[New version] Equestrian Diamonds

by Silas5399

Chapter 5

Equestrian diamonds chapter five

Me, red pearl, DBJ, and Blue Danburite were running towards mine and Reds room and when we got there we saw red struggling to stand and his energy lashing out at his surroundings.

“Red what's wrong, can I help?” I asked worriedly and he looked at me and his eyes looked like they were made of fire and suddenly he fell to the ground and one final pulse of Reds energy shook the entire castle making some of the bricks fall and he was forced back into his gem.

I ran up to him and when i tried to pick up his gem and it burned my hands. “I have to find Twilight she will know what to do.” I yelled as I ran towards town cradling Reds gem.

After reaching Ponville I banged on Twilights door and she opened the door“Oh hey purple what are you doing here and what happening to your hands?” Twilight asked.

“Looking for you actually,” I said and she tilted her head slightly.

“Why?” She asked.

“Because I need your brains to figure out what's wrong with Red, how to fix it and could you heal my hands.” I said anxiously

‘Sure but you have to tell me everything” She asked and healed my hands and I placed red on a table and I told her what happened.

“So what are his powers exactly?” She asked me as she wrote on a paper.

“He has power over fire, magma, and lava. He has two abilities; an ability he calls his Rage Aura which increases his strength and speed and….his other Aura ability.” I finish with a huge blush.

“Well I have a theory but I would also need to figure out why it has not happened to you, and I would need to know what your powers are, try not to make me talk too much I am still suffering a bit from Rainbow Dash's prank with the punch bowl it burned my throat a bit.” She said with a cough and rubbed her throat.

“My powers are over air. I can fly, create a Happy Aura that calms down and makes any gem feel happy and I can copy any ability of any gem I see.” I said and her horn glowed and a lavender aura touched my gem and I almost giggled as it tickled me and Twilight smiled as she stopped using magic on my gem.

“Well I figured it out.” She said.

“Well spit it out!!!!” I said excitedly.

“You are dispersing the magic you absorb and red can’t it is probably because you are in your element I scanned your gem and found it was pumping out magic as fast as it was absorbing it so as long as red is in his element or he is constantly using magic he will be fine if not he will expel his magic violently destroying everything around him but it would take a while before he reached that amount of magic so maybe have him be in his elements once a day for at least an hour will fix everything.” She explained as she handed me the paper that explained everything as well.

“Thank you, you really are purple smart,” I said

“It’s Twilight and if he is in that state he should be in there for two hours just to make sure.” She told me.

“And one more thing if he had stockpiled magic the auras you told me about would affect him as well so his rage and whatever aura he has would affect him as well as others.” She said.

Under my breath, I said, “so that's why Red was feeling clouded.” I said almost happily.

“What was that?” She asked.

“Oh, nothing just that I need to say something to Red,” I said not wanting to get into it.

Twilight grabbed red with her magic and took him to a candle and placed him in top and the candle suddenly became a blue inferno and she trapped it with magic.


“His magic is being drawn out by the flame and it is making it stronger and it turned the flame blue meaning the fire is infused with magic.” She explained.

“Why would you do that? You could have damaged his gem.” I reasoned calmly.

“You said he had power of fire and magma so it was reasonable to assume he is immune to high temperatures.” She said logically.

“He is but that doesn't mean his gem is. When in our gems we have no control over our abilities like I can't fly or use my aura.” I said and the fire die down and returned to normal and Red started to take form he was sitting on the table before he rubbed his eyes. I proceeded to explain Twilights theory on why he overloaded and what we could do to keep it from happening again.

“And so an hour a day and you should be fine.” Twilight said and we thanked her and left back to the castle.

“Thank you Purple.” Red said as he hugged me from behind and rested his head on my shoulder.

What if something had happened to you?” I said with tears in my eyes.

“Now is not the time for what ifs.” He said as he pulled me closer and wrapped his wings around me to comfort me.

. “It was you best choice” He said to me as I started to cry.

“It's ok It's ok” He said repeatedly to try to calm me down.

“Hey I think there was a time our roles were reversed here do you remember,” he said with a smile.

“Yea back on the colony you were the one crying over a shattered gem,” I said then all of a sudden I get a splitting headache and flashes of another world I have never been to.

“You ok?” Red asked worried for me.

“Yea just some flashes of a weird world,” I said.

