Fallout Equestria: Falling Shadows

by Drako Moon

Chapter 50: It's Not Supposed To Go Like That


“Apollo, what will happen if Gina fights Gigi?” I asked as we walked toward Tonto’s cave.

He sighed, “I’m not sure, I’ve never seen those two fight. Though I’m worried Gigi will be at a disadvantage.”

He was limping for some reason, I wanted to ask why, but we had other things to worry about, “Why do you think that?”

“My wife hasn’t taken on many contracts over the past couple of years. She’s had a lot of things to take care of here. That means that she hasn’t been able to keep herself in top shape. Gina on the other talon has been working as a freelancer and more recently been a member of the Unchained Talons. She’s been fighting and taking on contracts nonstop. She’s also a few years younger than Gigi,” He said wincing a little as he walked next to me.

“You okay?” I asked.

He looked over at me and did his best to smile, “I’m fine, just hurt myself this morning. I’m not as young as I used to be.”

I sighed, “Okay,”

We just reached Tonto’s cave and the old griffon was waiting for us at its entrance. He gave me a sad smile, “Gina’s here isn’t she?”

Apollo nodded, “She is Tonto, Gigi wants you to come down so you can tell her what really happened with Gail.”

He let his head hang a little as he said, “I understand, I knew this day was coming.”

“I’m sorry old friend, but this can’t be hidden from her anymore,” Apollo said, “It would be best if you come with me right away.”

“I will, but first may I have a word with Shadow,” Tonto said looking over at me.

“I’m sorry, but this can’t wait,” Apollo said.

Tonto looked out over the Canyon, at the Griffons who looked ready to attack each other, “I’m sure Gina came here to challenge Gillian, if so then they can’t fight until midnight. We have plenty of time to talk.”

“He’s right Apollo, just give him a few minutes,” I said.

Apollo didn’t look happy but he waved a talon, “Fine, I’ll be out here waiting, but don’t take too long.”

Tonto nodded then waved for me to follow him inside. I did, as I walked into his amazing cave I asked, “Did you get a chance to watch the memory orb?”

“I did, and I think I may have found what you missed,” He said walking over to where his bedroom was, instead of the wall of memory orbs.

“What was that?” I asked as I followed.

He smiled, “I can’t tell you right now, I don’t want any eavesdroppers. I made a recording on my terminal. I want you to hook up to it with your Pip-Buck so I can transfer the recording and a few other things to you.”

I saw the terminal on the other side of his room. Walking over I plugged the Mark II into it, “What other things?”

“Things that will help you down the road. Things I should have made sure you got the first time you came to Crimson Canyon.”

“The first time I was here I didn’t see you.”

“I know, but I saw you. I wanted to give you this information then, but something told me that I had to wait. I’m not sure what it was, but something deep down told me that you might give away your Mark II and I can’t let this information fall into the wrong hooves,” he said as he started to transfer the data to me.

“What are you saying Tonto?” I asked.

He let out a long sigh as he sat down, “Shadow, Cartwheel’s fall wasn’t the first time we met.”

I thought back on what I could now remember from my travels with mom before I entered Stable 28. During the two years we spent traveling the wasteland I couldn’t remember meeting any Red Talon’s or any griffons for that matter, “Are you sure about that? Since I’ve gotten my memories back, I don’t recall ever meeting a griffon while I traveled the wasteland with mom.”

“I didn’t meet you when you traveled the wasteland, I met you on the day I helped your mom and you escape The Crystal Empire,” he said.

My jaw dropped open, then I started thinking back to the day we left home. I remember mom sneaking past pegasi guards, using a spell to unlock the gates that surrounded the city, I remember her walking closer to what was called the wall of death. The wall of death was one reason most ponies didn’t know the Crystal Empire was still around. It was a black cloud of magical radiation that swarmed over a mostly translucent barrier, the only thing keeping the deadly cloud out of the city. The only way in and out was to fly over it or to use a spell to teleport past the black cloud. I was too sick for mom to use a teleportation spell. When we reached the wall, I passed out and didn’t wake until we were past the twin cities.

“Mom couldn’t teleport us past the wall, so she would have had to have somepony fly us over it. I always thought that was a friend of hers, one of the pegasi she worked with,” I said.

He shook his head, “No, it was me. Twelve years ago, I was still taking contracts, not a lot but still working. A friend of mine asked that I fly all the way out to the Crystal Empire and escort a mare and her daughter past the black cloud of death and help her get out of The Enclave’s lands. You were out for two days, I think your mother put you into a deep sleep so you could survive the trip. During those two days I got to know your mother and her mission. She isn’t a trusting mare in the least, that much was clear, but back then she had no one to turn to.”

“So, she told you what she was doing, with Stargazer and Aquila?” I asked.

“No, back then she didn’t know about Stargazer. She was looking for Falling Shadows, she found the information on Stargazer while she was looking into that old project.”

“What can you tell me about it?” I asked, still surprised Tonto knew so much about my past.

He frowned, “Not enough, I did keep in contact with Grim even when she left Stable 28, but she never told me about Falling Shadows or what it did, only that she was trying to find it so she could use it to fix something. Falling Shadows isn’t the reason I wanted to talk to you before I go talk to Gigi though.”

I cocked my head to one side, “Then what did you want apart from telling me about meeting me twelve years ago and giving me this information?”

“On the same day that Aura was banished from The Red Talons, Grim came here to visit me,” He reached behind his terminal and pulled out a memory orb, “She told me to give this to you after you’ve regained your memories, all of them. She said that the only way you could view it is if you spoke your father’s name. Then she told me that if something happened to her to tell you to head to her old shack and find the entrance to The Children’s first base out here. When you do, watch the orb and you’ll understand why she had to do what she did.”

He gave me the orb. Taking it, I looked up at him asking, “Why didn’t you tell me any of this before?”

He lifted a talon and rubbed my mane, almost like a grandfather, the look in his eyes were so sad, yet he smiled, “I knew that once you had this information you’d go running off after your mother again. Honestly, I think it’s wrong to force a child to keep up the work of their parents. Your mother might have her own agenda and a plan to save Equestria, but it’s not right that she forced this onto you.”

“Then…why are you giving this to me now?”

“Because, I may not agree with your mothers plans, but it’s also not my right to choose which path you want to take. I’d like to see you live your own life and be happy with Aura and your friends. If you choose to keep following your mothers plan then I will understand, but all I ask is that you think before you blindly follow her.”

I’m not sure why, but the way he was talking made it seem like I’d never see him again, “Tonto, what will happen once you tell Gigi the truth.”

His smile grew a little, but he still looked sad, “Try not to worry about me Shadow. Just worry about yourself and your friends.”

“But you are my friend.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that Shadow, but I still have to face what I did,” he said turning to head out of the cave.

“What did you do! At least tell me before you go down there,” I yelled.

He looked back at me, “I found out that Gail was planning on taking over as leader, she had a few griffons on her side and they were planning on killing Gigi, Apollo, Gina and all five of Gigi’s children. I tried to confront her about it, but Gail threated to kill me and my grandson Toby. Gigi was away on a mission at the time and they were planning on taking her down when she got back. Gail planned on killing the children first, then Gina in her sleep, then Apollo and Gigi when they returned. I knew I couldn’t stop her on my own so I told Gina what was going on. I thought she’d at least capture Gail and her co-conspirators, instead she fought Gail in the dead of night. No griffon saw the fight, but the next morning we woke to find Gail’s body impaled on one of the swords on Greta’s statue.”

“Then why didn’t you tell Gigi what happened!”

“Because, by the time I knew what was happening Gigi had already banished Gina and the griffons she thought were trying to take the Red Talons away from her. I only just saw Gina as she was leaving, she looked over at me with such hatred in her eyes. She yelled, calling me a traitor promising that she’d kill me for what I did. After that I was too scared to tell Gigi or Apollo the truth.”

“You were a coward,” I said, feeling bad for saying it, but it was the truth.

He nodded, “That I was, I’m the only family Toby has left and I didn’t want to leave this life behind and leave him with no family. But now I know that I should have said something from the start.” He looked around his cave one more time, “I hope that Gigi will forgive me for what I did.”

“I think she will, but if not, she won’t have you executed. If you end up getting banished then you’re welcome to go to the Lucky Horseshoe and live the rest of your days there. I have access to the Royal suite. No matter what, we’ll be here for you Tonto,” I said running over and giving him a hug.”

“Thank you Shadow, I think I’d like that,” he said hugging me back, “Can you do me a favor though?”

I looked up at him again, “Anything.”

He let me go, “Wait here while my fate is decided,”

“I don’t want to wait here though, I want to know what is going to happen.”

“I know, but I’d feel better with you here in my cave, I’ll be sending Aura up as well,” he said hugging me one last time, as he did Apollo appeared in the door.

“We can’t wait any longer Tonto,” he said.

Before the old griffon let me go he whispered in my ear, “There’s a recording in the top drawer of my night stand. Please make sure Aura gets it. Also, I know that you and Aura’s souls are destined to be together, in this life, in your past life and in the future, NEVER forget that.”

With that he pulled away and followed Apollo out of his cave. I watched him go, a sinking feeling in my stomach. After a little time passed I forced myself to get up and walk back into Tonto’s bedroom. I found the recording where he said it would be and tucked it into my Saddle Bags. I just sat there looking up at a few pictures Tonto had up from his younger days. My eyes fell on one, it was Tonto and Box Tape from a long time ago, just outside of Appleton. They both looked so happy in their youth. Written onto the frame was the words ‘Best Friends Always Stick Together’.

I had to look away after a minute, the sight of Box Tape still filled me with grief and loss, I missed him so much. Then I saw something on the desk, it was a small notebook titled ‘Moon Light and Geoff, a history of the First Children of Luna.’ Figuring it was something that could keep my mind off of what was happening on this horrible day, I picked it up and read the first entry.

As many of the griffons of the Red Talons know, I have spent most of my life looking back at the past. Where our past lives were during critical times in history. For most historians, they don’t look much past the Great War. Personally, I don’t think the war needs any more histories written about it. We may not know all of the details about which pony did what, what Zebra attacked where, why griffons didn’t join a side. None of it matters, the war started with a bad trade deal, got worse because of a Zebra attack on Luna’s school, bad things happened on both sides of the war. It all ends the same, Equestria burned, The Badlands were poisoned, Griffonstone fell.

