Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

A Masculine Touch Pt2

The worry that Thunderbolt would try to play dominant games was practically gone, and Spicy realized how gentle the big guy could actually be. "A little help might be good, but start slow, okay?" His last word melted into a groan that had Spicy flapping his wings in joy—Thunderbolt was slowly lowering him back. The journey down the draconic shaft was better than the first time. Thunderbolt's body seemed like it was a perfectly designed toy, and Spicy was going to make sure he enjoyed every second of him.

Thunderbolt lowered Spicy all the way back down onto him again, but didn't halt. Lifting back up, he set the first stroke of a rhythm that Spicy's legs quickly took up. After another full stroke, Thunderbolt was able to let Spicy drive again.

The time for slow was gone. Spicy wanted to feel movement and life within him. He didn't so much slide down as bounce in Thunderbolt's lap. The feel of the dragon's amazing shaft became a constant assault of pleasure. Spicy growled, hissed, and screeched as he pulled Thunderbolt from him or crashed back down to shove the growing tip hard against his prostate.

Clenching his teeth together, Thunderbolt had to fight against his urges with every movement Spicy made. This sex was utterly different to everything (and everyone) else he'd done. He couldn't stop growling in time with Spicy's sounds as the need to give pleasure rode through him. At last he couldn't stop himself from closing one hand around Spicy's waist and holding him down as trembling pleasure began to rocket its way through him. But it wasn't enough. Closing his other hand around Spicy's shaft and his own, Thunderbolt began to masturbate them together.

Spicy could feel the throbbing tip of Thunderbolt swell in his rear even as he watched the other of his shafts swell up. Part of him couldn't believe how big it was, that part of him was not his colon—it knew exactly how big Thunderbolt was. The feel of soft scales and softer dragon-flesh on his rock-hard stallionhood had Spicy wanting to squirm and shift, but with himself anchored to Thunderbolt as he was, Spicy Hot wasn't going anywhere.

"Arrre you close?" The words cost immense effort for Thunderbolt to say. Just a week ago it would have been impossible, but training with Tree Hugger had left him more the master of his body.

The question made Spicy nod his head—he was as close as a hair's breadth from orgasm.

"Together." Thunderbolt stroked up and squeezed a little more at the sensitive flesh under both their different heads. "One." A stroked down, tickling over the sensitive nubs and nodules of his own shaft and pulling a whine from Spicy as he past the bat pony's medial ring. "Two." Thunderbolt drew his talon back up them, and in that instant he didn't know if he could pull it off.

Clenching his eyes closed tight, Spicy leaned forward and pressed his head against Thunderbolt's chest. He didn't care about anything in that moment so much as hearing the word—


As Thunderbolt stroked back down, he leaned over Spicy's arched spine and kissed his neck. Neither of them could hold on anymore, and neither had any excuse to. Roaring fire poured through Thunderbolt like lava under pressure. He growled loudly as all the muscles of his lower body tightened, and inside him two organs that had been feeding a third seemed to clench. His prostate shot into overdrive, and he could do nothing but shudder and flap his wings in time to Spicy's.

Clenching his teeth tight, Spicy felt the imperative of release rush through him. Being a mix of man, bat, and stallion, he not only had an intense rush of climax, but an unrelenting one. He felt the first blast of his own seed hit his throat, and a moment later he felt what seemed like a rumble inside his body as Thunderbolt not only flooded his colon with scalding hot dragon seed, but joined Spicy in painting his jaw and neck.

Neither dragon nor bat pony could think of moving. Both were caught in the moment of passion and could do nothing but share it with their partner. They moved as one, hands stroking and holding, guiding and supporting.

The pressure in Spicy's rear told him all he needed to know about the quantity of dragon issue, and as if that weren't enough, his neck, jaw, and chest was further proof that they both had a higher than human output.

Panting, grunting, even making little growls and screeches, the pair slowly eased back from the precipice of male climax to a more relaxed and sated suite of sensations. Groans and growls turned to sighs, and eventually to nuzzles and kisses.

"I don't need to say wow, do I?" Thunderbolt asked.

"Fuck no." Spicy's normal eloquence was gone. He'd bared himself to Thunderbolt, and Thunderbolt had done the same. "That was amazing."

"You can still feel it, right?" Nuzzling, kissing, and gently nipping at Spicy's neck, Thunderbolt felt not just protective of him, but protected by him.

Spicy tilted his head up and claimed a quick kiss on the lips. "Inside me? Of course I can. You haven't gone down at all. How long's that going to take?"

"Like, about half an hour." Tree Hugger couldn't help herself. She stood up and walked past the pair toward her kitchen. "You two thirsty? Need a towel?"

"Half an—" Spicy couldn't be upset, not at what he'd just shared a part of. "A drink might be good." He turned to look at Tree and had to admit that for the hippiest hippy-chick he knew, she took care of herself and looked amazing. Part of him pondered introducing her to Rarity before he remembered there was another girl in his life that might be interested. "You, uh, have any preference?"

"Water, usually, though I've made a really excellent rose-hip tea." Pulling three long glasses to her sink, Tree began filling them.

Thunderbolt opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a happy rumble. Struggling with the part of his brain that managed speech, Thunderbolt eventually managed to speak. "I'll take a towel, Tree, thanks."

"M-Me too, and I meant in partners. I have a friend who's looking to experiment with girls, and—" Spicy Hot said.

"Like, I think I could go for that. I normally just do dudes, but a chicky might be fun." Tree picked up two of the glasses and looked at the third with a sad sigh at the deficiencies of the universe (and her body). "Oh wait, yeah, this might work."

