Who has the name ILoveLilies

by Miyukana

Chapter 7 Second part

"You know what, Rainbow?" Twilight still recovering from her laughter.", the best thing you can do about that is to ignore it ya know...pfft....HAHAHAHA!" she burst in to laughter again.

Rainbow smiled cockily," what can I say? Revenge is the only thing you can do in return".She smiles even wider.

Twilight wiped out the tears welling up in her eyes," What I meant was , that girl was just teasing you having a 'wingboner', ya don't have to challenge her to do a chicken dance".She covered her hoof while giggling.She still didn't know why Rainbow asked the mare she's talking about to do a chicken dance with her.'I mean the so called the most cocky and awesome Rainbow, will do something that hilarious?Hahaha'

Rainbow blushed,"Don't you dare mention that again.It really is embarrassing you know?"

Twilight removed the dust on her body and went inside the library followed by Rainbow Dash.

"By the way, since you've read my book in front of me, I might as well return the favor",she opened the book that Rainbow was holding and placed it on the table.

"You don't have to Twilight, especially when it ends to something like that", Rainbow shyly looked away as her face turned into crimson red.

Spike went down from the stairs, while holding a blanket and a pillow.

"Whatchadoin' Spike?", Rainbow asked.

"Are you going somewhere Spike?", Twilight added.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you Twilight.The crusaders asked me to join their night camp, since we didn't do much last time I went there.I think I'll be back by the morning", he didn't wait for their reply as he sprinted towards outside the library.

"That guy is having so much fun for a kid"

"Well, he's a baby dragon after all", Twilight said.She levitated a tray filled with two cups of tea on the table.

"Ya know Twi, I may be blunt to you, but don't ya think you could stop talking about Spike being a baby dragon? I mean no offense, but it's hard for him to keep himself upright if you think of him like he's not capable of doing anything like we do", she said."Welp, I guess it's just the two of us again and I think I'm really curious about what happened last chapter, so Let's go", Twilight nodded and shrugged about the fact that she's just worried about Spike leaving her when the right time comes.

"Are you ready?"

Rainbow grinned, "Do you even have to ask?", Twilight giggled with that statement and starts reading the book as louder as she could speak enough for Rainbow to be able to hear her voice.

It's been two days, since that incident happened between me and Rainbow.It really fits the timing of weekend schedule, which is not having a school today.After that incident, I can't maintain my concentration during our dance practice.Rainbow also doesn't say anything at all, even though I kept doing mistakes.It's not like I could do the same thing like it never happened you know.That eye-contact rule? It stopped. We're both not listening to that rule anymore.Who would have thought could do an eye-contact with the person you accidentally kissed? Say it to me!

Well after our practice, Flame kept saying his sorry to me.He felt guilty, because he is the reason to why I kissed Rainbow.I told him that I'm not angry in the slightest bit and it doesn't bother me, because that's just an accident.Not really though....

I can't get mad to Flame over some silly things, especially when I was born to be hopeless romantic person.I never thought that my first kiss will be with the most popular person in this campus that everyone keeps snatching from one another, so it doesn't bugged me.

While I was walking towards the school, I kept thinking about what to say to Rainbow, and also how to act in front of her.That incident kept me also from doing much over our school fair.I've decided that I should just pretend like nothing happened to avoid the awkwardness or else Rarity might get mad at us.

Well it turned out that I don't have to do that acting anymore.During the whole lesson, Rainbow was just sleeping and I donMt need to disturb her.Then, during our practice, there's no awkward moment between us and it seems that Rainbow turned back to normal, since she treated me the way she used to.Well, I think Rainbow doesn't care about the whole accident.Maybe I am the only who took it as a big deal out of the two of us.

As I walked outside with MC, after our class and meeting in the club as usual, I saw Rainbow waiting at the corridor leaning her back on it.She smiled and waved at me.

Is it just me or she has that duality charisma in herself?

I stopped in mid trance.I never would have thought that this tingling feeling I felt during writing my story will happen in real life.I mean the fictional character you admired about for quite a while right now , waiting for you outside your class.I guess it can't be helped to grab that opportunity being Galaxy right?

"Hey, it's Rainbow Mighty Dash", I heard MC said.

When I looked at MC, his brows furrowed.

"Is she going to ask the time again?"

I just smiled thoroughly, since I don't know what sort of excuse I could use right now.How many times did he saw Rainbow with me? That's kind of suspicious right?

The confusion is still written on MC's face.WhenRainbow got closer to us, she said that she got some information from Pocket, but I told her that we could just meet in the science club.After that, I walked far away from them so that I could go first in our meeting place.There's a lot of people who just went outside our club, so I went ahead.

I was surprised when Rainbow suddenly joined walking beside me.Brows are furrowed.

She really does have that duality in her.After that accident and then suddenly talked about me being Galaxy? That's a huge gap between herself right now and the one during our practice time.

"Hey are you ashamed to be seen hanging out with me? I thought it doesn't bother you, since we've already meeting up with each other more often."

"W-what? Of course not.Why would I be ashamed", I looked away.

"Why did you left me there?"

"Uhmm...Because you said you don't want the both of us to be seen together, right?"

"If I could remember it clearly, I think didn't say that."

"That's why we used to meet in the science club right? Or in Leisure room", I looked everywhere to see if someone's spying on us.

"Ah...I just wanted to keep our conversations about our mission confidential".