What I want to know is what happened before, so I’ve been looking back as far as I can, tracking two souls I’ve always been interested in from tales and myths going to before Nightmare Moon fought her sister for control of their young kingdom. I started with an old myth because some of the small facts I first found about a griffon named Geoff, showed that he was a founding member of the first Children of the Night, also called the Children of Luna or the Moon Born. Since I’ve always had a fascination with Greta’s old team, I figured I’d keep digging.

Turns out that the old story about a griffon and a pony that fell in love with one another, isn’t a myth or a fairy tale, it’s true. I was able to track it back to the first members of the Children, a mare named Moon Light and a griffon named Geoff. This journal is everything I’ve been able to find and learn about them and the special bond they shared, all the way to the day they both died. Because of what I’ve learned over the past fifty years, I found that I could track their Souls throughout the centuries. Every time they are reborn, they are always born with in a few years of each other and they always seem to find each other. Always, their strange relationship is mocked by their peers and their life normally ends in tragedy. I was able to track their lives to at least the Great War, but from there I’ve lost track. Either they haven’t been reborn in over two hundred years, or I’m missing something. Either way, I’ve made this journal to at least help myself and hopefully others understand this bond.

I wanted to read more, wondering if this was the same griffon and pony Aura told me about once. She did say the griffons have a story about two souls that loved each other so much they kept finding themselves in each new life. I would have kept reading, but I heard something from the front entryway of Tonto’s cave. Tucking the journal away I slowly started to walk back.

“Tonto? Aura?” I asked as I looked around, it sounded like metal on stone.

I turned looking for who’d just walked into the cave, when a deep voice said, “Sorry kid, but we can’t have you getting in our way!”

Before I could turn toward the voice I knew, something hit me in the back of the head. The world went dark and I lost conciseness…


“Shadow, open your eye’s we don’t have much time,” a voice said from somewhere around me.

My eyes snapped open. I didn’t even have to ask where I was, I already knew. I was in my own head again. I figured I’d find myself face to face with Aquila, but the voice I just heard wasn’t hers, it was male. I got to my hooves and looked around, Aquila was still sleeping inside her cage. My hooves felt like I was standing in water, just like when I came here with Yaksha. So if Aquila was still sleeping inside her cage, who just spoke to me?

“Over here Shadow,” The Voice said from behind me.

I jumped and turned around to find myself, face to face with a pony. Well he looked like a pony, but he was nothing more than darkness. I took a step back and asked, “Who are you?”

“Our name is not something that can be put into words, at least not words your kind would understand. All you need to know is that we are non-hostile,” The Darkness said.

“That’s a load of horse apples, what are you doing inside my head? Are you somepony with the same kind of power as my uncle?”

“We are not, Oricalcos gave himself over to the darkness a long time ago. He let himself be tricked by a great evil and now pays the price for it. We are not a pony at all, but something far greater.”

“Then why do you look like a darkness and if your name isn’t something that can be put into words, then what do I call you?” I said still backing away from him.

“If this form displeases you then we can fix that,” as he… err, they spoke, the darkness’ form changed and soon they looked like a normal unicorn. Nothing special either, a white coat with a grey and silver mane, but they had no cutie mark, “Does this form make you feel better?”

“No, it just makes me have more questions.”

It was right then that I noticed its eyes weren’t normal, they looked like they glowed with inner light. Toward the pupil they were white, toward the edge they were a vast purple. I notice this as they rolled their eyes saying, “I’m sure you do, but we cannot answer them all. We do understand, however, that it is hard for your kind to talk to another if they do not have a name, so you may call us by the name of Altair.”

I looked confused, “Altair? That’s a strange name, also can you stop referring to yourself as ‘we’ or ‘us’ it’s all so very confusing.”

Altair looked confused “We are a collective, it is only logical to refer to ourselves as such.”

I started getting irritated “I don’t care about that, after being hit in the back of the head, it’s making it hurt even more. I don’t have time to consider it, just make it easier on me please?”

Altair nodded, “Very well, seeing as we…err…I have taken the form of a full-grown stallion you may refer to us… I mean… me as you would any other stallion.”

I shook my head, “Anyways, what do you want and why did you bring me here?”

“We…excuse us… I came to give you a warning Shadow. We both don’t have long, it took a lot of what power I have left to communicate with you like this. When I helped you before, I lost so much magic that I had to rest for a long time.”

I cocked an eyebrow, “Before? I’ve never met you before.”

He smiled, “Oh but you have, I just made sure that you wouldn’t remember. Back then you wouldn’t have been able to handle it,” he waved one of his hooves.

It was like he slapped me, as his hoof moved a memory I didn’t even know I was missing, slammed back into my head. The night I almost died from the Cazador poison. The memory of the strange dream I had when I thought I was living in an Equestria before the war, going to school with Stardust and Aura. I remembered not feeling well and heading back home, waking up again but finding myself in the Stable with mom. She didn’t know who Stardust or Aura were. She left me to rest more, not even a minute later Stardust was at the door, but it wasn’t Stardust, it was somepony pretending to me my friend. They said they were trying to help me, trying to make sure I didn’t fall asleep again because if I did, I wouldn’t ever wake up again.

I looked back at Altair, “That was you?”

He smiled and shook his head, “Not me, one of my companions, she is better with illusionary magic. I was watching though, I was the one who told her to make sure you didn’t die, because you are important to us Shadow.”

“I remember you saying something about that before, you also said you knew where my mom was, but wouldn’t tell me,” I said.

“We did know where she was, but we couldn’t tell you, because if we had, you would have run after her and if you did, she would have taken you with her to Los Alicorn. We couldn’t let her get her hooves on Aquila or you,” he said slowly walking toward the sleeping form in her cage.

I sighed, “You’re probably right, but I wish you would have told me anyway.”

“If I had, you both would be dead.”

I shrugged, “I might be, but I’m sure mom would be fine.”

He shook his head again, “I didn’t mean your mother Shadow, I meant Aquila and you.”

“So what, I mean it’s not like I want to die or anything, but if my death means she never gets free, then The Wasteland is better for it.”

“No, it wouldn’t Shadow. I know you think of Aquila as some kind of demon or monster, but that isn’t truly what she is,” as he spoke he put a hoof on her cage.

“Oh really, then if that’s true then what is she?”

He was still looking down at the sleeping form, “She is hope.”

I started to laugh, “Hope! She’s a fucking nut job!”

He looked so sad as he let his hoof fall away from the cage, “Well, she is now, but that isn’t her fault. She was trapped in a lab for over two hundred years, forced to feel all of the pain and misery going on in this land. When she was in the lab she knew everything bad that was going on. She was created to help ponies, to heal them and to keep them safe from darkness, but because of Stargazer, she was pulled down here too early and she didn’t know how to cope with the pain and suffering. Because of this, her mind became twisted.”

I looked at the cage she was trapped in, “I saw the memory of when she came to this land. She was scared, but how do you know so much about that?”

“I can’t tell you that, not yet, not until you finally do what needs to be done.”

“And what is that?” I asked rolling my eyes.

He looked up at me with those strange eyes, “You need to become one with her. It’s the only way to help this land and to fix her mind.”

“Fuck that, I’d rather she died.”

He sighed again, “I had a feeling you’d say that.”

“Why would I ever do that? I don’t care what you say, I don’t trust her or you for that matter.”

“I know, but you have to know that if you don’t merge with her and soon, it will be the end of you,” he said.

“And what is that supposed to mean? If you can’t tell, I’ve been doing just fine keeping her locked up in my head. I was even able to take some of her power away making it even harder for her to get out.”

He looked like he was getting angry, “Listen to me Shadow, if you don’t do as I say, Aquila will take over. If she does, she won’t be what she was meant to be. She’ll never be able to fix what’s broken if she takes you over with hatred and anger in her. The monster she’ll become will be worse than anything you’ve ever seen. She has the power to destroy this world, more than you ponies have already done.”

“Then I’ll find a way to get her out of me and destroy her!” I yelled.

He pointed a hoof at her cage, “You are a fool, don’t you see that!”

I looked closer and felt my heart stop. At a distance her cage looked fine, but up close I saw that cracks were spreading all over it. As I watched, another crack appeared followed by a flack of metal breaking away. I looked back at Altair, “What’s happening?”

“To you it may seem like she’s sleeping right now, because you weakened her. The truth is, she’s conserving all the power she has and using it to break this cage apart. If you don’t do as I say, she’ll break out very soon, and when she does nothing can stop her from taking control. When that happens, your mind will break, and the pony known as Shadow will disappear forever,” he said walking around the cage, “You have to listen to me Shadow, Equestria can’t take another creature wandering around with near limitless power!”

I took in a deep breath then let it out slowly, “I won’t let that happen, no matter what you say, I’ll stop her. I’m stronger than you think.”

His form burst into light as he roared. He was no longer a pony, he had turned into a huge bird made out of pure light, with purple and orange eyes, when he spoke his voice was deeper and filled with power, “You will never win against her when she’s free Shadow. If you don’t do this then WE WILL MAKE YOU!”

I didn’t let this scare me, I didn’t care what he had to say. I wasn’t going to let him decide what I could or couldn’t do, “You fool, this is my head and in here I have more than enough power to stop Aquila and you.”

Like before when I took Aquila’s power away from her, I took hold on the vast amount of power around me and redirected it toward Altair. The eyes on the bird went wide as I mixed my own power with Aquila’s and used it to banish him from my mind. There was a bright flash of light then Altair started to vanish like smoke. Before he was gone he opened his beak and said in a sad voice, “We wish We could have saved you Shadow, but sadly you are too blind to see what you are doing. You don’t have much time left, if we were you, we would get far away from those you care for.”

“I can beat her Altair.”

“No, you can’t, and when she does destroy you and take this body, she’ll kill everyone you love. Goodbye Shadow, We are sorry that we couldn’t come to an understanding,” he said as he disappeared like dust in the wind.

I sighed and sat down looking at Aquila who was still sleeping in her cage. Her cage looked worse than it had a few minutes ago. The sight of it made me sick, so much so that I looked away from it. I took a moment and thought about what Altair said and sighed, “Stupid, whatever-he-was, trying to control my actions with force, I am in control of my own actions. No living creature can tell me what to do. Then again…” I sighed once more looking back at the cage, “What if he’s right and I can’t stop this?”

When I spoke Aquila opened her eyes, then lifted her head to look over at me, “Fancy seeing you again Shadow.”

“Oh shut up,” I said getting up and walking around her cage. There had to be a way to fix it, to keep her trapped in there longer.

“You can’t fix it Shadow.”

“I can!” I yelled, “I’m not going to let you win.”

