May Your Heart Be Your Guiding Key

by SoulboundAlchemist

The Fairy's Key

May Your Heart Be Your Guiding Key

By SoulboundAlchemist

Chapter 6: The Fairy’s Key

[Lex's POV]

I release a small sigh as I finish the quests for the day. I knew we would be more popular once news got out about the raid, but I legitimately didn’t expect this amount of work to come in at once. I had just finished signing the new quests, when there was a knocking at the door.

“Come in!” I call out, piling the quests. The door opens, to reveal Sonbā and Echo, the duo smiling to me.

“Hey Lex. You finished the quests?” Echo questions.

“Yup, just finished up.” I reply, grabbing the small stack.

“Cool. Hey Lex, I found what I think is another Token on the way here.” Sonba says taking out the token. It actually took a second for me to speculate what it was. It looked like a wayfinder from Kingdom Hearts.

“Woah.” I mutter, taking the token and the creed plays in my mind.

“This is my heart, my strength, full of color, full of life. If I am who you seek, speak 'light,' and I shall come. However, if your intent is evil... ash to ash, dust to dust, fade to black.”

“Woah, I don’t think I have heard such a poetic creed before.” I mutter to myself.

‘Hmm, this is a wayfinder from Kingdom Hearts. Maybe whoever this is can help me unlock my Keyblade.’

I look to the others before motioning them to follow. We quickly head to the main room and I post the quests on the board, before looking at the token in my hand. I glance around the guild, seeing Ammy, Mei, Arakunia, Gilda, RD and Fluttershy eating, and I can sense Trixie and Swift in the archives studying.

“Hey guys,” the others turn to me, “I am going to be summoning someone, so be sure to be welcoming.” The others all nod and I hold out the token.

I focus a small amount of my magic into the token. “Light.” I whisper.

A white portal that seems to extrude light appears before me, and oddly, above the table I was next to. It took a second, but eventually, I can see three figures begin to appear.

Imagine our surprise when a human girl with red hair and a pink outfit fell onto the table, quickly followed by a blue filly that looked a lot like Luna, then some kind of shadowy cat creature. The portal closed immediately after they all landed, the trio groaning in pain.

“Alright, who put that trap door in the tower, and why didn’t I know about it?” the girl groans.

“I don’t think that was a trap door, Kairi,” the Luna look-alike replies.

“That would be correct.” I say, trying to hold in my laughter at their misfortune. The kids aren’t so reserved and are trying to catch their breath. The trio quickly pop up their heads and see me, Sonba and Echo.

“Alright, I’m gonna assume you’re a Displaced then?” the girl, Kairi apparently, questions.

“Yup. Lex Justine, master of the Fairy Tail Wizards guild at your service. This is Sonbasuta and his little sister slash assistant, Echo. Nice to meet you.” I reply with a smile.

Kairi quickly picks herself off the table, helping her companions as she does. “Nice to meet you Lex. I’m Kairi, and these are my friends Luna and Chirithy. Wait, did you say Fairy Tail?!?”

I give a smug grin and shift my shirt and turn, showing off my emblem, Sonbā and Echo doing the same. We enjoy the stunned look on Kairi’s face, before something she said registered in my head.

“Wait, you’re saying that is your version of Luna?” I question, looking at the short pony.

Kairi shakes herself out of her shock before nodding grimly. “That’s right. You see,” she begins her explanation. “It turns out that in our version of Equestria, Nightmare Moon was a Heartless. Obviously, since Luna has an incredibly strong heart, she would have left behind a Nobody if Celestia hadn’t thrown a stasis spell on her body. You see, the way a Nobody is formed, the body is aged backwards until it is nothing, hence why a Nobody is considered nothing.”

“Yeesh, I knew a Nobody is what’s leftover after a Heartless is created, but I didn’t realize it was that grim.” I reply with a slight wince and sympathetic look to Luna. “Sorry Luna. I can’t even imagine what that must have been like.”

“It’s OK,” Luna shrugs, while grabbing ahold of the strange cat-like creature called Chirithy. “I have Chirithy here to keep the nightmares away.”

“While I don’t mind your cuddling Luna,” Chirithy sighs. “I am not a plushie, so please stop treating me like one.”

