Derpy Hooves: Dragon Slayer

by Yellowcardpony

Ray's Light

CHAPTER 5: Ray’s Light

Balefren awoke suddenly as he felt something touch his nose. Unconsciously he tried to reach a hoof up to rub it, but he found he was unable to move. His eyes shot open as he found himself restrained. Now fully awake he looked at a small brown spider that was crawling across his face. “Eeeh,” he cried shaking his head until the small creature came free.

Once the threat of the little spider was gone, he felt silly for having cried out like that. Calming himself down he tried to figure out what was going on. Looking around he did not recognize where he was. He was lying on a cold stone floor; around him were grey brick walls. The walls were cracked and covered with moss and vines as if they had been exposed to the elements for years. A row of strong black iron bars went through the middle of the room trapping the occupants in one side from the entrance on the other. In the middle was a small black gate that appeared to be shut. The room reminded him of some kind of dungeon in a castle, something that had not been built in Equestria for thousands of years. And he was stuck in the cell.

His next concern was that his legs were bound tightly with several ropes. He tested them trying to move in different directions. It seemed whoever tied them didn’t know how to make knots, so they just used more rope to make up.
I bet I can get out, he thought as he started to flex and relax his muscles. Each time he did, it seemed like the ropes were stretching and getting looser.

As he tested the ropes, he also scooted himself around in a circle to see more of the room. He had just turned around when he saw the familiar colors of Delphina laying in the far corner of the room. He was glad to see her, and quickly he snaked his away across the floor and over to her side.

Looking upon the grey mare, he saw that she was bound in similar fashion to him. He also quickly took note of a small patch of crimson in her normally blonde hair. He could tell she had hit her head very hard.
“Delphina,” he whispered softly. When no response came, he gently rocked himself against her.

No good, he thought, she could have a concussion, she shouldn’t be sleeping. With renewed vigor he fought with the ropes that bound him. After what seemed like forever, one of the ropes started to slide loose. Balefren rolled over and twisted his neck until he was able to catch the end of the rope in his mouth. Gripping tightly he pulled until the rope slide free. As one rope came loose the others seemed to follow as their whole entanglement structure came apart.

Triumphantly Balefren leapt to his hooves shedding the ropes like a bathrobe, he had to restrain himself from shouting a victory cry. Quickly he turned his attention to Derpy. With concern in his eyes he sat at her side and propped her upright against the wall. He looked at her face once more to check for signs of life, but saw none.

“Alright sit tight, I’ll get you out of these,” he said softly as he began to tug at the ropes surrounding her. Using his mouth and hooves it took him several minutes before he started making progress unwinding the ropes. He found it more difficult than unwinding himself as he didn’t want to hurt her wings as he worked the ropes.

As he was just starting to get the first rope free, he felt a twitch come from below him. He dropped the knot that was in his teeth as he focused his attention on the mares face. Her eye lids twitched slightly before slowly opening up.
Balefren looked upon Derpy’s bright yellow eyes as they gazed back. One was slightly crooked and unfocused. It was the look he had come to expect from her and something about it made him feel like things were going to be ok.
“What did you do?” she said hoarsely. Balefren's grin just got wider at the sound of her voice. Slowly Delphina’s eyes focused and she began to look around.

“Take it easy, I think you have a concussion,” Balefren said. “I’m not sure where we are, but it’s like…”

“A dungeon,” she said finishing his sentence.

“You are as sharp as ever,” Balefren pointed out.

“What’s?” Derpy said weakly trying to move a hoof and finding it encased with ropes.

“Let me get those, someone tied us up,” Balefren explained as he grabbed a rope in his teeth and resumed untangling.

“This isn’t good,” Derpy said quietly. Balefren paused with the rope in his mouth, he could tell she wasn’t her normal self yet, she was suffering.

“Mrmmf,” Balefren said trying to talk around the rope before he spat it out to speak clearly. “Just take it easy, I’ve got things under control,” he said. Derpy managed a smile somehow, although she did not believe him in the least. She sat in a haze of pain and fuzziness as Balefren resumed untying her.

