towards himself, Thomas remained standing along the bedside, fully erect. Quickly, the mare found her snout within inches of the human’s penis, studying something she’d never seen before.

A human penis, something he swore she mumbled under her breath.

As she blew a hot breath on the extremity, Thomas held back a shiver as Rarity smiled when it twitched, and he himself let out a held breath. Wasting no time, Rarity opened her muzzle and ran her tongue around his head, leaving a helpful lather of her saliva as she traced along the unusually pointed flare.

Stallion anatomy was not one of Thomas’ hobbies, but even he knew that there were differences in shape, size, and performance.

Other than Trixie, no mare had ever complained about any of his attributes, or given him a side by side comparison from memory.

He could have seen the purple one, Twilight, doing something like that.

Thomas let another shudder take over his body, a combination of the slightly unwanted mental image and Rarity’s muzzle working along his shaft. Her tongue working along the underside, although oddly sticking to the mid way point of the shaft. He reached his hands out to grab her head, but with a flick of magic, they were shoved aside.

Even half drunk and in the throws of sexual stimulation, she didn’t want her mane touched.

It wasn’t twenty strokes of her muzzle on his shaft before Rarity pulled back, a saliva trail between her and his penis.

“I do last a bit longer than that, you know,” Thomas said with a frown.

Rarity didn’t give him the courtesy of responding, instead she turned around, tail flicking and giving his left side a light hearted wack. It also helped give him a glorious view of her darker nethers as her tail remained along his left side, twitching with gentle strokes. The curve of her well rounded flanks that would, at particular angles, hide the jewel of any female anatomy, species barriers be damned.

Tails were quite the thing. Gave you something to pull on, run your fingers through since it was a lot harder to reach a mare’s mane when giving her a good pounding. He’d seen bite marks on a mare’s neck before, along her mane, but could never connect the dots.

More weird pony things. Then again, he’d had some crazy big hickies in his youth…

His dick was still good and wet, and watching the mare before him winking at him stirred him to move. Her rump was nearly to the bed edge, which worked just fine for him. Going at a mare from behind was always a challenge, because between the height differences, there was never any good common ground.

Thomas wanted to believe the meticulous mare had seen this early on and knew what she wanted. Or both their alcohol fogged minds just didn’t care at this point and said screw it.

Thomas shrugged. “Okay, screw it.”

Rarity didn’t acknowledge him talking, instead giving his left side another pat from her tail. Taking his penis in his hand, he leaned forward, rubbing it along her folds. Down the middle, up along a side, down the other side, back up the middle. Her winks were not as frantic or prudent as they were before her orgasm, but if anything he’d learned, most women could go for a while before tiring.

Mares were even more prone to this.

Alcohol was a wonder drug of sorts for his libido and sex drive. He wasn’t embarrassed to say he was a typical, normal man that on a good day would go a good ten minutes before being done. Those old XXX tapes he had were all a crock of shit. That being said, alcohol usually gave him a little bit less time, although he was usually more sluggish and less attentive to recieving the pleasure, as opposed to giving it out.

As she’d said before, Rarity was the… something of Generosity, so she was a generous mare of some sort. Sure, he could work with that. In the last half hour his mind had begun to clear, although there were still blurs in his vision and he knew he was forgetting something in the back of his mind.

Oh well.

At an insistent push against his shaft, he couldn’t help but smile as the white mare before him would aid in moving her rump along with his hand on his dick. Enough was enough, it was his turn for fun. Letting go, he placed both hands on her diamond studded flanks, and gave a gentle push forward.


There wasn’t much emotion behind that coo, but it was still something at least.

He continued to gently push forward, all the way into the mare as his groin pressed against her dock and flanks. 

“Are your doubts cleared?” Thomas asked, giving her flanks a light slap.

“They would be if you’d put that thing to use.”

Thomas laughed. “That sounded a lot like…”

Rarity turned her head back, giving Thomas a knowing look.

Not giving her the pleasure of responding, he began pulling back until just his head was inside, then gently pushed forward again. He started up a nice, slow rhythm, with Rarity occasionally pushing back. Moans were shared, the quiet thrusting only interrupted by an occasional slap of a flank, or whip like smack of her tail on his side.

As the pounding continued, picking up pace, Rarity’s horn let off a soft glow. A random small spark would shoot off if Thomas angled a thrust a little to the left or right, and an audible “Oh!” accompanied it.

Man, I really do still have it.

After a few minutes of that, his pounding became faster, audible slaps of his hips on her flanks making the room echo with grunts, moans, and wet suction. The amazing muscle movements of her inner walls on his dick were trying their hardest to push him further, faster, and suck his rod for everything it had. Occasionally, he’d try to pull all the way out, but the mare was having none of that and would clamp her muscles down until he got the message and pushed back in.

Damn were ponies something else.

Thomas had a good rhythm going, one hand giving her right flank a slap while the other played with her dock and occasionally fingering her ass, when suddenly he felt a shiver. Rarity’s tail wrapped around his left leg thigh, and his world turned to pain.

He stumbled back, hitting his wall and falling to the ground, left leg convulsing.

“Shit, shit, shit!”

Kicking out his heel to try and stretch the muscle, Thomas couldn’t help but notice Rarity was still rocking in place, but her ears were twitching wildly. Quickly realizing something was amiss from lack of stimulation, she turned around. Eyes going big seeing him on the floor massaging his leg, Rarity was quick to jump down to the floor with all four hooves making an audible clop.

“Oh dear, what happened?”

Thomas grit his teeth, rubbing his hands along his left calf. 

“Damn cramps, too much booze and not enough water.”