It's not the Rainbow I think I could have talk about that.

"Our mission?"

"You know, finding that person."

I think she's referring to ILoveLilies."Ah...I thought..."

"Whoever says cool kids can't hang out with the nerds in school is entirely wrong.We hang out with whoever we want to hang out with".

Just by hearing that makes my heart flutter, just kidding.She really did heard MC said that one time.

"For some reason, are you ashamed to be seen hanging out with me?".

I think Rainbow noticed that I kept glancing around the whole conversation."Of course not silly! Why would I think that?"

"But, why you kept glancing around as if we are being watched by someone?"

"Because... you know how students here act, right? Many people here can make small things controversial as much as they want to destroy that person completely.They'll think a bunch of ideas to how we suddenly ended up seeing each other.It's very big deal for them since you're like a star and I'm the dust.Especially that one...that story about "The Heartthrob/Athlete And The Nerd", maybe they'll think it suddenly cam true."

Rainbow sighed and clenched her fist.She's mad."Is it bad to happen in real life?"

I stopped walking and looked at her.The side of her lips lifted up and it seems she's very amused by it.Maybe because of my reaction.What's wrong with my reaction? My eyes just only went wide and my mouth hanged open.

She was just teasing me, right? Haha...Why does she need to tease me this much? After you stole my first kiss, well that's not intentionally, but I hate the fact that my first kiss just went like that.Does she noticed that I have a crush on her? I cut my gaze on her.I don't know how to answer what she just said.

Just in time I looked away at Rainbow, I caught Trixie walking towards us.The last person who I want to see me with Rainbow is her.Her eyes widen while keep looking at me and Rainbow alternately.It's obvious that her friends are triggered getting a sight of a nerd having a chat with the Sun.

"No way!", Trixie suddenly said after she got closer to us."Are you...are you two hanging out with each other?"

I couldn't answer that.I don't know what to say.

"If we do hang out with each other," Rainbow said in cool way, "is there a problem?"

"No, not exactly though", Trixie answered after a few seconds of staring at us.Suddenly, she smiled.That kind of smile like you just discovered some big scoop again, she stare at us again alternately.This is creeping me out."Seeing you together, it's like watching '[!]The Heartthrob/Athlete And the Nerd' come to life."

"Ohh yeah, it really seems that it came to life, right?", one of her friends said looking amazed.

"It's true," Lyra reacted."They really fit the main lead characters."

My cheeks are starting to heat up, especially when I saw Rainbow smiled like she's quite happy hearing them say that.

But the whole incident last Friday...

"Wait! Wait!", Trixie said then suddenly snatched something on her bag.When her hands popped out, she is holding her phone."Can I take a picture with the two of you?"


Please don't...Help me Celestia....

"Huh? Why?", I asked.

"Nothing.I'm just a fan of that novel written by ILoveLilies, that's why I want some picture of my idol Rainbow", she said while pointing at Rainbow,"and Galaxy", then she pointed at me after chuckling.

I laughed sarcastically," You're crazy Trixie".

"Come on, Twilight!", Trixie pushed.She looked at Rainbow"Please, Rainbow?"

"No problemo", Rainbow said with ease while looking at me waiting for me to accept.

"I guess it can't be helped...." of Rainbow accept the request, what's the point of disagreeing with it? The reason to why I was hesitant on approving, itMs because I have a bad feeling about that picture.Knowing Trixie, I know that there's an ulterior motive on her.

"Really?", her smile reached on her ears."Oh, My gosh!Oh, my Gosh."She raised her phone and faced the camera in front of us.

I felt Rainbow's shoulder touched mine.Why do I feel like it's still our first time touching each other...I mean you know...not that kind of thing you perv!

I didn't show that I'm flustered right now and I can't maintain my normal self.I didn't noticed that there's a flash, until I saw Trixie's friends start looking at her phone.

"Aww, Twilight is not smiling", Trixie groaned."One time again, alright?", she said while putting her phone on phase again."Okay, one, two, three, smile!"

I smiled timidly.

It seems like Trixie is not happy with the result."Hmm...would you mind wrapping your arms on her shoulder, Rainbow?"

I froze.Wrapping her arms on my shoulder? Are you insane? I still can't get off with that incident.Well, we've already hold our hands during our practice then again.But every time we touched is like I'm getting electrified.

You can get through this Twilight.The princess of friendship is not afraid enough to handle those kind of feelings okay?

"If Twilight is fine with it I guess," Rainbow said as she moved her face closer to mine.STOP!

"Ohhh that's so cocky of you Rainbow to close your gap that mere inch.Look at her, she's blushing.Is it okay, Twilight?", I suddenly looked at Trixie."Right, Twilight?"

I looked at Rainbow who's also looking at me.Is that anticipation in her eyes? "Okay." Should I reject that? Hay no! That's my opportunity.Oh, gosh Rarity.You're influences are too much for me.

"Great!", Trixie happily cheered.

I felt something soft grabbed my shoulders and suddenly pulled me towards the owner of it.'[!]Sweet mother of Celestia.Please let my heart turn back to normal or else Rainbow will activate her duality again'.My heart is beating fast and loudly to the point that it's only one that I could hear, even though Trixie's friend's squealing sounds are also loud.

I thought this day, and that day when Rainbow kissed me will only remain as dreams, but I guess it's not.Mr.Cupid I hope you got the right person for me.