“But the two of you looks so adorable!” Kairi teases.

“Says the girl who was originally a guy,” Chirithy shoots back.

We look to the blushing Kairi with wide eyes at this little revelation.

“You were a guy before you got displaced?” Sonba questions, the apparently transformed girl nodding slowly.

“Wow. I legitimately have no idea what to say. This is definitely a first, and that’s coming from a girl who has a Diclonius, a homunculus, and a faunus as siblings.” I mutter.

Kairi raises an eyebrow at that. “OK, I’m gonna assume those are your siblings after being displaced, am I right?” I nod. “And different Equestrias as well?” I nod again, before snapping my fingers and summoning the Hearth's Warming picture I took back in Nat’s world.

“The two Diclonius are my sisters, Natali and Sorano, and the Adam Taurus displaced is my brother, also named Adam coincidently.” I explain as the trio look at the picture.

“Then where’s the homunculus?” Luna asks.

I just point to Sora. “Sorano is. To make a very long story short, my sister got hurt badly, so another Displaced, Edward Elric, used a type of transmutation and created her a new body, effectively making her a Diclo-homunculus that actually had DNA from all three of us.” I produce an Archive screen before going through my memories and finding a ‘screenshot’ of Sora during her party.

“Huh,” Kairi hums as she looks at the picture, before turning back to me. “So, what prompted you to summon me?”

“Well, just from your token itself, I had a feeling you had a connection to Kingdom Hearts. Basically, Edward also had access to a Keyblade, and my siblings and I went through the inheritance ceremony. I have a Keyblade, but I can’t access it for some reason, even with all my magical abilities based off of weaponry. I was hoping you could help me out.” I explain

Kairi puts her hand on her chin as she starts pacing, thinking through the situation. “Hmm, well, lore-wise, the Keyblade is not given based on magical strength,” she explains. “If anything it’s based on the heart of the wielder. Tell me, how exactly are you trying to summon yours?”

“Well, I have tried using it through my Requip Magic, I have tried just focusing on my light magic, I have tried to think back to the games on how they summon it, but unlike Lea, the flick of the wrist thing isn’t working either.” I explain in annoyance. Seriously, I have been trying to summon my Keyblade since I got back here from Adam’s world.

“I think I see the problem here,” Kairi turns back to face me. “You’re trying to summon it through artificial means. If you recall, in the second game, Jack Sparrow in the Port Royal world tried to take Sora’s Keyblade as compensation for the events of that world. He couldn’t take it, and when he tried, it immediately flashed back to Sora. My point to this is that the Keyblades are somewhat sentient, therefore, they have a certain way they want you to summon them.”

I nod and begin to pace myself, trying to think about what could be connected to my heart, what could I be missing? Before long I sigh and take a seat at the table again.

“Why is this so hard.” I mutter to myself before feeling the bench shift. Looking beside me, I see Arakunia looking to me with worry. I just smile and pat her head, the changeling buzzing her wings with a smile.

“Nothing worth doing or having is easy,” Kairi says taking a seat next to me. “It may be easy in theory, but it’s never easy in practice. In any case, you need to try calling to your Keyblade with your heart. Not your magic, your heart, since the Keyblade is inextricably linked to the heart.”

I look to Kairi with a small smile and nod. Before I can try and talk again though, I get a very VERY strong sense of dread, as well as a surge of dark magic nearby. I guess I wasn’t the only one, as everyone but the kids tensed and stood up.

“W-what i-is t-that?” Fluttershy questions fearfully, Gilda keeping her close.

Kairi groans. “You have got to be kidding me, it followed me here?”

It only took a second for me to realize what she means. “Heartless!?” I yell in worry.

Kairi nods. “And not just any Heartless either, a Darkside.” She turns to Chirithy and Luna. “Chirithy, you know what to do.” With a nod Chirithy and Luna runs over to the kids, throwing his arms up to create a protective barrier.

I nod in thanks before running to the entrance to the guild. Looking around, I see the clouds turning pitch black and swirling like a cyclone. It looked like it was in the field just out of town. I knew this could be dangerous, so I turn to the seven members behind me.

