Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Deep In Her Clutches

"First—" Twilight paused. Her time with Timber had been a mix of wonderful and wretched. Having talked with enough of her friends about it (and her boss), she could honestly call it what it was. "First was with a guy who wasn't right for me. I like guys—I really liked some of it—but I don't want to neglect any aspect of the search data."

Marble snorted. "You're such a nerd. It's cute." She blushed a bunch and tried to lean back in the couch and hide, but a purple crystalline hoof reached onto her knee.

"I've experimented with girls only in the most literal sense. Marble—" looking at Marble, Twilight got the smallest nod, "—Marble doesn't really want to do the whole sex thing, but she still has needs I can help with."

"Would you like to come over and learn some meditation?" Tree asked.

Twilight's opinion of the hippy woman so far hadn't been all that impressive. Talk of karma and chakra hadn't impressed her scientific side one bit. But magic was real, a little voice kept yelling at Twilight. Another would always add, But magic is just science. A third little voice practically purred the words, Yeah, but she looks hot. "Meditation? Just normal meditation?"

Tree Hugger looked sideways at Thunderbolt. "Meditation with benefits if you like." She raised one eyebrow.

"You'd really want to with—with a pony?" Unsure how far down a gift-horse's throat she should gaze, Twilight held up a hand. "Ignore that. I'd like to try."

Smiling like a loon, Spicy stood up as straight as he could. Behind him his tail swished in a show of satisfaction. That he'd engineered this loose polyamorous group to support one of its most peripheral members filled him with accomplishment. "Thunderbolt has something he wants to say."

His eyes connected to Spicy's first, then Thunderbolt shifted his attention to Rainbow, then Twilight, and finally back to Spicy. "I'm bisexual."

"Welcome to the club!" Sonata whistled loudly, then paused as she realized her enthusiasm was a little much for the situation. "Well, it's good to have company!"

Thunderbolt looked at Sonata with more than a little confusion. "How do two girls have sex when neither of them has a dick?" When Sonata giggled at his question, Thunderbolt felt a touch hurt. "I'm just asking. I don't know."

Looking at Twilight and raising one eyebrow, Tree turned to Thunderbolt when she got what she thought was tacit approval. "I'll, like, show you later."

Now Twilight blushed, but she liked the blush. She liked the idea of trying something. Data. Experiments. Mathematical formulas raced through Twilight's mind, and didn't notice the conversation had moved on until Marble's hand touched her hoof. "Huh?"

"You're overthinking."

"I'm just trying to work out how to best categorize everything I want to try." Pulling her phone out of the little set of saddlebags her father had made for her, Twilight opened up her favorite list app and started typing furiously with her magic. She paused for a moment, took a breath, and looked up at Marble. "Than—Wait. Does this make us girlfriends?"

Marble had been granted a little time since her encounters with Rainbow to get more used to interpersonal statements regarding her, and it helped that she had a lot more in common with Twilight than Rainbow. "Maybe? I don't know. My sisters would, but their answers would be to throw me a party, whisper to their pet rock, and tell everyone in the same zip code. I guess I'm cool with that, but I don't think I can do the going out together thing."

"Yeah. That was mostly Rarity and Sonata's plan. Don't get me wrong, going out and having fun is okay, but only if it is fun for everyone, and at the moment it'd be a little hard to not stand out." Twilight sighed and put her phone away. "But if you ever want to work on something together, just ask."

"I'm still working on those parasite larvae. They're an amazing species in their own right, and—I'd be an idiot if I said I wasn't excited at how much clearer I can remember everything now. The side effects are a little odd, but I think people should have the choice to become hosts to them." Marble shifted in her seat a little, just talking about it made her uncomfortably aware of how aroused she was.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked, trying to avoid the topic that (at the same time) was temping, was disgusting, and reminded of Timber. "You, uh, need to have a moment?"

Marble was about to shake her head, but then nodded. "It's constant, but when I haven't for—It gets stronger sometimes. Where can we go?" It took her a few heartbeats (through the embarrassed haze in her head) to realize she'd said we.

Having worked in Spicy's shop, Twilight knew the protocol on the bathroom, but she also knew it would be cramped for the two of them. There was always her new idea—that she'd only tested twice. "Come on, I can get us home fast."

Rainbow noticed Twilight and Marble stand up and broke off her conversation with Braeburn about her car. "You guys gotta go?"

"I just remembered an experiment I'd started earlier needs to have some stuff done to it. Marble said she'd help." Twilight looked up at Marble. "Uh, I guess I'll see you all later? Oh! Tree, how can I get in contact?"

"Just, like, come around whenever you want to talk or do something. My door's always open." Tree wished she had an easy out of the gathering too. Her robe itched and she wanted to be rid of it. Not that the company wasn't interesting.

Nervousness (mostly over not knowing the outcome of something) rushed into Twilight's head like a bull at a matador. "But how will I call you and find out if you're home? And how will I find out where you—"

Thunderbolt cleared his throat with a rumble and spat out a bunch of numbers.

