Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Big Night Pt3

Sonata leaned against Rainbow, needing comfort more than anything. "It wants to be used, Rainbow. It—It's getting harder to say no. When a customer gets annoying, or I think they'd like something in particular, a little voice in my head tells me to sing them a little song and let them have exactly what they need. But it isn't what they need."

"It's what you need."

"Not even that. It's what I want. It will start off with little things. I'll justify it by saying that it's for the best. Do you know how much power this gives me?" When a strong arm wrapped around her shoulders and squeezed, Sonata almost squeaked.

"I could rob people before they even know what's going on. I could go to the Olympics and compete—and win. Okay, I could have done that last one, but the fur and hooves are a dead give away now. The point is, Sonata, I do know how it is to have power."

"It's not the same. You could be under my power now and you wouldn't know it."

"I thought you said I'd remember everything if we did this?" Rainbow didn't feel odd in the least letting Sonata lean her head against her shoulder.

"When it's over—if it's over—you could. But during it? You will love being under. You won't be able to think of anything else but doing whatever I want." The embrace was almost the same as Rarity's, but different. Sonata felt something different from Rainbow—Trust.

"Okay, so you get me to play with for a whole night. Just don't—"

"That's the thing. You will want to do whatever I say. If I told you to be Rarity's pet forever, you would love being her pet."

"That was low, Sonata, but I get the point. Okay, so we do what couples always do—Want, Will, Won't. But, we do it for each time, and we discuss everything beforehand."

"Couples don't always do that. In fact, couples rarely do that. Most people don't even know this kinda stuff." Sonata looked down and removed her gem from under her shirt and held it as far forward as she could. "You're crazy."

Rainbow snorted loudly. "We're all crazy, Sonata, how does that change anything?"

Screwing up her face and closing her eyes, Sonata did the only thing left to try to dissuade Rainbow from the madness she saw the situation to be—she told the truth. "Because I care for you, Rainbow. When the others wouldn't have anything to do with me, you stood up for me."

"Sonata, I stood up for you because I could see you were worth standing up for. If you really don't want to do this thing, we don't have to, but I'll leave it on my want list, okay?"

"Then I'll put it on my…" Sonata bit her lip. "We'll try it once. I want Spicy there, and maybe one of your other friends to help break you out of it if I screw up. So, what do you want to do?"

"Well, I don't really know? A little sex stuff, but not too much. Being your pet would be fun." Rainbow Dash, once she was put on the spot about it, was suddenly unsure of what she wanted, mostly because she'd not experienced anything beyond what Spicy Hot had done.

"Pet… play?" Sonata couldn't help but curl her lips up at the thought.

"That's just like—"

"You haven't done actual pet play yet, soooo I guess I'd better explain it." Sonata cleared her throat. With the topic of if she would do this aside, she could focus more on the fun bits. "You would be a pet. You don't get to talk, you behave like an animal, and I'll dress you up as an animal."

"That's a thing?" The idea excited Rainbow. "Like, what would you use? Does it matter what animal? How would we do this?"

"Well, the mind-zappy is easy enough. I'll sing you a song, you just relax and let it do its thing. We've had—There's been people before who threw themselves at us, but it was usually Aria who wound up thralling them. I've never really done this to someone who wanted to before." Taking a deep breath, Sonata forced herself to calm down. "So I'll put you under with a song, then I'll give you commands. When we're done, I'll undo it all and let you out of it. That'll be the tricky part."

Rainbow figured out what her friend was trying to say. "You've never released someone from this before, have you?"

"I have. Well, I've purposefully broken an enchantment my sisters were casting. Well, I helped break an enchantment they were casting." Waving her hand, Sonata gestured vaguely back to Canterlot High School. "You guys did most of the work."

"You mean at the battle of the bands? That was a pretty wicked night, but I don't really want to just stare lovingly at you, unless you want that? I guess it's kind of a Will for me because it's so passive, I just—"

"Rainbow?" Sonata asked, cutting in on Rainbow's rambling. "It was Adagio who loved being loved. I prefer to play. You said not much sex. How much is too much? Can I eat you out?"

