I Just Walk Away

by madhat886

Chapter 35

Sherlock and John were at a stand off with Moriarty who had brought along multiple snipers targeting both of them. He's after the flash drive that Sherlock has which has important defense plans on it. Sherlock is pointing his handgun at the explosive vest that was on John, so that if the snipers fire he'll pull the trigger and cause the vest to blow up killing them all. Which the mood was utterly ruin as the giant robot with a big screen on it had burst through the wall of the school's pool building.

"A friend of yours?" Sherlock asked.

"None of mine," Moriarty said as surprise as Sherlock and John.

"James Jim Moriarty," the purple skinned woman said appearing on the screen of the giant walking eye like robot. "I heard of you and while you're impressive. You're nowhere in my league of villainy."

"Villain? As in Supervillain?" John ask.

"Yes just like Trixie. But I'm more into tech then magic," the woman said.

"Do you know anything about Trixie or her?" Sherlock ask Moriarty.

"Truth to be told, I'm just as lost as you with what Trixie did and all the other things that have been happening," Moriarty admitted.

"Name's Twilight and unlike you English gents. Me and the others are in the superhero and villain weight class," Twilight said as gun ports open all over the ball shaped robot's body. "Like having a giant robot to do my work for me that is covered in weapons and completely immune to anything short of anti-tank weapons. Because really what are you really going to do against this robot? The snipers will be torn to sherds by the guns thanks to the trackers locking onto them, their guns wouldn't be able to make a dent to the tank grade armor. The only thing that would do anything be the bomb vest but I'm more then sure that my robot be able to survive the blast, while you 3 be dead."

"But then the flash drive be destroyed too," Sherlock ask.

"You actually think, I'm after that?" Twilight asked.

"Than what?" John asked.

"Just to make a statement to Jim boy there," Twilight said.

"And what's that?" Moriarty asked.

"You maybe smart, a mastermind who runs a world wide crime ring with a finger in just about every other crime ring, mob, and all that. But I'm a supervillain, with technology that allows me to build robots like this one. And there is one thing that, I don't want is for you're little crime ring to get in the way of mine," Twilight said.

"The robot is impressive but you really think, something like this would scare me?" Moriarty ask.

"Go ahead then, only so that it be more fun to see how small you really are human," Twilight said.

"Human?" John ask.

"What you think technology like this and what Trixie can do can be found on this planet?" Twilight asked as the screen turns off and the roof of the pool building broke away.

High above the school is a space ship that used a tracker beam to lift the roof away, breaking it apart before turning off letting the pieces to fall back down around the school. As the pieces of the roof fell, a small wooden chest fell that the robot caught in one of it's tentacle legs. The robot leap into the air firing rockets from it's many legs flying upwards to the ship. A hatch open up under the ship allowing the robot to enter and sealed after it. The ship then flew off into space. (1)

"You got to be kidding me," Sherlock said with utter shock on his face like Moriarty has on his.