//------------------------------// // Chapter 05 // Story: My Little Pony: Venator // by ScottWolf //------------------------------// Chapter Five - Long Distance Call From the Book of Communication Between Worlds 3rd of February, First year of Exodus Dear Twilight Sparkle, How you been? I haven't heard from you in a few weeks. Busy being a princess I guess. I can relate. I started my new job as a computer graphics designer yesterday. It's kind of a weird schedule I'm on: work three days, then off for a day then work two more and off again. They haven't put any deadlines on my work yet (still letting me adjust to the company's workday flow), but in a few weeks they say they'll be letting me onto some big projects they have in the works. I'm so excited! I got a strange call today from Pinkie Pie. Something about her Pinkie Sense going all wibbly-wobbly and making her damage her kitchen, and then she had a very sad feeling she couldn't explain. Normally I wouldn't think much of it (it's Pinkie Pie after all), but I also got a call from Principal Celestia. She told me the pedestal that used to hold the school's statue blew up. Did something happen on your side? I'm going back to Canterlot High tomorrow to check it out. I would right now but I'm beat and it's a long drive. I'll pop through the portal and say hi when I get there. And since she's here while I write this, Twilight says hi. Sorta confusing to say since I'm talking to Twilight for Twilight. Anyone reading this but us would be so confused. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer ------------------------------------------------- 4th of February OMG Twilight are you there?!? There's a giant hole where the portal should be! What happened? Please get back to me! An hour later Twilight please reply! That evening Sunset. Equestria is gone. I'll explain more when I can. Trying to keep everypony together. I promise I'll explain when I can. Twilight ------------------------------------------------- 7th of February Dear Sunset, Sorry I haven't replied in so long. It's been ...hectic. So. To the point. Equestria, her sun and her moon, were swallowed by a black hole. There was nothing we could do to stop it. We evacuated as many ponies and others as we could, but... I suppose if we were in your world, we'd be on the endangered species list. Before you asked, I did look for your parents in the survivors. It appears they both made it, as did your brother Sunburst. He got out with the Crystal Empire shuttles while your parents were in Manehattan when they evacuated. I'm fine, my family is fine, and my friends are... fine. Yours, Twilight ----------------------------------------------- Is there a way to bring me home? ------------------------------------------------- We're still sorting stuff out, but I do have a way. I don't know if I can send you back though. He's not a taxi service. ------------------------------------------------- I understand. Talked it over with everyone here. They're gonna miss me but we all think its for the best. ------------------------------------------------- Give me a few days. Be ready. ------------------------------------------------- I'm already packing. ------------------------------------------------- 12th of February Sunset, He's ready to pick you up. Set this book in a large open space and step back about fifteen feet. ------------------------------------------------- Doing it now. ------------------------------------------------- From the journal of Twilight Sparkle 13th of February, First Year of Exodus I watched as the Ebon Hawk rotated into a landing position. Beside me, Celestia watched as well, her regal poise ever about her mannerism. I was trying very hard to emulate her, but my heart felt like it was in my throat. This would be the first time she'd seen her former student since she'd disappeared through the mirror. A hiss of steam and a clank of metal and the ramp lowered. Down walked Timber and Cloudchaser, followed by a familiar orange figure. "Hello, Princess Celestia," Sunset said, looking up at her one-time mentor. She was nervous, but did her best not to let it show too much. Celestia gazed down at her for a moment, then stepped forward and pulled Sunset into a hug. "Hello Sunset. Welcome home."