[New version] Equestrian Diamonds

by Silas5399

Chapter 1

“Hey, it’s time to leave.” I heard my brother shout from downstairs.

“Yeah, yeah I’m coming.” I yelled back and I finished packing my bags, we were going to the Anime convention in a few days and we had some traveling to do before we got there but it was worth it, it was my first convention.

I walked down stairs and saw my brother, he was 23 and I was 21, he had black hair and blue eyes, he had a scar over his left eye. He always got into fights at work but he always gave them a run for their money. Our parents died two years ago and I have been living with my brother for a few weeks, we liked the same things; anime, manga, foods like meatloaf and compow chicken.

“You ready to go, slow poke?” He asked with a smile as he ruffled my hair and I pushed his hand away.

“You know I hate it when you do that Jonathan.” I said as I looked in a nearby mirror and started fixing my hair I had red hair that I got from our mother and my eyes a light blue with a little green on the edges.

“It’s time to go Dan.” Jonathan said as he walked outside with his suet case and loaded it into the car and I loaded my after he started up the car and got in.

After we got on the road it was boring to say the least I brought my phone and a few books so I could entertain myself.

3 days later

After three days of boredom and sitting, we finally arrived at the convention. “My butt feels numb.” I muttered as I got out of the car and stood up, popping my back and getting some feeling back into my legs.

“Hey all you had to do was sit around I was the one driving.” He said.

“Well the only time we stopped was to sleep so it was boring.” I said as I finished stretching and we walked inside the building.

“Remember the plan?”My brother asked.

“Yeah-yeah meet back here in two hours I now let’s just sync our watches.” I said and we pulled out our phone and were ready to set the timer. “3.2.1. Go.” We started them at the same time and we walked in different directions, I had about 300 dollars to spend and I didn’t really have anything in mind so I continued to walk through the convention and watched several recreations of fights from animes and mangas it was getting close to time and I haven't found anything to buy yet.

“Hey you over there you looking for anything.”I heard behind me and I turned and saw a person dressed as the merchant from resident evil 4, I walked up to his little shop.

“Well I don't really have anything in mind, what do you have available?” I ask him with a smile and I could tell he was smiling as well as he ducked under his counter and I could hear him rummaging through the boxes and cabinets that he had.

“Where did I put it.” I heard him mutter as he looked through bags  and he stopped and looked inside and quickly grabbed something in the bag he was holding.”I was originally planning on giving this to someone else but I guess they aren't coming today.” He said as he put a red diamond on the counter.

“That looks cool.”I said as I looked at the diamond.”It looks so real.” I said and he nodded.

“Made it myself and you can have it for let’s say about $150 should be fair with how real it looks and I will throw in the repair kit for you and instructions on how to repair it.”He said as he put a mediums sized bag beside the diamond then he pulled out a sword and placed it beside the bag.

“This sword is 100 dolares it also come with the diamond if you want it.”He said as he opened a register and I thought about it and nodded and gave him the money so I only had 50 dollars left.”Anything else you want?” He asked and I looked around he had a pearl

“I will take that pearl if you don't mind?” I asked and he handed me it and I gave him my remaining 50 dollars.

“Enjoy, I had already sold aPurple Diamond to another customers, today, who seemed satisfied.” He said and I walked away I turned back around to say thanks but he was gone and so was his shop I just stood there as I stared at the empty space and I walked away I walked to the entrance and I saw my brother he saw me and started jogging towards me then I felt strange, then he started sprinting and I noticed everything was moving. I looked down and saw a hole opened up under me, everything was moving slowly now and all I could do was watch my brother try to reach me as he sprinted towards me. A lot of other people saw what was happening and several were running towards me as well, but they were too late, I was already going through the floor which closed up as I passed through.

Time felt endless in the void I could not tell how long I was in their seconds turn into minutes and minutes into hours as I floated in that black void devoid of light and my body felt like it could not move anymore “Why? Why did this happen to me.” I said to myself as I floated in the vast emptiness.

I felt a light tug, then a pull and I was suddenly suspended in mid air then dropped, I still could not move my body I just closed my eyes and prepared for the end then I heard very loud crashing and thuds. when it stopped I was on a stone floor overlooking a room I tried to move but I could not and I could hear footsteps enter the room as I watched I looked to a far side of the room and saw a figure step out of the shadow it was an anthro unicorn she had purple fur and her mane was a darker purple and a streak of pink as well the the room started to feel cold as a blue mist appeared and gathered and formed another unicorn but this one had wings.

