Olympic Movement

by Sanguine Blade

The times in Canis

Artemis and Scar

It was a bright and early morning as Artemis woke up and walked out of the elders' hut. She walked around looking Scar when she heard him.

"Morning Artemis. I see you have the internal clock of a huntress." Scar said. he wore a small blade on his left boot, a quiver on his back and a bow to go with it.

"I am a huntress so I'm used to waking earlier than others." She replied.

"Alright. Here I brought my spare hunting equipment." Scar said handing her a quiver, bow and short blade. Artemis grabbed the bow and quiver but pushed the blade back to Scar.

"I use only archery in my hunting." She replied slinging the quiver and its arrows on her back. Scar just shrugged.

"If that's your wish then okay. We best get started." He said and the two headed out for their hunting session. Eventually they came to a cold plain with a lake that had not frozen over.

"How is the river not frozen?" Artemis asked.

"Not too far below the ground is the remains of an ancient volcano whose ash changed the climate to what it is now. That lake is a hot spring still safe enough to drink from." Scar replied and as they looked a group of moose came walking by to drink. Scar readied his bow and looked to Artemis. "You ready?" he asked.

Artemis nodded and their arrows flew. two of the moose were dead and the others prepared to run. Artemis struck down another moose in the heart and Scar managed to cripple another before the group scattered and the duo walked over to the kills. AS they picked up their kills they saw a baby moose curled in fear in the snow.

"Looks like we might have gotten this child's parents or scared them off. Sad really." Scar said. Artemis put down her bow and leaned closer to the baby moose. the child looked at her and was shaking. She gently moved her hand to pet the baby moose very slowly. The animal stopped shaking and she even gave it a peck on its small nose. The baby moose nuzzled her cheek and gave her a small lick.

"Wow he likes you. Where did you learn how to do that?" Scar asked.

"I used to have a pet deer and I've learned much about creatures in my time." Artemis replied. She picked upp the little thing and petted its head. "I think I'll call her Novellus." Artemis says as the duo walk back to the village with the kills and a new friend.

Chronos King of Harvest

Chronos awoke that morning and wandered off to go find the local farms. A kind wolf pointed him to a cave where the dampness grew good mushroom and other crops that grew in damp cave climates. He looked around to see the area yet to be harvested and a little disjointed. "Well best get to work." Chronos said cracking his knuckles before getting to work.

He collected all the crops one at a time first and then used his knowledge as a harvest god to move the new seeds to their best locations with the fields arranged from least to most sunlight and he realized this place could be improved further. "If I break a hole large enough to the top of the hill then It can help with light and moisture when the rain comes in can be collected in a barrel." He said and searched for a digging tool. All he found was a simple pick which he assumed was for expanding the cave to provide better crops ans so he walked out to the top of the hill and used what little godly power he had to connect with the earth and see where he needed to dig to get to the center of the cave.

After several hours the hole was big enough and he broke through into the cavern. At this time the farmers looked to see Chronos come out of the ceiling.

"What happened here?" one farmer asked.

"I harvested the crops and used my previous knowledge to replant the seeds in the best growing spots. I dig this hole to bring natural light to crops and if you put a container here it can harvest any water that comes from the roof." Chronos said. The farmers were all shocked at what he had just said and one even dropped his sickle. "I'm sorry did I do something wrong?" Chronos asked. Then one person hugged him.

"You have done things we didn't even think about." The man said and the others were confused so the man explained. "Look, the plants are marked and in all the best locations based on what they need, this hole can help improve growth too. All we have to do is throw a wooden cover that can let water in but prevent wolves from falling in." He finished. Then everyone started cheering.

"Chronos! Chronos! Chronos!" they cheered at seeing these new techniques. Chronos simply smiled and then got back to work with the others. Happy to belong among mortals.

Hades's New Pet

It was a rough awakening for Hades when he heard a cow moo in the distant pastures.

"Ah, time to get up." He said stepping out of the hut and looked for the Elder. It seemed that he was busy off with the pastures so Hades decided to go on a stroll. There was a forest at the edge of the village so he decided to go exploring there. The trees were evergreens. As Hades walked, he spotted many beasts from his world that survived in the frigid lands. Thickly pelted bears, snow white bunnies and foxes running through the wild. Then a loud howl rang out through the forest.

"Ooo, now that sounds interesting." He said sneaking closer to the sound. Moving towards a clearing he saw a saber tooth tiger and one extra large wolf. This thing came up to his waist, and was beating up several smaller wolves who were trying to tackle it. The bigger wolf was severely injured from the constant barrage of the smaller sized wolf pack.

"Well I can't let them hurt that big boy anymore." Hades said looking around for a weapon or something. He saw an old tree branch, and channeled his power and felt and saw a glow from his horn. The branch rose from the ground and smacked the small pack away into the woods with blood coating the branch. The big wolf was looking at him snarling in fear as it stepped away from the branch.

"I will help you." Hades said. The wolf tried to back away, but Hades lit his horn. Small motes of life came from the ground and went into the wounds of the wolf which closed. Hades put his head on the wolf's as it snarled through the pain. As the pain ceased, Hades picked up some of flesh of the wolves he hit to feed the big thing. The wolf was hesitant before licking the meat and consuming it.

"There there big guy." Hades said petting the big wolf which licked him in return. "I'll make sure to come feed you and your name shall be...Spot. Its not that creative, but I like to have the memory." Hades said thinking back to his old guard dog. Spot licked him and Hades rode him back to the forest edge before heading back to tell his siblings...

Aphrodite the Storyteller

It was a crisp morning as Aphrodite strolled strolled through the village. A group of kids were playing when one saw her.

"Ms. Aphrodite!" the girl said hugging her.

"What can I do little one?" Aphrodite asked. the girl looked and pointed to a boy.

"He thinks he can do anything and gets others in troubles because of it." She said. Aphrodite gave a small smile and patted her head then walked over to the boy.

"Excuse me little one. I was told you think you can do anything??" Aphrodite asked. The wolf boy turned to her and smirked.

"That's right. I know I can." The boy said.

"Well you know someone thought that exact thing once where I came from." Aphrodite said. The children turned to look at her.

"Are you telling a story miss Aphrodite?" the girl asked.

"Yes. One of the legends from my home." She looked out at all the other kids who came and sat down. "Allow me to tell you the story of Icarus." Aphrodite finished and this is the story she told...

Many many years ago a great craftsman was called upon to build a great labyrinth to house a fearsome Minotaur. The person built the labyrinth and was then imprisoned to keep the building secret. Angered at this, the craftsman build wings of wax and feathers for himself and his son Icarus. the craftsman told his son to not fly too low or risk sinking, but if he flew too high, the sun would melt the wings. The son agreed and they flew off.. Then Icarus got overconfident and flew towards the sun. His wings melted and he plummeted into the sea never to be seen again.

"The story children is all about believe in your skills." Aphrodite said.

"What do you mean?" The boy asked.

"If you don't believe in yourself, you will never succeed, but if you believe you can do more than you can, then you will crash and burn." Aphrodite explained...

"Tell another story Miss Aphrodite!" a child called.

"Well I have another one you may like about the mighty hero Hercules." She replied and told stories long into the night...