Spike-bot and Pound

by Silver Butcher

How to fix a Tree house

Spike-Bot sat on the floor in silence reading a comic book, Pound was pacing back and forth in an equal amount of silence, the two had been in these respective positions for 10 minutes before Pound spoke up.
"Alright, so how am I going to do this?" He asked scratching his chin.
"Do what?" Spike-bot asked lazily as he flipped the page. Pound got on his knees and gave Spike-bot a huge smile, Spike-bot glanced up at him before turning his gaze back on the page. "No.," he said simply, Pound blinked him for a moment as his smile dissipated.
"But I haven't said any-" he started before Spike-bot looked his square in the face.
"You, we're going to ask if you could play with one of my Gadgets." Spike-Bot said simply "The answer is no." he returned his gaze back to the comic, he noted that Pound was moving and ignored him until he felt his hand's on his cheek. Pound then sharply pulled his face back, Causing Spike-bot to drop the comic.
"Please!" Pound cried out, pulling on Spike-Bots face from behind while shaking him violently. Spike-bot let out a cry discomfort and attempted to outlast him, after about 30 seconds he gave in.
"Fine!" Spike-Bot cried out "We can go outside and if somepony really need a problem solved I'll use some of the gadgets to solve it and you can play with that first gadget I use for a few minutes afterward!" Spike shook his hands out in front of him and pulled away from Pound "Now let go of my face!" Pound released him and gave a happy chuckle as Spike Fell on his face, Spike-bot got up, rubbed his face then pulled out the Anywhere door. "Alright where we going?" He asked, Pound, opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again, then shook his head.
"I hadn't thought that far ahead." He said simply.
"To that empty lot then," Spike-Bot said as he reached for the door. Pound's ears shot up and he jumped at Spike-Bot.
"No don't! The big kids use the lot at this time!" Pound jumped onto Spike and the two tumbled forward and threw the door the two rolled across the grass and lay at the hooves a pony, The two looked up at the confused face of Sweetie Belle. The other two kids who were at the lot gathered around the duo as the got up.
"What is this thing!?" Scootaloo asked as she put her head through the Anywhere door and looked around Pounds room before pulling back out and looking at the back of it. Spike-bot got up, whipped some grass of his chest, then walked over to the door.
"This is the Anywhere door." He said simply as he shut it and pocketed it, The three around them staring in shock as he made it disappear. Spike-bot turned away from Scootaloo, who was now pointing at him in shocked silence and walked over to Pound. "Alright, let's go do something impossible for the first random stranger we meet."
"What the heck is happening here!?" Applebloom demanded, Spike-bot looked over at her in silence for a moment,
"Hey look a Random Stranger." he said simply "That looks a lot like my litter sister." He added as an afterthought "Weird."
"How does a Robot have a sister!?" Pound demanded.
"No more questions for you!" Spike-Bot snapped back "Not till you earn them." At this point, the three were just staring at them dumbfounded." Spike-bot looked at Applebloom, his eye twitching before he snapped back to Pound.
"I have a Timemachine and a Door that can take you anywhere! and me having a Sister is the weird thing!?" He said as he pointed to Pound. "Explain that!?"
"You explain first." Pound replied looking away from the robot. Spike-bot scoffed and looked back at Applebloom as he pointed to Pound.
"Spoiled brat." he mouthed before walking over to her and offered her his hand. Applebloom blinked at him the offered hand before silently shaking it. "Hello, I am Spike-bot, a Robotic replica of the Dragon Spike, I've come form 2,000 years in the future." The trio just stared at him.
"WHAT!?" They demanded in unison.