She shrugged and laid her head back down closing her eyes again, “You keep telling yourself that Shadow, but we both know you’re wrong. Try with all your might, but it’s already too late. I do hope you have fun with this Celebration the griffons are putting on, because it will be the last time you ever have fun again.”

“SHUT UP AQUILA!” I yelled pulling on the magic again and using it to try to repair the cage.

She just smiled keeping her eyes shut. When I stopped the magic, the cage didn’t look any better than it had a moment ago, it looked worse. Aquila chuckled, “Keep that up and I’ll be out of here sooner than you think. This cage was originally made by your mother Shadow. Her magic is getting weak.”

“I’ve fixed it before, I can do it again!”

She opened one eye to look over at me, “Sure you did, or maybe I just let you think that, either way it doesn’t matter. Now go away, I’m bored of you.”

“I’ll never let you have my body Aquila!”

“It’s a good thing I’m not planning to ask you for it. Now be gone, oh and remember, not everything is as it seems SHADOW!” as she said my name, the magic in my head pulsed. It was ripped from my control, redirected and used to throw me out of my own mind. As I vanished from the depths of my own head, I heard her laughing.


I opened my eyes, the memory of what I just saw making me shiver with fear. What had just happened? It was then that I remembered how I had gotten knocked out in the first place. Someone had knocked me out while I was in Tonto’s cave. Then I realized I wasn’t inside anymore, I was on top of the cliffs that over looked Crimson Canyon and it was dark outside.

“It’s about time you woke up,” the same voice from Tonto’s cave said.

I tried to move, but I couldn’t, I was tied up. So, I turned my head and looked up into the griffon in his full set of power armor, “Archer, should have known I wasn’t done with you yet.”

There were two other griffons behind him, watching me with gun’s trained toward my head. Archer chuckled then bowed, “Nice to see you again Shadow, I’m happy you woke up just in time to watch the show.”

“Let me GO!” I yelled

“I don’t think so, at least not until my task is complete, well Gina’s anyway.”

I noticed that they hadn’t put a spell binding ring on my horn. I smiled and started to draw on my magic, “Fuck you Archer.”

He just looked away from me, “If you don’t stop that horn from glowing, my griffons will put a bullet through your skull.”

I looked back at the two griffons who both looked ready to fire. Sighing I let the spell fade, “Fine, what do you want?”

“I want you to watch and learn. It’s time that you see what the real world is really like,” he said, looking out at Crimson Canyon.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, “I can’t see a damn thing from down here.”

Archer looked back at one of his griffons, “Lift her up so she’s sitting, I want her to watch what happens next.”

One of the Unchained Talons lifted me up and put me into a sitting position. Then I saw what Archer was talking about, next to the arena on the stage that was set up for griffons to perform, was Gina, Gigi and Tonto. Tonto’s talons were tied, same for his wings. Gigi was standing in front of him, blocking him from Gina who looked like she was laughing.

“What’s going on? Why is Tonto tied up like that!?” I asked pulling at my own bindings.

“Tonto admitted to breaking the laws of the Red Talons, more than one. You see Shadow, when a griffon breaks the rules, normally they are banished as you know. Do you know what happens when a griffon breaks multiple rules?” Archer asked.

My eyes went wide as I looked up at him, “No…”

He laughed, “Then watch.”

“I don’t understand, what rules did he break!” I yelled

“He worked with the Enclave for one, he took a contract to help a mare and her child escape them a few years back, he helped the Steel Rangers break into a Stable many years ago and he was responsible for the death of a Red Talon griffon by sending Gina to kill Gail without proof of her betrayal. Now stay here and watch, because once they are done with Tonto, Gina will be fighting Gigi.” He said then looked at one of his griffons, “Make sure she can hear everything.”

“We only have one radio sir,” a female griffon said.

“Deal with it, you two will stay here until I get back,” Archer said then looked back at me, “I’ll be back soon Shadow, don’t go doing anything stupid!”

“Where the hell are you going!?” I yelled as he started to fly away.

He laughed again, “I have to get ready for my grand entrance, now enjoy the show.”

He flew away from Crimson Canyon, leaving his two griffons to watch over me. I wanted to scream as I was forced to watch as Gina pointed her glowing red Spear at Tonto and her sister. As I watched one of the griffons walked over to me and pushed something into my ear. As soon as she did I was able to hear what was going on down in the canyon. Somehow Gina must have had her own radio broadcasting so all the Unchained Talons can hear everything.

Gina was saying, “Gigi, he confessed, everything I said was true and he did more than just lie about my role in Gail’s death, he also broke two other rules. Are you the Leader or NOT!?

“Gina, I’m not executing Tonto! I’m still the leader of the Red Talons, I can banish him if I choose, just like I did to you,” Gigi said, it almost sounded like she was begging.

Gina lowered her spear and sighed, “So be it, I guess you’re right, banish the old griff, he’s not long for this world anyway.”

Gigi lowered her weapons, “Fine, now back away so I can do my job.”

“Only if you accept that I am still a Red Talon and have the right to fight you for your position.”

“Fine, but once I’m finished with Tonto,” Gigi said.

“So be it, but hurry up, it’s already past midnight and I want to get this over with,” Gina said as she backed up a little smiling, “Tick Tock sis.”

Gigi turned away from her sister and faced Tonto, “Tonto Graybeak, you have broken the laws of The Red Talons. For this your life is forfeit, I could execute you for your crimes, but due to your long service to our Talon Company I have decided to banish you.”

Tonto looked up at her and to my surprise he looked like he was smiling, “I understand Gigi.”

I saw Aura standing next to Stardust and Wind Thrasher, “I can’t believe this is happening and where is Shadow? She has to be here before he’s sent away!”

“Apollo is looking for her, don’t worry. Tonto said that Shadow already knew what might happen and she told him to go to The Lucky Horseshoe. Tonto will be fine,” Stardust said putting a hoof on Aura’s shoulder.

Wind Thrasher looked like she was crying, “I’m sure Shadow just couldn’t be here to watch this, not right after losing Box Tape.”

Gigi used one of her swords to cut Tonto free, “You have ten minutes to gather your things and leave Crimson Canyon.”

Tonto got up and bowed, “I’ll be as quick as I can, I only want to take a couple of things before I leave.”

“I’ll send Aura with you then, she’ll make sure that you get out of here safe,” Gigi said.

Tonto moved closer and hugged Gigi, from where I was I couldn’t tell, but it looked like he was saying something to her. Whatever it was, Gigi looked shocked and backed away from the older griffon. As he turned to follow Aura Gigi said just loud enough for the radio to pick up, “What do you mean?”

Tonto ignored her and stepped off the Stage and started to head toward his cave. Gigi and the rest of the Red Talons were busy watching Tonto leave, but I was watching Gina. She grinned and pulled out a portable broadcaster, the same one I was listening to everything on, saying into it, “Okay Archer, Gigi couldn’t do it so it’s your turn.”

Gigi turned as Gina spoke, but she was too late to stop anything. A shot rang out around the Canyon. I watched in horror as Tonto’s head whipped back, a spray of blood blasting out of the back of his head as a bullet ripped through it. It was like watching Wrath go down all over again. I screamed as I watch the kind old griffon fall back. Aura turned looking down at his body, her beak open in shock.

“NO, TONTO!” I yelled twisting around toward the two griffons who were still keeping their guns pointed at me, “I’ll fucking kill all of you!”

The male griffon flipped his rifle around and slammed the butt of his gun into my face, “Keep quiet unicorn, you’re to watch not speak.”

I spat blood and glared up at him, “Tonto was a good griffon! How could you do this!”

He slammed the butt of his gun into my face again, “Tonto was a fool, now he’s a dead fool, get over it, the show isn’t over yet.”

The female griffon took hold of my mane and twisted my head around forcing me to watch and listen to what was going on in the canyon. Gigi was still looking at her sister who was laughing like a mad griffon, “Well look at that, the old griff did have some brains left inside his head after all.”

Some of the griffons lifted their rifles and pointed them at Gina, but Gigi put up a talon saying, “No, that’s what she wants,”

Gina laughed again, “Oh dear sister, you have no idea what I want.”

Gigi pulled the two swords off her back and pointed one at Gina, “You went through all of this to prove that you didn’t have anything to do with Gail’s death, then you go and have TONTO KILLED!”

Gina laughed, “Oh no, personally I didn’t care if he lived or died. Archer on the other talon wanted him dead. All I did was let him know that you weren’t going to kill Tonto, so he did it.”

One of the Red Talon griffons jumped on the stage and yelled, “Let us kill the traitor Gigi, let us kill all of these Unchained ass holes!”

“No,” Gigi said, “Gina you wanted to take me on, fine, I’m going to show you why I’m the leader of The Red Talons, and this time I won’t show you MERCY!”

Gina lifted her red energy spear again, “Fine with me, because I’m not showing you mercy either!”

Gigi looked back at her griffons, “No griffon will interfere, no matter what happens. This is a fight for power and to the death, any griffon who tries to get in our way will die!”

Gina looked at the Unchained Talons, “Same order for all of you, even if I fall.”

Gigi glared at her sister, rage written on her face, “If I win, your griffons will leave Crimson Canyon and never return!”

Gina laughed again, “Fine with me, and if I win, I’m the new leader.”

“Deal,” Gigi said and without another word she attacked. It looked like Gina wasn’t expecting her sister to attack so quickly. Gigi took hold of her sister and threw her into the air, then she flapped her wings and flew fast toward the red griffon. Gina wasn’t going to be taken by surprise again, she moved her spear in the way of Gigi’s swords as she tried to cut off Gina’s head.

Gina kicked her away then dove toward Gigi her energy spear glowing brighter. She slashed at the air in front of her sending a blast of red energy at the white griffon. Gigi twisted and dove under the deadly attack then shot toward her sister again. Gina tried to impale her sister with the spear, but Gigi ducked under it and slashed one of her swords. Gina screamed and flew away, blood dripping from a cut on her chest.

Gigi pointed her sword at her sister, “First blood sister, here I thought you were going to take my place!”

Gina didn’t let her sister’s words bother her, “I’m just getting warmed up Gillian.”

“Funny because to me it looks like your bleeding, not warming up,” Gigi taunted.

Gina just cracked her neck, the popping sound of it echoing though the radio, “I guess I should get serious about this fight.”