Fearful that their captors might return, he tugged and twisted the ropes as quickly as he could. It took a few minutes before he finally felt the final rope coming loose. With one last yank the ropes fell to the floor leaving the mare free.

“Can you stand?” he said giving her a nudge. Derpy just stared blankly ahead for a moment before coming animated again with a slight shake of her head. She felt dizzy and her vision was clouded with fuzzy stars.

“I can,” she said, “but probably not for long.”

“We’ve got to get out of here before those things come back,” Balefren warned as he looked back over his shoulder at the black gate at the front of the cell

“What things?” Derpy said groggily.

“Black things with…” Balefren paused trying to think of a good word to describe them. As he thought Derpy suddenly looked up, her eyes locked on something in the distance.

“Imps,” she said slowly.

Balefren grinned and nodded. “Yeah kind of like that, an imp,” he said agreeing. Derpy shook her head slowly signaling he had missed something. Watching her yellow eyes he realized she was looking past him.

The all too familiar shiver went up his spine again as he slowly turned around. Standing right outside the bars of the cell was a small black creature with bright red eyes. Balefren gasped in surprise as he stood at attention and stepped in front of Derpy.

The imp just stood there watching them with interest.

“What do you want?” Balefren said after a moment. The creature did not respond, it just continued to watch.

“They’re normally harmless, and stupid,” Derpy whispered. “They’re also followers, you can make them do things if you try.”

Balefren thought about this for a moment, and then with a plan in mind he slowly approached the bars of the cell. The imp started to step back at first, but stood its ground once it was not in reach of the cell.

“Say there little guy, how would you like to do something for me?” Balefren said in a friendly voice with a big smile on his face, as if he was talking to a pet.

“Not like that,” Derpy said from behind him weakly. She spoke too quiet and he didn’t catch quite what she said.

Balefren kept his eyes locked on the little creature as he moved his face up just inches from the cell bars. “I’ll give you a treat if you open the door for us,” he said. “Come on, I’m sure you would love to help a friend out?” Balefren watched with enthusiasm as the little black dog face creature took a step forward.

The imp opened his mouth as if to speak, but instead he spat a large amount of saliva into the pony’s face. Balefren cried out in surprise and fell backwards grasping his face, as the slimy substance struck him. The imp laughed with a raspy voice pointing a claw at the stunned unicorn.

“I’m blind!” Balefren said in a panic as he rolled around on the ground. He frantically rubbed his hooves across his face and eyes.

Through the pain, Delphina was still cognoscente enough she grinned at the stallions troubles. “Calm down, it’s just spit,” she managed to say.

“But there’s so much!” Balefren whined as he started to use a torn edge of his coat to wipe. “How can someone have so much spit?” Once he had a chance to wipe his face down better, he slowly opened his eyes. To his relief he was not blind. Looking forward he saw the face of the nasty little creature who was still laughing in its own way at him. “You think its so funny? Come in here and I’ll show you how funny it is to have something in your face!” Balefren called out angrily.

In response to the threat the imp spit again, Balefren saw it coming this time and side stepped the attack. The imp continued to laugh in success watching as Balefren continued to move around in the cell.

Balefren kept pacing around so that he was not a stationary target. As he walked he tried to think of what they could do. With Derpy down it let any action to him, and without her being very mobile there was no chance they could make a run for it. That only left one option for him. He would have to fight them all off. At this realization he looked over at the mare sitting on the corner against the wall.

She looked back at him through weary eyes. He could tell that she was thinking the same thing, and just like him, she was not pleased with the concept. “Maybe they’ll just let us go,” he whispered to her.

Delphina shook her head slowly. “There is a reason they’ve brought us here, they don’t act alone, someone is controlling them,” she explained the best she could.

“So you mean…” Balefren said and stopped not sure where she was going.

“Someone set them up to get us, and we’re not going to live through this,” she said.

Balefren wanted to reason with her, but no words came to him to say. Instead he just stood as a nauseating feeling began to fill his gut.

“You should make a run for it when they open the gate,” she suggested. “Leave me to my fate,”

Balefren shook his head refusing the idea. "I won’t leave you like that, and anyway the necklace would zap me before I go too far,” he said. No sooner had he spoke when a realization hit him. The necklace! He thought, if she took it off, he could use magic.