"Bwaha!" Scootaloo was rolling on the ground laughing at the red-faced Pound while Sweetie Patted his head.
"I'm sure you can turn your life around if you really try." She said happily "Come talk to use when your ready to try and get a Cutie mark and we can at least help you succeed there." Applebloom lay under the one tree in the lot next to Spike-Bot, they were both staring at the sky.
"So I can ask for anything?" She asked "Just-like anything?" She asked.
"You can, and If I can't help with it then you can ask again," Spike-bot said lazily.
"He's kind of grumpy, but he's funny too." Pound whispered to Sweetie.
"I heard that," Spike-bot called out making him jump.
"How?" Spike-bot shot up and gave Pound a silent stare. "So what does Applebloom want!?" Pound asked. Applebloom sat up and scratched her head.
"Well the old Crusader Clubhouse is getting a little cramped and run down nowadays, could you spruce it up a little?" She asked. Spike-Bot got to his feet and pulled out the Anywhere door
"Everypony who's going to the Crusader Clubhouse come on down." He called, the 4 around him gather around and Spike-bot motioned Applebloom to the door. "Just think of where you want to go." He said simply. after a moment Spike-bot was packing the Door back up and turned to the clubhouse. "I see what you mean." He said as he looked at the Treehouse, it had gone through some tough timed from the look of it. Spike-bot walked over to the tree house and stepped on the staircase, it creaked under his feet and he backed away from it. Applebloom walked up behind him rubbing her head awkwardly.
"Sorry, Been a few years since Big Mac's last maintenance check on the place, ever since he got married he's been a little preoccupied," she said with a shrug, Spike-bot rooted around in his pocket for a moment and pulled out a stick with a ball on the end.
"What the heck is that?" Pound asked as he and the other two walked over to him. Spike-Bot pointed it up at the tree and Pulled on the Trigger.
"Emergency Elevator!" Spike said happily making the group look at him, his demeanor changing in a snap as the ball shot up and latched to a branch, the stick fell to the ground and turned into a box. "Casue I don't trust those stairs," he said simply as he got in it and was pulled up so he could see the Clubhouse, he looked at it for a second before shaking going back down. "Alright I can do two things, and I'll do both of them, first off-" Spike Reached into his pocket and pulled out a seed. "The Maximum Secret Root!" He called out handing it to Applebloom "just plant this in the ground and it'll grow into a Permanent Secret base." He said as he pulled out a watering can "Water it as soon as it's in the ground for immediate results." Applebloom looked at the Seed and Spike shoed her off "go, go, Find a good place to expand underground." he said as he turned back to the tree house and began digging in his pocket.
"Why not here?" Sweetie asked moving underneath the Porch of the Treehouse "We could add a Rope Ladder to get in and out of it." The CMC and Pound moved to the area and began planting the seed, Applebloom poured water on it and the group watched as it burst from the ground and grew into a TreeStump, Pound put his head in the stump and tripped, sliding head first down the stump.
"Ah! Kid you ok!?" Scootaloo asked leaning down to the stump when Pounds' voice sounded from the hole.
"This is the coolest thing ever!?" The Trio looked at each other before going down the hole, as they arrived they noted that it was a large round room, a table in the middle of it along with several rooms.
"These are all Bedroom!" Sweetie said as she opened some of the doors with her magic. "We can have a massive sleepover, or convert them to Rooms for mapping out spots for Certain activities, or for storage!" as Sweetie pondered on Idea's Applebloom sat down in front of the table "We can have lunched here as we discuss Active Cutie Mark help requests!" Applebloom said as he rubbed her hands on the table. "Oh this is so cool we have to go thank Spike-Bot, the old tree house might not be around too much longer, but this is almost as good, if not better!" Applebloom was about to crawl out when Spike-Bot slid in french girl style.
"Hello!" he greeted merrily "I forgot to tell you about the secret exit!" Spike-bot got up and pointed to Scootaloo. "You, walk into any room and say your name!" Scootaloo blinked at him then back into the room behind her.
"Scootaloo?" She said in confusion when the room suddenly collapsed around her and shrink to the size of a closet. "What the!?"
"You will now be taken to the tree house." Spike-bot said simply before Scootaloo shot up." Spike gestured around him. "Just pick a room and say your name." he said simply as he walked into a room "Spike-bot!" He said with the same effect, Spike-bot shot up through a tub, inside the tree house the Pedestal moved to the side and Spike sprung out, landing on his feet inside, he had a second to look around before Scootaloo grabbed and Shook him.
"How did you do this!" She demanded.
"Oh that's just how the Secret root wo-"
"Not that this!" Scootaloo motioned around the Clubhouse, Everything was sparkling knew, even the tree seemed slightly shorter.
"Oh, that! I just-"
"Holly Mother!" Applebloom said as he and Sweetie landed in the house and looked around. "It looks good as new!" She said as Pound came flying out to.
"I don't look good as new, it is new," Spike-bot said as he pulled out a Red and Blue Cloth with clocks on it and a stopwatch. "Using the Time stopwatch, I froze time and used this." Spike held up the Cloth "The Timekerchife, he walked over to the podium and lay it down blue side up "Cover something with this side and-" Spike pulled it away to show a rotting hunk of wood "-it speeds up time, place it this side up-" Spike lay it red side up and waited a moment before pulling it back to show the podium back to new "-it reverses time." he bowed "so using this I just turned back to clock, this entire tree house is completely new, I also rewound time on the tree casue I noted it was getting on in years." Spike-bot bowed again before pocketing his tools and walking over to Pound, pulling him out of the Treehouse. "Have fun, don't tell your friends about me, I'm very busy and only did this so Pound would stop throwing a Temper Tantrum." Spike-bot closed the door and dodge the attack from Pound before running.
"Why'd you tell them about that!?" he yelled angrily running after the robot.
"Look on the bright side, now you get to play with the Instant Elevator whenever you want!" Spike-Bot called back "I won't even put a Timelimit on how long you can use it!" he laughed back as Pound turned red.
"You weren't scared of those stairs at all where you, you were just cheating me!" Pound yelled as Spike pulled out the anywhere door and jumped into Pounds room, Pound running in after him, the sound of angry shouting came from it as the CMC watched the event unfold.
"I can't say I was expecting to meet a robot Spike today." Scootaloo said, "but that guy was pretty awesome...I'm gonna go ride that tube thing again!" She said as an afterthought before running down the stairs. Applebloom and Sweetie laughed as Spike-bot came back out the door, then closed and opened it again before waving to them and walking into the hallway of Sugar Cube corner, he walked into the bathroom as Pound ran out of his room and B-lined it down the stairs, Spike-bot walked back into the room, shut the door, picked up the Comic he had been reading and got back into his closet, closing the door and turning on the light he'd stuck to the ceiling.
"And I win," he said simply as he picked up where he left off.