[New version] Equestrian Diamonds

by Silas5399

Chapter 3

I shook off the blow I had just experienced as I got up from the crater I made in the impact.

Upon my recovery, I saw the creature in question in better detail, it was shining black and made from several shifting and different shaped stones as it writhed and spasmed aggressively, turning to Purple as its next target.

“OH CLOD!!!!” Purple Yelled as the black mass charged her.

It raised its arms, ready to slam down but it was then tackled by a monster it’s outer layer was made of hardened lava and magma could be seen within it.

“Just in time.” I said as I stood up I made a few magma golems from my memories during the time we were making the castle but this one is the only one that turned out right, still need a little practice and I pulled out my sword. “You ok Purple?” I asked.

“A little scared Red, man.” Purple said while shaking, the lava golem was putting up a good fight but it was losing ground against its foe.

“We need a plan and we need to know what this thing is.” I said.

“For some reason it feels familiar yet not quite.” Purple said.

“Well we need to fight to protect the gems they don’t stand a chance against this thing.” I said desperately I couldn’t see my gems destroyed again.

A sickening CRACK went through the air as the beast finished off my golem, then proceeded to advance on us.

“You stay here for a bit I will distract it.” I said as my sword lit on fire and I charge the beast, it tried to swing at me but I slid under its attack.

With my own swing I manage to nick it in the arm, causing sparks to fly and the mass on the arm to reel back, not in pain but in… fear?

‘Is it afraid of me.’ I thought and I lowered my sword to see what it would do.

It looked at its arm frantically checking over each stone, and seemed to calm a little when it seems that I did no damage, then it proceeded to charge at me again.

I stabbed my sword into the ground and the ground turned into lava and it proceeded to sink and once it was at neck depth the lava hardened. ’Will this hold it?’ I thought as I pulled my sword from the hardened lava.

The beast slowed and angrily struck at the rock, intending to free itself and shake the ground in an effort to disorient and disarm me.

“Purple, could use your help over here!” I yelled and I struck the head of the beast with my sword, causing it to reel back and the stones to pull away. What I saw next shocked me.

It was a gem, that was clear enough, but it was shattered, the shards pulling away and trying to force themselves together as black lightning sparked from the centre with each clash, me and Purple got a clear look at it before the physical mass closed up the opening and the creature became more frantic and mad from being exposed.

“Impossible, she was shattered. I watched it happen!!” Purple said.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“That's Black Diamond, she was like a mother to me and she taught me everything from peaceful living to gem creation she was shattered a hundred and fifteen years ago.” Purple said.

“Well then maybe my passion can calm her down, it might not work completely with her like this, but it should still have an effect.” I said as the area was wrapped in a scarlet aura. As this was going on Purple started to cry into her hand catching the tears then ran up to Black Diamond and slammed and attempt to slam her tears on her gem but one of her arms broke free and she grabbed her arm and through her into a few trees.

Her other arm then broke free and she tried to hit me but i jumped away out of her reach and next to purple.

With tears running down her face Purple turned to me and said “it can't be avoided we have to shatter the shards.”

I gave her a sad look and nodded and i took a deep breath and let my rage aura engulf me and i could feel my power being amplified and i charged black diamond and she tried to swing her arm at me but I jumped in the air amd stabbed where her gem was and a inferno engulfed my sword and turned her gem to nothing more than powder.

POV change Purple

All of a sudden a brilliant flash comes from the powder blinding me when I could see again I was in a blindingly white void. The only thing other than me was a formless shape.

Eventually the form coalesced, into a fully complete yet ethereal Black Diamond(Note: differences from the image are DD breasts and a pear-shaped gem)and an unnoticed black aura receded from around the rest of the construct, showing the ‘stones’ were in fact an entire array of living, yet dormant gems, all having a black diamond mark painted onto them.

“Mother!?” Purple called out into the light.

“Purple….” Black said softly as she turned to her. “I missed you so so very much.”

I'm now in a heap crying my eyes out and black floated down in front of me and cupped my cheeks with her hands and smiled at me.”Don't cry you did all you could.” She said as she embraced me.