Before Gigi could respond, Gina dashed toward her. She moved twice as fast as before, her energy spear twirling around in her talons. Red energy filled the dark night as she slashed at Gigi, getting past her swords and cutting a deep cut in Gigi’s chest. The feathers of Gigi’s chest turned black and the red line cauterized as soon as the blade of Gina’s spear passed over it. Gigi screamed but didn’t fall, she tried to stab her sister with her sword, but Gina twisted around and punched Gigi in the face. This time she flew down, slamming onto the stage with a thud that echoed all the way up to where I was being forced to watch.

Aura yelled, “MOM!”

Gina screamed and flew down toward Gigi, her red energy spear leading. Gigi wasn’t done though, at the last moment she rolled out of the way, Gina’s spear sinking into the metal of the stage with a small hiss. Gigi flipped back around and slashed at her sister’s face, cutting a deep cut along Gina’s face. Then she jumped back onto her talons and kicked her away from her spear. It was Gina’s turn to scream as she was thrown back.

Gigi flew into the air again, lifted one of her swords and threw it at her sister. Gina tried to dodge the twisting blade and was only half successful. The blade missed her face, but sank into the same shoulder where Aura had stabbed her a few days ago. Gigi dove and slashed for her sister who was still falling back. Gina ducked under the slash then pulled Gigi’s sword out of her shoulder and used it to block Gigi’s follow up attack.

Gigi jumped back, as Gina tried to kick her in the gut. Gina screamed and jumped for her sister who was fast enough to avoid taking a slash to the face, just over her right eye. Gina however also wasn’t able to avoid Gigi’s counter slash to one of her talons. Both Griffons backed away from each other breathing heavily as blood dripped from their wounds.

The female griffon who was holding my mane, forcing me to watch chuckled a little, “Gigi has no idea that Gina’s playing with her.”

“From what I can see, Gina looks just as bad as Gigi right now,” I said trying to pull my mane out of her talons.

“Stop squirming, or I’ll rip your horn off,” she said twisting her mane so I was forced to watch the fight again.

Gigi just flew into the air, forcing Gina to follow. Sometime during the time when I talking to the griffon, Gina had picked her spear up again and was now chasing after Gigi with one of Gigi’s swords and the glowing red spear. As I watched I heard Gina yell through the radio, “Hey sis, how about you take your Sword back!”

Gigi looked back just in time to see the sword flying toward her. She tried to dodge, but the blade sank deep into her right flanks. Blood flew and Gigi dropped, right toward Gina. I screamed and tried to pull away from the griffon again, but no matter what I tried, I wouldn’t be able to stop what happened. Gigi tried to flap her wings to avoid her on coming sister, but she must have been in too much pain. Gina slammed into her, the red spear leading. The red tip sliced through Gigi’s stomach then out her back.

The entire canyon went quiet as Gina held her sister close to her, the bloodied tip poking out of Gigi’s back. Quietly so only Gigi, and any Unchained Talon listening could hear Gina said, “Don’t worry sis, this stab won’t kill you. At least not right away, I want you to feel as much pain as possible before I end you!”

Gigi’s blade fell from her talons, her head resting on her sister’s shoulder, but I was able to hear her whisper back, “Apollo and my children will make you pay for this Gina. The Red Talons belong to us, to a true Bloodtalon, not a freak like you.”

Gina laughed then whispered back, “A true Bloodtalon you say, I’m more like Greta than any of you are SISTER. As for the Red Talons, they are mine now.”

Then Gina threw Gigi off her spear and I watched as the griffon who worked so hard to help me, my friends and her talon company, slam to the stage. It felt like my heart stopped when Aura and her sisters screamed in horror as their mother, the strongest griffon they ever knew, lose to her insane sister. To make it worse the two griffons who were holding me started to laugh.

“I knew Gina could kick her sorry ass,” the male griffon said, “Did you see Gigi’s face when her sister stabbed her? It was great!”

“SHUT UP!” I yelled trying to pull free from the female griffon.

She twisted me around and punched me in the gut. The air was blasted out of me and she let me fall to the ground as I tried to gasp in air. She then followed that up but kicking me in the face. Not once but three times, when she finished my vision was going fuzzy. Then she lifted me up by my Dusters collar, pulling me up so that her beak was an inch away from my nose, “Listen here Courier, all of us Unchain Talons have a bone to pick with that bitch down there. If we feel like laughing at her while she takes her last breaths, then we will and there’s nothing you can do to stop us.”

The male griffon chuckled looking down at the Stage, “She’s not even dead yet, I’m surprised she lived though that fall let alone the stab from Gina.”

“Did you hear that Courier, Gigi’s still breathing, maybe Gina will let her live,” The Female griffon taunted.

She started to laugh along with the male griffon as he said, “Nah, Gina doesn’t know what mercy is.”

I felt my heart start to race as I listen to them laugh about the griffon I respected so much. Quietly I said, “Shut up.”

The Female griffon looked back at me, “You didn’t just tell me to shut up again?”

“Shut up or I’ll make you shut up,” I said glaring up at her.

She got her face close to mine again, “I don’t care what Archer want’s, I’m going to beat you until you can’t see straight.”

I didn’t give her time to do anything but scream as I jammed my horn right into her eye. Blood and other fluids from her eye flew onto my head and face as she dropped me, screaming in agony. I used my hoof to wipe as the blood that flew into my own eyes as the male griffon yelled, “You’re going to pay for…”

He was cut off by something, all I could hear was someone landing and the sound of the male griffon gaging. When I cleared my eyes, I looked over to see the male griffon falling to the ground, his neck sliced open. Standing there was Arys, holding a dagger in one talon. She looked over at me and sighed, “Thank goodness I finally found you.”

The Female griffon was still screaming, holding a talon to the hole where her right eye used to be. I looked over at her then walked over and stomped on her face. She kept on screaming, so I kept stomping, over and over and over, even when her screams stopped and my hooves were covered in blood and gore. Finally, Arys pulled me away from the dead griffon, I tried to pull away but Arys said, “Shadow she’s dead, let it go.”

I looked up at her then back toward the canyon where I could see Gina standing over Gigi, her spear hovering over her sister’s face. I looked back at Arys saying quickly, “Thank you for saving me, but we have to get down there. Gigi’s going to die if we don’t do something.”

Arys looked down at the canyon too saying sadly, “We can’t interfere.”

I pulled away from her as she tried to put a comforting talon on my shoulder, “You can’t but I can, I won’t let Gina kill Gigi.”

“Shadow NO!” Arys said, but she wasn’t fast enough. I teleported right back down to the canyon floor, right at the edge of the stage.

Gina looked over at me with confusion on her face, “The hell!?”

I pulled the earbud out of my ear and threw it at her before pulling out my plasma rifle, (Archer wasn’t even smart enough to take my weapons) “Back away from Gigi!”

Gigi was still breathing I could see and when I yelled at Gina she opened an eye and looked over at me saying in a weak voice, “Shadow? Please don’t get in the way.”

“Yeah this is a Red Talon thing, no one can interfere with a fight for leadership!” Gina said with a smile.

“I’m not a Red Talon, I’m just a courier and I’m not going to let you kill Gigi. I don’t give two shits if you won or not, even if you call yourself the new leader or not, The Red Talons won’t follow you. Gigi has a family, she showed you mercy when she let you live. You owe her a life debt for that!”

“Bull shit!” Gina yelled pointing her spear at me now, “She is the reason I spent the past two years trying to survive!”

“No that was Tonto!” I yelled back, “Who you had Archer KILL! He did some bad things, but he was a good griffon too. I hate you for letting that scum you call a leader shoot him, even though he didn’t deserve to be shot by a sniper! Still that was between you and him I can’t change that, but Gigi showed you mercy and let you live. She had no idea you were told to kill Gail, she did what she had too as the leader just like she’s always done!”

To my surprise Gina lowered her spear, a look of confusion on her face. Then Gigi said, “I’m sorry Gina, sorry for kicking you out without listening to you,” she lifted her head a little, “You won, you are the leader now okay, but please…don’t take me away from my girls. I just made up with Aura, I have so much to teach them about life still. Hate me for what I did if you want, but please…don’t do this, you’ll regret it one day.”

“GIGI!” I heard Apollo say from just off the stage.

Looking back, I saw Apollo looking in horror at his wife who was still bleeding on the stage. He stayed back though knowing that he can’t do anything until Gina called the fight. Then I heard Gina sigh and say, “Fine.”

I looked back at her and saw that she put her spear away, “You’ll let her live?” I asked her.

“Yes, but this will clear any so-called life debt I have with you sister,” she said looking down at Gigi, “You are hear by banished from the Red Talons, from Crimson Canyon and if I find you working my territory. Do you understand me!”

Gigi replied weakly, “I do…”

Gina turned and walked toward the griffons who were watching the fight, “I, Gina Bloodtalon, am now the leader of the Red Talons and the first thing I want to do as the leader is invite all of the Unchained Talons to JOIN US!”

I ignored the cheers from the Unchained Talons and ran over to Gigi, “I’m sorry I interfered but I couldn’t let them hurt you.”

She looked like shit, her beautiful white feathers were now covered in dirt and blood, the cut over her eye was bleeding badly, and the stab through her belly was worse. But she managed to lift a bloody talon to my face and slowly she rested it there, “Thank you for doing that.”

“Don’t speak, Syn will be here in a second to help you.”

She pulled my face down and whispered to me, “In the Den, there’s a saddle bag that you need to get before Gina or Archer find it.”

“Gigi don’t worry…” I tried to say but she interrupted me.

Weakly she said, “Don’t…let Grim find IT!”

I pulled away, “What?”

She was starting to get quieter as she said, “Grim…she can’t…get her hooves on…book.”

I was about to ask what she was talking about when Apollo put a talon on my shoulder, “Shadow, she’s weak and hurt, I’ll help her get up and to Syn’s hut, go help her so my wife doesn’t die.”

I looked up at the griffon, “Okay, just take care of her please.”

“I will now go!” Apollo said.

I turned toward Aura and her sisters and jumped off the Stage as Apollo moved to help Gigi get up. Aura looked over at me asking, “What can we do to help.”

“Apollo said to get her to Syn’s hut.”

Syn looked at me then nodded, “If we can get her there quickly, I should be able to stop the bleeding, Aura can you help me?”

“Yeah,” Aura said then turned to me, “We might need you too Shadow come on. That goes for the rest of you too,” she added to Stardust and Wind Thrasher.

“No Wind Thrasher you go find the children and Vervain, Stardust can stay here and help,” I said as we all started pushing past Red Talons with looks of shock on their faces.

Wind Thrasher nodded, “I’m on it, I’ll tell Vervain what happened and make sure the children are safe,” she said as she left.

