Supreme Human

by Connect-the-Pie

Chapter 2--- The Strange Energy Source

The field of view caught what looked like the edge of the forest. Looking at the screen, the dots have appeared to change from all white, except one, to purple, pink, blue, orange, and yellow. "QVI?" I asked, "Why are the dots different colors?" I Suspect It Is Because Of The Energy They Are Extorting. Approaching the tree line, I saw a lush, open plain with a little pond with ducks in it, and in my normal view, I saw, a cottage in the distance. 'Such a nice, place.' I thought. The Power Sources Are Right In Front Of You. How did I not notice that? In front of me was six ponies. A yellow pony with a pink mane and tail and wings, a regular all pink pony, a regular orange pony with a blond mane and tail, a blue pony with... rainbow mane and tail? Anyway, that one also had wings, a white pony with purple mane and tail with a horn snuggled in with its mane, and a purple pony with also purple mane and tail. All huddled up in a circle. I Suggest Building A Land Factory And To Build A Scout Unit From It. Ok well, the Cybran Scout can cloak, so I'll make that one. Bringing up the build wheel, I hovered over the factory and the hologram appeared beside me. "Where should I put it?" I asked myself. I Suggest Placing It A Ways In So No One Will See Or Hear It. "Good idea."

A good location appeared to be in the little clearing behind me. moving over there, I placed the factory and the thingies flew out of the builder. The factory took a lot longer to build since I only had one power generator along with the one mass fabricator, but it still didn't take very long. To Build A Scout, Select The Factory From Strategic View And Move To The Scout.Selecting the factory, the build wheel appeared, as always, but this time, the units appeared. Selecting the scout, the factory went to work. It took twelve seconds for it to deploy. On Your Hub, In The Top Left, Is Your Unit Count Along With The Limit. For Now, You Are Only Able To Build 150 Units. It Will Increase Each Time You Tech Up Your ACUs. The scout sat there, looking at me, with it's spider-like eyes.

Select The Scout And Bring Up The 'Unit Wheel' By Using The Other Button To Your Right. Pressing said button, a new wheel appeared, but instead of building, there was four pictures, one was a picture of land unit, the second was air, third was sea, and the fourth was all three. This Unit Has One Ability, To Cloak. To Cloak This Unit, Move Over To The Eye Icon And Select It Selecting the icon, in the View, a little red eye appeared over the unit. The Scout Is Now Cloaked. It Has A Built-In Microphone, To Spy. So Move It Over To The Sources, To Hear What they Are Saying. Re-selecting the scout, I moved it close enough so it can hear what they are saying.

"Oh I can't thank you enough girls." "No problem Flutters! We are always happy to help!" "Ok girls, while we are here, I need to run test on the water here." Why Twilight?" "Well, I heard that..." As the scout got closer, they stopped. The ear on the purple one flicked. "Did anypony hear that?" "Hear what Twi?" She looked around, and looked directly at the place where my scout stopped. "I guess it was nothing." She said as her horn lit up. WARNING. Extreme Power Is Coming Off Of That Pony's Horn. I Suggest Making The Scout Flee. I selected the scout and moved it back to the factory. When the scout was halfway to the tree line, the purple pony's horn let off an equally purple wave.

As the wave reached the scout, there was an error in the cloaking system and the scout was reveled. And as it reach the ACUs, I had an error, Error. Power Overflow. On the hub, was a new bar, it didn't have any words identifying what is was, it just appeared and spiked up to full. "*Gasp* Twilight, look!" The purple one, who I assume is called Twilight, said, "Yeah. Why was it invisible?"

"Maybe a pony put a spell on it.

"I don't think so Fluttershy." The yellow one, Who is called Fluttershy, promptly flew straight over to the scout. "Don't worry little spider, Flutters.... is... here?" She looked at the scout she was holding and said with confusion, "Uhh Twilight, this spider is made of metal." She handed it to Twilight who almost dropped it, "Whoa, yeah and its heavy too." She then lit her horn and the scout was enveloped in that same purple glow. "I need to take this home and study this."

At that time, system showed no more error has the third bar disappeared. It Would Be Advisable To Unfurl The Scout's Weapons, Not To Fire, But To Scare them Into Dropping The Scout. Opening up the Unit Wheel, there was another ability, red cross hairs inside bigger red cross hairs. I selected it and the same icons appeared on the View. Not wanting to select the ponies, I placed the marker to the left of the orange one. The scout's weapons unfurled and started shooting that spot.

"AHHHHH!!!!" They screamed as Twilight dropped the scout. I re enabled the cloak on the scout and recalled it. The scout came back as it left the area it can detect the pony's voices. I Suggest Reclaiming The Factory While Keeping The Scout For Future Activities. Selecting nothing, I opened up the Unit Wheel, and saw a picture of a yellow square inside a bigger yellow square. Moving the icon to the factory, the factory had a string of this grayish stuff and parts of it went into the build cannon.

After watching the health of the factory reach the end of the bar, the factory disappeared. Selecting the scout, I opened the Unit Wheel, I selected the icon that looked like a yellow shield and then selected The Cybran ACU. The scout moved to a defending position. I Suggest Going Back To Zecora's Hut And Stay There For The Rest Of The Day. "Yeah" I said, *Yawn* "I am feeling a little tired." I started heading back to Zecora, with the scout and other two ACUs. "let's just hope I can stay for the day though."