Rarity was off like a shot, out of the room and down the stairs. For a few minutes, Thomas sat on the floor working his leg. It wasn’t five minutes before Rarity returned, although missing his shirt, and a glass of water in her magic. 

“I found a sink in the back room, and this… mostly clean glass.”

“That’s fine,” Thomas said, taking the floating cup and downing the glass.

“Are you okay?”

Nodding, Thomas set the empty glass on the floor and went to stand.

Rarity was there in an instant, helping support the nude human, eyes hovering on his softening member.

“Well, that spoiled the mood.”

Thomas couldn’t see her grin, but felt the tingle of magic on his penis.

Shit that’s cold!”

“Well, Darling, I don’t expect you to stand for any more of our time, but you’ve yet to have your fill it would seem.”

The tingle went down to his balls, giving them a good rub.

Oh shit I forget how unicorns are…

Thomas sat onto the edge of his bed, the magic touch fading. Rarity jumped up, placing her forelegs on either side of his hips, her face level with his chest. Looking down at the mare, he couldn’t help but smile. 

“Sorry I killed it.”

Rarity looked down at his now hard shaft, then back up to his face with a confused look.

“Or… not? Huh.”

Suddenly, Thomas watched as those alcohol fogged eyes grew predatory, and she placed a hoof on his chest, pushing him back. From her angle, she could not follow him down, but he got the hint and laid on his back. Rarity moved to the side, jumping up on the bed, following Thomas with her eyes as he shifted, scooting up so that his head was on a pillow and laying parallel with his bed.

“Do you have something in mind, then?” Thomas asked.

Her eyes lingered on his, then slowly she looked down at his fully erect penis. Walking along his mattress, he shifted back and forth with the movements, until she was standing over him, slightly lowered so that her breasts were tickling his penis head.

“I have a few suggestions.”

“Well by all means, please proceed.”

Rarity leaned forward, giving a quick kiss on the lips. 

“I’m sorry for calling you a jackass,” she said.

“Don’t be.”

“No, really, I-”

Thomas reached his hands over her croup, and with a firm grip slammed her down onto his awaiting shaft.

“OOOOH!” Rarity all but whispered, moaning as Thomas gave a couple upward thrusts, but stopped when his cramped leg began to protest.

“So, am I still a jackass?” he asked with a smile.

Rarity’s eyes grew that predatory look again, and she placed both forehooves on his chest, digging into his skin. Her frogs squeezed, grabbing and pulling on chest hairs.

Lifting her rear off his dick, she came down much more gentle like, and began riding Thomas cowgirl style. The occasional gyration of her flanks, mixed with her muscles clamping and clit winking, was already putting Thomas near the edge once again. Better yet, she was doing all the hard work, with him only giving a small thrust when appropriate.

As Rarity’s pace grew, she began leaning forward, forehooves sliding off his chest and digging into the mattress on his sides. Thomas removed his left hand from her flank, and rubbed it along her side, running circles in her fur. At one point he went to try and reach under her for a nipple, but he didn’t have the arm length, and was feeling lazy and didn’t want to lean up.

Plus, her horn was pointed right at his face.

Rarity’s pace was picking up feverishly, and he knew that soon they’d both be done. He was close, and by her movements so was she.

Suddenly, Rarity leaned forward, almost laying her barrel on his stomach, and bit down on his shoulder. Hard.

Thomas groaned at the pain, only marginally thankful ponies had such blunt teeth. Didn’t change how hard they could bite, he had to remember, but still, better than having canines biting and drawing blood.

He had some crazy ex’s.

He could feel a lot of moisture around his balls and pelvis, so he knew she was there. Thomas returned his hands to her flanks, and putting his cramped leg in the back of his mind began meeting her drops with his own thrusts, until the pony had given up and just let him plow into her at full speed.

“Oh… oh… oh.. Oh..” she said, with each hammered thrust. “I’m… I’m gonna…”

“Yeah, that’s right, say my name.”

“Oh, Thomas!” He felt her inner muscles suddenly go vice like, restricting his movement.

“Trixie!” Thomas moaned, and felt his balls clench up.

Rarity pulled her face back from his shoulder, a pained expression on her face as she stared at him, all the while her mane bouncing with his thrusts. There was something there, Thomas could feel her eyes sizing him up, but his own orgasm had his attention pulled away from her gaze as he gave one final thrust.

The first pulse of sperm was the most intense, feeling like he was shooting out a river’s worth of fluids into the mare. The second, much more reserved, followed by a third and forth. After that, they became gentle twitches.

Rarity flopped onto his chest, making his still hard member to poke at one of her inner walls, causing a shudder he felt vibrate in his rib cage.

Thomas was wet with mare fluids, sweaty from both of their bodies, and sore. Oh he was sore, but it felt good.

But a few moments later, his now soft dick came out, chilled by the cool night air, but he didn’t mind any bit. Rarity was resting on him, a hoof playing with a particular long strand of chest hair, and rubbing her muzzle under his neck, eyes closed.

Laying back, panting away, Thomas ran a hand through her messy mane, which she did not protest in the slightest.

“That… was fun,” Thomas said with a small laugh.

Rarity picked her head up, looking him in the eyes.

“That… was nice,” Rarity whispered.

“What?” Thomas stared back, confused by this sudden mood shift.

Opening her mouth to talk, Rarity paused, and shook her head, returning it back to under his chin.

They lay like that for a few moments, and before long the gentle snores of Rarity took over the quiet room.

Still awake, he continued to stroke Rarity’s mane. For the fun he had, he could not help but feel a gut wrenching blow inside, like he’d made some terrible mistake. 

It’s not like Trixie and I are together.

Closing his eyes, he tried to put the thoughts in the back of his mind while imagining the arguments the morning would surely bring.