Me and her held each other tightly and she ran her hand through my head and kissed my forehead and started to fade away but not before we embraced one final time and the world returned to normal.

POV change Red

“My diamond.” I heard behind me and I felt someone grab my leg, it was pearl. “I heard fighting and I thought you were in trouble.” She said as she clung to my leg and I shrunk down and she hugged me.

“It's ok pearl.” I told her as I hugged her back and i looked at the pile of gem that fell of the remained of black diamond.

“We should take the gems inside it would also be best if we kept them together.” I said.

A new gem emerges from the pile, this time a Black Pearl, who picks up the gem powder and looks at us. “I’m so sorry for her actions I’ll take her powdered gem and scatter it.”

“Thank you my mother's most trusted companion.” Purple said with a sincere smile and tears still running down her cheeks.

“It is no problem, I’ll make sure of that, and I’ll treat the gem powder like it was my own.”

“Yes thank you, me, purple, and my pearl will help carry the others.” I said as we started picking up gems and bringing them in and we put them all in one room. I told lapis to inform me when they emerges from their gems again.

That was when Peridot walked in, sporting some fancy looking limb enhancers. “My Diamond, all facilities have been accounted for and are completed, barring a few exceptions that need to continue development.” Peridot informed me.

“Good and has there been any problems with our little mining operation to get new gems?” I asked.

“No my Diamond, although many of the gems at work seem to experience… hot flashes, when they find a particularly high quality crystal that they keep requesting to gift you personally with.” Peridot said.

“Interesting, lead the way?” I asked her.

She nods and leads me and Purple down into the mines, only to find several of the miners happily cuddling and kissing rather shiny and unblemished gems they had mined out with plenty of affection. The group then seemed to notice me and rush over, scrambling over each other to gift me their mined gems like they were some form of ultimate mystical treasure from an ancient temple.

“You have all done amazing work today all of these gems will soon be just like you and we will all be one big happy family.” I said cheerfully as I rubbed their heads.”But also what caused you to have these hot flashes?” I asked.

Then one of the Citrines deeper in the mine, having not noticed the commotion, shouted out. “YES! I got a really good one! I know if I show my Diamond this I’ll get the chance to enjoy his… personal company~!” This in turn caused all the other miner gems to blush and look away from me, super embarrassed.

I chuckled slightly and the Citrine turn around to see me only to blush as well.”don't worry you will all get you chance soon enough.” I said making them blush even more even peridot was blushing.

After that I went to find Purple Diamond. I wandered the castle for what must have been an hour before I heard crying from outside the room where Black Diamond was.

“Hey Purple you ok?” I asked.

“NO!!!!” Purple screamed.

“She is just confused you know that.” I told her softly. She just turns to me and buries her head in my chest and starts to cry. “It's ok let it out,” I said as she continued to cry and cry and cry, for what felt like a whole day, but was more like an hour, though I was there for her and I pet her head as she cried just like I used to do back on the colony.

“Are you ok now?” I asked.

“*sniff* yea I'm feeling better now, thanks Red you always seem to know when I need comfort.” She said.

“How about we go somewhere? I know a town just outside of the forest filled with people you never seen before?” I asked.

“Sure if you think it will help?” She questioned.

After that I helped her up and we left for ponyville. After making it to the town, I wanted to introduce her to Twilight's so she can tell Celestia there are more Diamonds on this planet, after asking around we found her place and I knocked on the door and the one who opened it was a small green and purple lizard.

“Hello are you here to check out a book?” He asked and I shook my head.

“No we are here to see Twilight just tell her red is here.” I said and he went inside and Twilight appeared shortly after.

“Hey Red Diamond! How have you been and who is this?” She asked and I smiled.

“I have been fine, this is Purple Diamond, can we come in?” I said, she looked surprised when I said diamond and she looked at her.

“Hi.” Purple said as she waved and Twilight showed us the way in and we sat down in the library section of the house and I asked a question.

“So who answered the door first?” I asked.

“That’s Spike my assistant he is a dragon.” She said.

“I don't think I have heard of dragons what are they?”I asked.