There was no way Rainbow could avoid blushing. It was one of the few things she had little experience with. "That—That'd be pretty awesome. I-If you're okay with that, I guess I'd be okay doing a little more. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, I kinda thought you'd be allowed to just do doggy things, like poke your nose into places it shouldn't be, maybe disabling your master with a few licks before she can't hold back her cries of passion…" As she spoke, Sonata shivered as her mind got into the scenario. She bit her lip and looked at Rainbow.

"That sounds pretty cool, actually. Kinda letting me do stuff on my own terms. Okay, that goes in the Will list. No vibrators in me."

"But don't you have your own?"

"Yeah, but—I just don't want that, okay?" Rainbow couldn't bring herself to say it was because she didn't want to be reminded of what Rarity had done, not in front of Sonata. "That's a Won't."

"So only using parts of my body?" Sonata asked.

Rainbow could guess at all the parts Sonata would use—she nodded. "That should be safe. A-And for the duration, I'm yours. Only yours. No one else."

"Spicy?" Sonata asked.

"Yours. I'm okay playing with Spicy, but this kinda needs to be a you and me thing."

"I'm sensing an angle here. What's up?" Sonata wished she had a taco—or a burrito. She could practically feel a big story coming.

"Well, you know the thing with Rarity?" Rainbow waited for Sonata to nod. "And then I have a thing with Marble." Another nod. "Well, Spicy seems to think I might be a little bi, or maybe something else he called demisexual, but just for girls."

"Specific things?" Her mind racing, Sonata put together what she and Marble had in common. "You've got a thing for mind-control!"

"I have n—" Rainbow bit back her immediate reply. "Okay. Maybe. We'll see, I guess."

Sunset Shimmer looked around at her friends. They all had a cozy spot on one of three couches in the huge main living room, and everyone looked like they didn't want to talk—it was the exact opposite of the atmosphere at the sexuality party (as Pinkie called it) from earlier in the night.

"There's only two bathrooms." Twilight Sparkle looked around all her friends. "We need a roster for this to work."

"But what if someone isn't using the bathroom in their allotted time?" Pinkie asked. "And does this mean people who like to share get twice as much time?"

Marble looked at Twilight, blushed, then looked down at the floor. "Mmhmm."

"Maybe we need some kind of flexible system then." Twilight reached down and picked up her tablet. Tapping away with her magic, she began building a flowchart to denote bathroom access. "So we each decide on a priority, and that affects who gets to use a bathroom first…"

"That'll never work, Twilight." Sunset Shimmer had her arm around Pinkie Pie and was trying in vain to run her other hand through the girl's hair.

"Uh, and why not? We'll all accurately assess the needs of that particular morning, and then apply them to the chart. It will let us know who has priority based on several factors—" Twilight's purple magic aura was a blur on the pad (her flowchart had nearly fifty elements already).

Sunset managed to uncover one of Pinkie's ears in her mane, and gave it a little nip. "Twilight. If you have something to do in the morning, what would you judge your priority as—out of ten?"

"If I have something important?"


"Well, ten." It took Twilight Sparkle nearly fifteen seconds of Sunset's smile before she realized the dilemma. "There's no time it wouldn't be a ten, is there?"

"Only when it's an eleven." Turning her head to the side as Sunset nibbled her ear some more, Pinkie made sure her girlfriend had the best access possible to continue nomming.

Twilight let out a sigh and looked around the room at her friends. Sunset and Pinkie looked adorable together, Fluttershy's hand never moved from Bridget's neck, and Marble sat with her knees pulled up before her like a shield. "When's Applejack moving in?"

Sunset was briefly distracted by Pinkie's ear twitching, but managed to get out a reply. "Tomorrow. That'll make things even worse. And if Rarity and Sonata move in too—"

"Rarity and Sonata moving in here?" Pinkie sat up straight and shook her head to settle her hair again. "There'd be soooo many of us! It'd be awesome!"

