Secret Evils

by Feather Guide

Who I am

"This isn't you." Spectrum said.

"Yes, it is," Stormy said.

"I should've tried to bring peace before it got like this," Rainbow said.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked.

"I was supposed to bring the two of you closer but then I ended up making everything worse," Rainbow said.

"I told you she was just using you." Sweetie Belle said.

"The way I see it is that she wanted to help us but you didn't want it so you ordered me to kill her," Fluttershy said.

"Why did you want me dead?" Rainbow asked.

"I couldn't let you destroy everything I had worked on." Sweetie Belle said.

"You will always be the mother of evil," Fluttershy said.

"Don't call me that." Sweetie Belle said angrily.

"I'm only calling you who you are," Fluttershy said.

Dawn Pie flipped open a book that she found in Mia's mane.

"The mother of evil ruled Equestria for years and ruled with an iron hoof. She had a twin sister who she abused." Dawn Pie said.

"So what Tirek told me was true. You are Belle." Gorgar said.

"The father of monsters and the mother of evil are reunited," Rainbow said.

"What are you doing here?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Do you want your heart?" Gorgar asked.

"No, that heart made me weak." Sweetie Belle said.

"Well, I'm glad you found someone even if it isn't me," Gorgar said.

Party Lights twitched a little. Dawn Pie rushed over to her sister.

"Dawny?" Party Lights asked weakly opening her eyes.

"Lights!" Dawn Pie exclaimed with tears rolling now her face.

"Are you crying?" Party Lights asked.

"No." Dawn Pie said.

Party Lights got up and hugged her sister.

"Don't lie." Party Lights said with a giggle.

"I love you, sis." Dawn Pie said.

"I love you too." Party Lights said.

Dawn Pie turned to face Sweetie Belle and walked a little closer.

"Feelings don't make you weak, they make you stronger." Dawn Pie said.

"I misunderstood the writing. It was actually talking about Party Lights and Dawn Pie." Rainbow said.

"You aren't a failure then," Derpy said.

"But then why do I still feel like still did?" Rainbow asked.

"Maybe if my sister didn't order me to kill you then you won't feel like you failed," Fluttershy said.

"Take it in case you change your mind," Grogar said holding out a box from the bag he was wearing.

"I won't change my mind." Sweetie Belle said.

"That thing still gives me nightmares," Fluttershy said shivering a little at the memory that the box gave.

Party Lights took the box from Grogar and opened it. Then she slowly walked closer to Sweetie Belle before putting it in her chest.

"What did you do?" Sweetie Belle asked angrily.

"You need to learn that having a heart is a good thing." Dawn Pie said.

"You fools ruined everything." Sweetie Belle said.

"What do you mean?" Party Lights asked.

"I took away my heart because I didn't want to get corrupted. I used a spell that made my sister evil because I wanted to protect everyone from a dangerous future." Sweetie Belle said.

"Wait what?" Fluttershy asked she didn't know that.

"I placed a spell on you because it seemed like it would be better then if my heart fully went dark." Sweetie Belle said.

"That's selfish," Fluttershy said.

"I did want I thought was best. That's not being selfish." Sweetie Belle said before removing her heart and putting it back in the box.

"Yes, it is." Larva said.

Fluttershy faints and lightning strikes right above her head.

"No one is born evil nor are they born good they are both made," Stormy said.

"Mom!" Luna yelled flying towards Derpy.

"What's wrong?" Derpy asked concerned.

"You need to come with me now!" Luna said.

Derpy saw the look on Luna's face and grew more concerned. Then they both flew to Canterlot.

"Why did you lie to us?" Fermata asked flying towards her mom with Skyla flying in shortly behind her.

"What are you talking about?' Cadence asked.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Fermata said angrily.

"I know I shouldn't have lied but I couldn't tell the truth," Cadence said.

"Why not?" Fermata asked angrily.

"I'm sorry I never meant to keep it for so long," Cadence said beginning to cry.

"Uh?" Skyla asked.

"Mom lied to us about our family," Fermata said.

