Dr.Wolf and his meeting sessions

by Flameboy

Smolder's Rampage part 1

Smolder landed in the middle of Ponyville and impacted the ground like a superhero. She remained in that pose as she looks to the right and left to try find out where that stupid changeling was hiding. So, she lowers herself on to the ground and got out of her superhero pose and transitioned into a stalking predator pose. She starts crawling on the ground as she moves her head from side to side.
Reader's view is now on the front of Smolder's face. "Now, where could that bug be?" She says as she looked at the right. "Once I find her, she will be in a world of pain for what she said about my mom," Smolder said with a hint of venom.

Then, Smolder's head perks up when she hears whimpering coming from her right. Knowing Ocellus, she would probably turn into any object that couldn't move, like a rock. Smolder saw a huge pile of rocks, but she saw the right one with eyelashes.
"Looks like I don't have to wait after all, hehe," Smolder chuckled maniacally as she started to stand up and turn to the right, and breathed a yellow and blue colored fire at the rock. The rock opened both its eyes and looked to see a huge fire hit her and knocked her into a pool of water. The rock climbed up from the huge blue pool and started coughing up water as its original form. Smolder started to walk slowly on her hands and feet like a predator would.

Ocellus coughed up the last bit of water out of her mouth and started to breathe normally and sighs in relief. But, her sighs of relief were short lived as she heard a roar that sounded like tiger, but looked up to see that Smolder leaped into the air and made that sound and fully pounced on Ocellus. Inside the big pool, underneath the surface, the dragon and the changeling were plummeting towards the bottom and far away from the surface of the water. And Smolder was pushing Ocellus's chest. Dragons can stay underwater for as long as they want until they start to lose their breath. But, like any other creature, changelings can't stay underwater for more than 10 seconds. Ocellus also realized that Smolder was actually content on drowning her.

Unlike Smolder's ability to swim like an alligator, Ocellus changed into a baby blue whale, which her blubbery skin was so slippery for Smolder to get a grip on her. Using her size to the advantage, Ocellus kept jeering her body up and down until Smolder lost her grip on the waist of Ocellus's waist. Now, the blue whale was free and used her tail to push herself up closer the surface. She breached into the air, then she turned back into her normal self, and landed on the on all her hooves and started to cough up the water out from her lungs. An orange colored right paw stuck out of the pool and the other paw, with Smolder's head popping through the water and grasping the outer ring of the pool and started coughing up water as well. When Ocellus heard her someone else coughing and turned her head to the right, and found the source to be Smolder.

Smolder opened her right eye and saw the changeling stood there. Ocellus perked her eyes up and shook her body like a dog to shake the water off her wings. Because bugs can't fly with their wings wet. Then, she started running, or in this case, flying away from the dragon. Smolder watched as Ocellus flew away from her in a hurry. But only to drop down for she was still wet.

Smolder perked the right side of her mouth up as she started growling like a tiger which was followed up by her scales turning red from head to tail. They even turned the cold pool into a hot tub. She jumps out of the pool like a big wild cat, and then tilted her right shoulder up, and then started shaking like a dog. Then, with all the rage and hatred for Ocellus, she raised her body up like a big cat and started to speak in a booming voice that would compare to ponies who can speak super loud.
Reader's view on top of Ponyville.
"OOOOOOOCEEEEEEEEELLUUUUUUUSS!" Smolder screamed the cowards name as a flock of colorful birds started flying up in the sky and away from the creature

Then, she pulled her body back a little like a big cat and jumps into the air only to come back to the surface of the ground as she felt a staggering pain happening to her body. Her tail grew so long like a snake. Her arms bulging with muscles as well as her legs. She groans as her finger's grew long and then they sprouted long yellow claws. She moans as her legs grew longer and gave her a second knee as well as extending her three toes and sprouting long yellow toe claws. She grunts as her body started to expand as her wings followed suite and grew long as well. Her neck stretched out like a giraffe, her mane grew longer and more wilder, and her ears grew even longer than before. Next, Smolder's mouth starts to expand and her tiny fangs grew larger and sharper. She looked like Spike's montrous form, but more female, and more "Smolder."

Smolder's greed was to hurt Ocellus in the worst possible way, and that was what caused her transformation. The only way to stop her and turn her back to normal, was to hurt Ocellus.

Twilight's School of Friendship...

Everyone who stood there in Twilight's office, looked up to the ceiling, or anywhere up as they heard Ocellus's name been screamed aloud for some odd reason.

Twilight looks at Spike, who was standing next to her on her left. "Spike, tell me that wasn't you, please?" She asked her little brother. Spike looked up at her and shooked his head from the right to the left once and started to speak.

"No," Spike said with a hint of fear.

"Then who was it?" Twilight asked with fear in her voice, knowing that another dragon was rampaging in Ponyville.
Before any of them could say anything, the doors to the headmare's office were opened and everyone saw Sandbar and Yona.

"Headmare Twilight, we got a problem!" Sandar said.

"What's wrong, you two?" Twilight said as she still stood by Spike with her right hoof up.

"Look outside!" Yona yelled with her right hoof pointing to the door. Everyone ran over to the door, raced through the hallways and making sure they didn't bump into anyone, and ran outside of the school to see that there was a giant orange dragon outside.

"Why is that dragon here terrorizing Ponyville?" Twilight said as she looked and saw the angry giant trying to slash its claws at a light blue speck.

Thorax squints his eyes tight and sees who the light blue speck it was. "It's Ocellus! That dragon is trying to kill her!" Thorax said as he planted his hooves on his face cheeks. He looks over to his right as Sandbar started to speak.

"But that's not "any" dragon, it's Smolder!" Sandbar shouted.

Everycreature gasped as they heard the name of the dragon that was Garble's little sister-in-law.

"Smolder giant dragon now because of what Ocellus said to her," Yona said.

"What do you mean by that?" Ember said as she walked past Spike and Thorax and stopped in front of Yona as she places her paws on her hips.

"When we were at Dr. Wolf's office, we were arguing about why Spike should be better off living in the Dragon Lands or in Ponyville. Then, Ocellus hit Smolder by saying that your mother never loved her. Even when she died before she hatched and it broke her heart so much that Smolder's on a rampage to see Ocellus get hurt. And despite the fact that me and Yona sided with her, we were both upset at what Ocellus said. We, are truly sorry, Queen Ember," Sandbar said as he and Yona, who was standing on his left, bowed their heads in shame.

While hearing what the two said, Ember looked down in sadness knowing that it was true that their mother died before Smolder and her were even born.

Spike also heard what the two were saying as he held his right finger on his chin. Then, he snapped it. That's it! She''s big because of her greed to hurt Ocellus in the worst way possible!"

"So?" Ember said as she kept her head down and looked at her little husband.

"Maybe, if we can calm her down, she'll turn back to normal," Spike said.