My Little Pony: Continental Drift

by Dinopony2580

Back to Equestria; The Final Battle: Part 1

Meanwhile, back on Equestria, the mega fissure was only a few miles outside of Manehattan, slowly making it's way to the city.

Celestia was hoping it would stop right outside of Manehattan. Shining Armor, Cadence, and Starlight were hoping Twilight was alright and she'd make it back soon.

Starlight was sitting on the bench next to the train station, in deep thought. She was interrupted by Trixie. "Hi, Starlight" Trixie said walking over.

"Hi, Trixie" Starlight replied sadly. "What's the matter?" Trixie asked. "Take a wild guess" Starlight replied. "Oh, missing Twilight?" Trixie asked.

Starlight replied with a nod. Trixie then sat on the bench, putting her hoof around Starlight, trying to comfort her. "I'm sure they'll be back, soon" Trixie said.

Starlight just sagged and grew sad. A tear fell from her eye. Trixie felt bad for Starlight.

She wanted to try and cheer her up, but what could cheer her up at a time like this. Trixie just sat there and comforted her, doing the best she could.

Meanwhile, the land ship was a few hundred miles outside of Equestria. It was night and the Mane 9 were chilling or doing their own thing.

Rainbow was pacing around, Applejack was sleeping, with her hat over her head and eyes, and so was Fluttershy, Sloth, Rarity, and Spike.

Spike was curled up with Rarity. Leviathan and Twilight were keeping a look out, and Pinkie was still paralyzed. But, she noticed she could move her left ear.

"Hey! I can move my ear again. Wait, I'm talking and everything..." Pinkie jabbered on and on about everything. Twilight noticed Rainbow pacing.

"Everything alright, Rainbow?" Twilight asked. "Yeah, I just can't stop thinking about Stargazer" Rainbow replied. "Why is that?" Twilight asked.

"She did save our lives after all" Rainbow said. "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure we'll see her again" Twilight said comfortingly. "Yeah, you're right" Rainbow said.

She flew up to the front of the boat and watched the beautiful ocean, before finally, dozing off.

Morning came soon, and Twilight was the first to wake up. She stretched out completely, wings, legs, everything.

Leviathan was sound asleep, so was the rest of the gang. She flew over to the front of the boat, eyeing the ocean. But then, she saw land. She gasped in excitement.

"Guys! Wake up!" She screamed and immediately, everypony woke up. "What is it, Twilight?" Applejack asked. "Come here!" she said.

The Mane 8 walked over to where Twilight was at. They all saw the land. "Is that...Equestria!?" Pinkie asked. "It most certainly is" Twilight said.

Everypony cheered and Leviathan let out a thunderous roar in triumph.

Meanwhile, the mega fissure neared Manehattan. Celestia was keeping a close eye on it. "How long do you think she's been up there?" Starlight asked.

"Maybe for another hour or 2" Cadence said. Celestia was about to return to the others, but then, a tremor happened. She stayed up in the air and watched.

The others watched, too. The mega fissure came forward.

It split at where the bridge was at, causing the bridge to collapse into the bay between Manehattan and Equestria. But, it didn't stop there.

It continued on across the bay and up to Manehattan. It caused Manehattan to split in half. Ponies stayed free of the fissure, but now Manehattan was split in half.

The group was on the southern side. Celestia landed with the group. "Now, what!? Were trapped here!" Trixie said in fear.

"Don't worry, Trixie. Celestia will fix things, right?" Starlight asked. "I'm sorry, Starlight. My magic can't revert continental drift" Celestia said. Trixie grew scared.

Then, Shining Armor had an idea. "Let's head down the beach. We should be safe there" he said. The group agreed and they headed towards the beach.

The Mane 6 were only a few miles outside of Manehattan. Pinkie was keeping an eye out, so was everypony else.

Twilight saw Manehattan in view, though a thick blanket of fog blocked most of the city. But then, 2 tall building started falling, along with some others.

