//------------------------------// // 11 // Story: The Blessed // by RarityEQM //------------------------------// Twilight drew in a trembling, shuddery breath, and peeked past the safety of her hooves. The newspaper was still there, sitting silently on the end of her bed, right where Spike had left it while she'd been asleep. Right where it had been the last time she checked. She swallowed and rubbed her eyes. She stole a glance at the window. Middle of the afternoon. She swallowed again, letting her gaze drift back towards the paper that sat daunting on her covers. Spike had left it there for her for a reason. She'd told him anything concerning Pinkie Pie was to be brought to her attention immediately. He'd let her sleep though. The lovely little drake. She swallowed. Her mouth was dry. Nervously, cautiously she pulled the print into the air, letting it creep closer and closer until it hovered right in front of her eyes. Oh please, please, please, please, please let it be good news... Twilight blinked back tears and read the article again. She read it again and again and again. The words didn't change. The brain in her head told her it was a coincidence. Just happenstance. Nothing more than that. The heart in her chest screamed otherwise. Twilight pushed the news paper away and climbed out of bed. She had to find Pinkie Pie and she had to do it now.