[New version] Equestrian Diamonds

by Silas5399

Chapter 2

“What?” I asked pearl.

“Please use me however you want, I beg you.” She breathed out as she kissed me again and all of her clothes vanished exposing her small breasts and pussy, after a moment of thought I leaned into the kiss and pulled her closer to me. My clothes vanished revealing I had no dick but that was about to change as one appeared by my will. It was 10 inches long but it could change when ever I wanted, I laid pearl on the bed still kissing her. When we stopped I gave her quick kisses and started going  down, and when I reached her gem she nearly screamed in pleasure as I continued to make my way down till I reached her legs.

“Oh my Diamond!” pearl gasped as she moaned loudly and I started eating her out making her gasp and nearly shout as she grabbed the bed tightly

“More... please more.” She begged in between moans and gasps, soon I stopped and without me realizing it, I let out my passion aura again. Her eyes now looked like hearts as she gazed at me with lust and want as she spread her legs, I angled myself and thrusted all the way in with one thrust, yet there was still room, so I grew my dick until I reached her womb. ”Please.” She spoke softly before I started moving in and out.

“Let's make this more interesting, shall we?” I got up and got her on her hands and knees on the bed, when she was in place I made a second dick appear and I got both of them lined up in the right places, one in her pussy and another in her ass.”You ready?” I asked and she nodded, with that confirmation I started pushing in, she looked like she was in pain at first but as I hilted she gave me the sluttiest look I have ever see. On seeing that lustful expression I went full throttle from the start and not long after pearl was close.

“Yes my Diamond YES.” She screamed as she climaxed and the upper part of her body fell on the bed, in response I grabbed her hips and moved them in rhythm with my thrusts. Before I forgot, I made myself infertile so she would not get pregnant and disappear, soon enough I went faster by using just a tiny bit off my rage aura, and now my body was outlined with the blood red aura, I started feeling a rage burn within me from the power, I don’t know what I was angry at but I was unintentionally starting to get rough with pearl and I was leaning forward getting as deep as I could into her penetrating her womb

“Yes do whatever you want to me my Diamond.” She cooed as she was ready to collapse, I was reaching my climax and she climaxed about three times by now and was reaching her fourth.

“Are you ready Pearl?” I said as I was about to cum, and so was she.

“YES.” She screamed as we both climaxed and I plunged into her depth, releasing everything I had into her, and as I became spent my rage and passion aura faded.

I laid her on the bed and I laid next to her. ”Get some rest pearl you earned it.” I said and she snuggled into my chest, closed her eyes and smiled as she fell asleep as I kissed her forehead and went to sleep as well.


When I woke up in the morning, I found pearl’s arms wrapped around me as she was still sleeping.

I removed myself from the bed and made new clothes, I was now wearing my black jacket with a plain white shirt and black jeans, along with my boots.

“Is it morning already?” Pearl asked as she just woke up and rubbed her eyes.

“Yes, and you should make some clothes that are a little less revealing than last night.” I whispered in her ear and she stood up and bowed her head.

“Yes my diamond.” She said and she now wore a red dress, we walked downstairs and she clung to my arm as we walked, then there was a knock on the door and pearl sat on a chair so I could answer. It was Celestia and she was holding a large bag, I showed her in and she saw pearl, who looked nervous around her.

“You ok pearl?” I asked and I sat next to her, she clung to me then nodded as she calmed.

“I have come to give you the gems you wanted but if they are all going to look like her you will need more room.” She said as she handed me the bag and I looked inside, there was one peridot, a few amethysts, a topaz, a lapis, a sapphire, and lastly a bismuth.

“So you didn't tell Twilight how you made gems sentient, would you care to explain?” Celestia asked and I blushed.

“Well it is complicated you see I have two aura one is rage and the other passion I use the passion one to make them sentient but it also makes any sentient gems around me...” I paused as I was hesitant to say the last part. ”Horny.” I said quickly and Celestia blushed.

“Well I guess now I can see why you wouldn't tell her that.” She said still blushing and I grabbed the peridot and I looked at pearl.

“Can you head up stairs for a sec so it doesn't affect you.” I told her and she nodded and she went upstairs and my activates my Passion aura which surprised Celestia as she looked around and she room was coated in the scarlet aura and I funneled the aura into the gems and the spark appeared in the center and the aura faded from the room and Celestia looked at the gem with fasnation.