"I was going to tell but I was too afraid to," Cadence said.

"You could've at least tried." Fermata cried.

Cadence pulled Fermata as well as Skyla into a hug with her wings.

"Shh, let it all out," Cadence said. "Fermata, how did you find out?"

"I found some letters at the Shys," Fermata said.

"Tirek, take away their magic." Sweetie Belle said before turning her head to the unconscious Fluttershy.

"Why?" Tirek asked.

"It's the only way to win." Sweetie Belle said.

"I won't allow you to steal Velvets magic." Snowflake said.

"Snowflake come here now." Sweetie Belle said.

"I wouldn't allow you to hurt the pony I love." Snowflake said.

"You don't know want love is. You were born without a heart." Sweetie Belle said.

"Wait what?" Snowflake asked surprised.

"What about us?" Melody asked.

"You have hearts." Sweetie Belle said.

"I have a heart." Snowflake said.

Larva walked up and levitated Red Velvets hoof to Snowflake's chest.

"I feel it." Red Velvet said.

"That's impossible." Sweetie Belle said.

"Being surrounded by ponies and other creatures that love me gave me my heart." Snowflake said.

Fluttershy started to regain consciouses and turned her head to face Sweetie Belle.

"That's not how it works." Sweetie Belle said.

"True love no matter what kind can break any spell," Fluttershy said weakly.

"Then why hasn't it happen to Sweetie Belle?" Pupa asked.

"She puts up too many walls," Fluttershy said.

"I'm sorry Snowy but you can't have a heart." Sweetie Belle said starting to cry before ripping out her daughter's heart and summing a box to put in it.

"I wish I hadn't seen that Though this is the first time that you've cried real tears in a long time," Fluttershy said.

Red Velvet touched Snowflake's chest and cried into it.

"Give it back!" Snowflake yelled with warm tears rolling down her cheeks.

"This is for your own good. Everything I've done is for the benefit of the world." Sweetie Belle said.

"No, it's not," Fluttershy said.

"This isn't a battle of good vs. evil this is a battle of evil vs. evil." Dawn Pie said in realization.

"Then who needs to win?" Party Lights asked.

"I think Fluttershy but I'm not sure." Dawn Pie said.

The sky finally cleared revealing its beautiful colors.

"Finally," Mia said once she was back in her pony form.

"Everyone join together." Sweetie Belle said.

Everyone on Sweetie Belles's side but Rainbow held each other's hooves\ claws. Though they were hesitant and/ or confused.

"Rainbow, what's wrong?" Cozy asked seeing that she was sobbing.

"I think she's having a loyalty meltdown," Derpy said flying towards the ground.

"Rainbow, get over the fact that I wanted you dead and help me defeat my sister." Sweetie Belle said.

"Let her have a break," Derpy said.

"Fine." Sweetie Belle said annoyed before lighting up her horn and floating up before blasting at Fluttershy and her allies.

Then she floated down and touched her slightly burnt horn.

"Are you alright?" Tirek and Gorgar asked in unison.

"I'm fine." Sweetie Belle said.

"It's over," Derpy said in a low voice.

"Where's Stormy?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm sorry." Sweetie Belle said.

"No your not!" Rainbow cried before flying away.

"Is Snowy really gone?" Flameheart asked.

"She and the others are just in a faraway place." Sweetie Belle said.

They all went to Sugarcube Corner along with friends and family they found on their way.

"Here you go." Pound said setting a pumpkin pie in front of Pumpkin.

"Thanks." Pumpkin said.

"No problem." Pound said.

Flurry wiped some crumbs wiped of Pumpkin's right cheek then sat down across from her and took a small piece of the pie.

"I'm going to look for Rainbow and Deedee," Dinky said.

Dinky said her farewells and left Sugarcube Corner. She looked at the beautiful sunset before continuing her journey.

Rainbow was flying in search of any signs to where Stormy and\ or Fluttershy could be.

"Stormy, where are you? Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked tiredly from all the flying so she flew down to be beneath a tree and slept.

Dark green magic lifted Rainbow and took her away.