“RD, Gilda, Echo, you need to grab the citizens and get them to the bunker. Trixie, Swift, Sonba I want you three to stay with them for protection. Fluttershy, please, keep an eye on the kids.” I request, the members all nodding before splitting up and I turn to Kairi. “Kairi, you and I are going to take that thing down. I may not have my Keyblade yet, but my magic should at least do something.”

Kairi nods. “You got it, and don’t count yourself or your guild out just yet. The Heartless can be destroyed without a Keyblade, the captive hearts will simply move to a different Heartless.”

“I am aware, but the town comes first. Once I we are sure the town is safe, then they can help.” I explain before summoning Black Rock Shooters arm cannon, much to Kairi’s surprise. “Yeah, I have a lot more weapons than one would think.”

“No kidding,” Kairi nods, before taking off through the door, spotting something I missed. That being the Shadow Heartless that were starting to come under the door. “We need to hurry! If we don’t take out the Darkside soon, this whole world will be overrun!”

I nod before aiming and firing several blasts from my cannon, taking out two heartless at a time before the two of us rush towards where the giant heartless was about to appear. I quickly glance behind me back to the guild, seeing citizens quickly filtering into the guild while being protected by Sonba, Trixie and, shockingly, Fluttershy who used her bat Fullbody Takeover.

‘Please, be safe everyone.’

Kairi and I rush through the waves of Heartless, the displaced using her Keyblade like a master while I change to my Regulus magic style.

“Regulus Impact!” I yell before sending the blasts of light to a group of Heartless, creating a path to the field.

“Salvation!” Kairi calls, creating pillars of light that cleave the few remaining Heartless in two, causing them to dissipate. “Hurry! I can see it taking shape!”

I nod and punch through any dark creatures in my way before we arrive where it was forming, slowly levitating to the ground. I growl slightly, I forgot just how big this thing is.

“Well, this is going to suck.” I mutter as the creature lands. I glance to Kairi, who looks like she is all business.

“It always sucks to fight these things…” Kairi sighs, moving into a combat stance.

I nod and summon my rapier, before lighting my Wings enchantment and hovering in the air a bit.

“Let’s go!” I call before flying towards the heartless, who tries to smack me out of the air, without too much luck.

“Go for the head or hands!” Kairi calls, darting forward as the giant’s fist slams into the ground, creating a dark puddle and spawning more of the Shadows.

“I’ll distract it! You take care of the Shadow’s!” I call out before focusing on one of the heartless’s hands. “Dark Ecriture, Pain!” The four beams of dark magic head towards the target, causing it to flinch slightly and letting me focus on its other hand while it is distracted.

“Solid Script Drill!” I cast the spell, the attack striking it in the head, and causing it to step back once. I knew this wouldn’t be that easy though, and glance to Kairi, who managed to take out all the Shadow’s without much trouble.

“Look out!” Kairi cries. I turn to find energy gathering in the empty heart shape in the giant’s torso, before it fell to its knees as it fires the energy into the air.

“Crap!” I quickly fly around the blasts, luckily dodging them, but I am forced back to the ground as the last of them circle it. I knew I couldn’t dodge them all, so I raise my weapon and manage to block the energy.

“Damn it. This is not going well.” I mutter as the heartless rises back to his full height.

“Don’t let your guard down,” Kairi calls. “If this is anything like the games…” She trails off as the heartless kneels down to the ground, fist raised into the air. “Crap! Get airborne, quickly!”

I nod and use my Wind magic to launch myself into the air, just in time for it to slam its fist into the earth again, causing a large shockwave that would have hurt badly.

“That was too close.” I mutter to myself before seeing the heartless has left itself open. I glare at it and use my wind magic. “Horizontal Storm Bringer!” I create a large cyclone before me which strikes the heartless in the head, but it almost seemed annoyed rather than hurt.

“What the? That should have done more!”

“It’s draining the dark energy that’s gathered in the earth,” Kairi explained. “It’s both charging a massive attack and healing itself.” The heartless began to pull its arm out of the earth, grasping an orb of dark energy. “I’d recommend some sort of shield, otherwise this is REALLY gonna hurt!”

I go wide eyed as the heartless crushes the energy in its hand, the result being several bursts of energy flying around. I barely manage to cast Solid Script Guard before a bunch of the blasts hit my protection, causing me to be launched back through the air.