“Tell me about it?” He asked with a smile but I could feel something else but I ignored it for now.

“Well I was in this big room and there were tons of weird creatures walking around. They kind of looked like the ponies but without the tails, horns, wings, and muzzles,” I said.

Red was giving me a curious look almost like he knew what they were.”Anything else?” He asked.

“Yea I saw through something else’s eyes pick up my gem and give a creepy looking creature a piece of paper after that everything stops,” I said a little scared.

Red look was unidentifiable as he spoke.” We need to talk in private.” He said

Confused I just nodded.

He used magma to seal the door so no one could listen in and I could hear him say to himself.” I thought i was the only one.” He said very quietly.

“Only one what?” I asked.

“It would be easier to show you but for that, you would need to go into my gem and I can show you my memories well one pair of them.” He told me.

I simply nodded and jumped to it and went into his gem there I saw two sets of memories, one was of Red Diamond the other was of a creature like the ones I saw in my flash.

“Walk through this one.” Red voice said as the door with the creature glowed and I went through and I was suddenly in a large building filled with the creatures I saw.

“Look around see if you can find me but I am not exactly like I am now so keep that in mind.” He said as the memory started to play out and the creatures started moving and they moved through me.

I continue to walk for a good while before I saw someone and I ran towards him and I saw his face it was exactly like reds.”Surprised.” Reds voice sounded through his memory

“Hey there you looking for something.” A familiar voice said as I turned around and saw a hooded figure selling items and the creature that looked like red walked up to him and looked at what he had.

“Well, I don’t really have anything in mind what do you have available?” He asked

“Where did I put it,” the hooded figure said as he started rummaging through the various containers and boxes that he had and he pulled out Reds diamond and set it on the counter.”I was originally planning on giving this to someone else but I guess they aren't coming today.” He said

“That’s looks cool it looks so real.” Reds double said.

“Made it myself and you can have it for let’s say about $150 should be fair with how real it looks and I will throw in the repair kit for you and instructions on how to repair it.”He said as he put a mediums sized bag beside the diamond then he pulled out a sword and placed it beside the bag.

"This sword is 100 dollars it also comes with the diamond if you want it," he said as he opened the  register. "Anything else you want?”The hooded figure asked.

“I’ll take that pearl if you don’t mind.” He said and he took all the stuff on the counter and Red’s gem and he was walked the hooded figure said something

“Enjoy, I had already sold a Purple Diamond to a suck-er-customers, today, who seemed satisfied.” he said and red was walking up to another creature before a hole opens up beneath him and closed after he went through and I was forced from the memory.

“Anything you want to say.”He asked

“What was that?” I asked

“That was me and red Diamond is me as well after I gained my memories I almost lost my grip on what and who I was but I accepted both as me and that place was earth and that was who I was on that planet my name was Dan but I prefer Red now, and was there anything that was familiar to you?” He asked.

“That was the same place I saw and the same creature who I saw selling my diamond.” I said.

“From what I know that is the merchant from what I have gathered he sells props to people then sends them to other worlds for whatever reason he has he sold your gems to you and you were taken by the void just like I was.” He told me

“But I don't remember ever being anything else other than me and I remember you that’s not fake,” I said freaking out.

“It’s good that you did I almost lost my grip on reality he might have suppressed your memories to help you accept your new life and now it is slowly returning.” He said and I nodded.

“Don't worry everything will turn out fine.” He told me.

“My love, I never asked when you started loving me, did I? so when was it?” Red asked me.

“From the moment we formed Magenta to fix my gem I knew you were the gem for me.” I admitted.

“Well then it looks like we are all in agreement about our marriage.” Red said then I got another splitting headache.

“Are you alright what do you see?” Red asked me.

“An arrogant showpony is going to be coming to town and will cause an Ursa Minor to rampage because of her boasting.” I said.

“Then we need to get over there.” Red said.

“Actually Trixie is innocent, it’s actually her fanatic followers Snips and Snails who lured the Ursa to Ponyville because they’re too dumb to realize that even if a story was true it doesn’t justify angering a giant star-bear.” Purple said. “Actually Trixie got a lot of unfounded blame for being a performer, who is supposed to brag and show off on stage.”

“Where are you getting this from?” Red asked.