“This sucks,” I said as we pushed our way past more griffons.

“Tell me about it, first Tonto, now mom’s on the brink of death,” Fletch said. She started to follow us as Vi flew off to make sure every griffon stayed calm.

“I just hope she pulls through, it’d be even worse if your mom died on her birthday,” I said.

Aura and Fletch both looked at me with a funny expression, “What are you talking about? Mom’s birthday isn’t for a couple of months.

“Huh, but Apollo said her birthday was on the same day as the last day of the Celebration?” I said, then it hit me. The red feather I found when I caught Apollo talking to some griffon on the first day of the Celebration, how he attacked me before he saw it was me and after I lied about why I was there.

“Shadow what’s wrong?” Aura asked as I came to a stop.

“Apollo’s an Unchained!” I said looking back toward the stage where Apollo was holding onto Gigi who just managed to stand with his help.

“What? That’s fucking insane!” Aura said.

“Aura, Fletch,” I said pulling out the feather I found, “I caught him talking to some pony the other day about something to do with surprising Gigi. When he caught me listening he told me it was just a party for her birthday, which he said was today. I found this by where he was talking to the griffon after he left.”

“That’s Gina’s feather, but why would he be talking to…” Fletch said, but I was already pushing past the griffons again.

They weren’t moving out of my way fast enough so finally I teleported back to the edge of the stage. Apollo was hugging his wife close to him saying “Gigi, I’m sorry this had to happen, but you should’ve known that sooner or later, you’d have to pay for what you’ve done to your family.”

She looked over at him, “What are you talking about Apollo?”

I jumped on the stage, pulled out my plasma rifle and ran toward them getting ready to fire, but Apollo just smiled and said, “I never loved Gail, I was in love with Gina. We were going to tell you but then Gail died and you sent her away. When I found out what really happened six months ago I started planning with her and the Unchained. To make things worse you didn’t just send away the griffon I loved, you sent away our DAUGHTER. Gina might have shown you mercy for what you did to her, but I’ll never forgive you for what you did to Gina and Aura. Good bye, Gigi Bloodtalon!”

I went to enter S.A.T.S. but a griffon slammed me to the ground, right as Apollo pulled away from Gigi, picked up her fallen sword and used her own weapon to stab her in the heart. Gigi’s eyes went wide as the blade entered her chest, her beak slightly open in utter disbelief at the betrayal of the griffon who she called husband, the father to four of her children and who helped raise her oldest. Time seemed to stop, all sound in the canyon vanished as I looked into Gigi’s icy blue eyes, which looked just like her daughters.

For that moment I could see one thing in Gigi’s eyes as the life slowly faded from them. It was a look of utter despair as she was able to say one last thing before she died, “Run.”

Apollo pushed Gigi’s lifeless body off the end of the sword, letting her fall in a heap at his talons. The griffon on top of me let out a choked sob, looking up I saw it was Viridiana. Tears were falling from her eyes as she looked at Apollo then her mother. Then the look of shock was replaced by anger as she moved her beak down and whispered to me, “Get Aura and your friends out of here right now.”

Those words seemed to snap me out of my own shock as I said slowly, “Get off me.”

I heard Aura crying just behind me, Fletch screaming something, Syn trying to calm Aura down, Stardust pulling back on the bolt of his rifle and the rest of the Red Talons starting to roar with rage at what their second in command just did to one of the strongest leaders of the Red Talons. Through all of that Vi’s voice was the only thing I could make out as she said, “Shadow, I don’t know what’s going on, but you can’t trust any of the griffons here right now, get my sisters out of here before all hell breaks loose.”

I was fighting with all I had to hold back the rage I could feel bubbling inside of me at the sight of that once beautiful white griffon laying on the ground covered in crimson. My heart was racing, I could feel as the blood pulsed through me, and a small voice inside my head saying, “Hahaha, yes Shadow let your anger flow. Use that power you stole and kill them all.”

Apollo looked over at where Vi was holding me down, he smiled saying to his daughter, “Good job Vi, keep the courier held down for a little longer.”

“Fuck you!” Vi said spitting on the ground, “How dare you pull a blade on our mother! I’m only holding Shadow down so she doesn’t do something stupid and get herself killed DAD!”

“Get…off…me…NOW!” I yelled as my magic started to flow through me…no not my magic, the magic I stole from Aquila. It flowed into me so quickly and easily, it was almost like it was waiting for me to draw on it.

Before I could do anything, Gina landed next to Apollo, she looked down at her dead sister then at Apollo. She didn’t look happy, no for the first time since I met her, Gina looked, sad. It was only for a moment before a mask of rage covered her sorrow, “What the hell did you do!”

Apollo just smiled, “I did what you were too weak to do LEADER! Now do your job and finish what we came here to do.”

Gina pulled her energy spear off her back and pointed it at him, “There was no reason to KILL her. I ordered her to be banished not killed Apollo, that wasn’t part of the plan!”

Apollo didn’t back down at all as he said, “Planes changed my love, now finish what we came here for or I will!”

Gina to my surprise lowered her spear and looked over at me still being held down by Vi, then she looked out at all of the griffons, “It’s time for a change, for many years The Red Talons have lived under the harsh rules of a sad griffon.”

“I’ll kill all of you FUCKERS!” I yelled still trying to get free.

“LET HER GO VI,” Aura yelled, “Because I’m going to kill them all too!”

Gina just looked over at us all and rolled her eyes, “As I was saying,” She walked off the stage and toward the Statue of Greta and the laws of the Red Talons, “From this day forth, the ten laws of the Red Talons no longer apply. Any griffon that doesn’t feel like following my leadership or that of Archer who leads the Unchained, can leave now. If you try and fight us, you’ll die,” Gina pulled out three incendiary grenades from the satchel at her side, pulled the pins and threw them at the statue and wall behind it.

Griffons who were close to it ran as the explosion echoed off the red sandstone around them. The blast blew the statue of Greta apart, same for the wall that once held the ten laws she’d set up for her griffons to follow. When it was finished nothing was left but a pile of rubble and red dust filling the air. My jaw fell, my eyes went wide and I lost all control on my senses. Same for a good amount of the Red Talons.

Shots went off as a male griffon near me killed one of the Unchained griffons, Aura’s screams of anger filled the air as she pulled her spear off her back and attacked the first griffon not wearing red around their forelegs. Vi, stepped away from me, either from the horror of what just happened, or because I finally let the power roaring inside of me out. My vision went red as I felt my body change, my horn glowing crimson as I screamed out my rage and sorrow.

Apollo was the first griffon that I could clearly make out, “You’re first,” I said as I blasted my magic straight at him. The griffon didn’t wait for my power to hit him, he took off, avoiding my blast by an inch. As he flew he yelled, “All Unchained griffons and Red Talons who are still loyal to their Talon company, Kill every griffon or pony who doesn’t fall into line, but leave The Courier Alive and my daughters.”

In a matter of moments, he was flying away, running like the fucking cowered he was. I tried to attack again, only to find Gina blocking my shot, her red spear pointed right at me, “You attack him and you die.”

My voice was full of power and rage as I responded, “You’ll be the first to die then.”

“Big mouth for such a small thing,” she mocked.

Pulling at the power and some of the knowledge I’d gained from Aquila, I used a spell that I’d only seen once, from one of mom’s memories. I long strip of power flowed from my horn until it was a crackling whip of magic, twenty feet long. When Gina flew toward me, I flipped the whip of magic straight at her. It moved faster than she thought it would, because when she tried to dodge it, the whip sliced along her flanks adding a long burn right next to one of the cuts her sister had made during their fight.

Gina screamed, but didn’t let the pain slow her. She dove for me, but I was ready for it. I snapped the whip of power around at the same time pulling out Misery and using it to slice at Gina from the other direction. She saw both blows coming and banked up then twisted around and sliced her spear through the air sending an arch of red power toward me. I dodged the attack then another as Gina used the time to get closer to me. When she landed I tried to attack again only to find one of the Unchained talons swooping in from my right. I ducked his attack and rolled avoiding Gina’s attack as well. When I got back to my hooves, I found three more griffons coming to help Gina.

The first who attacked lifted his wings showing off a battle saddle with twin energy rifles strapped to it. He fired, but I just teleported out of the way, reactivated the whip spell again and attacked. He twisted around ready to fire when my spell sliced through his neck, his head flying off him. Before his body could even hit the ground and before I could cast the spell again, the other three opened fire. Bullets slammed into my barding forcing me to teleport again to avoid taking a bullet to the head. Pain filled my body from where the rounds slammed into me, bruising my chest and legs, if they had been AP round’s I would’ve been dead.

Instead I appeared behind them, Misery coming down to slice cleanly through the skull of one griffon, pulling it free I twisted around and sliced out an eye of a second griffon, then ducked under the slashing talons of the third. Gina yelled something at them before taking to the air pulling out a healing potion as she flew the way Apollo had gone. I watched her go for only a second then avoided two more attacks from the third griffon who slashed at me again then opened fire. I felt one of the bullets ripping through a gap in my armor, but I didn’t let the pain slow me down as I charged up another magical attack.

The Griffon just laughed and started to fire again, that is until my spell slammed into him. His body turned to ash in a matter of seconds. Still seeing red I started to walk toward the mass of fighting griffons spread throughout Crimson Canyon, lifting Misery and slicing open the neck of the second griffon who was screaming, one talon over his ruined eye. He let out a gurgle as blood spilled from his neck into his air way. I flicked the blood off Misery then sheathed it as I pulled out mom’s plasma rifle and my shotgun and went insane.

Plasma flew into griffon after griffon as I slowly walked toward the center of the Canyon, my shotgun going off any time a griffon wearing a grey forearm band got too close. It didn’t take long for blood to cover the ground, making each step I took sticky from the blood and mud. Each griffon I killed seemed to make the bitch in my head go mad with delight, “Good job Shadow, that’s right keep killing them, make every single one of them pay for what they did!”

I could barely make out her voice, or even care. I ignored the shots that came my way, ignored the bullets that ripped through gaps in my armor, ignored the pain that was growing inside my head as my magic built up, ignored the screams of fear and pain around me. I was tired of letting everyone push me around, I was tired of watching ponies and griffons I respected and loved die around me. I’m sick of running away when I can do something to make the griffons around me wish they never stepped one talon into Crimson Canyon.