“Damn it. This is harder than I thought.” I mutter. I really wish I could see its health like the games so I could at least have a frame of reference for how much damage I am doing.

The large heartless looks towards me and then to Kairi, before looking past us. I raise a brow and follow its gaze, seeing it’s looking at the guild.

“What’s it doing?” I question.

Kairi’s eyes widen in realization and horror. “Its looking for easier targets!”

My eyes go as large as dinner plates as the heartless begins to lumber past us and towards the guildhall.

“No way in hell!” I yell before rushing forwards, rapier at the ready. “Dark Ecriture, Death!” I slash at the heartlesses hand, several slashes of energy climbing its arm, but it didn’t stop. I growl and slash at its hand more, not noticing a large shadow covering me.

“Lex move!” I look to Kairi before registering the shadow above me a moment before the Darkside grabs me with its other hand, stopping my movement.

“No! Let go you bastard!” I yell, struggling to get out of it’s grip. It brings me to its face, and I swear it had a smirk as it suddenly cocks its arm back, and I know what it is planning.

‘This is going to hurt.’ I manage to think a second before the heartless threw me towards the guild, going far faster than I would like. I barely managed to look before I felt the ground, creating a trench and a crater right in front of the guildhall.

I am not sure how long I was laying in that crater, my world spinning as my heart beats like a bass drum, before I sense it is time to get back in the fight.

“Lex!” I barely manage to turn my head, my eyes widening in terror as I see Mei, Ammy and Arakunia leaving the guild and heading towards me.

‘No, stay back. It’s too dangerous.’ I think to myself, now panicking and trying to get back to my feet, hell trying to just sit up.

And that’s when I heard it. Four strums on an electric guitar. The opening to a familiar song no less. I turn my head to see Kairi’s form glowing, as the music begins to pick up its pace. Finally the light seemed to burst away from her as she starts to sing the first verse.

Pull all the stops I got a way that we can get in
Just say the word I’ll kick it up to 11

My eyes shoot open as I feel invigorated. I managed to get to my feet just as I hear the girls scream. I look and see the trio surrounded by a bunch of heartless. I glare at them and time seems to slow as something i have never felt before passes through me.

We’re knockin’ on your door
With what we got in store
Don’t break it up break it down

Faster than most can track, I rush over to the girls, who are cowering together. Before I can even register what I am doing, I slash through the heartless surrounding the girls, a weapon of pure light in my hands. I stand with my back to them, before noticing my weapon as it becomes solidified.

My Keyblade. It had a blue rounded guard with golden swirls, the grip being a deep shining gold. The blade itself was red, having interlocking spell matrixes along it, and the teeth looking to be the writing of enchantments. The keychain was long, with a rainbow fairy tail emblem at the end.

‘Fairy’s Flow.’

We’ll kill tonight
And we’ll never see the sun
Every day and night going crazy

I smile to the trio behind me before glancing to Kairi, who nods back with a grin, and somehow, I knew to pick this song up.

I’ll call the shots
Don’t you tell me when I’m done
Live it up this life is amazing

The two of us rush towards the large heartless, who managed to cover quite a bit of distance, barely within the city limits now. I knew this was going to be tough, but we needed to keep its attention.

Hey! Diddle diddle
Won’t you meet me in the middle
Let the music make you fly

The two of us synchronize our attacks with our voices, targeting a hand each, and manage to stop its advance, but now its focus was on us again. Kairi and I continue to attack its hands, before it tries to crush us. We both jump back, before running along its arms towards its head.

Don’t need to show no mercy
‘Cause heroes never die

The two of us try and use a pincer attack, striking its head one side each, but it uses its tendil-like hair and blocks our strikes, forcing us to retreat back to the ground. I growl slightly before looking to Kairi.

Now listen up I’m gonna give you a rundown
Gotcha in my sights you know I got this on lockdown

The two of us jump back and dodge as it forces its hand into the ground again, spawning more shadows that try and get past us and towards the guildhall. I shake my head before cutting the shadow’s off, not letting them get to far as Kairi gets a couple hits in.

