[New version] Equestrian Diamonds

by Silas5399

Chapter 4


“Last night was amazing.” I said to myself as I stepped outside and thought back, it turned out Bismuth was not resistant at all, she was just good at hiding it and I also got to do a few interesting things with my tail on a few gems, some even poofed!

I went to go check on purple and I knocked on her door and I remembered something. I remembered the kiss and I heard a voice say. “Doors open.”

I walked and saw her cradling Dragon Blood Jasper's gem in her arms. “Hey I was wanting to talk to you about something.” I said.

“What is it Red?” She asked quizzically.

“It's about the kiss.” I said and Purple’s face lit up like a beacon in embarrassment.

“Oh, that it was nothing just the first thing I thought of to calm you down!” She said in a whisper.

I sat on the bed and said. “Well I thought it was amazing and I wanted to tell you that.” I said with a smile as I draped my wing over he shoulders and wing hugged her. Throughout this her face just kept getting brighter and brighter until it lit up the whole room and i brought my wing back. “Um are you alright?” I asked.

“I have an important question for you.” Purple said.

I looked at her with a curious look on my face and said.” What is it.”

“Do you like me?” Purple asked.

“Of course I like you you, you have always been there for me whenever i needed it every battle, every time a gem shattered, sometimes I even thought of us as a family.” I said as I remembered the happy and the sad times we had together. At the word ‘family’ the smile that had been growing on her face vanished replaced by a frown and a single tear followed by her running out of the room.

“What did I say something wrong.” I said as I saw her run out and her pearl walked in.

“What did you say to My Purple to cause that?” pearl asked with an edge to her voice while pointing the way Purple went.

“I said we were family.” I said thinking what I could have said to get her like this.

“Your an idiot you know that right.” She said.

“What did I say wrong?” I asked.

“She loves you dude more than anyone even more than she loved Black Diamond.” The Pearl said with a stern look on her face.

I rushed out of the room and searched for purple. I looked for what felt like hours until I found her on the roof of the castle and I sat down next to her. ”Pearl told me how you felt about me.” I said alerting her to my presence.

“Blabbermouth.” She grumbled.

“Look purple i really do know how you feel a few years after you arrived I started having feeling for you but after awhile and failed plans to finally tell you I thought you just weren't into me and I started thinking of us almost like siblings we did everything together partied celebrated even gone through some rough times and I thought us more as a family and I thought you felt the same.” I said and I pulled her close with my wing.

Purple looked at me with shock before averting her eyes and said. “I never knew you felt like that before.”

“Yes I did and when you asked me if I like you thought it was in a sibling way not a romantic way.” I explained. “But of you want us to be in a relationship I am more than willing to try if you feel the same.” I said as I hugged her with my arms and wings Purple then proceeded to crush my arm in a hug and I let go.

“take it easy there.” i said as I took my arm away.

Purple backed away and her blush returned full force. Rubbing the back of her head she said “hehe sorry about that.”

“It's alright, so where should we start in our new relationship?” I asked with a smile.

Purple then proceeded to lunge at me and yelled “MARRY ME!!!!”

“Really right away i thought we would have a few dates before this but I'm not complaining.” I said as I used my tail to get her off me.

“So is that a yes?” Purple asked with a huge grin.

I smiled back and said.” Of course it's a yes.”

Purple is now positively beaming as she yelled “YAY, I'M GETTING MARRIED, I'M GETTING MARRIED.”

“Calm down now we don't want to tell everyone just yet now do we?” I asked playfully.

At that she pouted cutely and said “ I guess so.”

“We will tell them in time but it has to be done correctly, there might be some who think that they will get less attention from us if we say it wrong.” I told her.

“Ok. Fine I'll be good.” Purple said. All of a sudden a bright light shone out of Purples window. We rushed to her room to see Dragon’s Blood jasper on her bed naked.

I averted my eyes as purple approached her.

“Jasper put some clothes on NOW there is a male present.” Purple said reproachfully.

“Yeah yeah alright mother….wait did you say male as in not female?”