A female griffon attacked me from the side, her long spear aimed at my face. She died before she got within ten feet of me. As she fell I said, “For Box Tape,” two more griffons fired plasma rifles at me, I dodged and brought them both down a second after with my own plasma rifle, “For Cartwheel,” a younger griffon threw a throwing knife at me, it’s sharp tip sinking deep into my flanks, somehow getting past the armor plating in my barding. I twisted around and blew his head off with my shot gun, “For my Stable,” Another tried to shoot me in the face, he died as I used the Whip Spell to slice off his head, “For Tonto,” A scream of rage from a female griffon who looked like she was the same age as the one that just fell as she tried to stab me with a dagger. She was dead before she even hit the ground, plasma burns on her unprotected chest, “For Gigi!”

I felt a griffon grab me from behind and twisted around ready to blow the head off the fool who dared touch me. I almost didn’t stop my magic from pulling the trigger as Aura’s face came into view. My shot gun less than an inch away from her beak. I lowered my weapon and started to shake as I looked up at the beautiful griffon who held my heart. She was covered in blood, as if she’d just been fighting as much as I had been. She took a step back saying quietly, “Shadow?”

It took me a moment to take in that single word, a single moment that I stopped seeing red as I finally said, “They killed Tonto and Gigi.”

“I know, but we can’t keep fighting, more Unchained Talons are coming, we need to run,” she said putting a talon on my shoulder.

“I’m not leaving until their all dead!” I said pulling away from her.

“You don’t mean that Shadow, let go of Aquila’s power before you lose yourself to her.”

Stardust landed a second later his rifle out as he said, “We need to leave!”

“I’m not going anywhere,” I said turning toward where I could see more Red Talon griffons fighting against the Unchained and their own talon company.

Stardust looked over at me, “This isn’t a discussion, Wind Thrasher is waiting for us with the children and Vervain on the other side of the canyon, we need to go before they get hurt.”

I looked back at him then at the griffons still fighting to save their home, “You two go, get as many Red Talons out of here while you can, the Canyon is lost and if they keep fighting, the Talon company will be as well. Aura get your sisters and run far away from here.”

“I’m not leaving with out you!” she said taking hold of my forehoof.

I pulled away again feeling the rage build inside of me again, “Get the hell out of here, I can by you time.”

Stardust looked scared as he yelled, “Are you nuts, you aren’t staying behind.”

My head throbbed, forcing me to close my eyes in pain as the magic inside me begged to be set free, “If I go with you I’ll end up hurting you all. I promise I won’t let anything bad happen to me. I just need you all as far away from me as you can get!”

In my head Aquila laughed, “You don’t have long Shadow, either you let me take over so I can stop that power you can’t control or you die.”

I did my best to ignore her as I yelled, “RUN!”

“But…” Aura started to say, tears in her eyes.

I kissed her then said, “I’ll find you…trust me please, I don’t want any of you to get hurt…please just leave, I can’t control the power this time.”

Aura finally seemed to understand, she took a step back then said, “Fine, but if you die, I’ll find you in the next life and beat the living hell out of you, do you hear me?”

I turned around facing into the canyon and grinned, “Then I guess I’ll have something to look forward to in the next life.”

Stardust looked at her then at me, “Are you two insane?”

Aura just looked at him as her wings opened, “Trust Shadow, now let’s go.”

My head throbbed again as they took to the air shouting at all of the Red Talons they saw to flee. I needed to give them time, so I looked around toward a griffon I could see in the distance in a set of full body griffon power armor yelling, “ARCHER!”

He killed two griffons at once then turned toward me and laughed, “So you do change color when you’re upset, now that is a neat trick.”

I did everything I could to hold onto the power, not to let it slip, all so my friends could get out, “This is all your doing, I’m going to make you pay for what you did to Gigi, to TONTO.”

He just kept on laughing, “Shadow, when are you going to realize that you can’t win. You might have gotten a lucky shot on me once, but that won’t happen again. Now why don’t you surrender and come with me, you have a date with my contractor.”

I pointed my plasma rifle at him and fired, he dodged the shot and another then flew at me. I teleported out of the way then fired again, but the plasma only slipped right off his armor. Knowing my own weapon wouldn’t do me any good I holstered it and drew Misery, “I’m not letting you leave this canyon alive Archer.”

The sight of the blade seemed to make him pause as he said, “I heard you managed to find that sword. Where was it all this time?”

“None of your business.”

He smiled, “Maybe not, but I do know that Gina and the rest of the Bloodtalon’s would like to get their family heirloom back.”

“Too bad they already knew I had it and said I could keep it, now why don’t you come closer so I can show you the special things it can do.”

He just shook his head, “I’m not that stupid Shadow, I know better than to get within ten feet of that blade.”

My head throbbed again, “So you really are just talk.”

He laughed again, “Nope, I’m the griffon who has you out gunned.”

I waved a talon around and it was then that I noticed that the fighting had stopped. I looked around and saw hundreds of guns pointed at me, most of them where Unchained but a few were Red Talons. In the distance I could see hundreds of griffons flying away from the canyon. They’d managed to get away, just in time too because my horn felt as if it was ready to explode. I smiled and started to laugh, “Are you sure about that Archer?”

He looked at me like I was insane, as he did I heard Aquila say, “Time’s up, I’d suggest you close your eyes, it hurts less that way.”

Archer took a step back, as if he could see what was about to happen written all over my face. Then he yelled, “Every griffon get out of here!”

Gina who was a few feet away looked at him confused, “Why, we have her surrounded?”

Archer flapped his wings yelled, “I said FLY, NOW! THAT’S AN ORDER!”

Gina didn’t bother arguing, because she too saw something on my face as she too took to the air along with the rest of the Unchained Talons. I closed my eyes and prayed to the goddesses that whatever happened next, I’d take down those two first. I started to scream as I let Aquila’s power flow out of me, not in a quick attack or even a spell. No, I let the power of our rage at the world explode out of my horn, let the raw magic flow into the world like a title wave. An ear-splitting boom filled the air, followed by the sound of something flowing away from me as the magic destroyed everything in its path.

Power rolled out further and further across the canyon. The huts closest to me crumbled, the arena turned to dust, the stage that only two nights before Aura and her sisters preformed for everyone here evaporated. The only thing the magic didn’t harm was the bodies of Gigi and Tonto. The scream that came out of my mouth grew louder as I let all of my sorrow and anger out, let every griffon or pony within miles know my anger. Let every living thing that could see the magic as it exploded out of me, fear me.

I would have let every last ounce of my power out, destroyed everything I could until I had nothing left, but through my anger, through my sorrow a voice floated toward me, “Shadow!”

I opened my eyes and through the maelstrom of magic I could see Wind Thrasher flying only a few inches away from the dome of power. If she got any closer, my magic would turn her into nothing but ash. Aquila laughed inside my head saying, “Do it, you don’t need friends anyway. Look how powerful we are when we work together.”

Wind Thrasher flapped a little closer to yelling down at me, “Shadow, stop this before you end up killing yourself!”

My magic pulsed again and the dome of magic grew just a little, inching closer to the bat pony. I looked back at her, “Get away Wind Thrasher,”

“I’m not leaving without you!’ she yelled, her yellow slit eyes narrowed as she spoke.

“You know you want to kill her Shadow,” Aquila said softly inside my head, “Come on, just push a little more of that power out. She’s just a freak of nature, something that was created in a lab.”

I closed my eyes again yelling, “SHUT UP!”

Wind Thrasher yelled down at me again, “Don’t listen to her Shadow, you’re stronger than she is, let that magic go.”

“I don’t know how!” I yelled back at her.

I could see worry in her eyes as she watched me, “If I can pull myself out of the blood lust and come back from that dark place, then you can too. You just need something to hold on to. Who are you? Tell me! Are you Aquila or Shadow Star, are you our enemy or our friend?”

Aquila laughed inside my head trying to make me say what she was, “Your enemy and Aquila!”

I didn’t let those words escape my muzzle. Instead I said in a struggling tone, “I am Shadow Star, daughter of Grimoire Spell and Nightshade,” For a brief moment some of my past memories with my parents started to flow through my head. The moment my dad gave me Avon. The moment Mom first helped me braid my mane, Vervain raising me to be a good mare and how to live.

“Very good, what else are you!?” Wind Thrasher yelled, as she did the magic flowing out of me seemed to lessen.

“I am the Courier Mare of the Marejave, I work for the Equestrian Express,” I said starting to feel control over my magic again. Another brief moment some of the memories I’ve created with my friends over the past two months, started to flow through my head. Stardust’s goofy smile, Wingnut’s clever yet dirty mind, that moment Wind Thrasher and I were walking around New Pegasus, Laser’s life lessons, Cookie Byte’s wit, The first kiss that I shared with Aura.

“And who do you love?” she asked flying closer as the magic dimmed.

“Don’t listen to her Shadow, KILL HER!” Aquila said, but her voice was pushed back as the magic faded and my friend landed in front of me.

Panting I said, “I love all of you, with all my heart, because without my friends, life wouldn’t be worth living.”

She pulled me close and hugged me, “We love you too Shadow, now tell me, will you be okay?”

I pressed my face into her shoulder, “No…they killed Gigi…Tonto. Archer took me when I was in Tonto’s cave, tied me up on the top of the canyon and made me watch as Tonto died…made me watch as Gina fought Gigi. She’s dead because of me!”

She rubbed me main slowly, “You can’t blame yourself for what happened to her.”

“You don’t understand, I caught Apollo talking to another griffon two days ago. He found me listening in and told me he was planning a surprise for Gigi’s birthday, and I fucking believed him. I should have told Gigi right away, if I had, she’d still be alive,” I sobbed into her shoulder.

I heard wings flapping behind me then another hoof slowly rested on my shoulder as Stardust said, “Don’t blame yourself Shadow, you have no idea what would have happened if you told her. No one blames you, I mean hell, nopony thought Apollo would do something like that.”

I just kept sobbing into Wind Thrashers shoulder as I heard more wings around us. Looking up I saw Aura and her sisters standing next to their mother’s body. All four griffons had tears in their eyes as they looked down at her, “We have to get out of here, I can hear them coming back,” Wind Thrasher said.

Viridiana looked over at us saying, “We have to get Mom’s body out of here so she can be burned properly, same goes for Tonto.”

Aura looked over at the older griffon’s corpse, “I’ll get Tonto, one of you take mom.”

Fletch looked at her younger sister asking, “What about the rest of the Red Talons who died?”

Syn answered, “I told Toby to stay with Gina’s side of the Red Talons for now, he’ll make sure they get all their rights, but Tonto and mom, they may just throw their bodies out like trash. Now hurry up and grab them, Stardust you fly with my sisters and watch their backs. Wind Thrasher take Shadow and get her out of here. Wingnut is with Vervain and the rest of the young ones, they’ll be safe.”

