Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Big Night Pt2

"It's groovy is what it is, man. I can feel the flow of life!" Tree closed her eyes and shivered as magic poured through her. "Thank you. This is a radical gift."

"Are those scales?" Rainbow reached a hand up toward Tree's snout, paused, then continued at a nod from the woman. She touched them and shivered. "They feel just like Thunderbolt's."

"I know, right? We were getting high together and fucking, then he breathes a huge waft of smoke in my face. Next thing I know I'm fuzzy and horny. Wild ride," Tree Hugger pointed her thumb back at Thunderbolt—"that guy."

With a goofy grin, and slipping back into the spirit and mood of the night, Rainbow nodded. "The first time we—That is, I asked Fluttershy to make sure he was cool with it, and I let him bang my brains out. He got a little pushy, but we sorted it all out. I explained it was fine for sex, but around the house I wasn't his bitch."

"You were, like, really good apparently. He's so mellow and calm now it's amazing, and two dicks? I don't know if I could be with another guy after this—maybe two at once, though." Tree regretted her lover's lover not liking girls—part of her really wanted to take Rainbow for a spin. "What about you?"

"I really love games. Spicy—he's the one in the tight pants—is my boyfriend, and he kinda introduced me to this whole other fun with BDSM." At Tree wrinkling her nose, Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "Not your thing?"

"Nah. I'll leave that to you guys." Tree Hugger turned her eyes to Thunderbolt and Spicy Hot talking. "Speaking of guys, I think our boyfriends are getting a little—" Tree's words died in her throat when she watched Spicy and Thunderbolt kiss. There was a special little fire inside her that burned hotter when she watched two guys enjoy each other.

"Damn that's hot," Rainbow said.

"Uh huh." Tree Hugger's hand migrated to her breast, but she had the presence of mind not to do anything further. The kiss ended almost as quickly as it started, and she could see the two of them go back to talking. "I hope you don't mind me fantasizing about your boyfriend in, like, totally inappropriate ways."

Thinking about it for a moment, Rainbow shook her head. "You know, I've never really thought about it, but yeah, knock yourself out." Her face broke into another big smile as she noticed Spicy and Thunderbolt were getting into the kiss. "So long as you're cool with me having way inappropriate thoughts about both of them together."

"He's bi, then?" Tree asked.

"Spicy? Gay as they come. Well, with one exception."

"So if Thunderbolt asked for sex, he might, like, go with it?" Tree was fighting the urge to rub her breast again. "Wouldn't that, like, make you jealous or something?"

"With Spicy? I guess you could say we're pretty open." Raising her voice a bit, Rainbow made sure Spicy's acute hearing would pick her up. "I'm cool with him being with whoever if it makes him happy."

"It's so refreshing that someone else just gets it. I totally had a kink in my karma all day thinking about tonight, but, like, whoa have you made this totally radical." Relaxed as can be, Tree raised an eyebrow at Rainbow. "Sure I can't interest you in a kiss?"

"N—" Stopping herself, Rainbow thought about what Tree was actually asking. "Would it make you feel better?"

"You're an amazing woman. It would make me feel better, but not if you don't want to." Tree froze as Rainbow's lips connected with her cheek. It was a different kind of kiss than she'd hoped for, but it was still a connection with someone she found herself liking.

Pulling her lips back only after a few moments, Rainbow took a slow breath. "How was that?"

"Unique." Saying it with a smile conveyed—Tree hoped—everything the kiss meant.

"Hey, gimme a break here. That's like the third time I've ever kissed a girl." Rainbow couldn't stop a blush from rising in her cheeks, but she could keep herself from saying too much. "I just like guys. Girls are fine if I'm cool with them, but—"

"But we're not, like, that cool yet."


"Would you like to try getting, like, that cool?"

Rainbow thought for a moment—something she was making a habit of. "What would we do? I mean, there's only really two girls I've been that cool with. One has—she has a similar interests as me. The other has seen me doing things that would make a porn star blush."

Holding her hands up, Tree's eyes opened wide for a moment. "Whoa, slow down. Just friend stuff. Like, pick something you enjoy and I'll try it, and I'll do the same."

Considering her choices, Rainbow thought working on her car might not be a thing Tree would enjoy. "Alright. Why don't you come for a run with me?"

"Running? Far out. Okay, and you can help me make some cheese."

"Cheese? You make all your own stuff?" Working on a farm had never really occurred to Rainbow before, but she figured life was worth living. "Sounds cool. You have cows or goats?"

Tree chuckled and looked down.

Following Tree's glance, Rainbow stopped at her large bust. "No way. What?"

"Like, yes way. It's not the easiest way to make cheese, but I'm not hurting anyone by making it this way." Tree Hugger hugged her chest. "All natural and karma balancing."

"Okay, color me curious. But you've found something I'm not qualified to do." Gesturing down, Rainbow looked at her flat chest.

"You'd be surprised. I'm not this big when I'm not giving forth nature's bounty. Only takes an hour or two a day, though you'd, like, need to keep on top of it or you'll be leaking at the slightest touch."

"I think I'll leave that to you."

Spicy Hot waited for Thunderbolt to say the first thing after their kiss, all he did was keep one eyebrow raised.

"That was nice." Thunderbolt shrugged. "Did you want to fuck?"

Biting his lip, Spicy looked over to where Rainbow and Tree were chatting. "We should ask our girls if they're cool with it."

"That's a yes?" Grinning in anticipation, Thunderbolt felt a rush of excitement at the idea of being with another powerful male. At least he considered Spicy to be powerful, given how their fight had gone.

