Only Fools Rush In

by The Mad Clopper

1: I Can't Help

The inside of Thomas’ business and home was pitch black as Rarity struggled to find any sort of light switch. Thankfully the familiar glow of Trixie’s magic was seen grabbing onto a switch, taking the knob and twisted it to turn on the single overhead light.

Thomas was last to enter, shying away from the light.

“Times like this I prefer candle light, or even oil lamps,” he grumbled.

Rarity let out a ladylike laugh. “Yes, but I imagine the lack of worrying over your easily flammable wood products is a boon, no?”

Thomas shrugged. “You make an excellent…” he suppressed a belch, “point.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Yes, I do.”

Trixie gagged, sticking out her tongue.

“Well, Thomas, I think this is where we say our goodnights,” Rarity said, glancing at Trixie.

“Oh? Is that so?” Thomas kneeled down, giving Rarity a questioned look.

“Well, what else is there to do? You’ve had your party, we’ve all had some drinks, and now it is time for bed.”

Thomas reached out, brushing Rarity’s mane away from her face.

“You are a horrible liar,” Thomas said, grinning.

“I’m sorry?”

“I’m flattered, really, that you’ve been eyeing me up since yesterday, but aren’t I a little old for you?”

Rarity blinked. “I think that is the first time I’ve been insulted by being called young.” Puffing her cheeks, she continued. “So what of it? Is it wrong to admire such a…  unique specimen?”

“Admire and lust are two different things.”

“Oh, so you think I’m lusting over you, is that so?”

“I may have been off balance, but I could hear you two clear as day outside. You like older men, eh?”

Now Rarity’s cheeks were flushed. I should have known…

“Well, as much as Trixie finds this…” she waved a hoof at the two, “amusing, she thinks it’s time to sleep. Thomas, Trixie will be in the usual spot. If anything’s wrong, you know where to find her. Although, she’d prefer it if you didn’t.”

With that, she marched upstairs, a slight flick to her tail.

“My my, somepony’s jealous.” Rarity put a hoof to her mouth. “Oh dear, I said that out loud.”

“Yeah, alcohol does that to ya,” Thomas said, sitting on the floor with his legs crossed. “Now, the question is what to do with you.”

Rarity raised a brow. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Thomas leaned forward, touching his nose to Rarity’s. He then huskily whispered, breathing on the mare, “I mean, what do I do with a tipsy unicorn?”

Rarity’s eyelids drooped. Oh, his breath is just foul. Then again, mine isn’t so fresh either...  

“Oh? What am I to do with a drunken fool?” She also let out a breath at Thomas.

Thomas took that as his que, and tilted his head, pressing his lips against Rarity’s. She couldn’t help but notice how dry and chapped they were, but her inhibitions were back at Sunny’s, tucked away in her suitcase.

She pressed back against his lips, her tongue ready at the chance to act. His face structure was much different she couldn’t help notice. While her muzzle was longer, and protruded from her face, Thomas’ mouth was flat. His nose was a separate entity that stuck out, and he had to tip his head farther than a regular pony needed to achieve good contact. Not in a bad way, as she began to feel Thomas run one of his hands down her neck, and under his shirt still on her back.

With her magic, she began to pull the shirt off, but Thomas stopped her with a bite of her lower lip.

“No, leave it on.”

Rarity pushed her tongue against his teeth. A shudder ran through her as she felt his canines.

“Oh? Do you humans prefer to make love clothed?”

Thomas let go of her lip, and parted his teeth so his tongue could touch hers as their lips met again. He hummed, and Rarity could feel the vibrations through her muzzle.

He parted from her mouth, their saliva on each others lips.

“No, the fun part is undressing.”

Rarity couldn’t help but wag her tail.

“I’ve had some customers from Canterlot tell me that. Never done it myself.”