On reflex, Twilight punched them into her phone. "Uh, you have a cellphone?"

"Rainbow got me one. I leave it at home because it's too easy to break, but if you text me I can send you the address." At the looks of surprise he got, Thunderbolt blew a little smoke out his nose. "What?"

Spicy put on his biggest, silliest smile (mostly because he had a tender spot for Thunderbolt now). "They're surprised at how you're adapting to not being a dog anymore."

Relaxing a little, realizing it was people impressed with him, Thunderbolt ruffled his wings. "Lots different. Most important part is that I'm not all that matters anymore." He closed his eyes and ran over what he'd learned in his time with Tree, Rainbow, and Spicy. "Others matter as much as I matter, and that matters to me more than just me. They want things, I want things, but if we work together we can get our want things worked out."

"Anyway, bye everyone." It took all of Twilight's effort to break the silence after Thunderbolt dropped the bombshell of philosophy on the room, but now it was time for her trick to work. "I've been studying the statue and the portal in it and so far all my tests have worked. Come on." She aimed her horn at the wall, channeled a rush of magic, and fired off the new spell.

Marble watched as the purple magic impacted the wall and spread out into a circle. Once it was big enough for even Thunderbolt to get through, the middle bubbled and suddenly turned into a doorway to the basement of their house. "Alright, that's pretty impressive."

"Thanks!" Twilight said and jumped through the portal.

Turning to look at Rainbow Dash, Marble smiled and then jumped through the portal. A rush of sensations sped through her, and when Marble landed on the floor on the other side she felt different. "T-Twilight?" Her ears had migrated to the top of her head and were now pony ears.

"Ooohkay. My tests didn't show that happening." Using her magic to turn the portal off, Twilight looked up at Marble. "But it might not have been the portal that did it."

"What do you mean it might not—?" Marble's new ears twitched. The sound of drums and a guitar thrummed from the ceiling of the basement. "Their song is this powerful?!"

"You saw the news about the prank and hallucination at the college? We kinda maybe turned everyone there into pony people. It was pretty crazy. Do you want any help?"

It took Marble several seconds to get over the fact she had pony ears and analyze the words Twilight had said. "H-H-Help? L-Like the n-n-nerve machine?"

When she saw Marble's ears tuck back, Twilight could guess she wasn't comfortable. "Yes, wait, no. What about something else?" Twilight was only moving forward with the raw power of nervous energy. "Y-You know I don't need to touch you, right?"

Marble froze and blinked. "What do you mean? Like, use magic? You have spells for—" A blush crept into her cheeks when Marble even tried to think about what a fellow nerd like Twilight would come up with.

"No. Like this." Magic poured up and through Twilight's horn. A purple glow radiated off the top of her head, and she focused on Marble's left hand. Gently first, she touched her kinda-girlfriend.

"H-Hey! I—" The gentle, constant touch surprised Marble with its detachment. "That's you, right? Like a hand at a distance?"

"More than a hand, but I can do hands. I can make any shape with it." As she spoke, Twilight reshaped her magic field into a hand, then a thick tentacle, then one of Spicy's highest selling dildos.

Marble stared at the final shape. There was a curious removed quality about the magic, despite her knowing that it was Twilight, it wasn't. "Can you feel it?"

Twilight nodded. She could feel with her magic, and it was sensitive, but it wasn't exactly sensual. "I can feel it, but it's not exactly the kind of feeling that would turn me on."

"Do you want to try something different? I did this with Rainbow a few times. They called it hypnosis or something. Basically, I describe how I want you to think and act, and if you let the words in, they work." Wrapping her hand around Twilight's magic, Marble gave a little squeeze.

"Hypnosis?" Twilight couldn't remember if she'd put that on her list, but now she wanted to add it. "You can do that?" The sensation of her magic being squeezed wasn't sensual until she thought of it as a dildo, now Marble's slow massage was making Twilight uncomfortable—in a good way.

"Let's go to your room so you can relax. You have towels, right?" Marble held onto Twilight's magic as she walked. She'd taken to rubbing her thumb on the toy, and she'd seen Twilight's lip tremble at each stroke.

Twilight had plenty of choices. She could dispel her magic, she could tell Marble no, she could even just open a portal somewhere else and duck through it before Marble noticed—Twilight Sparkle followed Marble Pie upstairs and down the long hall to her own bedroom.

When she entered, Twilight noticed Marble seemed to make herself at home. "W-What are we going to do exactly?"

"I'm going to make you my living dildo. You're going to be my servant in charge of servicing me to my satisfaction, and it will feel so natural to you if you let it. Climb up on your bed, Twilight, and I will begin whenever you are ready." Marble felt like a different person. The time she'd been with Spicy and Rainbow had taught her a lot about control and dominance, but she'd also done some research of her own. It was frame of mind that was important, and for this she needed to be the one in control.

For a few moments Twilight thought about what was happening and what they were about to do. She'd made a promise to herself to experience everything, so she turned and jumped up on her bed.