“Yup the only male gem in existence.” I replied.

Dragon’s Blood Jasper looked me up and down a few times before settling on my gem and said “Helllloooo hot stuff what cut are you?”

“I am a diamond.” I said as I turned my head a bit then turned it back seeing she had not bothered to put any clothes on yet.

“Hey good looking wanna come over here and have some private fun my Diamonds?” DBJ asked.

“Jasper you're so shameless sometimes just get dressed already!” Purple yelled with a huge blush on her face.

After that she rolled her eyes and her clothes appeared allowing me to turn my head back.

“Well would you like to introduce me Purple?” I asked glad that, that was out of the way.

“Red this is Dragon’s Blood Jasper, Jasper this is Red Diamond my fianceeee….Oh shit, I'm so sorry Red.” Purple said frantically.

“Really Purple.” I said.

“Ooh, fiancé. Finally gonna tie the knot eh ma'am.” Jasper said teasingly causing Purple to blush profusely.

“Jasper don't do that,” Purple said extremely embarrassed.

“Can we keep this quiet we are trying to keep it a secret for now until we know how to tell everyone.” I told Jasper and Purple

“If my Diamond so wishes it my lips are sealed.” Jasper said resolutely.

“Jasper I told you to stop speaking like that it doesn't convey familiarity and kinship!” Purple said.

In walked Purple Pearl and she said with a bit of an edge “Red Diamond what did you do now to upset Purple?”

“I didn't do it, it was jasper.” I said raising my hands a little then setting them down.

“Oh ok. What did you do Dragon's Blood Jasper to upset our Diamond?” Pearl asked her.

“I was naked on the bed and I tried flirting with Red Diamond!” Jasper blurted out before covering her mouth.

“Again with the flirting and the nakedness. What are we to do with you?” She asked rhetorically.

“Don’t be so hard on her I am the only male gem in existence she was bound to be curious.” I said to help Jasper a bit.  

“That may be but it isn't an excuse for her nakedness.” Pearl said.

“True but she did not know we were coming in the room and she had only just reformed and she was in her gem for so long she must have been a little confused.” I told her.

“That is no excuse for poor decorum, anygem could have walked in and seen her.” Pearl rebutted.

“Yes but we don't know what she has been though we found her in the stomach of a hydra she must have gone through a terrible experience for her surely you can forgive her for this much at least this once.” I said gesturing to Jasper.

“My Diamond?” Pearl asked

“I don't see any fault in Jasper's appearance except that she did it on my bed.” Purple said with an air of finality.

“Thank you Purple later we will find her a room where she can do whatever she wants but for now there are more important things.”  I said to everyone.

“Oh how right you are Red Diamond i have to check in with Red Pearl on the excavations.” Purple Pearl said as she ran out of the room.

“Thank you My Diamonds for that Pearl can be so uptight sometimes.” Jasper said.

I smiled walked a little closer and sat on the bed along with Purple. “I thought Purple was your only Diamond?” I asked a little confused normally a gem would chose one diamond and follow that one alone.

“Well you two are getting (in a whisper) married (back to normal) soon right?” Jasper asked.

“Hopefully but we have to tell everyone first then we can set everything up.” I explained.

“Then there is your answer.” Jasper said with a smile.

“Well we are worried gems will think we will pay less attention to them if we get married so we are trying to figure out a way to tell everyone that we will not give them any less attention.” I said.

“Well I could tell them for you My Diamonds.” Jasper suggests.

“I don't know what do you think Purple?” I asked.

“It makes sense to me because it is coming from the right hand of one of us and it proves we trust our gems to be part of our decisions.” Purple said.

“OK then i will tell my pearl.” I said as I left the room.

{Time skip one hour}

After an hour we had gathered all of the gems and my pearl and DBJ were about to speak.

All the gems were talking amongst themselves and my pearl said. “Quiet down now we have something important to say straight from the Diamonds.” My Pearl said.