The black mare started laughing as she carried 5 round stones in her starry mane the Purple unicorns horn started to glow as she prepared to charge.”You’re not serious, are you?” The black mare mocked, and the purple one charged. The black one as well the purple one’s horns glowed brightly as she disappeared and reappeared near the stones, then she began focusing her magic into them.

The black mare was not happy as she teleported and kicked her away from them as they glowed. “No-no-no.” She panicked... then the glowing stopped

“But where is the sixth element?”The purple one asked in disbelief, and the black one laughed then she lifted her hoof and stomped the ground, destroying the stones.

“You little foal, thinking you could defeat me! Now you will never save your princess, your sun! The night shall last forever.” The winged unicorn declared as she laughed, then sounds of yelling could be heard outside and the purple one looked like she got an idea. After her friends gathered around her she spoke.

“You think you destroyed the elements of harmony? Well you’re wrong, because the spirits of the elements of harmony, are right here!” She said confidently and the fragments started to glow and she listed off what her friends did and the fragments glowed as they formed into necklaces, and a crown appeared on her head. They float into the air and a rainbow started to fly towards the black winged unicorn.

“You think I have not come up with a plan for if this should happen again?!” The black mare shouted as a mirror like shell appeared around her and deflected the rainbow. The mares that helped the purple one fell to the ground exhausted.”Now you all shall feel my wrath!” She hissed as she summoned a scythe and was about to attack, but I was trying with all of my will to move... but it was no use, I was struggling to even stay awake at this point, but I felt something inside me and it burst free as a red fiery beam lunged towards the mare, knocking her out. The six mares got ready again and launched the rainbow once more. From there the rest was a blur, the next thing I knew I was picked up by a white mare with a stylish purple mane.

“You will be perfect for a new dress I am making.” She said as she stuffed me in a bag but before that I got a good look at all of the six mares, then I was in a bag and she started walking. After an hour she finally took me out.

“This is the perfect diamond for my dress! but I will need to get to work tomorrow.” She said.

“What are you talking about I am not a dia..” She moved away and I faced a mirror revealing a red diamond, the same one I bought from the merchant. From then on I knew my life would never be the same.

Next morning.

I just stared at my reflection all night trying to imagine why this happened to me. “Why did it have to be me?” I asked myself, then I heard the sound of footsteps.

“Now then, I can get to work on making this Diamond fit my dress now.” she said but her Orange friend burst into the room.

“Rarity we need your help at the farm Scootaloo, Applebloom, and sweetie belle are being attacked by timberwolves they are held up in the tree house but it won’t take long for them to get in.” She said and they both rushed out and I wanted to help but I was just a wait this is familiar am I not just a diamond then I went deep into thought and remembered that magic that attacked the black mare it was mine I was a diamond from steven universe.

I focused with all my might in a attempt to make a body for myself I could feel something but it was faint and very hard to grasp and when I did a mass of energy surrounded me and forme a body for a moment before falling apart but the energy still surrounded me but could I move.

I thought forwards and the energy moved forward along with myself ‘it’s not much but it will do for now’ i thought as I rushed outside and the orange one talked about a farm and I spotted a lot of apple trees so I went that way into the trees.

Applejack POV

“Scram you varmints!” I yelled as I kicked a timber wolf and it collided into another one but they only reformed seconds later.

“Applejack watch out.” Twilight yelled as I looked behind me and a timberwolf was lunging at me but it was kicked away by Rainbow.

“Yeah take that.” She said as she fought of two of them and another pack was running towards us from the Everfree.

“There’s too many of them.” Rarity said as she stomped on a timber wolf's head and as another lunged at me I closed my eyes and was ready for the end, but all I heard was the pained whimpers of the timberwolves and I opened my eyes to see a giant mass of red firey magic and at the center a red diamond and a tendril had grabbed the timber wolf and lifted it up before smashing it on the ground. flames danced and burned away the remains so it could not reform, tendrils then shot from all over the mass grabbing timberwolves and smashing them against trees and the ground, leaving the remains of the timberwolves on fire, causing the rest fled to the forest.

“Hey that’s my diamond.” Rarity said as she pointed at the red diamond as it fled quickly into the forest.

Rarity tried to run after it but Twilight stopped her.”Don’t go after it, we have no idea what it is or what it wants.” She said to Rarity and she went to the tree house to get her sister.

“So what do we do sugar cube?” I asked.