"That'd be eight! We'd have to divide the time into quarters per bathroom!" Twilight started hyperventilating.

"Dragon kill points," Marble said.

Everyone staring at her made Marble try to hide again, but given they were all on couches that was hard to do. "W-We use it in a game I play, to decide who gets to get items."

"Hey, yeah!" Sunset sat up straight. "DKP could work."

"What," Twilight rolled her eyes between the two girls who, to her, were not making sense, "Are DKP?"

"Well, they normally work—" Marble stopped and took a breath. "So what we do is every day we each get five points. First person to the bathroom each morning gets to use it. After them, people write down how many points having the next use of a bathroom is worth. Whoever has the most gets to use it next and has those points deducted from their total."

"If Rarity moves in, she'll never have any points," Sunset said with a chuckle.

"What about time? We need to factor time into it." Fluttershy, who was second only to Pinkie for hair quantity, felt it only fair to bring the subject up. "If the first person in the bathroom uses it for an hour, it doesn't matter how many points we spend, we'll be late."

One description of weighting coefficients and calculations later, and Twilight had worked out that it was easiest just to have points voting per twenty minute block, with only the first block for each bathroom being free.

"Now," Twilight said, "I just need to make a points board and display, then a user interface for points calculation…"

Marble, trying to ignore her body's desires long enough to make it to her bedroom, uncrossed and recrossed her legs. "Do you always get this into a project?"

"You have no idea." Sunset was sitting on the couch one moment, Pinkie laying across her lap, and then the next the other girls were gone and they were both naked. She gasped and looked down at Pinkie—past her own larger-than-normal breasts. "Really, Pinkie?"

"I wanted to test how good my memory was, and I wanted to play." Pinkie rolled over and buried her snout in Sunset's crotch.

Twilight, having planned out the circuits she'd need for the upcoming project, jumped when Sunset moaned out loud. She jerked her head up from the tablet to see Sunset looking flush and Pinkie looking guilty. "Uh…?"

"Oops. Sorry, Sunny, I guess I pulled out too early?" Pinkie looked up Sunset's body, past her heaving chest, and watched her girlfriend's face slowly calm back down. She saw the moment when she needed to act. "I didn't mean it!"

Marble, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Bridget watched Sunset jump to her hooves only a moment after Pinkie, and chase Pinkie to their shared bedroom.

"Well that just happened," Twilight said.

"Um, I think spending more time with Pinkie will mean this kind of thing—uh—happens a lot more." Fluttershy tried to ignore what she knew two of her best friends were doing. She shivered at the thought of being in the room beside them—of hearing every noise the pair would make. "It's getting late."

"Goodnight Fluttershy," Twilight and Marble said at the same time, though the latter was much quieter with her words.

With Fluttershy and Bridget gone from the room, Twilight and Marble finally looked at each other without immediately looking away.

"Well," Twilight said.

"Mmhmm," Marble said.

"Wait, don't you have to—?" Catching herself before saying something lewd, Twilight gulped.

Marble just nodded, uncrossed, and recrossed her legs again. Her need was almost impossible to contain.

"I brought the nerve recorder." Twilight saw Marble's eyes widen completely at her words. "It'd only take a few moments to wire you up and—"

"Please?" Marble was on her feet and running—with Twilight—for Twilight's room. When Twilight let her in, Marble looked around the room and spotted the machine set up beside the bed. "W-W-What are—"

Twilight used her magic to turn the machine on and uncoil the cables, when she turned back toward Marble the girl was already slipping out of her clothes. "Don't forget to lay on a towel."

Catching the towel Twilight tossed with her magic, Marble spread it on the bed and lay down on top of it. She was already wet—already ready. "P-Please hurry."

No sooner had Marble spoken than Twilight wrapped the device around the girl's neck and snugged the sensors against her spine. "Now, let's activate—"

Marble didn't hear any more words. Her body was shoved deep into an orgasm that she never wanted to end.