I finally wiped away my tears and looked around at what I’d done. My eyes went wide, everything within twenty meters was destroyed. It was like a small bomb went off in the middle of the canyon, turning everything in its wake into dust and ash. I felt Wind Thrasher put a hoof on me, “Let’s go, before they come back.”

“Not yet,” I said pulling away.

Aura glared over at me from where she was picking up Tonto’s body, “Don’t argue, just go!”

“I will, but first I have to grab something from the den,” I said as I tried and failed to walk toward the huge hut.

“We don’t have time,” Stardust said.

I got back to my hooves and winced at how weak that blast of magic had left me, “It was Gigi’s last wish, she told me to get a set of saddle bags that had a book of some kind in it. She said to make sure mom didn’t get her hooves on it. Archer is working with somepony out in Los Alicorn, if it’s my mom, he’ll make sure she finds it.”

“Fine,” Aura said, “Stardust go get this book and while you’re at it, make sure we didn’t leave anything in the cave then fly back to us as quickly as you can.”

“You sure you’ll all be okay?” he asked.

“We’ll be fine, now hurry,” Aura said, “You know where we’ll be.”

“Alright, I’ll see you soon,” he said flying off toward the Den.

“Come on Shadow,” Wind Thrasher said.

I moved closer to her and let her take hold of me as she flapped her wings and lifted us up toward the sky. Aura and her sisters followed as she turned east and flew as fast as she could away from what was left of Crimson Canyon. For a long time, no one talked as we flew past Sandstone, past the NLR camp a few miles down the road and kept going. As we flew more griffons joined us, all of them with red bands on their forelegs, every one of them looking sad as they caught sight of the body that was being carried by Vi, the body of their leader. After an hour passed and more griffons joined our flight I managed to ask, “What’s going to happen now?” I asked weakly.

Vi looked over at me sadly, “Gina won the fight against mom, by our laws that makes her the new leader, but Apollo killed her. He broke the laws of our talon group. Gina destroyed our laws and the statue of Greta, this is something that’s never happened before. Some of the Red Talons will stay and work with Gina and the Unchained Talons, some will leave and become freelancers, the rest I’m not sure.”

Fletch cut in, “My sisters and I will figure something out, for now none of us will return to the Red Talons or Crimson Canyon after what Gina and our so-called father did,” As she said this, she pulled the bandana off her neck and let it fall toward the ground. Her sisters did the same, throwing away the symbol that marked them as members of the Red Talons.

“We are outcasts now,” Vi said as more griffons around us started to join the sisters in throwing away their marks of The Red Talons.

Syn looked toward Aura and smiled a little, “I’d like to join Aura’s new Talon group, what did you call it again?”

Aura blushed then said quietly, “Shadow Talons.”

Fletch smiled, “I like that name, sounds so much more mysterious than Red Talons. So what do you say sis, want some new members?”

Aura didn’t smile as she said, “I have no land, no set rules yet, no pay scale, no contracts. Why would you want to work with me?”

Vi shifted her mother’s body a little then said, “Because, unlike Gina, you deserve our loyalty. So what if you don’t have things set up yet, you have us, we’ll help you.”

I saw Gouger a few feet away, he moved closer to us and said in a hollow voice, “We’d all be happy to follow you Aura, as long as you promise that you’ll one day let us take back our home and make those bastards pay for what they did to us…to…our friends.”

Fletch noticed him then and she asked, “Gouger…where’s Pluck?”

Tears fell from the large griffons face as he said, “He was shot down as we tried to escape. He saw one of those Unchained ass holes taking aim at me and he…he jumped in the way. He died to save my life…”

Fletch dropped in the air a little then corrected herself, “He…he’s gone?”

Gouger nodded, “Stupid little shit, always getting in the way even at the end.”

Fletch smiled a little, “Stupid little shit, but a brave one too.”

Aura watched for a moment as Gouger and Fletch started to talk about Pluck and others joined in, all talking about a griffon that fell during the fight and saying something nice about them, at least in their own way. Then she looked back at Vi and said, “Right now I can’t do much to help with what Gina, Archer and Apollo did to the Red Talons, but I can at least make sure that you all have a Talon Company to call your own.”

“We’ll need to find a place to set up and call our own,” Syn said.

Fletch looked back at us saying, “There’s a building on the outskirts of Freedom that the Queen owns, I’m sure we could use it for now. It should have enough room for all of us.”

Aura looked over at her sister asking, “Are you talking about that old office building that was owned by F&F Tool?”

“Yeah, the Queen told me last time I was in Freedom that she was still trying to find some pony or griffon I guess set up shop there. Maybe she’d be okay with your new Talon Company Aura,” Fletch said.

“I guess we could look into it, but I’m not sure how long it will take me to get things figured out, I’ve got my own mission with Wingnut and Shadow,” Aura said.

Vi nudged her with a wing, “Then you do what you need to, let me and our sisters worry about getting the Shadow Talon’s off the ground, that is if you’re okay with working with a bunch of fucked up outcasts like us.”

Aura smiled a little more, “You’d do that for me?”

“Not just for you Aura, for all of us,” Vi said.

“Deal. Vi you’ll be my second from here on out, I’ll leave the Shadow Talons in your talons while I help Shadow and our friends.”

“I like that idea,” she said looking around at the forty or so griffons that were following us, “How about the rest of you sorry excuses for griffons?”

They all smiled and roared in agreement. As they finished I asked, “Where are we going?”

Wind Thrasher finally spoke up, “Another mile or so, when the Unchained Talons showed up, Gigi sent the young griffons away with Vervain, they headed out of the area. When I went to check on them just outside of Sandstone, Vervain told me she’d get them all to a safe place, a town called Covan.”

“Some of the griffons that went with them earlier helped them get there faster, most of Cartwheel went there as well,” Aura said.

“What about Byte? Is she okay?” I asked remembering that I hadn’t seen the young filly since before I went into the orb.

“She’s with Wingnut, all the kids made it out just fine,” Wind Thrasher said.

Stardust caught up to us just a little bit ago. He’d been silent for most of the flight so far, and had an extra set of saddle bags with him. At the mention of Wingnut he sighed and said, “I’m just glad the foals made it out okay. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to them.”

“I agree,” I said, looking over at him.

In the distance I could just make out the town itself, from what I could see there wasn’t much there apart from a few ran down houses a trade tent and a motel. In front of the motel was what looked like a statue of a dragon, the dragon was holding a sign that said ‘Welcome to Covan.’ In the courtyard for the motel ten more griffons were standing around at least forty young griffons and a few ponies. Three of the ponies I knew right away.

As we landed Vervain came running over to me hugging me tightly, “Oh sweetie, I’m so glad you’re okay,” then she pulled away to look at me and her eyes went wide, “Shadow what happened to you?”

I could barely stand; my body was still weak from the amount of magic I used. I rubbed my eyes a little then asked, “I’m fine, mostly, and what do you mean what happened to me?”

Aura put a talon on my shoulder then gave me the small mirror she carried, “You used her power again Shadow, even though I told you not to.”

She didn’t sound angry, just disappointed. I took the mirror and looked at myself and felt my stomach sink. My silver mane was streaked with black now, more white covered my face, both my eyes had white circles around them now, a line goin down my muzzle, one of my ears was entirely white. I could see streaks of white on my neck as well. Pulling off my barding as quickly as I could I looked at the rest of myself, holding the mirror in my magic. My body was dotted with white, even my tail had black streaks in it, my flanks were polka dotted in white, my chest, my back, even my horn.

I lowered the mirror and started to breath heavily, “I…look like I have some kind of disease.”

Stardust walked over saying, “You look fine Shadow, so what if you have a little whiter on your black coat. Look on the bright side, it will make you harder to identify.”

“I look like a foal splashed paint on me!” I said.

Vervain had gone pail as she looked at me, “You’re running out of time.”

I looked over at her and sighed, “I know.”

The griffons around us didn’t say anything, they just watched as my friends tried to keep me calm. Aura ran a talon through my mane then pulled me close. I could feel that she was breathing hard but she was trying her best to stay calm as she asked, “Do you know how much longer you can hold out?”

I shook my head, “I have no idea,”

Wingnut and Byte walked over looking at me then Vervain as the colt asked, “Vervain, do you know if there’s anything that can be done to help Shadow?”

The mare who raised me looked ready to cry as she said, “That was what Grim was looking into when she left Stable 28. She said the only thing she could think of was to use a prewar project, or to find a spell that can pull a power like Aquila out of Shadow. She said the only thing that she knew of that can do that is Zebra magic, not just any Zebra magic either, it would have to be the darkest kind of magic.”

“I thought mom knew all about Zebra spells,” I said lifting my head from Aura’s shoulder.

“She did, but the kind of spell she would need to do can only be found in a certain kind of book. They were spells that only dark witch doctors wrote, they were known as Black Books. They didn’t make many of them and the last one she knew about was owned by Rarity. The problem is that no pony knew where it ended up when the bombs fell,” Vervain said, “That’s why she was looking into Falling Shadows.”

Stardust’s ears perked up at that, he lifted the saddle bags he took from The Den off and pulled out something large and black, “Before I caught up to you all, I looked at what Gigi wanted you to get Shadow, and this was the only thing in it.”

I reached out with my magic to take the item noticing it was a huge spell book with what looked like Zebra ruins on it. As soon as my magic touched the binding, pain flew through my horn and Aquila screamed inside my head, “Don’t touch that!”

I let the book go and winced backing up, “What is that thing? It feels…so evil.”

Aquila answered, “I’m not sure, but whatever it is, it’s full of black magic, powerful blackness that our magic can’t touch.”

I ignored her as Stardust said, “I just looks like an old zebra book to me, but it seems like what Vervain was talking about.”

I tried looking at it again, but as soon as I did pain seemed to throb inside my head, “I can’t even look at it, there’s something about it that’s making my head hurt.”

Vervain walked over and looked at the book, “It…is a black book, but it’s bigger than the one Grim was telling me about that Rarity had. Where did you get it?”

“Gigi told me to take it, she said to keep it away from mom,” I said, “Now can you put it away!”

Vervain took the book and put it into the saddle bags, as soon as it was gone, my head started to feel better. She looked over at me, “I think the reason it’s making your head and magic hurt is because since you have Aquila inside of you, you’re full of light magic. If what we learned about the black books is true, it’s pure darkness.”