“For now I will contact Celestia and ask how we should proceed with this.” She said and I nodded in agreement.


‘That was close I thought rarity was going to try to snatch me.’ I thought as I hurried into the forest.

Before I knew it I was back at the castle and I felt drained, so I retracted my energy back into my diamond before I fell unconscious.

Twilight POV

I was in the library writing a letter to Princess Celestia.

Dear princess Celestia.
Today something happened today. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were attacked by timberwolves, they hid in their tree house while we tried to save them, but there were too many for us to handle and one almost killed applejack. However, before it reached her a mass of magical energy rivaling your own attacked the timberwolves by creating tendrils that grabbed them and set them on fire. After that rarity said it was her diamond and it ran into the forest, after that I talked to her and found out that she found it in the castle and from some magical residue I found it was the same magic that stopped nightmare from killing us. I await your response.
your student, Twilight sparkle.

After I finished spike blew flames on it and sent it to the princess, and after a few minutes burped up Celestia’s reply.

Dear Twilight.
I am relieved that you and your friends are alright, and the appearance of this diamond worries me greatly. But we can not be quick to judge, based on his actions he is good, but we must observe it for now and decide what to do. Now that is where you come in, you will watch its behavior and report its actions to me.
From you teacher Celestia.

After I finished reading I placed it down on the desk and went to bed my, observing will start tomorrow.

Next day Dan POV

I woke up and I felt restored, it was time for me to make a body. I was in the room where they fought the black mare and my energy massed around me, forming my body, but it failed again but I was not going to let it deter me and I kept going.

Twilight POV

After tracking the magical residue, I found it led back to the castle. At first it just stayed still like any normal diamond, but then the fiery magically energy formed around it. First it was just a simple mass but then it tried to from something that appeared bipedal. It looked at its hands but then its form collapsed forming the mass of energy from before. It continued trying to form the same figure again and again all with the same result, until finally it gave up and headed outside. I followed and watched as it stopped in the middle of the forest, then its energy grew in size as it formed the same figure once more, it seemed more stable this time and with that stability I was able to notice the figure appeared masculine, indicating it was male from that choice of form.

The energy then seemed to be attempting to turn into something else, but before it could solidify it collapsed again.


‘I was so close I just need more practice. It seems larger bodies are easier to use but they are very inconvenient.‘ I thought as I tried one more time but before I did I felt something some presence around me and I turned and saw the same unicorn I think she was also fighting the wooden wolves I moved towards her but she notice I saw her and she teleported away so I tried to form a body again.

I focused and my vision went dark, I tried opening my eyes and I was looking through my own eyes. I looked around and saw a lake, I headed in that direction and then knelt down to the water looking at my reflection. My hair was blood red and my skin was a bright red like a candy apple, my eyes still had the whites and the black yet the rest was blood red like my hair. Suddenly I felt light headed and I almost fell to the ground, but I caught myself and began getting a rush of memories, they were red’s memories. Then I was suddenly somewhere else, I was on a volcanic planet, then I fell to my knees as I started getting all of his memories. Many of them were too fast to see but I got most of it, I saw images of his building his colony on this planet and taking off colors in and staying away from the other diamonds, they did not know about him. I remember something or someone but I could not remember who but then I saw images of war, the survivors of the other diamonds attacks had spread the word that all diamonds are destroyers and they, with the help of other planets, laid siege to red’s colony. But they held strong for a hundred years before the planet became unstable and exploded, but somehow red survived and landed on this planet and his power was unstable until now.

I was having difficulty holding onto reality right now both of my memories feel so real I can't tell them apart I was shaking but I looked at my reflection and I calmed, I put my hand to my face as I spoke.”I am me and nothing else.” It seemed to calm me a bit to where I wasn't shaking like before.

I got up and remembered I got other things from that merchant, I pulled out my sword and it also had a letter attached to it.

Dan, I know you are confused right now, but this letter will tell you some of your powers and you can get the rest from your memories.

First power, creating sentient gems by fusing a gem with your aura, it will slowly gain its own mind and then emerge.

Second, you have two auras. Rage will increase your fire powers, your strength and your speed. The next one is passion, your gems can already feel this to a lesser extent even without you using it, as for what it does, well... it is more complicated. It can bring out one’s inner passion and also make them very horny towards you, the gems that you make will feel some affection towards you and will obey you but when you release that aura they will be all over you.

The rest you can get from your memories when you were at war with the other planets.