"Shining Armor! Cadence! Celestia! Starlight!?" Twilight shouted as the buildings fell. Everypony gasped.

Twilight fell to her knees, couldn't help but bare the pain that struck her heart. She then started crying. Rainbow immediately comforted her.

Soon, everypony else joined in to where it became a group hug. But then, a cry was heard that sounded like Starlight.

Another was heard, but it sounded like Cadence. "Did you here that? "Twilight asked. "Yeah, I heard it" Rainbow said.

Twilight scanned around, and finally, she saw Starlight and Cadence. "Is that..?" Applejack said. "Yes! It's them!" Twilight said excited.

"Twilight!" Cadence and Starlight said at he same time, excited. "Starlight! Cadence! Hang on! I'm coming" Twilight said turning the boat.

But then, a familiar face walked out of the mist, Captain Monstra! "Welcome back, Twilight" He said with a grin. The others gasped.

He held Starlight and Cadence by the neck, threatening like he was going to choke them.

"What are the odds. We were just talking about you" Monstra said, "You like the new ship? I call her Sweet Revenge."

Twilight then noticed the rest of the ponies on a dock near Monstra's ship, and on Monstra's ship tied to a rock was Princess Celestia and Shining Armor.

"Celestia!" Twilight said. "I'm alright" Celestia replied. "Twilie!" Shining Armor said. "Shining Armor!" Twilight replied. Nibbles tied them tighter to the rock.

"Let Cadence and Starlight go!" Celestia demanded. Monstra chuckled. "It's alright. He wants us, and he's going to get us" Twilight said fiercely.

Leviathan snarled at Monstra. Rainbow gave Monstra a look, but then noticed Stargazer.

"Sacrificing yourselves for your friends. How touching. How predictable. Now come and get them!" Monstra growled.

Seala and the kangaroo monster tossed toothed skulls on Twilight's ship, anchoring it to Monstra's ship so it doesn't float away.

Then, they tossed a ramp over to Twilight's ship and the Mane 6 crossed. "Alright" Twilight said. "Let them go!" Rainbow demanded.

Monstra chuckled. "I don't think so. You 6 destroyed everything I had! I'm just returning the favor" Monstra said.

"No!" Twilight said, but she was then tied up by Nibbles. Afterwards, the others were tied up as well. "Rarity!" Spike shouted, watching her get tied up.

"I warned you" Monstra said. Then, Spike ran across to save them. "Stop!" Spike shouted. They all turned to him.

"Let Rarity, Twilight, and the rest of my friends, go!" Spike said angrily. "Spike?" Twilight said. "Spike, don't!" Rarity shouted.

"You're going to get yourself killed!" Rainbow shouted. "It's alright, I can handle this" Spike said confidently.

"Oh, how cute. A baby dragon saving his friends. Let's see what bravery gets you! Wyvern, give him your weapon" Monstra said.

The small wyvern took out a knife that had a dragon tooth as the blade. "Nice knowing you kid" he said before tossing the knife forward.

Spike picked up the knife and aimed it at the crew, determination in his eyes. "Let's dance, hero" Monstra said.

Then, using his dragon strength, Spike threw the knife forward. It was aimed for Monstra's leg. Monstra quickly moved his leg out of the way.

While he was distracted, Spike took in a deep breath and shot a fire ball. When Monstra looked back, the fire ball scorched him in the face.

He screamed in pain and Starlight and Cadence were able to break free. Twilight shot the rope and she was able to break free.

Spike quickly ran over and untied Rarity. "Oh Spike. That was one of the most bravest things you've ever done" Rarity said.

"You and Twilight are more important to me than anything. Family and friends are the most important things ever" Spike said.

"Oh, Spike" Rarity said and without hesitation, she kissed him on the lips for about 5 seconds, the longest she's ever kissed him.

When she broke away, Spike was love struck. His eyes turned into hearts, hearts popped above his head, and he was speechless.