We’re running out and free
This life was meant for me

I slashed through the last shadow as Kairi is launched back by one of the Darkside’s strikes. I jump up and catch her, bringing her back to the ground as the heartless tries to absorb dark energy again.

Step to the plate you gotta show us what you got
Show us what you got

It takes out the orb of darkness like last time, but this time we both rush towards and under it. As it crushes the orb, the resulting energy tries to hit us, but ends up striking itself in the process.

We’ll kill tonight
And we’ll never see the sun
Every day and night going crazy

Kairi and I run around it, blocking and deflecting any blasts that try and hit us, before the heartless seems to get frustrated and tries to step on us, causing shockwaves.

I’ll call the shots
Don’t you tell me when I’m done[/i]
Live it up this life is amazing

The two of us jump and dodge the attempts to squash us, managing to keep the heartless from going any further, but I knew we had to get rid of it fast. I just wonder how.

Hey! Diddle diddle
Won’t you meet me in the middle
Let the music make you fly

As I block one of its attempted energy blasts, I take a good look at my Keyblade, before my eyes drift to my right arm, and the red tattoo hidden beneath my coat. It hits me light a lightning bolt.

Don’t need to show no mercy
‘Cause heroes never die

I quickly focus on my telepathy and connect to Kairi.

‘Kairi, I have an idea! I’ll use Fairy Glitter, but it is going to take a second to charge!’

‘Alright, I take it you need time?’ came her reply, not at all phased by the telepathy.

‘If you can manage.’ I respond, already unlocking my seal of light.

‘Consider the time bought!’

I smile to myself as Kairi goes on the offensive peppering the heartless with high power spells and keeping the heartless’s attention, letting me get ready. I stand up straight, my Keyblade before me, as I feel my arm beginning to warm up.

‘Assemble, oh river of light guided by fairies.’ I think, the spell surrounding me with luck and launching into the air, breaking the dark clouds. I focus the spell, through my arm, then my keyblade, as the blinding light is unlocked.

We’ll kill tonight
And we’ll never see the sun
Every day and night going crazy

‘May Your radiance shine, and vanquish the things of wickedness.’ I feel the spell coming together, the sky above me having the stars become visible before spinning in a circle. I open my eyes, both glowing gold, before taking aim.

I’ll call the shots
Don’t you tell us when we’re done
Live it up this life is amazing

The ring of golden light surround me before moving from my torso to the end of my Keyblade. With a glare I point my weapon at the heartless, just as Kairi jumps back. I hover a bit into the air before I am ready.

Hey! Diddle diddle
Won’t you meet us in the middle
Let the music make you fly

“Lets go, Fairy Glitter!” I yell after my line, a beam of light leaving my keyblade and landing straight in the center of the heartless, before the ring of golden light follows and surrounds it.

Don’t need to show no mercy
‘Cause heroes never die

The golden light shrinks around its torso before the being of blackness is covered with the holy light, causing it to squirm and spasm in pain. The light becomes almost blinding as the attack forces the light within it.

Yeah, heroes never die!

With one last burst of energy, the heartless explodes from the inside out, the golden light being too much for it. As it dissolves, a large pink heart flies out of the remains, before being covered with golden light and vanishing as the guitars fade.

I stand where I am, panting from the use. I have yet to use that spell, so it took a little more effort than I thought to pull it off, even if I had a conduit.

“Holy crap!” I hear on my left as Kairi rushes up. “Where can I get a spell like that?!?”

I chuckle a little, leaning on my new Keyblade as I look to her. “Well, I could give you one, but it will be very painful.” I say with a grin.

“Lex!” I barely manage a glance before a certain trio tackles me to the ground with hugs. I chuckle a little and hold my charges close.

“Kairi!” a tiny blue blur tackle-rushes Kairi to the ground, as she laughs at the little filly’s actions.

“Pinkie!” We both turn to the pink mare who was looking at the two of us on the ground. There was a beat, then all of us burst out laughing.

“Dang it Pinkie! Why are you so random?!” I question loudly, getting back to my feet.

“Shh, never question Pinkie! Down that road is nothing but pain and comedy!” Kairi teases with a smirk.