That is all it said as I crumpled it up and engulfed it in flames.”FUCK YOU MERCHANT!” I yelled at the top of my lungs and the area around me turned blood red, I could feel my power coursing through me but I calmed down and it disappeared soon after.

“That must have been my rage aura.” I said to myself as I sat down on the edge of the lake and put my legs in the water, I was still trying to cool off but it seems I was heating up the lake to a nice temperature that felt good. I relaxed as I laid on the ground took a deep breath and breathed out. “Maybe it won’t be so bad here.” I said as I put my hands behind my head but I worried about my brother, what will he do now that I’m gone? He would most definitely try to look for me but he would never succeed.

“Well I guess this is goodbye brother, I’m sorry I was never able to say goodbye in person.” I said as I felt hot tears go down my cheek and I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

POV Twilight

Dear Celestia.
It seems that this diamond is trying to form a body out of magic, it almost succeeded but it saw me before I could see it do it again. I ran back to Ponyville and it did not follow me, I am fairly sure this thing is male as his forms seemed masculine, but I have no idea what he is. I await your reply.
your student Twilight sparkle

After I sent it to Celestia, I waited for her to respond, but it did not come. Instead there was a knock on my door and I answered it, revealing it was Princess Celestia.

“Princess.” I said surprised by her visit.

“Evening Twilight, but we don’t have time for pleasantries we must see this diamond you told me about.” She said and I noticed she was in full armor, I was starting to get worried as I led her to where I last saw the diamond. It was gone but there were giant footprints that lead us to a lake, it was lightly steamy and I felt the water. It was warm on this cold day and through the steam we saw a massive figure who looked to be sleeping, he was as tall as the Everfree’s trees and I could see the diamond on his chest, it was tiny in comparison to his body but the diamond was still fairly larger than other diamonds that are found.

He yawned as he sat up and lifted his legs out of the lake, the water on him evaporated as he stood to his full height and stretched.


“Well that was a good nap.” I said aloud and I heard twigs snapping behind me and I turned around to see the Purple Unicorn and another winged one, this one white instead of black.

“Who, and what, are you?” Asked the winged one.

‘Which name Should I choose to go by?’ I thought, and then with a nod I decided.

“I am Red Diamond and I am, well, a Diamond.” I said.

“I am princess Celestia, and this is my student Twilight, why are you here?” Celestia asked.

“That is a long story.” I said as I sat down with my legs crossed and so did they. “I am not of this world.” I said and Twilight started jumping around excited.

“Proof of extraterrestrial life!” She said, continuing to jump around until Celestia calmed her down.

“There are other Diamonds except me and they are rulers, they came from a planet they call Homeworld, it is where the diamond hierarchy started. There were four diamonds ruling it, White, Yellow, blue, and pink. To expand their empire the conquered entire planets to create new gems and make their empire stronger but the survivors of their conquests spread the word of the Diamonds and they thought all of us were evil. My colony of gems lived on a volcanic planet peacefully, as I was able to create gems without draining the life out of a planet, but the planets and survivors that hated diamonds saw that I only had one planet. So they attacked us, my power is over fire and that includes magma so on my planet I was almost invincible, and over a hundred years the war on my planet was waged, until the core of the planet became unstable from the constant fighting on the surface, causing it to explode and fling me into the vast emptiness of space until I landed here.” I said as I remembered the battles I fought on the planet and how in the end we lost.

“I am sorry for your loss.” Celestia said as she wiped away a tear from her eyes, Twilight was crying as well.

“Well is there anywhere I can stay?” I asked

“Is there a way you can shrink your form?” Celestia asked and I nodded, I learned how from my memories my body is made of light so I have to condense it to make a smaller body.

My vision blacked for a moment before I was able to see again, now I was the same size as Celestia and Twilight was only a foot smaller than me.

“How tall am I right now?” I asked.

“About 7 feet and 5, maybe 7 inches.” Celestia said.

“Well where will I stay?” I asked her.

“You can stay in ponyville but I don't know if there are any houses available.” She said.

“I can make my own house and I would appreciate it if you could give me a few gems so maybe I can start rebuilding my colony here.” I said sadly at the last part and she nodded.

“There is a vacant lot in town I believe that I can give you the deed to and a few gems, you can explain later how you make them.” She said but I had to ask for one more thing.

“And I will need lumber to build it.” I requested, she nodded and we went into town, the ponies stared at me as I walked with Celestia. We entered Town hall and she talked to the mayor and got me the deed and a supply of lumber.