Spicy watched fur sprout from Tree's body, a long tail grow from her rear, and a bright red horn from her head. A cascade of scales down her spine completed the change that still surprised him. "That's pretty cool. Do you think you could teach me how to do that?"

"Change you mean?" Tree asked as she turned.

"Or levitate things. You've got that in common with my friend. She's, uh, a little different though." Spicy reached a hand out for the glass, moved it to his other hand, then took a cloth from Tree. "Uh, like, completely pony." He hadn't even realized he'd adopted a hint of Tree's speech pattern until he took a sip from his drink.

"No way? That's totally awesome. Hold on, you mean the purple unicorn from the other night? I so wanted to talk to her!"

Spicy didn't realize how thirsty he'd been until he looked at the empty glass in his hand. Having an obliging female around wasn't so bad, he thought, then realized how terrible that sounded. "That's the one. She had—I think I should stop talking until she's present. Kinda personal stuff."

Tipping back his own glass of water and emptying it in one gulp, Thunderbolt began trying to clean up Spicy. The heady musk that clung to both of them might be arousing, but he doubted Tree would want it to stain the furniture. "Purple unicorn? She didn't want to fuck."

Never before (without the use of a toy, and probably even with the use of them) had Spicy Hot felt so full. His belly had a gentle bit of pudge to it where Thunderbolt's swollen tip had pushed things around a little. It didn't hurt, but every slight movement reminded him he had a huge dick locked inside him.

The mess matted into Spicy's fur was the best either of them could do without a shower, and from what Tree had told Spicy at the start she only had a cold one. Again and again he found himself nuzzling and being nuzzled by Thunderbolt. Mutual affection was unusual in Spicy's normal tastes, but with someone like Thunderbolt it was special.

From one second to the next, Thunderbolt felt something in his groin unclench and a rush of blood began returning to circulation. He smiled at the feel of his shafts shrinking. "Mmmm your turn next."

Spicy opened his mouth as if to ask what Thunderbolt meant, but the sensation of deflation made him groan and let out a little screech of surprise. "Going down?" He knew what the problem would be if he stood up, though—with the size of Thunderbolt's shaft, Spicy would be gaping a little, and that meant mess.

As Spicy eased up and off Thunderbolt, however, only some of the fullness subsided. He looked down to see a little of the belly-swelling still there despite the dragon being out of him. "Uh… I don't remember this part…?"

"Plug," Thunderbolt said. "Something dragons do. When I fuck Rainbow—and Tree—I make some thick goop at the end that seals them up for a bit. It sealed you up good." He lifted a hand up to gently touch Spicy's belly.

Feeling the gentle touch, Spicy let out a soft groan. "This is both the weirdest and most convenient thing I've ever had happen. How long's it last?" The sensations were already causing Spicy to harden up again.

"At first just a few minutes, but after a few days it seems to last about two hours. You like my present?" Thunderbolt leaned down and kissed the growing crown of Spicy's shaft. The smell and taste of both their musk washed deeper into his senses. Thunderbolt wanted to feel that flared head inside him more and more by the second.

"It's cool, and I can't say it's not odd, but yeah, cool. Do you want my present?" Spicy reached down to where he'd left his lube with one wing and hooked it up with his thumb-claw.

Having no clue how he was going to get Spicy into him, or even where to do it, Thunderbolt just nodded dumbly and looked over to Tree for help.

"You want my advice?" Tree waited for a nod from Thunderbolt. "Like, you're both kinda quadrupedal. Get on all fours, lift your tail for him, and let Spicy work things out as he goes."

Thunderbolt looked into Spicy's eyes for just a moment. He nodded and smiled. "What does it feel like?"

It took every bit of Spicy's fortitude not to smack Thunderbolt on his rear as the dragon moved, instead he let out a happy growl. "It might feel a lot of things. Uncomfortable, stretching, like you want to push back… Don't do that last one. Squeeze down if you want, but don't push. But, if you're built anything like I think you are, there should be something inside there that will feel very good."

The position wasn't what Thunderbolt would have liked normally. He was bent forward and offering himself, but the difference was now he wanted to know what it was like, and curiosity was stronger than his predator instincts. When he lifted his tail, he felt Spicy's hand rub something along the underside of it.

"I'll be honest, I can't find your—oh, there we are. Just a fold of flesh between two big scales." Keeping his shaft away from the hole he wanted to plow so much, Spicy used one hand to rub lube around Thunderbolt's entrance while the other reached around—explored—and found what it was looking for.

"Whoa!" Thunderbolt almost lurched forward as one of Spicy's hands wrapped around one of his shafts. "I wasn't expecting that." Now that he was aware of what was happening, Thunderbolt relaxed into the masturbation. "Mmmm…"

Just a little at first, Spicy stroked along the nodules that seemed sensitive to Thunderbolt as he gently worked a single finger forward. When there was no resistance to speak of, he pushed further.

"I can feel that. It's different—good." Thunderbolt's growling grew in tempo, though it had no hint of anger to it. Each stroke of Spicy's hand made him more relaxed, and even the second finger pushing into his rear didn't feel wrong. "Is it meant to be that sensitive?"

"It is if I take my time. Feels nice?" Spicy didn't need to ask, just the sound of Thunderbolt seemed to coax him on. It was like a huge purr. He added another lubed finger and pushed his hand forward. Now there was resistance. Thunderbolt's muscles clenched a little, then relaxed. Clenched, then relaxed. "Still feeling good?"


"Want more?"

"Want you." Thunderbolt had no problem articulating his desire—not when he was worked up so much. The feeling of Spicy's hand leaving him drew a whine from his throat that blossomed into a delighted growl as the flat head of the stallion's shaft pressed to him.