Hybrids and Oneshots

by RoxonTheDemon

Hybrids and Harmony Chapter 12 Deleted Idea

Cut Concept for Hybrids and Harmony Chapter 12 {a.k.a. F.U.W.U. (Fucked Up Wrap Up)}

Everything stays the same until the sentence "What I'm getting at is that-"



…Before an extremely familiar demonic beam shot through the sky, making all but eleven of the crowd gasp in surprise, and a small smoking blackened object fell from the same area the beam covered a second later as it vanished.

The object grew becoming more distinguishable as it neared the ground and it could be seen that the object had a second shiny object falling alongside it.

“Is that…?” Rainbow Dash’s question trailed off.

The object could now be seen to have arms and legs as it got closer.

“I think so but what happened and what’s… oh no,” Raxon said as he noticed something drawing closer from the distance.

The object shook what looked like a head as it recovered from the disorientation…but not fast enough to notice the ice spikes falling from the sky at high speeds.

The entire crowd could only cringe in sympathy as the spikes hit their target and launched it into the ground…

…and froze said target in ice.

Several Minutes of Thawing Later

“Son of a bitch that hurt…” Roxon groaned still feeling, and clothes looking, as though he was trampled by a stampede.

“Okay bro, tell us who did this?” Rexon asked his eyes indicating that he probably knew the answer already.

Roxon sighed and answered with, “Here’s a hint; he worshipped Sparda as a god and his very hopping mad friend.”

At the end of that sentence a large shadow slowly started to cover Town Hall, drawing the attention of everyone gathered, a shadow with a very familiar shape.

“Well speak of the devil and he will come,” Cyxon said hair turning a little darker.

As it came closer more details became clear this caused Pinkie and Twilight to request for the ponies to evacuate the area for their own safety and for further safety evacuate Ponyville. The first to be noticed was platforms made of white stone with Bianco and Alto Angelos flying around and standing on them as well as what could be assumed was a giant frog. The next thing was the clear fact that the floating demon was made of stone and finally was the face with no indications of facial hair and half-lidded eyes.

That meant only one thing…

“That thing isn’t Sanctus, he’s hiding either inside it or nearby,” Roxon said, “but you have to be careful of the frog bastard on the lead platform though he’s the reason I was blasted.”

“How did they manage that?” Applejack asked while the townsponies ran from the area.

Roxon sighed, “Well…”

Moments Before Roxon Was Blasted

“Stay still you nuisance,” Sanctus commanded as several fireballs launched at Roxon.

“Sure, stay still so that you can have an easier target to hit that would be very smart of me,” Roxon said sarcastically while rolling his eyes, “You are so~ convincing me that that’s a good idea.”

He simply grits his teeth his from faltering a little, eyes shifting from normal to his Diabolica form and his head gaining small horns before it all vanished.

Lifted his hand and seemed to be gathering energy forming a shape before he took a breath causing the shape to fizzle out of existence, “No I will not let you anger me, but I do have a question.”

Roxon decided to let his guard down just for a few seconds… his first mistake.

“Shoot.” He said with a cocky smirk.

Sanctus put on his own smirk as he said, “What do police say to a criminal they are pursuing?”

Roxon raised an eyebrow in confusion, “Obviously freeze.”

“You took the words right out of my mouth!” a new voice said.

Here he made mistake number two… turning around.


He saw something that looked like two red skinned women head-butt him towards Sanctus, at the same time a portal had opened in the air with a certain statue flying through it and beginning to charge an attack. Sanctus followed up by blasting him with five fireballs towards a giant open mouth… with very sharp teeth and a familiar smell.


Roxon feeling teeth pierce his body as his counting method, counted eight chews, whatever weird slime or spit splashing out of his mouth with each chew, immediately after he was spit out through a portal into the path of a fully charged beam of a Saviour statue.

“Oh sh-”


Back To The Present

“Well you know the rest…” Roxon finished.


A Bianco Angelo stopped its flying charge to bring up its shield and block the fired bullet and Roxon looked to see the thirty remaining demons either flying around or stomping in a patrol formation.

“This should take around twelve minutes to take care of,” Rexon groaned, “If we’re lucky.”

Sanctus and Dagon

As Roxon recounted the moments to his blasting the Bianco and Alto Angelo that flew alongside the Savior attacked forcing the group to fight.

As the group fought, Dagon and the Saviour had been busy with their own agenda, Dagon focused and solidified his ice while Sanctus molded and modified it.