Then, Applejack snapped him out of it. "Come on, lover boy" Applejack said, and immediately, Spike snapped out of it.

Monstra, then, recovered from the pain. "Don't just stand there like barnacles. Get them!" Monstra roared and the crew went to get them.

Twilight ran to free Celestia and Shining Armor, but the monster kangaroo plopped in front of her. "Going somewhere mate?" she said.

She roared and pounced on Twilight but Twilight moved out of the way. Twilight then fired a laser beam and it hit the kangaroo monster in the face.

She roared in pain. Leviathan and Sloth jumped over. Leviathan hit the kangaroo monster with his head, causing her to get thrown back.

Then, Seala bit Leviathan in the neck. Leviathan then clawed him in the neck, which caused him to let go.

The small wyvern then kicked Leviathan in the face, causing him to fall back.

Seala and the wyvern were now focused on Sloth. "Let me at 'em!" Sloth said, but Pinkie pulled him away, just as Seala snapped his jaws, missing Sloth.

Pinkie and Sloth ran to the front of the boat. They stopped at the edge of the boat, looking down into the ocean below.

They looked back as Seala and the wyvern came into view. "Any last words?" the wyvern hissed.

But, unknowingly, Leviathan was behind them and without warning, Leviathan grabbed the wyvern by his wing, ripping and shredding the thin membrane.

Finally, Leviathan smashed the wyvern onto the ground. The wyvern's ribs and left wing were broken.

With one final blow, Leviathan grabbed the wyvern by the neck and snapped it. Seala stood in horror. When Leviathan looked at Seala, Seala screamed and ran away.

Leviathan nodded and looked back at Pinkie and Sloth. They were both speechless, mouths and eyes wide open.

He gave a gesture meaning, "What? It's what I'm good at" Then, Sloth broke his faze. "That...was...AWESOME!" Sloth said. He then walked over to the dead wyvern.

"Suck it, wyvern!" Sloth said. Leviathan and Sloth high fived it. Pinkie then snapped out of it. Pinkie just didn't have the words.

"Come on, we got to help the others!" Sloth said and Pinkie and the others went to help the others.

But, before that, Leviathan took the wyvern's body and threw it into the ocean.

Meanwhile, Twilight was still battling the kangaroo monster. She dodged and fired repeatedly. But then, it caught her by her tail.

Then, it pinned Twilight to the ground, ready to make the final blow. But then, it was blasted in the face by a laser and it knocked it to the side.

Twilight looked where the laser came from and it was Stargazer. Stargazer ran over and helped Twilight up. They looked at the kangaroo monster, and she got up.

She roared at the 2 and charged, but Leviathan came out of nowhere and grabbed it by the neck. It struggled to break free of his jaws, but they were clamped tight.

Then, she was pinned by his claw. Leviathan glared at the kangaroo monster and she glared back.

Leviathan let out a thunderous roar at her before delivering the final blow. He ripped at her side and chomped on her neck.

She screamed as Leviathan delivered his full bite force, before crushing her neck. He then let out a thunderous roar in triumph.

Twilight, Stargazer, Pinkie, and Sloth were astonished, but Pinkie almost threw up from the blood. Sloth cheered at his big friend's awesomeness.

But, Nibbles was sneaking up on Sloth. Stargazer then saw him. "Sloth, watch out!" Stargazer shouted. He turned around just as Nibbles charged.

He pounced on Sloth, jaws wide open. Luckily, Sloth was strong enough to keep Nibbles jaws away from him. He adjusted his arm to Nibbles neck.

Nibbles snapped his jaws repeatedly. "Your life's over!" Nibbles snarled. Sloth, using his sharp claw, jabbed it into Nibbles left eye. Nibbles screamed in pain.

A trickle of blood ran from his eye. Sloth's claw tip was covered in blood. He looked at it and was disgusted by it.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Nibbles roared, then he charged. Sloth had his claws ready. Just as Nibbles pounced, Stargazer shot a laser into his open jaws.