“Rejoice, Rejoice, our Diamonds have seen fit to join together in glorious matrimony,” Jasper said.

All of the gems started yelling random things before Pearl spoke again.” Calm down my Diamond wanted me to say even though they are going to be together they will never show us any less attention than they do now they will always love and care for us all.” She said speaking over them and they calmed down a bit but lingering voices could still be heard but they were too quiet to hear clearly.

“SHUT YA PIE HOLES YA IDIOTS WE ARE SPEAKING FOR OUR DIAMONDS,” Jasper yelled and the voices stopped.

“The time has not been set yet for the marriage but we can guess it will be soon and I hope we all can celebrate when they do, that is all,” Pearl said finished what she had to say and she left followed closely by Jasper.

“Do you think this will keep them calm?” I asked Purple.

“I would hope so. Knowing my gems they will be overjoyed by the news.” Purple said.

“I haven't known my gems for that long but I hope they are happy with my decision,” I said as I looked over the balcony at the gems that left the room after the speech.

All of a sudden a robotic type voice comes from behind us“My Purple, My Purple, is it true are you getting married?”

“Purple would you like to introduce me?” I asked as I turned around to see an interesting gem.

“Ah, Blue Danburite good to see you up and about again and yes it is true I am getting married to Red Diamond. Red this is Blue Danburite one of my inner circle and my top scientist/researcher.” Purple explained.

“That’s good now Peridot can have someone to work with now instead of working alone,” I said happily.

“You know I didn't think of doing that again but it worked out last time i had Peridot’s so why wouldn't it work now.” Blue Danburite contemplated.

“That is good but dont think she is working under you, you will be the same rank here.” I told her.

“ I wouldn't dream of it My Red.” BD said confidently.

“See inter-colony cooperation already.” Purple said to me.

“Yes your right I shouldn't be so worried but I have good reason to.” I said.

“Hey Purple, Red how are things in the cushy seats?” Jasper calls from down below to glares from other gems.

“Well first there are no seats up here and we have not been sitting.” I said jokingly.

“Huh your right no seats. The point still stands can I sit down now?” Jasper asked as she jumped up to the balcony.

“If you want to sit so much you can sit on my lap if you want to.” I said teasingly.

“Hey who said you could lay with my gems too?” Purple asked

“I was only teasing her to get a little payback for the way she teased me.” I said.

“Ok,” Purple said while turning away.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her.”You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, you know that don’t you?” I asked.

Purple turned around in my hug with tears in her eyes and an azure aura surrounding her. “Really? Do you mean that?” she asked.

“Yes I would not do anyone without going by you first even then I would not do anything to hurt you,” I said as I gave her a quick but passion filled kiss causing her to blush profusely.

“Red, not in front of the gems!” Purple said.

I turned my head to see that the two other gems with us were blushing and I let go of her. “Sorry.” I said

“It's all good Red, I was enjoying the show,” Jasper said.

“Well, you can’t join us until you get Purple’s Ok so no watching until then or unless you get her permission.” I said teasing her a little.

“It's fine by me as long as it's just watching.” Purple said warningly.

“So look but don't touch are you trying to keep me to yourself.” I said and I leaned in closer to her ear. “but it is always more fun with more people.” I said seductively but also teasingly. Purple then pushes me off the balcony for that.

Fire shot from my hands and feet and I flew back up to the balcony and sat on the railing with a grin. “You can't get rid of me that easily you wanted me you got me so now you have to live with my humor.” I said chuckling a bit.

“Oh that's rich so so rich. Hey Purple should I throw him back he's not that great of a catch?” Jasper asked.

With a wicked grin Purple said“Tie him up first though we don't want him to fly back again.” Upon Purple saying that Jasper summoned her dual kusarigama and tying my hands and feet together before throwing me back off the balcony.

I plummeted before getting an idea i managed to turn around to where I faced the ground launched my sword towards the ground and it stuck and heated up turned the floor to magma and a hand made of magma shot out and grabbed me and lifted me back up when I got back they were turned around and I whistled. Upon hearing the whistle they turned around in shock.

