//------------------------------// // Chapter 16- Starshine's Sire // Story: The Thestral With The Golden Halo // by DougtheLoremaster //------------------------------// "UrrGh! Why does my head ache so much?” Hazel’s emerald eyes blinked open as she slowly woke up. Strangely enough though, she found herself unable to move. Her chest felt heavy, as if it were being held down. Try as she might, she simply could not budge from her current position. That’s when she heard the all-too familiar gentle tone of her sister. “Welcome back to the realm of the living, little sister.” Hazel’s expression changed from confusion to rage. “Faust what have you done to-?" “Relax, sister. This was not my doing. If not for her, you might not be here at all.” Hazel blinked, instantly diffused. “Her, who Faust?” Hazel had finally been able to turn her head to stare at the alicorn of creation. Faust simply smiled and pointed a well-manicured hoof towards Hazel’s chest. Slowly Hazel lifted her head to see just what it was. Her heart began pounding rapidly at the sight that greeted her. There, on the chest of the goddess, lay Starshine’s head. It quickly became apparent why Hazel couldn’t move. Starshine had wrapped hazel in a lovingly warm embrace before falling asleep. “You are a very lucky mare, Hazel.” The comment was quiet and was that a hint of jealousy? Hazel looked at Faust. “What are you talking about you overblown deity?” Taking it in stride, Faust just smiled. “It’s not everyday, a thestral’s partner would go to such lengths as to visit my realm, sister. Even knowing she could simply perish at once did not stop her from seeking an audience with me to save your crimson red hide.” “Make sense or Stay silent! What are you even doing here?” Starshine began to stir, causing Hazel too lower her voice to a hiss, so as not to wake her. Faust sighed and calmly stood up and trotted over to the bedside. Leaning down, Faust whispered softly. “Sister, you died. When Starshine told you of her daughter, you went into coronary arrest. You died from a heart attack. It’s because of her resolve that I am here, and more importantly that you still are as well.” Hazel's eyes narrowed. "Don't be stupid, you know very well we cannot die." Faust whispered gently while attempting to hide her amusement. "True, neither you nor I can ever die. At least you and I know that. This one on the other hoof was so worried about you; I decided not to disregard her heroism. So yes, Hazel. YOU DIED. Got it?" Her tone told Hazel arguing was pointless. Sighing, she resigned to the demands of her sister, as she had for the past indiscriminate years. "Alright, got it, crystal clear. If she says anything I died and you brought me back with your holier-than-thou magic. I am of course kissing your flank eternally, grateful for you sparing my unworthy hide. I get it. So what happens now, your majesty?" Shaking in actual anger, Faust leaned in close and narrowed her eyes, now burning with the fires of the underworld. She lowered her voice and spoke in a hiss. "Listen here little sister, your anger towards me is blinding you to what is before those gorgeous eyes of yours. That mare literally risked her life to save yours. It isn't my flank you should be worshiping, you sarcastic wench. It's hers can you not see what she did for you out of love? Can you not see what price she paid?" Hazel's muzzle opened in shock, she had never seen her sister so fired up over a mortal. Glancing to Starshine again she saw what she had missed and her heart plummeted. Why are there gashes in her hide? Starshine? "What..what happened to her?" "Finally see it? When a thestral even a half thestral such as herself steps into my realm they vanish. She just happens to be a bit more resilient than the others." "I see...wait...what do you mean half thestral?" Faust preened her wing while answering smugly. "Don't you know?" Hazel's eyes narrowed in rage. "Faust I swear if you are insinuating she is still partly yours, I will take and corrupt her even further while you are forced to watch it happen!" Looking at her sister silently for a moment, Faust gave a small laugh. "No dear sister, she is neither mine nor yours, you could say she has always been somewhat of a joint custody between our realms. After all, didn't you wonder why Twilight was fine with a thestral dating her daughter? Or perhaps why she had the ability to see through your disguise?" Hazel tried to piece the puzzle together but still was confused. "Sister spell it out, what are you saying? Enough with your cryptic riddles!" Faust smiled and her horn began to glow opening a window in time. "Why not just show you, my younger sister?" As Hazel watched through this window a scene began to play out. The princess of friendship, Twilight Sparkle stood alone in one of the many subterranean cells below Canterlot Castle. There of her own accord, she appeared to be glancing at some kind of book for reference as she used a bone to scrawl upon the ground. *** Princess Twilight drew a summoning circle on the ground. The circle glowed a bright brilliant green and from the resulting emerald fire stepped a thestral. It spoke softly, yet with grace. "You who have summoned me, what is it you would desire so much that you would resort to dealing with my kind?" Staring at the denizen of Tartarus for a moment, Twilight spoke. "I want a daughter, can you grace me with my desire?" The thestral, a mare with silver eyes, looked slightly surprised at the request. "You are aware I am no stallion, correct?" Hazel watched as Twilight blushed for a moment before stepping towards the thestral. "I am aware, I did a mare summoning after all." The mare seemed somewhat confused and let Twilight know. "May I ask why you chose to bring me rather than say a more EQUIPPED thestral for the job?" Twilight glanced around her nervously before replying. Her voice seemed somewhat distressed. "The stallions of the world seem to have been plagued with misfortune from the get go. The mares are far more athletic, successful and honestly have more personality. I..." The thestral sat beside Twilight. "So you were looking for a sure way to have a daughter. I see. Let me ask you something, is your desire to just be...impregnated? My magic would allow me to do so after all or is there more to it?" Hazel watched the scene as Twilight's blush was rather profusely displayed on her face. "I...would like a true romance to have this occur, if...if you wouldn't mind." The silver eyes of the