Velvet's Time at Disneigh

by Creativa-Artly01

Chapter 9

"So, when do you want to start planning this thing?" Velvet asks Nightlight curiously.

"Well, whenever you want, my love. You're the love of my life. When you're ready, we'll do this," responds Nightlight with a smile.

"Good," responds Velvet as she gives him a hug and a kiss, "but I need to get back to my shift."

"Okay, go enjoy yourself, my princess," responds Nightlight with a bow. Velvet laughs before going on her way.

Meanwhile, backstage, Velvet is greeted by several hugs and congratulations from her friends and coworkers upon telling them the good news. "That's absolutely marevelous!" exclaims Marepunzel.

"Extremely good news," chimes Mareselle.

"Agreed," adds Mareida with a smile as she aims her bow and shoots an arrow at a tree on the set backstage.

"Thanks girls," responds Velvet blushing. "I couldn't be any more happy than I already am."

"Are you going to have it in the park or not? Are we gonna be your bridesmares?" Asks Marevellope curiously.

"I don't know yet," responds Velvet. "We just got engaged today. We haven't even started planning yet."

"Well, promise to let us know?" ask the girls.

"Of course," responds Velvet with a smile.

Meanwhile elsewhere in the park, Nightlight is hanging out on the rides with Aura and Velvet's mother. "So did you ask sis yet? If you did, what'd she say?" asks Aura curiously, eyes wide.

"Yes, I asked her," responds Nightlight, "and she said yes." Aura lets out a squeal.

"About time," responds Velvet's mom. "She doesn't shut up about you over the phone."

"Really?" responds Nightlight. "That's so sweet."

"You mean romantic," sighs Aura.

"That too, goofball," responds Nightlight with a giggle as he rustles her mane with his hoof. "Oh, that too." He lets out a sigh as he whispers to himself. "I can't believe I'm going to marry the love of my life. I'm the luckiest stallion in the world." He perches his head on the Ferris wheel seat. "I really and truly am."