“So what now?”She asked me and I looked at her

“Now we wait, it only took a few hours with pearl, it might take more time with her though.” I said and suddenly it began to shake, then it flew out of my hands and began to form already. After she made her body (without the limb enchantments for now) she fell to the ground, then once she looked at me she suddenly turned her head and blushed.

“I thank you for bringing me into existence, my Diamond, I shall utilise all of my skill and knowledge to function to your standards.” She said almost mechanically.

“I think I should get her used to being around here, I guess I can talk to you later.” I told Celestia and she left and I turned to peridot. “You ok?” I asked as I helped her up.

She blushed harder as she held my hand as I got her to her feet. “I am perfectly well, m-my Diamond, I’m suffering no flaws in my construct and my gem is clean and undamaged… w-why do you inquire?” She asked.

“Well I don’t really have any information on this world's gems so I was seeing if everything was normal.” I said.

“I do not appear to have any indication of impairment, why? Is… is my form unappealing and non-attractive to your preferences?” She asked nervously.

“No I like your form and every gem is perfect in their own way.” I said with a smile.

She smiled back, then blinked and turned away, her face akin to a tomato. “Well I see that I am successful to your specifications, I am active and pending command my Diamond, you may… a-ask me to do… a-a-anything you personally desire, I am…” her ears were now gaining the same coloration, I couldn’t see her face but her voice seemed strange. “E-eager to serve any of your needs… as per my design of course!” She said eagerly.

“Well for now I need to find us a bigger place for us to live if I am going to bring the rest of these gems to life.” I explained to her.

“Oh… a suitable choice would be to animate the Bismuth, as they are skilled in moulding molten rock, crystal and metal to create larger structures, although for a Diamond, a tower moulded from crystal would certainly be worthy of your presence.”

“There is a castle in the forest over there it is in ruin but it would be easy enough to fix up and repair but we will need to talk to the princess first.” I suggested.

“Of course, would you like me to begin designs for the different bedrooms?” She asked.

“Yes and I will animate the bismuth and try to contact Celestia.” I said then a flash of light and a letter appeared.

No need, you can use the castle however you want.

It was a little weird she was watching us but it was good timing though.

“There! I have constructed a diagram for the reconstruction, would you like to review it?” Peridot said with a smile and she held up a few papers.

“Great job but first I will animate the bismuth can you head upstairs and meet my pearl.” I said and she went upstairs and I pulled out the bismuth and I did the same thing with it and both pearl and peridot came down and I took the papers and looked at them.

It looked very well designed, and seemed to fit Gem Architecture… including how my room was at the top floor in my own personal tower while the rest were basic rooms at the lowest floor, a very clear separation of classes.

“If possible, I would like to be on the same floor as my gems.” I said.

“W-wait, you… on same floor, want to be.. E… e…” Peridot was suddenly red all over, whistling like a kettle until-

*POOF* echoed into the room as her Gem clattered to the floor, with no damage whatsoever.

“The other diamonds might like that stuff but they also never really cared for their gems like I do. I care for my gems and their safety I would rather die that let my gems be destroyed again.” I said almost letting my rage aura out but I took a deep breath and breathed out.

“Are you alright my Diamond?” Pearl asked, and I nodded in response.

“Yes I’m fine thank you for asking.” I said and pearl blushed and nodded, then there was shaking, so I looked at the bismuth as it began to form.

After her form was complete, she kneeled.”What are your orders my diamond.” She said

“For now you can help Peridot… once she reforms.” I said and she stood up and had a smile on her face and she appeared to be less affected by my aura.

“As you wish my diamond.” Bismuth said as she walked towards peridot’s gem and picked it up to watch over.

“So where we building this thing?” She asked.

“At the castle in the forest we are going to repair and improve the design.” I said as I changed the plans abit to where I was on the same floor as the other gems.

After that we set out for the castle, I grabbed the bag of gems and put them in my diamond until we had room for them to stay.

We were passing a ravine when suddenly, there was a loud bang and we looked to the sky, what we saw was a meteor that went over our heads, bearing strangely purple coloration as it descended, we decided to go and check it out.

“What do you think that was my diamond?” Pearl asked as she clung to my arm.