thestral flashed with interest as she smiled and nodded. "That does sound fun, if not a bit unorthodox. Usually, a desire is wanted instantaneously. Yours however, seems to be more than just for gratification. Alright, your desire shall be granted, you and I shall have a proper courtship. Keep in mind, though; you will be the one leading this dance. It shall also fall on you to plan the...first date. Understood?" Twilight grinned and spoke more confidently. "Wonderful. By the way, my name is Twilight Sparkle; Alicorn of Friendship." The thestral returned the grin and replied in her silky seductive voice. "My name is Starshine, and you, Miss Sparkle, have peaked my interest." *** The window in time closed, and Hazel stared in disbelief at Faust. "No way. You're telling me-" Faust laughed and nodded. "Oh yes, your darling partner is the hybrid offspring of mine and your realms. Her 'sire' was a thestral mare by the name of Starshine. Her mother, Twilight Sparkle, a celestial entered into a contract with a mare from your kind, my dear sister. After many moons, the two shared a passion that resulted in a foal. That foal was named after her 'sire' by Twilight." Hazel stared in disbelief. "You allowed a Celestial to form a contract? Then why does Twilight still have her soul if it was fulfilled?" Faust seemed contemplative for a moment but then she spoke. Her voice carried a melancholy that Hazel had never heard. "It's true. I was against it from the start. However, the strange thing about it is I had gifted her with the free will to choose. That choice became hers and only hers to make. I would not interfere, though I was dismayed, I would not take away that which I had gifted." Hazel saw the tears stinging her sister's eyes as the white alicorn spoke once more. "As to her soul, well, it would seem Starshine was quite taken to Twilight. After a long courtship, true romance blossomed. The thestral on her own accord altered the deal on the birth of their daughter." The Queen of Destruction spoke in a hesitant tone, rather confused. "Altered it? Then what was the reward they took back to Tartarus with them?" Faust gave a half-smile and said softly. "On that night, during the shining silver of the moon above, Twilight gave birth to a beautiful lavender-furred daughter. The thestral was overjoyed and made a rather fascinating decision. She told Twilight, that all she asked for in return, was that the daughter be named after her so Twilight would never forget what they had. Shortly after, they parted ways and the thestral having fulfilled the contract returned to her home realm of Tartarus.” “So that’s what has happened. It wasn’t me, who changed her, was it sister?” Shaking her head, causing her extravagant crimson mane to sway, Faust spoke. “No it was not you, Hazel, the blood of her ‘sire's courses in those veins. Though it was sleeping and you did however awaken that half of her, if that makes you feel better.” Hazel turned from her sister to stare at the sleeping form of Starshine. Her voice wasn't angry but something else. As Faust listened, her normally confident sister sounded helpless. "I see. You know, I envy that thestral. It would be surprising to one such as you, sister, but for those of us in the shadows it isn't so hard to believe. To be remembered, to be loved, to be noticed. Though we walk where the light doesn't shine, we carry regrets, and cast even longer shadows on ourselves." Hazel felt a warm wing wrap around her backside in a hugging embrace. "Sister, what has brought this-" Hazel's words carried the sorrow of thousands, if not millions, of years. Pushing away the wing of comfort, Hazel continued. "You wouldn't understand, Faust. You celestials are graced with no regrets, perfection, I believe the mortals call it. For those of the shadows. I...We wear masks of our own creation to hide our emotions just to bear everyday events." Faust stared on in amazement as Hazel's eyes shined with an amethyst glow. Sister? Is this your true self? Watching the thestral queen closely, Faust watched her turn to look at Starshine. "She doesn't deserve this pain. She shouldn't have to bear the weight of the underworld. What about her daughter as well? Starshine wants me to help raise her, for us to be together forever. What right have I to experience such happiness? What right have I to teach another morals? Such a life shouldn't have such a disappointment as a parent." The celestial alicorn calmly preened her wing in thought for a few moments, before smiling and saying in a gentle tone. "Perhaps that is true. However, what if you could prove your intentions to her, to yourself? What if you could finally remove that mask you've hid behind for so long? If there was a way, would you do it?" The crimson thestral hesitated slightly, but then spoke with severity in her voice. "I take it this is not a tormenting tease? That you know of such a method?" "I do. Though whether or not you can do it, will depend on your own will to succeed." Hazel thought about this for a moment. She loved Starshine. She wanted a daughter more than anything. If there was a way to confirm she truly belonged by her side then she would have to pursue the chance. "You claim there is such a task to prove I am worthy to be Starshine's partner and her daughter's 'stepfather'? Prove it." Grinning Faust's horn glowed and a file appeared before her. Calmly she levitated the file to Hazel. "This belongs to a misguided filly, age 8, who now resides within Tartarus. Perhaps you can prove yourself by guiding her back to where she truly belongs. Her name is Cozy Glow. To fix this issue however, you'll have to be genuine, this filly is known for manipulation though she only acts as she has been shown. Gaze into the mirror and see your true intentions." As Faust's horn glowed, Hazel asked her one last question. "Did you plan this?" Vanishing from sight, the reply came back filled with honesty and love. "No, my dear sister. I did not." Hearing these words, Hazel gave a shaky smile. Then perhaps it was fate after all. Looking down at her sleeping partner, she observed the wounds slowly closing. Such a thestral, though she holds a halo, sleeping so peacefully. What right have I to steal that from her? Glancing at the file once more, Hazel narrowed her eyes. To prove to Starshine, and herself, that she was worthy of raising her daughter; she would do it. Her voice was uncharacteristically soft. "So...Her name is Cozy Glow, huh? Let's get this over with."