“Trust me I know. How do you think I felt when Pinkie all but mastered her Wave magic without me even spending a single lesson on her?” I reply with my own smirk, picking up Arakunia and holding her to my chest as the little nymph nuzzles me.

“OK, knowing what I do about that particular magic style, that’s downright terrifying,” Kairi replies with a shudder.

“You have no idea.” Came the multi-voiced reply from several members who walked up.

“So, anypony wanna explain what the hell that thing was?” Twilight all but demands, before now noticing Kairi not being a pony and sighs. “Displaced?”

Kairi nods with a smirk. “I see our reputation precedes us.”

“Again, you have no idea.” I reply before sighing slightly and putting Arakunia down next to her friends. “Are you three okay?”

“Yes. Sorry we scared you like that.” Ammy replies, lowering her head in shame with the other two. I just sigh before chuckling, bringing the trio in for another hug.

“What’s done is done. What matters is you three are safe.” I tell them, nuzzling their little heads.

Kairi smiles softly as she watches the scene unfold. “I see that Fairy Tail is still the enormous family its portrayed as in the anime.”

I smile to her before glancing at my keyblade, nodding. “More than I thought myself it looked like. This entire time, I have told the members they were family, and they were what makes the guild so strong, but I never truly understood what that means.” I look to the trio with a warm smile I am sure was once on the face of my mother.

“You three are more than just other members, or even just friends to me. You’re family, in the same yet different way my brother and sisters are.” I crouch before them, my warm smile not leaving my face. “You’re….more like daughters to me.”

I am not sure when it changed, when I saw them as more than just more members, but now that I know, the more obvious its become in my mind. I give a warm smile to them, before feeling three arms wrap around me, followed by some tears on my shirt.

‘And….you’re our mother….mama.’ I hear Mei, tears pricking my own eyes, before wrapping them up in my arms again.

Kairi gives an “aaawww” as she takes out what looks like a smartphone, before taking a picture. Despite how embarrassing this position is in theory, I couldn’t care less as I release my girls and turn to her.

“Kairi, thank you for helping me unlock my Keyblade. Even if this was a roundabout way of doing it.” I say with a grin, holding my hand out. Kairi nods and gets a firm grip, giving it a shake.

“Glad to have helped,” she replies with a smile, before her face darkens. “I’d suggest you train a few Keyblade wielders here, since now that your Keyblade is active, it’ll start attracting all sorts of dark nasties, like heartless, nobodies and unversed.”

“Yeah, I had a feeling that would be the case. Luckily there are plenty of good candidates here.” I quickly summon my Keyblade back before detaching the keychain and tossing it to Kairi. “I have a feeling having Fairy’s Flow would be helpful back in your world.”

Kairi catches it, and puts it into her bag, before pulling out another smartphone and tossing it to me. “That phone is a duplicate of mine, which was gifted to me by another Displaced. It can call across dimensions, and has a few other features I’ll let you figure out later,” she explains. “Give me a call when you have some candidates ready, and I’ll summon you all to my Equestria. I have a tower with an absolutely terrifying training center that’ll whip them into shape.”

I have an involuntary shiver run down my spine at her description before nodding. I snap my fingers summoning three tokens. With another snap, I make copies of them.

“These are the tokens for myself and my siblings. If you ever need help, feel free to call any of us, we’ll be there.” I say, handing her the tokens.

Kairi takes them with a smile, before once again dropping them in her bag. “I will, count on it. Oh, and before I forget,” she raises her hand, closing her eyes in the process. Energy starts to gather into a small yellow orb. After a few seconds, a musical note is emblazoned onto it and she opens her eyes. “This orb has all the knowledge of a magical style that I created. Its called Music Magic. Ever played Final Fantasy X-2?”

“Nope, but considering what we just went through, I have a sneaking suspicion I know how it works.” I say with a smirk.

“Damn it! Why does nobody know that game?” Kairi grumbles. “In any case, yes, you probably can guess how it works, but I’ll explain anyway. Music Magic is able to allow its user to channel magic into a song they wish to sing, allowing buffs for allys to be cast, along with debuffs on the enemies. Be careful though, the effects only last until the song is finished, and then you’re right back to where you started.”