Their little project took fifteen seconds less than twelve minutes and it was going to result in bad things for our heroes…very bad things.

“Now Dagon, go and cause chaos at the other side of this small town this will force them to divide and make them easier to conquer,” Sanctus ordered to which Dagon begrudgingly obeyed.

He leapt for the other side of town in a single bound proving that he was not named a demon frog for nothing.

Mane and Morph Six

“Well that could have gone better,” Rainbow Dash grumbled.

“Oh come it wasn’t that bad,” Rarity defended.

The entire group turned to her with looks that’s amounted to a collective ‘Are you sure about that?’

The fashion loving unicorn looked away in slight embarrassment, “Okay it was bad.”

Roxon glared at her words, “Bad? BAD?! Bad is when you accidentally attack a demon already being attacked by a teammate. Bad is when you accidentally slash at your friend in the middle of a fight. Bad is causing some damage to the surrounding area! THIS…” He pointed at the still burning Town Hall caused by Twilight when she shot fire spells at an Alto Angelo, then to craters on the ground caused by Rainbow Dash’s Arbiter, next were the slash marks covering every wall and tree in the area because of Applejack and Rarity’s wild slashes, then he pointed at Fluttershy who was literally in almost constant danger with her inattentiveness in battle forcing the others to come to her rescue, namely the Morph Six who had wrecked clothes to show for it, and finally he pointed to his own scorched body as a result of Pinkie’s randomness with her Party Canon loaded with exploding cupcakes for demon battles, “…IS A FUCKING DISASTER!”

A sudden tap on his shoulder caught his attention and he turned eyes still burning with fury to look at whoever was touching him, “WHAT?” he roared.

“Roxon please calm down or you might…you know,” Rexon pleaded noticing his brother’s markings.

Roxon looked at himself and noticed that the “X” on his gut had a red glowing dot in the middle of it through his torn shirt while the lines running on his arms and legs had a very small glow on his fingers and toes, but his eyes widened slightly anyway.

“No, no, no not now…” he whispered as his hands trembled.

The ponies noticing his slight distress grew worried, but with experience on Roxon’s secretive nature and tendency to get defensive decided not to ask at that moment…

…At least not when something gigantic was flying their way.

The Morph Six barely managed to grab the Mane Six and get them out of danger as the odject tore through Town Hall and reduced it to splinters, glass shards and rubble.

“Well no time to feel panic now we have to battle these t…” Roxon said but stopped halfway as he noticed a very absent Dagon, “Where did Dagon go?”

A sudden terrified cry from the other side of Ponyville caught their attention.

“Crap so that’s their plan,” Ryxon growled.

“What will you do now boy?” Sanctus taunted.

“Shut up Sanctus we aren’t splitting up that easily,” Roxon said glaring at the giant statue demon, “Girls here’s…”

His sentence faded off as he turned and noticed the Mane Six had already left.

‘’…Crap,” he cursed under his breath. “Well at least we gave them information on all the ice type demons we know during the winter,” he self-assured.

Sanctus’ chuckles unnerved him.

“What’s so funny?” Cyxon questioned glaring at the statue hiding their enemy.

“You are not the only ones to have learned a few new tricks,” Sanctus stated smugly, “Dagon and I have a few surprises as well.”

The brothers were forced to hold their questioning as beams of light shone on the ground making them jump out of the way of the oncoming gigantic bolts of lightning.

“How-” Rexon questioned.

“As I have said Dagon and I have new tricks of our own.” Sanctus replied his tone dark and dangerous.

It was at that moment they noticed the giant sword on the Savior’s back.

“Rexon, Raxon, Ryxon, you three go get the g… oh no,” Roxon said as he witnessed what was going on.

His brothers wondered what was wrong but as they observed the warped landscape, twisted buildings and platforms with glowing points on them they realized where they were.

“When did we get into Limbo? We usually feel a tug but now…” Nyxon said trailing of halfway through his sentence.

“Show yourself Sanctus we know you’re here somewhere,” Rexon growled.

“That is the problem boy you already see me clearly yet you need me to reveal myself,” the priest said in a tone that could only be described as condescending, “The core problem is your perception.”

The brothers critically scanned the statue again as they wondered what he meant. Ten seconds into the search Roxon noticed the same spot constantly catching his eye and looked especially at it.

The red gem on the Savior’s forehead was a lot more eye-catching than the blue of the other ones scattered across its body.

“You’re the core, aren’t you?”