“Thank you Celestia.” I said and she took me to the lot. It was a massive lot and was not far from a building that looked like a gingerbread house. Next she showed me where the lumber I could use is, and after that she took me back to the lot and I grew to carry the lumber I needed, the ponies were amazed by my sudden growth but they went back to what they were doing after a few minutes of watching me build, with them moving on I continued through the night.

Next morning

I finished building my house, it was small but it would do. I shrunk down and walked inside. The house even had a bedroom with an actual bed, I grabbed one from the castle and cleaned it a bit, it was a king sized bed and looked good even after so much time. There was also a kitchen on the bottom floor with all the necessary parts, even a working fridge somehow despite no electricity. Once I settled in, I pulled out the pearl and saw it had a note on it.

need to use passion aura to bring life to the gem

I sighed and searched my memory for the passion aura, I found it along with many memories of nights with other gems, most of them were multiple gems. I blushed as I unintentionally released the Passion aura without thinking about it. This aura was a scarlet as opposed to the shade my Rage aura had. I funneled my aura into the pearl, causing it to glow scarlet red before dimming allowing only a spark of red in the center, it was almost like a heartbeat. I set the pearl on the bed so I knew where it was.

There was a knock on the door, I opened it and saw the pink pony that was at the castle when they fought the black mare.

“Hello.” I said and then she gave me a letter and disappeared in a flash, so I picked it up I read the message. It was an invitation to a party and it was tonight so I had time, I closed the door and went to check on the pearl, but suddenly there was another knock. I opened the door and this time it was Twilight.

“Come to ask questions?” I asked and she nodded and I let her in and she sat on the bed and I moved the pearl.

“First question is about your biology.” She stated.

“First, this is my real body.” I said pointing to the gem.”The rest is constructed from light and I can change it however I want, like my clothes.” I said as I looked at my clothes, they looked more like skin at this point and I needed to hid my gem to keep it safe so I change my clothes to a black jacket with a bright red shirt the and I had blue jeans and black boots and now my gem was hidden in my clothes.

“So what happens when the construct is destroyed?” She asked.

“We retract back into our gem and create a new one, the time varies between each gem from type to how fast they consciously put it together.” I explained.

“Ok next question, how long do you live?” She asked.

“We don’t age we can only die if our gem is destroyed.” I said and she wrote it down.

“Last question, how do you create new gem without draining the planet like you said?” She asked and I blushed.

“Each diamond has their own powers and mine, well, I will just say it is personal, okay?” I said and she understood, she stood up, said goodbye and left. With that settled I turned my attention back to the pearl, I picked it up and looked at it.

I could feel the spark in the gem doing its job as it gave the gem the spark of life it needed.

It was getting dark and I think it was time to head to the party from the invitation, it was in the gingerbread house that the invite called ‘Sugarcube Corner’. I walked inside, it was dark and I could not see, then the lights suddenly turned on and all I could hear was a group of ponies yelling out.

SURPRISE.” They yelled, the noise forcing me to cover my ears, I was thankful it wasn’t loud enough to break glass.

I recovered from my ear drums almost being popped and saw ponies were gathered around, partying like there was no tomorrow.

“Hiya!” the pink pony said. “I'm Pinkie Pie.” She said.

“You can just call me Red if you want.” I said and she shook my hand.

“Let me introduce you to my friends.” she said and she almost dragged me across the room to meet her friends. “You already know Twilight and there is Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow dash, and Fluttershy.” She said pointing to each one as she said their names.

After hat the party continued for a bit before Rainbow, Applejack, and rarity approached me.

“Hey, we have been wanting to talk to you.” Rainbow said.

“What is it? is something wrong?” I asked and they shook their heads.

“No, we just wanted to thank you for saving us and the CMC.” Rainbow dash said with a blush and she rubbed her arm.

“It was no problem.” I said, and with a nod they walked away with smiles on their faces.

The party was almost over and it was time for me to head home after saying goodbye I went home I walked inside and went I closed it there was a flash of light up stairs and I rushed up and when I looked at the bed and saw someone she had red hair and red shoes and she had some kind of red cloth cover her women parts and she wore a see through silk covered her arms and it went down to her waist and her gem was in between her breasts.

“My diamond.” She said, blushing as she looked at me as I walked towards her, her breathing quickened with each step I took and when I sat down on the edge of the bed she lunged at me and kissed me.”Take me my diamond” she purred seductively.