It went straight threw his body, tearing a hole through his body. Nibbles dropped dead mid pounce. Sloth was disgusted by his dead body. Pinkie, this time, threw up.

Stargazer breathed heavily, then sighed. Leviathan, then, disposed the dead bodies into the sea. Then, they heard Rarity scream. "Come on!" Twilight said.

They went to the right starboard side of Monstra's ship that viewed their ship.

Monstra, Seala, the boar monster, and the bird monster were surrounding the Mane 5, Starlight, Cadence, and Spike. "Guys!" Twilight shouted.

"Twilight! Help us!" Spike shouted. Leviathan jumped off and landed on Monstra. Monstra roared in anger and threw Leviathan off him against a wall.

This was enough to stun him. Monstra then focused on Twilight. "You're dead to me" Monstra growled at Twilight.

"I don't think so" Twilight said and she jumped off and opened her wings, flying at him with her horn lit, ready to fire.

When she was almost at point blank range, she fired a laser beam at his face. He roared in pain.

Twilight started using hit and run attacks, enraging Monstra more every time she hit. While she was distracting Monstra, Stargazer and Sloth made their moves.

Sloth jumped on the boar monster, wrangling it like a bull. It roared in irritation, trying to buck him off. Stargazer went after Seala and the bird monster.

The monster chased her, snapping at her. Finally, she blasted at him,, frying him in the process. He basically turned into a burnt chicken. He then fell into the ocean.

Now, she dealt with Seala. She fired multiple times at him. He roared in pain. Then, he jumped up and snatched her by the wing. She screamed in pain.

He threw her on the boat, hard. She checked her wing and it was broken. Seala slowly moved towards her. He growled at her.

Then, out of nowhere, Spike shot him in the face with a fireball. He screamed in pain. Then, Rainbow kicked him where Spike's fireball impacted.

The speed of her plus the force of her kick was enough to launch him back. "You leave my friend alone!" Rainbow yelled in anger.

When Seala recovered, he let out a thunderous roar at Rainbow. Rainbow landed in front of Stargazer, protecting her, and so did the rest of them.

"Prepare to die!" Seala said angrily. He wasn't a cuddly seal monster anymore. He had become a fearsome beast. He roared and charged.

But, as soon as he was in reach of Rainbow, Leviathan came out of nowhere and rammed into Seala, causing him to get launched.

He screamed as he was launched across the boat. He smashed into a wall. The force of him caused the wall to crack. He was dazed and confused.

Then, the wall started to crumble and pieces started falling. Then the wall gave way and it fell onto him. He screamed before the wall's rubble crushed him.

Leviathan breathed heavily, exhausted. "You...are...AWESOME!" Rainbow said. Leviathan excepted it. Then, he saw Sloth on the boar monster. He was still riding it.

Then finally, Sloth was tossed off. It roared at Sloth and charged. But, Leviathan immediately rushed over and grabbed the boar monster in his jaws.

He then smashed it into the boat, nose first, multiple times. Then, Leviathan threw the it aside.

The boar monster's head was bruised and parts of his skull were broken. Leviathan walked over to deliver the final blow.

Everypony watched in fear and astonishment and Pinkie covered her eyes.

Leviathan stood on it, ripped its side with his claws, let out a menacing roar, and grabbed it by the neck, crushing and breaking it.

The full crew of the Monster Pirates was now dead except, Captain Monstra. Leviathan took the boar monster's body and threw it overboard.

Then, he dug out Seala and also threw him into the ocean as well. "Thanks, buddy" Sloth said patting Leviathan.

Leviathan smiled at him and nodded, then licked him. Then, he looked at where Twilight was. They were now on Monstra's ship.

"We need to help her!" Rainbow said. "Alright, let's go!" Stargazer said and they went to help Twilight and rescue Celestia and Shining Armor.