//------------------------------// // Oh god, they're furries! Only real Tree: The Tree of Harmony // Story: Deadpool in Equestria // by MrAquino //------------------------------// Deadpool found himself running from another stampede of cows, now with signs saying "MLP is Over" over the tips of their horns. The merc screamed away, going over every obstacle in his path ranging from fallen trees to fallen rates of the NFL after 2019's superbowl. All the cows kept charging at a fast pace, with Deadpool slowing down, losing his breath. On his left side, Stuffy ran by him, along with crazy on his right. Why must this happen to us!? How'd we even get here!? "I don't care! I wanna live!" Deadpool screamed. Wait a minute... this is a dream! Do something, Wade! "I wish these cows were gone!" And as he said that, the cows disappeared. Deadpool stopped to see the stampede was gone, though the signs remained. Popping out of nowhere and walking to him was Twilight Sparkle... only sparkling even more, looking like she was made out of diamonds. Ooh! Sparkly! More like glitter. "Heh, it's Twilight all over again!" Deadpool joked. "What is it, Edward?" "Greeting, Wade Wilson." The etheral looking Twilight spoke. "We have not truly introduced ourselves. What you see is just but an image I chose to speak to others with, but I am the tree of Harmony." "... que pasa?" "It is a lot to take in, but your fellow students know about me, and have promised to keep me a secret. I only show myself to them, but I see that despite your... how shall we say... violent, and reckless solutions, you have more than proven yourself a worthy protector for Equestria and all it's residents." "Aww, it's not my fault I enjoy ponies so much." "Indeed... Kinda wish you had answered the call to defeat King Sombra." "Wait, Sombra came back!?" "Yes, and-" "I thought he was back. MrAquino, 'splain that s**t back in the original part of this fic!" I wanted a Three Caballeros parody. "Ah..." "... anyways," the tree of harmony continued. "Your students helped me after Sombra destroyed my original form. Now, I have a stronger form back in the everfree forest and-" "Way ahead of you!" Deadpool pulled out a gun and shot himself in the head, forcing the Merc to wake up, next to a sleeping Luna. "Time to remodel that place!!!" "Shut up!" Luna yelled. "Sorry." School had just begun; a new year of learning for the student 6, and a new year of training to become future mercenaries from Deadpool. The students followed Wade through the Everfree forest heading to the Tree of Harmony. "So, let me get this straight?" Sandbar spoke "The tree of harmony actually came to you in your dream?" "Yep." Deadpool answered. "Wow! I didn't think it would happen." "Yeah, the tree is pretty weird." Smolder commented. "Yona like tree!" Yona spoke "Because tree helped Yona and Yona's friends get together!" "And what did you do after meeting the tree?" Silverstream asked. "I did a few adjustments." Deadpool answered. "Wait, what!?" Ocellus asked, shocked. "You altered our clubhouse!?" "Just a small bit, but you'll love it." "Oh boy, this gonna be something." Gallus commented. They all approached the new tree of harmony, seeing the outside was the same. The glowing Twilight stood outside, looking a bit annoyed. "Tree of harmony!? What happened!?" Sandbar asked. "Oh, I've made a mistake inviting Deadpool in." The tree of harmony spoke. "What did he do?" Ocellus asked. "He brought in some stuff that I feel is just... ugh." "It's awesome and you know it!" Deadpool said, walking through the etheral Twilight and opening the door. The students followed, with the Etheral Twilight teleporting in. The place now had various training equipment around, all looking quite dangerous, and at the end was a computer, with various glowing tubes. "Uh... Yona not sure what this is." Yona spoke in a confused tone. "Welcome to the new X-Force headquarters!" Deadpool spoke. "We've got all the training equipment, desks for group meeting, computer to help us know where trouble is, and, best of all, I borrowed the Transdogmaphier from Professor William F. Shepherd." "... Who?" All the students asked. "Road Rovers. Look it up. But I altered the machines to turn you all into something better than Cano-Sapiens!" "I... don't follow." Silverstream spoke. Deadpool groaned, turning and pushing all the students into a tube. "You'll understand soon. Just stay still." "Oh great." The tree of harmony groaned. Deadpool pressed a few buttons, making the tubes glow white. The silhouettes of the students changed, going from quadruped forms to growing and becoming bipedal (minus Smolder). Smoke exited from the tubes, as each of the students came out, feeling much weirder, and stumbled around. "Yes! It works!" Deadpool cheered. "What worked?" Gallus asked. He looked down at himself and screamed. He now stood at about five feet tall, wearing red armor with black highlights underneath, with a miniature Deadpool logo as his belt, which was white. He still had his talons and wings, luckily, but he changed, and the others, had changed. "Whoa! Dude!" Sandbar was a bit more swole, now, having fairly big biceps, and stood at about Gallus's height. The colt poked at his new muscles to see that they were genuine, and not fake. "Is this real?" "I think it is." Ocellus spoke. She had a slimmer body than both boys, and was the shortest, most likely 4'10. Her wings were covered by a metal back that opened naturally, allowing her to buzz her wings a bit. "Oh wow! This is so neat!" Silversteam cheered. She was both the tallest and skinniest out of everyone, with her wings being much longer now. "Eh, I feel the same." Smolder commented. She was a bit taller, covered in lean muscles. "Yona feel much stronger now!" Yona was in a special armor that looked more like she came from the Warhammer series, complete with a helmet that covered her face that made her even more menacing looking. "Ha! Told ya!" Deadpool pointed at the tree of harmony. "You literally changed them into a new species. I'm not exactly fond of it." "Uh... dad?" Gallus asked, taking his first steps to Deadpool. "Does this wear off?" "Yes and no." Deadpool answered. "When a mission is done, simply stand in a pod and I'll be sure to make you all go back to normal." "So... can we turn back now?" "Not yet, because we've got more students coming our way." "Wait, more!?" Silverstream asked. "You're bringing in the entire school here!?" "What!? No! Of course not! I invited my own personal list of new students that, like you all, are different creatures from different kingdoms. I already have Alice join." "But... why are you doing this?" Ocellus asked. "... I have a feeling Equestria is gonna need more than friendship to save the day again." Meanwhile: At the Legion of Doom! Grogar looked ahead, gazing into his crystal eye, seeing Deadpool and the genetically altered X-Force. "Oh, I couldn't agree more, Deadpool." He spoke, taking screwdriver. "You'll regret the day for not finishing the job those centuries ago. You, and Equestria, will bow to me." Tirek entered the room, looking more machine than ever, with only a portion of his face remaining. "My lord, do you require my assistance?" He asked in a now more electric voice. Grogar turned around, revealing half of his face was now a mechanical skull, with the eyeball remaining. "Unless you can kill Deadpool and the X-force immediately, then no!"