“Derpy, you have to…” he started to say, but was interrupted by a loud bang on the iron bars. The sound was so loud he couldn’t help but cringe as his ears rang.

Turning around the unicorn watched as a whole pack of the imps stood at the entrance to the cell now. A slightly bigger one was holding large mallet that he had just used to strike the cage. Balefren recognized him as the one he had tried to speak to the night before.

“He’s the leader,” Derpy whispered.

Both ponies watched silently as the imps spoke in a language they did not understand. The leader imp pointed at the gate, then at the ponies. In response to him, several smaller imps rushed forward, one with a large key that he put into the gate lock. Twisting the key, the gate opened and the others rushed in.

Before Balefren could consider attacking, three little imps rushed at him holding spears. Aiming them at his face, to keep him at bay he stood his ground trying to hide his fear the best he could. As the imps entered the cell, Derpy began to stand up. With a slight groan the grey pegasus got to her feet and stood tall.

Balefren glanced over at her surprised, she looked as strong and sturdy as ever, but he knew she was pretending much like him. The mare gave him a quick wink and a nod. Alright then, he thought, he was the one who would have to make a move.

“What do you want with us?” he asked trying to sound fearless.

Swinging the club carelessly the imp leader spoke. “Horn pony, we want horns,” he said in a squeaky voice. He pointed the mallet in the direction of another smaller imp who held some kind of small metal saw. Balefren felt a cold sweat start to form as he thought of them using it to remove his horn. “And shiny neck,” the leader added pointing at the amulet around the unicorn’s neck. “Give,” he said demanding.

“Before you try to do anything, I want to warn you,” Balefren said thinking of a plan. “This pegasus here is none other than Derpy Hooves… Dragon slayer,” he started to boast. “She is slayer of dragon’s and beasts; she is the stealth like the wind striking death from above to all foes around. She is indestructible and unmerciful, no creature is her equal, she only allows you to live for her amusement, if you don’t leave us be, she will strike and you all will be at the gates of Hades before you can blink!”

The rabble of imps looked at each other speechless, not sure what to think. Even the leader seemed to have some fear in his eyes after the threatening speech. All eyes turned to the grey Pegasus that stood with her head held high.

Derpy stood focusing on standing, but her blurred vision and dizziness was getting the better of her. Unable to stand anymore, she let out a groan as fell backwards onto her butt. The imps roared with laughter as the grey mare now sat on the ground barely able to steady herself with her front hooves.

After the laughter died down, the imp leader turned to Balefren once again. “Give,” he said with more of a growl in his voice.

“Take it,” Balefren offered. “The necklace,” he added quickly not wanting them to confuse it with his horn.

“You take off, give,” said the imp.

“No it's fine, come and take it,” Balefren offered, thinking of the surprise they would be in trying to take it off him. Just as he was thinking this, he happened to notice an imp standing in the back shyly, who seemed to have bandages over both of its claws. “You already tried to take it off me?” he said thinking out loud.

“You take off, or we take off carcass,” the imp explained.

As Balefren was wondering where the imp learned a word like carcass, Derpy spoke up. “It doesn’t work like that,” she explained. “It’s magic and you can’t even take it off his dead body.”

“Then how?” the imp snarled as he took a few steps towards the grey mare. Balefren took a step forward to try to get between the imp and Derpy, but he was blocked by the rattle of spears in his face.

“I’m the only one who can take it off,” she said weakly. Balefren felt his heart skip a beat. She was thinking the same thing he was.

“Do,” the imp said. “No trick, you bleed,” he threatened as he motioned to push the unicorn closer.

Balefren tried to hide his excitement has he was headed slowly over to where Delphina was sitting. As he stood in front of her, he slowly leaned his head forward so she would have good access to the necklace.

“They’re creatures of shadow,” she whispered as she slowly reached around behind his head and began to unhook the amulet’s chain. “I hope you’re light is strong enough Vivid.” With a final twist of her hoof the necklace fell to the floor.