"Slow down a bit. That's a 'I'm all for it, but let's make sure no one else in our private lives has a problem with it. I need to ask Rainbow and another friend." Had Spicy Hot been unattached he would be leading Thunderbolt to the bathroom instead, and he knew it.

"How many girlfriends do you have?" Thunderbolt asked, but let himself be guided.

"Last one's a boyfriend, maybe. We've had one good night together, and I think I'm going to ask him out on a date."

When Spicy reached her side, Rainbow looked at him with a curious expression—right before she kissed him.

Spicy grabbed Rainbow a little forcefully and pulled her against him. He felt as she seemed to melt against his body, and to reward her for the submission he pushed his tongue into her mouth. But, as wonderful as a dominating kiss was, Spicy was here to talk and be social.

The kiss broke and Rainbow let out a gasp and then a sigh as Spicy pulled from her mouth. "Wow."

"We've got a question for you." Thunderbolt felt compelled to show affection as well, but was confused as to how. "Are you both okay if me and Spicy fuck?"

Tree tilted her head and looked at Rainbow, who picked that moment to look at her. "Like, I'm pretty sure we're both into—cool—with that."

"Can we watch?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Not the first time." Spicy kissed Rainbow's nose. "But I'll tell you all the details—if Thunderbolt's okay with that?"

Spreading a wing out, Thunderbolt curled it around Tree and pulled her to his side. When she made a happy sound, he considered his attempt at intimacy a success. "I'm fine with it." Looking from Rainbow to Tree, Thunderbolt asked, "Are you going to fuck too?"

Rainbow Dash spluttered, but it was Tree Hugger who shook her head. "Rainbow's on a different frequency than, like, what you think. She likes men, my horny dude."

"Then why'd she fuck me?" Thunderbolt sounded just as confused as he was. It didn't make sense.

"You're a—" Spicy stopped. "You have a dick."

"He's got two." Rainbow and Tree stared at each other grinned, having both spoken the same words at the same time.

Managing to get in first, Rainbow tried to clutch for the sense of maleness that was what she wanted. "I don't know. I just like—I like guys. I like males."

"She likes it rough." Spicy raised an eyebrow at Rainbow, Daring her to disprove him. When she didn't, he continued. "She likes a male figure who will hold her—be firm with her. That's what Sonata did that started your engine, isn't it?"

The words made sense to Rainbow. "Y-Yeah. That might be it."

"You need more experimentation to find out. Sonata's the only one who can help with that," Spicy Hot said.

With a sigh, Rainbow Dash spread her wing around Spicy Hot and hugged against his side. "I—I'll talk to her. I know she wasn't feeling great, with the whole turning back into an emotion-sucking monster thing, but maybe helping me will help her."

Spicy pulled Rainbow a little more firmly to him, then looked over at Thunderbolt. "Looks like we're on, stud." He liked the grin Thunderbolt returned to him—Spicy Hot liked it a lot.

The evening was winding on, and Sonata had spent most of it snuggled close to Rarity. She purred as much as she was able, soaking in the simple joy of having someone to hold her. Rarity did all the talking, and Sonata was perfectly fine with that.


Rainbow Dash's voice broke Sonata Dusk from her daze. She blinked a few times and looked at her friend. Rainbow had been the first of the Rainbooms to accept her, and Sonata was always ready to return the favor that she believed would never be fully repaid. "Hey Rainbow. What's up?"

A touch of nerves filled Rainbow. Rarity being right there didn't help things—what with her being the first (and so she thought the last) girl that had ever made a move on Rainbow. "I-I want to talk about your offer."

The offer, Sonata knew, meant her having to be dominant. It wasn't something she felt often, but it was as close to an expression of the Bad Old Days as she could come—she hoped. "I don't—I'm not doing too well with this Aria thing."

When Sonata's hand strayed to the gem at her throat, Rainbow knew it was more than just the Aria thing. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Go on. If you need to come back, pet, I'll be here." Rarity had been listening in—it was hard not to with them right beside her—and ran her fingers through Sonata's hair. "Be careful with her, Rainbow."

"I didn't realize how—" Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. "I would never hurt her."

"Come on," Sonata said. "Let's find a quiet place to talk."

Rainbow let herself be led—let Sonata's hand guide her between people chatting. She was surprised to see Twilight and Marble talking a few booths away, but Sonata gave another little tug and pulled her down to sit with her. Shivering as one of Sonata's arms reached around her back and pulled her closer, Rainbow realized what it would have been like to be one of Sonata's victims all those years ago.

"I don't know how else to explain this, Rainbow, but I don't know if I can be dominant to you without being too dominant." The confused expression on Rainbow's face made Sonata try harder to explain. "I have my gem back, and I struggle every day not to use it—"

"You can use it on me."

The words shocked Sonata. She stared at Rainbow. "What?"

"Like with Marble. I want to know what you'll do in advance, and we need a plan to undo it at the end, but I'm cool to try it if you want to."

"That was just about the complete opposite of how I'd expected this to go. You can't be serious that you want me to take control of you." But inside, part of Sonata sang one of the old songs in her head—reminding her of her heritage.

"That's why I'm cool with it." Rainbow Dash leaned a little away from Sonata Dusk. "I trust you to do things right. You'll give me a way out of it, you'll—"

"If I'm doing it right, Rainbow, you won't have a way out of it. It's kinda all or nothing. I can't sing you a little lullaby to get you to sleep. It's either mwahahah, you're mine or nothing. A siren's song is absolute."

"Will I remember it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"If you try to. Most people—What am I saying. You can't really, seriously be thinking this is a good thing?!" Sonata realized that if she kept talking, or at least if Rainbow kept talking, she'd agree and do this thing she swore she wouldn't.

"Because I think it will help both of us."