“Can it be used to help Shadow?” Aura asked.

“I don’t know, the book is written in ancient zebra. There aren’t many who can read that.”

“Yaksha can,” Wingnut said.

Vervain looked thoughtful, “True, I’d have to go see if she can figure something out about this. Though right now we need to figure out what to do next.”

I looked over at the griffons who were all waiting around in the courtyard, “Your right. Aura I think you should figure out what’s going to happen with them.”

“I can do that, why don’t you go rest up and we can figure out what to do tomorrow. We are going to burn mom and Tonto first though,” she said turning to go talk with her sisters and talk to the other griffons who’d escaped earlier. I could see now that a lot of them had tears on their faces as they looked at the bodies of two of the griffons who’d led The Red Talons for so long.

“I…I’ll wait to rest, I think we shouldn’t do anything else until we take care of them,” I said.

“Yeah, they both deserve that much of us I think,” Stardust said walking over to look over Tonto and Gigi.

“Thank you,” Aura said, “Let us get set up, it shouldn’t take long.”

While she walked over to talk with her griffons, I saw an older caramel colored stallion with a cowpony hat came walking over to us. He looked at all the griffons then said in a heavy western accent but also kind of slow, “Ah dun think ah’ve seen so many griffons in one place like this, how can I help ya’ll?”

Stardust and Vervain moved closer to the older stallion Vervain saying, “Bronze Star, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you.”

He looked at her for a long moment then his eyes went wide, “Vervain? Ah haven’t seen ya in at least ten years.”

“Eleven if I remember right,” Vervain said, “As for the griffons, they are…were Red Talons. Something’s happened at Crimson Canyon and this was the first safe place I knew we could go.”

“Oh? How bad we talkin’ ‘bout?” the older pony asked.

“I can explain later, for right now we just need a place to rest. Tomorrow most of the griffons should be heading toward Freedom.”

“Well ya’ll can stay here if ya want, we dun have anypony stayin’ in any of the rooms, also… ah’m not sure if there’s enough room for all of ya.”

“We’ll manage, for right now do you think you can get a message to The Queen for me?”

“Sure can, we got a dashite livin’ in town here that can take it there right away if ya’ll want.”

As I was watching Vervain talk to Bronze Star I felt a talon feel my forehead. I looked over to who it was, figuring it was Aura, but to my shock, it was Syn. She gave me a kind smile and said, “You have a fever Shadow, I think you really should get some rest.”

“Later, right now I just want to help with Gigi’s…you know.”

I could tell that she was holding back her own sorrow, but she did her best to smile, “I understand, but don’t overdo it, once we are finished I want you to rest. Can you do that for me?”

I nodded then let Wingnut and Byte help me up so we could go help the Griffons with setting up two pyres for Gigi and Tonto. For the next hour the griffons and my friends found as much wood as they could and set up the pyres just outside of town. When it was finished both bodies were set upon them and Syn took over the right of giving the eulogies for each griffon since she was the oldest of Gigi’s children and very close to Tonto. I did my best to listen to most of it, but my body had enough and slowly I started to pass out. I did wake when the fires were lit and rested my head against Aura as we silently watched their bodies burn.

I did my best to stay awake for the rest of what the rest of the griffons had to say, but slowly I found myself closing my eyes again. Then I found myself being woken by Wind Thrasher, “Come on Shadow, we have a room set up for us.”

I looked around and realized I was resting up against the leg of the Dragon Statue, “Where’s Aura?”

“She had to talk with the griffons more and set up what they’re going to do next, she told me to get you to bed.”

I let her help me up and lead me to the room where the rest of my friends and three griffon kids were inside. Stardust smiled saying, “Some of the kids are staying with us tonight.”

I just nodded and made my way over to the bed with Wind Thrasher. She helped me up then laid next to me saying, “I’ll keep you company until Aura gets back.”

I just nodded and snickered just enough saying, “Wind Thrasher I thought you said your barn door doesn’t swing that way.”

Wind Thrasher laughed lightly, “I see your sense of humor is back. Go to sleep Shadow.”

I couldn’t help but laugh again ending in a cough readjusting myself to lay down in a more comfortable position, “Sounds…good.”

Byte was already asleep next to Wingnut and one of the griffon chicks on the other bed in the room. Stardust was helping the other two calm down by telling them a story, Vervain wasn’t here. Wind Thrasher pulled me close and started to rub my mane in an almost sisterly way, as she said, “Vervain is with Aura and her sisters right now, she’ll be back later. She’s also trying to figure out where the rest of Cartwheel can go now that Sandstone isn’t safe.”

“Hey Wind Thrasher?” I asked.


“Why did you risk yourself to help me back in Crimson Canyon. You could have died if you’d gotten too close.”

She hugged me a little tighter saying, “Shadow, you helped me find my way back when I lost it in Whinnieapolis. I know what it’s like to lose control of yourself. I wanted to help you and I wasn’t going to just let you get taken over by Aquila or let that power destroy you.”

I closed my eyes and said quietly, “I love you Wind Thrasher.”

She giggled, “Don’t let Aura hear you say that.”

“You know what I mean,” I said.

She just chuckled saying, “I know and I love you too Shadow.”


I slept until noon the next day and still felt tired. I would have stayed asleep for two days if I could, but Aura woke me up with a few kisses to my nose, “Time to go.”

I opened my eyes and saw I was bundled under blankets and the only one left in the room, “Where are the others?”

“The Griffons already left with my sisters for Freedom. Vervain got a message to the Queen last night about what happened. Vi is setting up my new Talon company and taking over for now. She’s going to see about getting the Red Talons kicked off the Strip so we can set up in New Pegasus.”

“Aura…I’m sorry…”

She cut me off, “There’s nothing that you could have done Shadow. Even if you told mom about Apollo, she wouldn’t have believed you. As much as I love my mom, she was hard headed when it came to her family, my father included.”

I got up and started to get my barding and duster back on, “I just can’t believe she’s gone.”

“I know, but as it stands we can’t do anything to fix what happened. We need time to settle and figure out a way to get Crimson Canyon back, get The Red Talons back.”

“Do we?” I asked, “Is it so bad that The Red Talons are defunct?”

She shrugged and started to head out of the door, “I don’t know, I really don’t. Honestly, I think we should use this time to regroup. I really want to worry about you right now.”

“I’ll be fine…”

She cut me off by slashing her talon in the air, “NO! Shadow you’re not fine. If you haven’t noticed you’re slowly turning into HER! I’m not letting you get side tracked anymore. That book my mom found may be the only thing that can help you get better, but it also might not be the only thing.”

I sighed, “I don’t see how there’s anything we can do.”

“Well I’m not giving up on you and neither are the rest of your friends. I’ve talked to Vervain about it and she’s taking that Black Book to Yaksha who’s up in Frosty Summit right now. While she’s doing that we are going to go find your mom,” Aura said.

My eyes went wide, “My mom? Why? She wants me dead if you don’t remember.”

“I know, but if we can somehow capture her, we may be able to figure out a way to get her back to those hunter brothers and see if we can fix her memory. Even if we can’t, she has to know something about how we can fix you.”

“I’m not sure that will work.”

“We have to try, even if there’s the smallest thread of hope then we are going to try it. The only thing is we don’t know where to start looking for her apart from Los Alicorn, but even then, we need something that will help us convince her you’re not lying,” Aura said.

I took a moment to think then it came to me, “Mom’s shack.”

Aura lifted an eyebrow, “Her shack?”

I nodded, “Yeah, there’s some kind of bunker under it. If we go there we might find something that will help us.”

“It’s as good a place to start as any, so where is this place?”

I smiled and walked out the door, “All I know is that it’s between Trotston and Spitfire’s Flight Academy, but Stardust should know exactly where it’s located.”

Stardust, Byte, Wingnut, Vervain and Wind Thrasher were waiting for us in the courtyard. At the sound of his name Stardust looked over at us asking, “What do I know now?”

“You remember that shack where my mom took off your Pip-Buck?”

He thought for a moment then said, “Oh yeah, I didn’t even think about it, but that was your mom huh. Yeah what about it?”

I did my best to smile, doing my best to push out everything that happened over the past few days, “We need to go there, do you think you still remember where it’s located?”

“Yeah, I know right where it’s at. It’s not far from that spot I found you all when I was still Pride,” He said.

“Perfect, then we should head that way now,” I said then I noticed our Sky carriage was sitting on the road just outside of the Courtyard, “Where did that come from?”

Stardust smiled, “I couldn’t sleep last night so I asked Vervain where she left it.”

“I told him I left it outside of Sandstone, the fool flew off last night to go get it,” Vervain said, sounding a little pissed.

Stardust just smiled, “Hey I made it there and back without any trouble. I can be sneaky when I want to.”

“You could have gotten yourself killed,” Wind Thrasher said, also sounding pissed.

“Yeah, I know, but I’m fine,” he said, “So when are we leaving?”

I just hugged him, “In a minute, and thank you for risking your life to get us this. It will help if we have to go to Los Alicorn.”

Byte and Wingnut both said at the same time, “Why are we going there?”

“I’ll tell you later,” I said walking over to Vervain, “You going to be okay?”

She nodded, “I’ll be fine, I sent the rest of Cartwheel with the griffons. The Queen will look after them and help them same for The Shadow Talons. I’ll be sure to get a message to you as soon as I find out anything about this book. I just want you to be careful, don’t use that power any more, no matter what.”

“I won’t.”

She hugged me again then said, “I’ll be going now, I have a lot of walking to do. Stay safe Sweetie, the same goes for the rest of you.”

We all waved and watched as Vervain started heading out of town. Then we all went to the Sky Carriage and Stardust hooked up to it saying, “You all ready to go?”

Once we were all set up inside I rested against Aura then said, “Let’s go.”

Aura pulled me close as Stardust said, “Alright, hold on to your manes and tail!”

With a blast of speed Stardust blasted into the air with a hardy laugh. Byte grabbed onto Wingnut shaking as she said, “I really don’t like HEIGHTS!”

I just laughed, “You get used to it…”



Unchained: Do to the amount of magic you have used, you have broken the chains that held your own power back along with the power you took from Aquila. Do to this your magic has grown and will be a lot easier for you to draw upon when somepony you care about is in danger. +1 to Endurance when your health drops below 20%.


Demon’s Power: The magic you have taken from Aquila has started to corrupt your mind and body. Now, any time you try to draw on her power it will be harder for you to distinguish between friend or foe. You may one day end up killing somepony or griffon close to you the more you use the power of the Stars.