“You can't get rid of me.” I said as the magma was attempting to untie the chains but when it did not succeed I turned my hands into energy and slipped out and the magma turned into a platform for me to stand on.

Purple and Jasper just started to clap. “Bravo big man you managed not to get poofed.” Purple said.

I sighed and looked at her. “Sorry ok I was just trying to have a little fun we have only been together again for a few days now I was wanting to get back to where we were before we lost the war it has just been so long since we have had fun I wanted to bring that back.” I admitted.

“Ok, i can admit that I MIGHT have gone too far with that last one but you have to admit if you weren't on the receiving end you would probably be laughing at the absurdity of it.” Purple said.

I thought about it and nodded. “Yeah I probably would.” I said.

“Now what do we do?” Purple and Jasper both asked.

“Well first I want to ask purple a quick question.” I said.

“Yes?” Purple queried.

“Do you want to sleep in the same room before or after the wedding no funny business until after though?” I asked.

“I don't see why we can't use our old arrangement starting now.” Purple said and I nodded.

“OK then now what do we do?” I asked.

“I vote for a girls day out with the three of us and Red Pearl.” Purple said.

“DID SOMEONE CALL ME.” I heard from below and saw pearl and I helped her up by making steps and she talked with Purple, Jasper and Blue Danburite.”Ok then I guess I will come.” She said.

{POV change Purple}
After leaving the castle with the others in tow we headed to ponyville.

“So what are we going to do when we get to ponyville?” Red Pearl asked.

“Well first order of business is to go to a dressmaker and look at dress designs. Then we go to the spa and gossip about random stuff.” Jasper said.

“Ok then let's go then I don't want to be away for too long.” She said.

“Don't you mean you don't want to be away from your Diamond for too long?” Blue Danburite asked slyly and pearl blushed.

“What gave it away?” She asked quietly.

“The way you looked at him right before you decided to come with us,” BD said in her analytical voice.

From down the path, I yelled: “Come on you three i want to get done at Rarity's shop soon so we can go to the spa.”

After an hour of walking we reached rarity's and she answered the door.”Well hello, darlings what can I do for you today?” She asked.

“Yeah about that we are planning a wedding-” I started before a weird glimmer showed up in Rarity's eyes.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEH” Rarity squeed almost making me deaf and somewhere I could just feel someone laughing and I was pulled inside and the others followed.

{Time skip 30 minutes}

After half an hour of wearing tight dresses and choosing different colors and dresses we were done and went to the spa to relax and Jasper and BD got curious about Red.

“So Pearl you love him don't you?” BD asked analytically.

Pearl blushed and said. “Yes I do very much.” She said and you could hear a pin drop between them. “All of us made by him do.” She added.

“How's he in the sack?” Jasper asked jokingly.

“Depends on what you ask him to do for you.” She said embarrassed.

“You ok Purple? That must hurt.” Jasper said

“It's fine i knew he was intimate with his gems.” I said emotionlessly.

“Are you sure your ok I don't want to make you sad or anything?” Pearl asked me.

“No nothing is wrong I just learned one of my bridesmaids slept with my fiancé.” I said.

“I am sorry you had to find out like this Red told me you already knew about his relationship with his gems.” She said sadly.

“I did I just didn't know you were one of them.” I said.

“It just happened I’m sorry.” She said.

“When was it?” I asked pointedly.

“When I first formed I kind of lunged at him and kissed him and it continued from there.” She told me with a blush.

“When?” I asked again.

“The night before you showed up.” She said. I immediately calmed down a little bit upon hearing this.

“And not since then?” I queried.

“No but I secretly watched when he was with the miners.” She said with an embarrassed look.

“No need to be embarrassed Pearl.” BD said in a comforting manner.

“Any more questions?” Pearl asked.

“No more questions.” I said and we continued with our night out and finally started heading home and when we got home every seemed frantic and I asked.

“Whats going on?” I asked one of them gem and another answered.

“Red diamond has lost control of his powers.”