I shrugged, but have an answer pop into my head. “Back on earth the world of Equestria was the setting for a show called ‘My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.’ back when I was human I must’ve been a Brony, a fanbase of the show composed mostly of grown men and women, I know that because I used to be a guy."

“We don't have time we have to hurry.” Red said urgently.

“Yes I agree.”  I said.

“TO THE GEM-MOBILE!” Red said.

As we hurried to ponyville we grew to our natural size to get there faster then shrunk when we got there and we searched for Twilight and Trixie and we found them at a stage.

As we walked up we heard Trixie say “Who dares to heckle the Great and Powerful Trixie?”

“Hey I bet twilight is better than you.” Rainbow Dash said with a smug look.

“Oh, and who is this Twilight you speak of? Certainly you don't mean the prized student of Celestia.” Trixie said.

“Yes and she wields the element of magic and one of my best friends.” She said pointing to Twilight who tried to hide herself since she didn't want to boast.

“Ha, as if this cowering poor excuse for a unicorn could be the famous student of Celestia she probably couldn't even beat me in a magic duel,” Trixie said and that was all her friends could take and one by one they challenged her and were beaten. “Is this all the elements of harmony can do i guess the rumor that you having help defeating Nightmare Moon was true.” She said.

“Hey it's not like you could do anything against her too.” Red said as I could see he was heating up a bit.

“And who are you a mere construct to talk back to the Great and Powerful Trixie who bested an Ursa Major.” Trixie boasted and that was about all I and Red could take but then he whispered to me.

“Tell me what an ursa major looks like lets see if I can scare her?” He asked me with a smug smile.

“It looks like this…” I said and then proceeded to whisper what an Ursa Major looked like in his ear.

“Ok Trixie let's see if you can do it again.” Red said as he started changing and when he was finished he was a red Ursa major.*ROOOOOOOAR* Red roared in her face and it almost shattering all the glass in the area.

*terrified… goat noises?*

“WTF.” I cursed.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie has to faint now *thud*” after she fainted Red reverted back and was laughing his ass off and I proceeded to slap him.

“Why did you do that?” He asked.

Pointing at Trixie I said in reply “And why did you do it to that extent?”

“I didn't know she would faint.” He said.

“That was uncalled for, the Ponies were overreacting to Trixie anyway.” I said.

“Well sorry and I basically told you what I was doing.” He said.

“Well you shouldn’t scare someone for bragging, especially when THEY’RE A PERFORMER AND IT’S THEIR JOB TO EXAGGERATE AND BOAST!” I turned on the ponies in the crowd, scolding them.

“Why are you scolding them?” Red asked.

“Because they’d probably have run her out the town for being a showboat in her own show, and then getting mad because SOME PEOPLE decide to interrupt her performance just because she was bragging.” I said.

“Sorry.” Red said.

“Actually it’s Twilight’s friends who are at fault, just because you think a friend has better skill than some other pony, doesn’t mean you should brag for them.” I then gestured to Twilight. “In fact in most cases your friend wouldn’t want you bragging for them, magic is a skill she practices because she enjoys it, do you think she was happy about all of you putting that pressure and attention on her in the first place? Making her feel like if she didn’t show she was better you’d stop being her friends? How about next time you talk to Twilight about it before assuming she cares that Trixie is a show-off or that some other performer is claiming she’s the best magician?” She lectured, and Twilight's friends looked down in shame.

She then subtly nudged the crowd away and set the six elements together. “Sorry for being a bit of a mother, but please talk it out now, make sure this miscommunication doesn’t happen again… then when Trixie wakes up, you five are going to apologise for ruining her show, and that goes double for you, Rainbow.” She said as she looked at them with disappointment in her eyes.

“Why am I being singled out?” Rainbow asked in shock and irritation.

“Because you should know better! How would you feel if you were showing off at an airshow then some pegasus flew up and interrupted you saying that they were a better flier?” I asked and Rainbow thought about it, then looked down.

“Let's not be too hard on them.” Red said.

“Don’t worry, I’m not, but I want to let them know why I’m upset…” I smiled and then ruffled Twilight’s hair. “Say, I think this lesson is letter worthy, wouldn’t you agree?” I asked as I looked at the Lavender Unicorn, who nodded. I smiled then walked back over to Red.

“Well I guess that crisis is averted what now?” Red asked me.

"I just want to go back and cuddle, " I said tiredly.