“Nice, this will definitely be handy. I only have a few support magics, so this will be a nice boost.” I say, having the orb leiviate into my hand, then into my chest. I feel warm as the magic is absorbed into my core, just another style to add to the list.

“Well, looks like I owe you a bit. In spite of what I said, I can grant you Fairy Glitter, or any other form of Fiore magic really.” I explain, all of us heading back into the guild.

“In all honesty,” Kairi says after a bit of thought. “I’ve actually always wanted some sort of Dragon Slayer magic. Any of them really, so you can pick which of them.” Kairi pauses. “I’d also kinda like to join the guild, if you’re OK with that.”

I smile and head over to the bar, before reaching behind it and taking out the emblem stamp. “What color for the emblem and outline?” I say with a smile, Kairi squealing as she rushes over.

“Pink with a black outline!” Kairi exclaims. “They’ve kinda become my colors since this whole thing started!”

I nod and set the colours, mentally going through Archive for her magic request, and finding one that would throw off the heartless. “Where for the emblem?” I ask.

“Right shoulder,” Kairi says, removing her jacket, and rolling up the sleeve. “I’ve always thought Natsu had the right idea putting it there.”

“Hehe, he wasn’t the only one who would agree.” I mutter, placing the emblem on her shoulder and nodding. I then take a seat on the bar and take a deep breath before focusing on my Arc of Embodiment, and remembering everything uncle Ed and I have been going over with his Dragon Slayer Lacrima experiments.

After a second, my magic comes together, creating a pitch black orb, the magic within granting it a swirling effect. I smile and sigh as I finish creating it, the others, Kairi in particular, looking to the orb with intrigue.

“So, what do you think of Kairi the Shadow Dragon Slayer?” I ask with a grin.

Kairi grins right back. “I think the heartless should be very, VERY nervous right about now.”

I nod before taking a breath. “Get ready, from what my uncle and I have theorized, this could be painful.”

“Wait what-“ I stop her, back slamming the lacrima on her chest, the orb becoming intangible and entering her. Kairi falls back with a yell of pain as the lacrima is merged with her, the magic flowing through her body and causing her pathways to become black and visible for a couple of seconds. After about thirty seconds, its done, and Kairi is left panting on the floor of the guild.

“In all honesty, I really should have seen that coming,” Kairi grumbles, climbing back to her feet. She lifts a hand, focusing on it as shadows began to swirl around it. “I can get used to this,” she says with a grin.

“Don’t get too comfortable, the lacrima may grant you the magic, but it is still next to nothing compared to the real thing.” I say, motioning to Spike, who smirks in response.

Kairi nods. “Believe me, I remember all too well from the anime. Seriously, why Laxus thought he could take on Natsu, I have no idea...”

I just shrug to her. “Pride cometh before the fall. Not much more needs to be said. Well, aside from Main Protagonist Powers.”

“Too true,” Kairi snorts. “Oh before I forget, I got a call from another Displaced who has my token. He found out quite by accident that my token works the same way that it does in Birth By Sleep.”

“D-links? That will be really handy if I can use my brothers Semblance myself.” I say with a smile, taking out the token in question.

Kairi nods. “Be careful with it though. We haven’t tested the limits of it yet, so we have no idea what sort of drawbacks it could have when you run out of time on it.”

I grimace slightly as I think about how Adam’s Absorption semblance could backfire if it suddenly runs out. “Alright, I think I’ll be summoning my brother when I decide to practice it just in case.”

“Smart idea.” Came several voices. I glance to my guildmates who just shrug. I roll my eyes before smiling back to Kairi.

“Seriously Kairi, this has been a blast, despite the danger presented. If you ever want to hang in the guild or something, just call. Our business is finished.” With that, what looks like a light corridor opens behind the Keyblade wielder and her friends.

Kairi smiles. “The same goes for you as well. Give me a call if you want to get some training in.” She then gives an oriental bow before saying “May Your Heart Be Your Guiding Key.”

“May the Fairies guide you on your journey.” I reply without a second thought. She nods with a smile before she and her friends hop through the portal, which closes behind them.

I smile to the spot the portal was, before looking down to my changeling girl, who smile back up to me.

“Looks like we need to head back to town hall. I hope adoption papers are easier to come by than back on earth.”