“I have, they are creatures that eat gems.” Purple said with a shiver.

“Yes they eat gems and they walk on two legs until they grow to their full size then they walk on all fours, but don’t worry I know what you are thinking and Spike does not eat sentient gems. I don’t know about others but he won’t.” She said and I was thinking how would I look as a dragon.

“I have met a dragon before and it was huge and was eating hundreds of our kind at a time.” Purple said with visible horror on her face.

“I want to try turning into one.”I said and everyone looked at me.

“YOU CAN DO THAT!” Twilight shouted.

“Yes we are shapeshifters we can change how we look.” I said.

Purple decided to show her and turned into Twilight. “Ta-da” she said in Twilight’s voice.

“Fascinating.” She said she started writing this down and we walked outside to see how I looked at a dragon.

“First I will start out as a full grown one. You ready?”I asked.

“May I try too?” Purple asked.

“Sure if you want you go first.” I said and she stood beside me.

As Purple began to glow she grew in size her arms became claws, she grew wings and two horns, and her gem moved to the base of her throat.

“That’s impressive purple now my turn.” I said as my form turned into energy and grew in size and changed into what I wanted I was now a red dragon and my gem was now hidden among my scales and Twilight was writing everything down. “Now we will change into a younger dragon you go first Purple.” I said.

“Ok, this should be fun.” Purple said as she turned into a purple female dragon with heterochromia and blond hair then I changed back.

“You look nice.” I said as I booped her with my nose and she fell to the ground and I chuckled then I began to change and I was a red and black dragon then I transformed back into myself but I kept the wings and tail I kinda liked them.

“Hey and maybe later you can come by another one of pinkie's party she is throwing one for a griffin maybe you can turn into one of them at the party.” Twilights said with a chuckle.

“Maybe we will?” Purple said. “But what's a griffin look like?”

I thought of something from my human memories. “I think I know.” I said as I continued to change into a griffin.”I believe this is what they look like.” I said and Twilight nodded.

“Come on the party should be starting soon.” She said and we hurried to sugarcube corner and walked inside.”It looks like we're not too late find a place to hid.” She said. And Purple shifted into a griffin also.

As we hid we could hear talking outside we waited several minutes and the door slowly opened and we saw the griffin that this party was for. “SURPRISE.” we all shouted making her fall from the surprise.

“What's this a dweeb-fest.” The griffon said.

“No it's a party for you,” Purple said cheerfully.

Seeing the two of us she sneered and said “What are you two dweebs doing here?”

“We have just as much right to be here as you.” I said sneering back at her.

“Yeah i guess but this is a pony town what are two griffins doing here?” The Griffin asked.

“We are griffins but we are not as well we can be whatever we want.” I said as I turned into my young dragon form.

“CHANGELING!!!!” The Griffin yelled and lunged at Purple.

I grabbed her by the Talon and threw her to the floor.”We are not whatever these changelings are we are gems.” I said and my entire body turned into pure fiery energy with my diamond in the center then I reformed into my real self but still kept the wings and tail.

“Well, whatever you are let me go you mega-dweeb.” She said and I let her go. “Thank you.”

“MY DIAMOND!” I heard from the outside and I saw a purple figure run and lunge at Purple only for her to step to the side and the figure fell on her face.

“I’m sorry my Diamond I was not able to get here first,” she said.

“It's ok all that is important is that you tried,” I said with a smile.

Pearl?” Purple said in a shaky voice and tears formed in her eyes.

“Yea it’s me Airhead.” The pearl said with a shit-eating grin.

“Purple who is this?” I asked.

“This is my oldest gem and friend. She was the product of the first gem egg I created with Black's help.” Purple said.

“Gem egg?” I said confused I had never heard of such a thing.

“Gem eggs were my way of not destroying planets to make more gems but it requires a connection to earth type auras. To make one first you need a non-sentient gem, then you use the aura to draw some energy into it from your surroundings finally you implant it into a sentient gem and about a week later you have a new gem.” Purple explained.

“So like my way but it is from the surroundings and does not leave a connection and no side effect.” I said bluntly.

