The codex's unfinshed

by Naja nivea

Fluttershy and her dragon caretaker

Well, this is rather fun...who am I kidding. I’ve been walking for days on end ever since I left the cave. Like could the world cut me some slack for once since this quietness is really starting to become deafening while my voice is becoming lackluster in keeping me entertained. Is it asking a lot to just have another to converse with other than myself!

Ow...Thanks for that hand I was close to hyperventilating there for a second. What? I guess you're right about that. Still I need someone new to chit-chat with instead of you guys because like we have been talking to each other for like the whole trip so far and I think we reached the point that there is nothing else to bring to the table. So a new voice would breath some new life in with different views. you hear that? Sounds like a girl...though where is it coming from? Oh, I think I found the answer to my question. Ouch, is she alright? I can’t say for sure, but the speed she fell from the air would possibly leave any creature splattered like a pancake. Sure not going to find out just standing here that’s for sure.

I think she might have landed somewhere around here, but where. Actually I might not have to look for a splattered corpse after all since I can clearly hear anothers voice on the other side of this hill, so lets hope this person is cool headed with meeting a six foot dragon or I might be walking into a raggedy tag group of mobsters soon enough.

Hello...Are you alright? Because from the viewpoint I captured you descending from looked a little worrisome for anyone during that situation. So I came running over to see if you were still kicking. Woah...That's not something you see quite often. Focusing back on who I came to check on I found a scrawny butterscotch pegasus smack dab in the middle of a trio of small critters surrounding her like she was ‘Snow White.’ So in my disbelief all that came out of my mouth was a unintelligent ‘Uh…’

Soon as the word left my mouth the first thing to happen was for all the critters to scramble about for places to hide while the pegasus coward into a whimpering ball. Well crude this is not how I wanted things to turn out, but on the upside no angry med-evil mob trying to kill me; though a small filly scared for her life because of my present still reached a pretty mob level crysis...Yeah, sure wasn’t a fan of the whole scare a kid kinda sort.

Making my way over to the cowering filly I slowly plopped myself down in front of her then reached my claw out to gently pat her mane. “Uh, sorry about the whole scaring you thing....I should have possibly gave you a heads up before showing myself.” Lightly scratching my scales I took a glance to see her still in the same futile position. “Sigh, you know if your not completely cool with me being here then I could leave if you want...well alright then I’ll be sure to show myself off .”

Great! First sentient creature I encounter and they are scared just by my appearance alone though can I blame her. Seeing a dragon after all is no small thing since what dragons are known for so why am I surprised? Still she at least didn’t voice her concern of “please don’t eat me,” so that’s a plus. Off once more to bigger and not so better-

Is someone pulling my tail? Looking back I could see the once frightful pegasus from before was know tugging my tail seeming to try her hardest to accomplish something. I stopped then lifted my tail toward me while she still clung to my tail until she opened them to be met with a close encounter. She squeaked in fright losing her hold and was about to greet the ground until I nipped her behind the neck like a mother does for their cub.

She dangled for a moment before I settled her down on the ground then made a motion for an explanation.

“Well, Um...mister dragon...I seen you were sad. So I thought maybe I could...If you don’t mind that is....I could possibly cheer you up?” Fluttershy spoke while quickly hiding behind her mane.

“Wait, what? You were scared for your well being just a moment ago, but because I was sad you decided to get the courage to come up to me?” She nodded her head toward me. “Well, I guess that’s somewhat reasonable I suppose. Anyway...I could use the company so I’ll take you up on your offer. Um....” She said her name to me above a whisper. “Well nice to meet ‘Fluttershy’ and as me you can just call me ‘Whisk.”