All the imps cried out excitedly as the gold jewelry hit the stone floor with a clank. They jumped forward forgetting everything else. The leader swung his mallet around, pushing the others back as he leapt for the necklace.

“Mine!” he cried.

Balefren took a few steps backwards from the melee. He felt a strong surge flow through his body and around his horn. It felt wonderful, like eating a great meal after starving for days. His magic had returned.

The imp leader held up the necklace proudly to display to the others it was indeed his. “Now horn,” he said turning around and pointing at the unicorn. All the imps turned in time to see Balefren Vivid standing in the corner silently with a small white ball forming on the tip of his horn.

The white unicorn put all his concentration and will into his most powerful light spell. The spell that had earned him his cutiemark, sprang to life as the single point of light began to grow rapidly. Before the imps could react a blinding flash filled the room covering everything in perfect white.

Cries rang out from the creatures as the light blinded and scared them. In a panic they began to try to flee the best they could. Before they could get far, the white light faded revealing a large white ball of energy hovering over the unicorn.

“Pure light,” Balefren said between gritted teeth as the ball shattered into hundreds of white beams that filled the room. Each beam moved at incredible speed and bounced off the walls. As the light struck the imps, it tore through them. Some were vaporized by the blasts and others impaled by daggers of light.

Then as quick as it started the light faded leaving the remains of the imps scattered across the room. Balefren managed to look across the room at Delphina Ray. She still sat in the same pose, but her eyes were locked on him.
“I told you I got this,” he said as he felt his legs giving way beneath him. Without enough strength left to keep himself up, he fell to the floor hard. “I think I over did it,” he said up at the ceiling, grinning to himself.

Balefren awoke suddenly again, but this time he recognized his surroundings. He still lay on the grey stone floor in the ancient ruins of some building. Looking up he could see blue sky through cracks in the celling. It was still daylight outside and he was unsure of how long he had been asleep.

Slowly the unicorn got to his feet. Cautiously he looked around for any signs of the imps, to his relief he did not see any. With the exception of the mallet the leader had used, all traces of the imps had vanished. With no sign of an immediate threat his next thought turned to Derpy. Quickly he looked across the room to the corner where the mare was now laying on the floor.

“Delphina, don’t you sleep,” he said as he thought about her head injury. He was not sure why you were not supposed to sleep if you have a concussion, but everyone was always very adamant not to let that happen.

As Balefren approached the grey pegasus began to move slightly. Lifting her head she watched the white shape of the unicorn through blurry vision.

“Come on Del, we need to get out of here before they come back,” Balefren said worried as he looked back over his shoulder. Without fully stopping, he bent down and began to help Delphina to her feet.

“What? No, it’s alright,” she responded groggily.

“Were you sleeping?” Balefren cried out in alarm.

“Yes, I think we both were,” she said as she started to become more coherent. “Looks like its late afternoon judging from the hole in the roof.”

“You have a bad head injury, you shouldn't sleep,” Balefren continued.

“That’s just an old mares tale, best thing for any kind of injury is to sleep. If it's bad enough I won’t wake up either way,” Delphina explained. Balefren took a step back letting her stand on her own, but still had a concerned look on his face. “Speaking of… My head does really hurt,” she said placing a hoof on her forehead.

“We’ve got to get out of here, before those things come back,” Balefren reminded her. Delphina just grinned as she stood her ground calming. “Are you still too sick to travel?”

The mare shook her head. “I’m feeling much better, relatively speaking,” she said rubbing her head again.

“Then let’s go!” Balefren said as he began to trot towards the cell door.

“Vivid?” Derpy said as she still stood in the back of the cell. Balefren stopped in the doorway and looked back at her. “Don’t you remember what happened?”

“Of course, I used my light spell and scared them off,” he said quickly. “Like you said they were creatures of shadow, so light scared them.”

Delphina shook her head again. Balefren gave her a confused look as she explained. “You killed them.”

Balefren felt his heart drop, and a sick feeling run through his stomach. “No, my spell is harmless, that couldn’t happen,” he reasoned, as he felt his hooves start shaking.

“I know you didn’t mean to, but your light was harmful, in fact most of them were vaporized by your blast.”

“No, that’s…” Balefren whimpered. “I’m going to be sick.”