“Not exactly. My way requires a sentient gem to carry it and a connection is formed between carrier and carried.” Purple explained then Gilda interrupted.

“Hey did you forget about me ya mega-dweebs!” Gilda shouted.

“What do you want feather brain can't you see were talking here.” I retorted and she got angry.

“How dare you this party is for me I have half a brain to grab a hammer and smash you and your gems.” She said and I was overwhelmed by rage.

“you want to say that again.” I said in a threatening voice and she stepped back.” You have no idea what i have gone through and the things I have seen. I have seen planets burn and many others conquered even before you were born and i have watched my gems be destroyed right in front of me and nothing remained!” I yelled as I stomped my foot on the ground causing a web of cracks to appear.

“Red calm down your losing control.” Purple pleaded.

“I can't calm down this bitch just threatened to smash our gems.” I said with furious tone.

All of a sudden Purple came up to me and gave me a huge kiss on the lips that didn't stop for what felt like hours but was actually just a few minutes.

I regained control and calmed down.

“Aww gross Mega-dweebs kissing in out of here come on dash let’s blow this lame-o-fest.” Number one on my Shit List said.

“I don't think so, the moment you got in here all you've done is nothing but insult them and threaten them i don't think we can be friends anymore.” RD said.

“Whos..uh..but..ugh..fine whatever stay with these dweebs see if i care.” Gilda said as she stormed off and the party continued and after it was over we left for the forest and when we were about halfway home I turned to purple and said.

“Purple about the ki..”I was interrupted by some of my gems running out of the bushes with their weapons.

“My diamond are you ok sapphire had a vision of you and purple being attacked by multi headed creature.” Topaz said.

I decided to get a better view of the forest so i turned in my adult dragon form and looked over the tree with ease and looked around and said the multi-headed creature coming this way.

”What is that?” I asked curiously.

Turning into her dragon form Purple took a long look gasped and then said. “ How is there a hydra here? Hydra's are native to Alpha-Centauris in the Gamma sector we are in the Epsilon sector over fifty light cycles away.” Purple said and i took to the air and breathed a fireball that hit its leg nearly burning it off and it showed signs of a very slow regeneration.

The hydra roared in pain before turning one of its heads towards me and the others noticed purple realizing it was outmatched it tried to run away.

After I was a little further away purple gasped and i looked at her and she shouted.”There's a gem inside it!” After hearing that I tackled the hydra to the ground and tore a hole in it stomach but it was regenerating quickly this time and i was forced to hold it open while purple reached in and pulled the gem out and I let the hydra go and it ran away as it healed.

“EEEEEE!” Purple squeed.

“What gem is it?” I asked as i recovered from her ear destroying squee.

“It's Dragon's Blood Jasper my right hand gem and a mistress of espionage I thought her forever lost. I thought she was shattered or worse on her last mission when she didn't return.” Purple said excitedly with a hint of remorse.

“Something wrong?” I asked with worry.

“Just thinking about some what if’s. What if I had never sent her on that last trip through the warp pad? What if I had looked harder for her when she went missing? What if I had found her?” Purple said with tears running down her face and a azure aura around her.

“it might have been for the best that you found her here and now instead of in the past.” i told her and i thought of many scenarios where she could have found her before many of them not good.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shatter you.” Purple said while exuding a blood red aura.

“Think about it if you had found her in the past while you were helping black she would have been either corrupted by white or shattered here she was the safest she could have ever been and if she had stayed she would have either been corrupted or shattered.” I explained what i thought could have happened.

Purple relaxed and I could see regret in her eyes as the blood red aura faded. “I'm sorry Red for that outburst I don't know what came over me.” Purple said.

“The result of mine and blues power you copied them and our aura react to our emotional state it can be harmful to not only yourself but those around you as well you should be careful.” I told her.

“I'm sorry Red it has been so long since I’ve gotten angry or depressed that I forgot I copied yours and blues powers.” She said.

“Well then we should head home now you need to help your jasper recover nad I believe I made a promise to a few gems that I need to fulfill.” I said and we headed home.