//------------------------------// // Smolcellus // Story: Intense Student Six Shipping // by WhatDidIJustRead //------------------------------// Smolder's claw tapped the crystal table of the Tree of Harmony treehouse impatiently. Where was that stupid changeling? That stupid, lovely, sweet, beautiful, amazing changeling. She was late for lunch! "Hey, Smolder," Ocellus said from behind, causing Smolder to start. "What did I say about sneaking up on a dragon?" Smolder said and turned to face Ocellus, eyes narrow. "That you might accidentally bite my head off, but good luck biting my head off when..." Ocellus said, and with a small blue flash, her head and neck disappeared. "... I don't have one!" Smolder laughed. "Okay, okay, that was good. Wait, how are you talking?" Ocellus reverted to her normal form and smirked. "You don't wanna know." Smolder laughed again, then tossed a ruby into her mouth and chewed on it with a harsh crunch. She held a second one out to Ocellus as she swallowed the gem. "Want one?" "I don't think I can eat gems," Ocellus said with a smile. Then she froze. She blinked. "Wait, what did you just say?" "Huh? I asked if you wanted a ruby," Smolder said. "Yeah. That. You never, and I mean never offer anycreature else your gems." Smolder stopped. She licked her lips, and her eyes darted about, as if seeking an answer. "Uh, must have just never occurred to me until now. Yeah, that's it." "No... no, that isn't it. Aren't dragons supposed to be super protective of their hoards?" "Hey, that's not true. We share sometimes." Smolder crossed her arms and turned her head away with her eyes closed. One eye opened and snuck a peek back at Ocellus stealthily. "Oh, yeah? With who?" "With our... friends?" "You've never shared with any of us at the school," Ocellus pointed out. "You're not saying that we weren't your friends this whole time, are you?" Smolder was backed into a corner. She sighed and thought of how upset Professor Applejack would be that she had tried to lie her way out of this. "Fine. We share with... mates." Ocellus tilted her head. "Are we mates?" "No! I mean, not right now. Not unless you... maybe... want to be?" Smolder felt so lame at that moment. Dragons were normally very direct, and would often simply claim their mates without even asking, but she had picked up so many habits from the school that she couldn't do that to Ocellus. "Sure." Wow, that was easy, Smolder thought, bewildered. "Cool," she said totally nonchalantly, and was definitely not nervous at all despite her awkward, forced smile and sudden squeaky voice. Ocellus laughed. "Did I surprise you? Changelings tend to be pretty casual about relationships. It's just in our nature." "And here I was, worrying you'd reject me." "I would never! I love you." Smolder coughed, spraying Ocellus with small bits of ruby. "You love me?" "Yeah. I love all of my friends." "Oh, that kind of love. I thought you meant romantically." "Yeah, romantically." Ocellus tilted her head again and blinked as if confused as to why this wasn't clear. "That's not how romantic love works," Smolder said with a frustrated grimace. "It is for changelings. I guess we just feel it different than you." "Well, dragons get pretty jealous, so if we're gonna do this, you can't love anycreature romantically except me." "I can't change how I feel. I mean, all I can promise is that I won't kiss or mate with anycreature but you." Smolder rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "You know what? That works for me," she said, holding out another ruby. "So, want one now?" Ocellus smiled deviously. "Sure," she said. Her tongue slid out of her mouth and stretched all the way across the table, wrapped around the gem, and quickly snapped it back into her mouth. She pushed half of it out to show Smolder. "Whoa. That was hot," Smolder said, fidgeting. "Uh... so, since we're mates now, you wanna bang?" Grinning, Ocellus climbed onto the table to kiss her new lover. "Oh, Hive, yes."