Delphina just stood and watched as the unicorn ran out of the room. She felt some regret in telling him now, but she did not think he would have reacted so badly.

Once Balefren was gone, Delphina exited the cell and went around the corner where her saddle bags and items were scattered around on the floor. She took note of the poriferan necklace that now lay on the floor as well.

She figured they had some time now, and their prison now could become a good shelter for the night. It was time to go to work.

Down the hall from where Derpy worked Balefren was trying to get hold of overwhelming emotions. He had emptied the contents of his stomach through a crack in the wall; it didn’t leave him feeling any better. With dry tears in his eyes Balefren wandered the ruined halls trying to forget about the murders he had committed.

As he turned a corner he came to a large room. It seemed like it was a once a throne room or a ball room. Like most of the rest of the castle the walls were crumbing with bits of plants overgrowing them. Looking up the sky was clear and blue over the entire room. At some point the whole ceiling had collapsed.

It was something that seemed odd, since the floor was mostly clear of debris. He slowly walked the length of the room looking out through old windows that no longer had glass in them. He looked from side to side trying to grasp what this place was, and who may have lived here long ago.

He came to the end of the room where a small raised platform stood. This must have been where a throne of some sort once stood, he thought. He had a strange feeling that something much greater than him was in this place. His troubles were momentarily forgotten as a sense of awe washed over him.

“This was once the great castle of the royal sisters,” Derpy said from behind him. Balefren slowly turned at hearing her voice. “They say it was the grandest of all buildings ever made, built by pure magic, it attracted all of the greatest wizards from across the lands, to test their spells and work together in harmony.”

“What happened?” Balefren asked as he looked the sun through a window aligned for the perfect view.

“Nightmare Moon happened,” Derpy said. “The sister rebellion, once it was over they say this place was in ruins, and left to rot. The Everfree forest grew up around it and it was mostly forgotten. They say the forest itself was born out of the intense and strong magic that took place here.”

“I guess that would explain why it feels so strange here,” Balefren said.

“You can feel it?” Derpy questioned.

“I didn’t really notice it before, but with the necklace off, I can feel something strange here,” the unicorn said trying the best to describe the odd sensation. “It’s like it’s alive.”

“Well trees are living things,” Delphina said cynically. “Look Vivid, I have a few things I could use your help with.”

“You’re awfully quick to change the subject,” Balefren said suspiciously.

“Sorry to spoil the moment, but night will be coming soon and we’ll have to be spending it here, and I want to be ready,” Delphina explained.

Balefren’s ears perked hearing they would be staying the night. “Here?”

“Yes, but before we do, can you go and find these things for me?” she asked as she approached him holding a scroll. “I’m preparing some things in a room around the corner from that cell.”

Balefren took the scroll using his magic; he opened it and read the contents. “I’m not sure what these are,” he said confused. “Telop frebeat?”

“There’s picture on the back, they’re all simple herbs and plants that all should be growing right around this place.”

Flipping the paper over Balefren looked at the images, and recognized many of them as plants he had seen. “I’ll need something to carry…” he started to say as Derpy tossed a tan saddle bag at him. With hardly a flinch the orange glow of his magic caught the bag and placed it snugly on his back. Rolling up the scroll he tucked it inside the bag as he began to walk out. As he passed Derpy he stopped for a moment.

“It had to be, right?” he said concerned. Delphina knew he was referencing the imps.

“They were evil creatures, it had to be,” she said in an empathetic tone. “But I know it doesn’t make it any easier for you, but you’ll understand someday.”

“I hope so, because it feels bad inside right now,” Balefren said as he walked on.

“It’s never easy taking a life, I’m glad you didn’t do it lightly.” Delphina confronted the unicorn. “Now we have work to do, get that stuff as quick as you can, I’ve got a surprise waiting,” Derpy added changing to a cheerful tone.

Balefren nodded as he started to gallop towards the exit. “Let’s see what you do delivery colt,” Delphina whispered to herself as she watched him disappear around the corner. In the red saddle bag she wore, the amulet rested. She had decided to leave it be, for now. “Let’s see what you do, my light pony.”