“I don't know, but last time I checked meteors weren't purple. ”I said and we neared the crash site and we saw a giant figure emerging from the crater and I grew to match its size. As the dust settled I saw a large purple female with a purple diamond between her breasts. As soon as she saw me she started to cry and ran over to me.

“Oh Red I can't believe you survived also and didn't get shattered by the explosion.” She said with a smile.

I felt tears run down my face, to which I touched them and looked at them as I now realized I cried magma. “Why am I crying?” I asked myself, as if to answer my question, I was hit by a massive head pain and I fell to one knee and held my head with one hand.

“My Diamond!” My gems yelled as they tried to rush to my aid but the Purple Diamond reached me first.

“Red are you ok? What's wrong?” She asked with a concerned tone and I started getting flashes of how I met purple on my world, she landed and my world almost shattered by the other diamonds and I helped her, that is all I could get from the flashes.

“I know you, you are Purple Diamond.” i said as i got to my feet.

“YAY, You remember me. I am so glad you didn't lose your memories like I almost did over the past ten years in space.” Purple said with a relieved tone.

“I only remember bits and pieces of you to understand how you know me and how I know you.” I told and she looked a little down but still happy that I knew who she was.

“Oh so you did lose your memory in the last ten years!” Purple said.

“I remember most things like my planet, my colony and the war, but there are bits and pieces that are missing.” I told her.

“Oh so you don't remember Magenta?” Purple asked.

“Who?” I said.

“Our fusion, the one you used to help heal me!” She said.

“How did I heal you with fusion?” I asked.

“Magenta, unlike me, can use her copy ability of Pink Diamonds healing ability on herself.” She replied.

“Well you should come with us we have a place we can fix up and maybe restart my colony.” I said.

“Really you want to restart our colony after what happened?” Purple asked.

“I just didn't want to be alone and I owe it to them to push forward.” I said and I was still crying magma tears.

“Don't cry here I'll use my aura to make you happy!” She said as a lavender aura springs into existence around us and I start to feel happier.

“Thank you let's get going we have a lot of work ahead of us.” I said.

“Ok let's rebuild our colony!” She said happily.

“Yes let's.” I said with a smile, and we made it to the ruined castle.”Well, this is where it all begins, what do you think bismuth?” I asked and she rubbed her chin.

“I can work with this but it could take weeks before we can make any real progress, we will need more gems to make progress today.” She said and in response I pulled out all of the gems in the bag2.

”Can you all move back please?” I asked them.

“I’ll be fine Red, I've been near you doing this before.” She said and all of the other gems moved back a lot, once they were at a safe distance I unleashed my passion aura and it funneled into all of the gems, causing them to shake and take form there were; four amethysts, one lapis, a topaz, and finally a sapphire.

“How may we serve you my diamond.” They all said in unison.

“Will this be enough?”I asked and she nodded.

At that point Peridot reformed. “What happened? I had this strange hallucination involving masses of water vapour and pleasant moments of zero gravity.”

After explaining what happened we all got to work even me and purple helped out.

It took a lot of time, but eventually the base of our new colony had started taking form, although it was far from finished but it was livable for now.

“So living arrangements, are we going to use the same ones as back at our colony?” Purple asked.

“Everyone rests on the same floor.” I said.

Peridot looked ready to overheat again, though unlike before managed to calm. “Of course, m-my Diamond, I’ll revise the plans to find another use for the tower.” Peridot said.

“I can use it to animate gems it is far enough away so I won’t affect anyone.” I suggested and she smiled.

She left to work, a slight bounce in her step.

{two weeks later}

After two weeks the castle was finished it was restored to its former glory me and purple worked hard to build this place with our gems but our colony will eventually grow and we might have to move but for now we had a place to stay.

I made a small mine under the castle and there were large amounts of gems right beneath us waiting to be unearthed and brought to life.

There were still many gems that blushed whenever I passed them though but me and Purple were working together again after so many years.

“So it's finally finished.” I said but then I  sighed.” But how long will we be able keep it?” I asked Purple. We both knew that this planet was not out of the diamonds reach or the races that attacked my planet sooner or later we would be found by one of them.

“I feel a familiar presence.” She said softly.

“What was that?” I asked

“Oh nothing” she said and we walked inside but before we walked in there was a loud crash amd from the trees a blow figure ran at us and punch me in the chest sending me flying.