Thomas grinned, “Well, I’ll have to show you what you’ve been missing out on.” He pulled her closer with both hands. She made contact, chest to chest, with Thomas. Her halfway exposed coat rubbed, thanks to the large collar, onto his bare chest.

No, not bare. He does have hair there, just not as thick as on his head. Interesting…

Rarity couldn’t help but run a hoof over the short hair, tickling her frog as she did so. Thomas leaned forward again and connected lips, this time she gladly gave him permission with parted teeth, and their tongues began to touch one another. Exploring, meshing; two muscles, parts of their bodies connecting.

She couldn’t help but notice she was winking, her tail lifted.

She also couldn’t help but notice that Thomas was fully aware of this, and had one of his hands under his shirt on Rarity’s back, scratching along her spine and towards her dock.

Those hands, how Trixie does not take him for herself I cannot understand!

Rarity rested her other forehoof onto Thomas’ lap, his denim jeans feeling extra tight near his upper thigh. Deciding to experiment, she removed the hoof on his chest, and wrapped it around his back, trying to mimic his motions down his spine.

He was, unfortunately, taller than her legs length, and couldn’t reach all the way down to his dock.

Oh right, no tail. What would that be called then?

At her hoof’s touch, Thomas continued to hum, as they continued to kiss long and deep. Every few seconds they’d separate, draw in a shared breath, and continue once more.

It was at one of these breaks that Rarity asked, “Do you understand the implications of sharing one’s breath, Tom?”

“Intimacy, from what I gathered. Trixie explained it to me once before.”

“Oh? And have you two also shared your breaths?”

Thomas pulled away, not much to completely lose physical contact, but enough for Rarity to notice.

“I’m sorry, Darling. I… this, we… it’s not right. You and Trixie-”

“Are not together.” Thomas gave the mare a sad look. “She’s independent. Once her wagon’s done and she pays up, she will leave. Just like the other times she’s come and gone.”

Rarity was silent a moment. Her right ear twitched towards the stairs, where she thought she heard a slight movement.

“Oh. I see. So that makes you two…”

“Enemies. With benefits. Considering I usually have some bite marks on my shoulders after a few rounds with her. Thankfully, ponies teeth aren’t sharp.”

Rarity hummed at the thought, then realized something.

“Did you say… rounds?”

Thomas’ down look shifted to a sly grin.

“If the mood’s right. I might not be able to compete on the size thing with stallions, but us humans were made for stamina.”

Before Rarity could ask, Thomas leaned forward to kiss. Rarity accepted, once again running her tongue against those canines. She wasn’t used to such sharp teeth against her tongue, but it made her excited with danger. Like prey and predator.

“You know, you could use some chapped stick,” Rarity said between breaths.

“You could use a breath mint.”

Rarity pushed back, hoof against his chest in mock disgust. “Why, the nerve! You dare say that to a lady amidst a fit of passion? I think the mood is ruined now.”

Thomas’s right hand, which Rarity could still feel on her dock, suddenly ran down her left flank and squeezed.

Rarity let out a gasp as her tail whipped madly.

“Hrmmm… no, I think you’re good.”

Rarity let out a pout, but slowly her frown shifted to a grin. “You’ve got a way with mares, don’t you?”

Thomas shrugged. “Only been with a couple, actually.”


“Now women, on the other hand…”

Rarity tapped her hoof against his chest. “Oh hush, you. I get it.”

Both laughed, and this time Rarity initiated the kiss, although not as intense, merely sharing lips. She bit his upper lip, a difficulty with his prominent nose, but managed to pull away slightly. With another squeeze of her flank, Rarity let go, and again kissed.

Thomas pulled away, breathing heavily. “You know, as much fun as I’m having right now, my ass is going numb from sitting on the floor. I think it’s time to take this upstairs.”

“Why, are you inviting me to your bed?”

“I was going to be polite and say my room, but if you’d like to jump right in then that’s fine by me.”

Rarity blushed, but smiled nonetheless.

“I think that’s a grand idea.”