Lunar Landing

by 8r0ny


I awoke not recalling passing out.  Celestia was going to get quite a verbal lashing, as soon as I get my eyes!  I realized my eyes were open, but it was just so dark that I couldn’t see a thing.

“Hello?”  I called out, trying to get the attention of one of the alicorns that brought me here.  But no response came.

“Celestia?  Luna?” I tried again.  “Your teleportation sucks and you should feel bad.”  Still silence.

I tried to stand only to hit my head on something jagged.

“Son of a dick.”  I said rubbing my head.  “Why are the ceilings so low and hard.”

I slowly stood again, feeling my way around.  From what I could tell I was in a cave of some sort.  The tunnel was narrow and short, and with nothing else to do I picked a direction and felt my way down it.

“Welcome to Equestria, here's oppressive darkness.”  I said cynically. “I didn't even get the chance to make up a story for why I’m gone to my roommates.”

I continued down the small tunnel for a little longer until I found a light green glow in the distance.  Deciding it was better than nothing I made my way over. Once I got closer it looked like the tunnel opened up, and my back rejoiced.

“Slightly more freedom!”  I said as I exited the narrow tunnel into the eerily lit area.  “But still completely lost.”

Looking around I noted the area I emerged in looked more like a room than just a bigger cave thing.  The main reason for that was the furniture looking pieces made of black obsidian like materials. And the lights from above that

“Da fuq is that.”  I said to no one in particular.  “Is that shit radioactive? These are the types of things that I would have liked to be told about before I get thrown into another dimension.  It’s a wonder I didn't suffer from some weird mutations.”

“Intruder!”  Something hissed.  Notify the Queen!”

I turned to see who was yelling but my attention was instead directed to a set of green cat-like eyes looking at me from the corner of the room.

“No need, I’ve been watching him from the start.”  A two toned voice said from the darkness. “Welcome stranger, what brings you to my chambers?”

“Uhh, a series of unfortunate events really.”  I said as the figure slowly stepped out of the shadows.  “Nice room you have do I leave?”

“Interesting.”  She laughed. “Nopony has been able to infiltrate even the upper levels of the hive.  Yet here you are, in the most secure room of all, saying you’re lost?”

She finally stepped into view.  O the humanities...what in the world was I looking at.  Another pony like Luna and her sister? Maybe, but it looked like she was dipped in tar and shot multiple times.  But keeping my composure I replied coolly.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!”  I said smartly. “What the fuck are you!?”

Nailed it.
“I am Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings.”  She said proudly. “And you are my new toy.”

“Kinky.”  I said, still a little terrified of what was happening.  “So is that goop radioactive? Because that would explain a lot about why you look like that.  But I feel like I should let you know that humans don’t react well with radioactivity.”

“What in Tartarus are you blabbering on about?”  She asked angrily. “I don't know what radioactive means but I assure you I don't look like this because of it.”

“O...then why do your legs look like Swiss cheese?”  I asked. “Did you get in a fight?”

“That's enough out of you.”  She said, quickly zapping me with her horn, leaving me in a cocoon with only my head free.  “I’m gonna drain every last ounce of love out of you.”

“Well, you said toy but I really didn't think you meant it.”  I said getting a little worried. “You realize you limited me in every area except talking though don’t you?”

Yah, shouldn't have said that.  Another zap and now my mouth was coated in the same slime as the rest of me.  With nothing better to do I waggled my eyebrows and winked.

“Guards, take this thing to the love harvesting chamber.”  Chrysalis ordered. “I'll be in there shortly.”

Great, now I’m gonna get carried to her kinky sex dungeon.  What a world this Equestria is. Two smaller abominations picked me up off the ground and carried me out.  They looked similar to Chrysalis but smaller. And their eyes were a solid light blue, no iris, no pupil, just blue.  I didn't have too much time to study them because we were once again plunged into darkness.

“Mhmm mmmm hhmm mhmm.”  I said. “Mhhh hhhhh mmm hmh mmh?”

“What?”  One of the guards asked, probably female.  “ I can't understand you.”

“Why even bother talking to it?”  The second guard replied, sounding more masculine.  “He’s just food now.”

“Mhhm?”  I asked. “Mhhm hhhmm mhmhmm.”

“But he sounded so witty earlier.”  The first guard continued. “And you can taste him, he seemed pretty honest.”

“Hmm?”  I hmmed.

“Whatever, it's on you.”  The male guard said dismissively.

And with permission from him she zapped the slime off my mouth.

“Hello.”  I said. “Whats up?”

“What were you saying before?”  The female guard asked. “You tasted funny.”

“I’ll tell you but in return you will need to tell me when you licked me and how I missed it.”  I said confused at her words. “And in order it was, why’s it so dark, you guys can see? Then, food?  No sex dungeon? And finally, hmm?”

“Wait what was the last one.”  The female guard griped.

“It was legitimately 'hmm'.  As in the nonverbal form of what.”  I explained. “Now what's this licking business and how’d I miss it?”

“Licking?”  The male guard asked.  “No one was licking you.”

“But you said I tasted funny.”  I deadpanned. “And also honest and I really can't place that one.  Is it meaty?”

“That's pretty close honestly.”  The female guard said a little surprised.  “You eat meat?”

“Yah, I’m omnivorous.”  I answered. “You eat people?”

“In a way.”  The male guard said cryptically.

“What's all this love nonsense then.”  I asked. “The big bad over there was saying she was gonna drain my love and y’all say I’m food.  I guess you could eat me after I take a ride through the sex dungeon…”

“The what!?”  Both guards exclaimed, dropping me in their surprise.

“Ouch.”  I said simply, after bashing my head on the floor.  “That was unpleasant.”

“We do not have a sex dungeon!”  The female guard defended. “What in the world gave you that idea?”

“Really?”  I said woozily.  I think I was bleeding.  “Draining me of love sure sounds like a big ol rape scenario to me.”

“What the hell is wrong with you?”  The male guard said shaking his head as he worked with the other guard to pick me back up.  

“Well sorry if I think the things that captured me want to do awful things to me.”  I said rolling my eyes. “I’ve only been on this planet for like twenty minutes you know.”


That was the sound of my head hitting the floor again.  Good thing these things were short. If I fell from any higher I might have gotten dain brammage.

“If I wasn’t bleeding before, I’m sure I am now.”  I said, wishing I could hold my head, or better yet smash theirs together.  “What kind of sick comedy skit did I drop in on.”

“You’re an alien?”  The female guard asked, her eyes lighting up...literally putting out light.  “That's so cool!”

“To you, I guess I am.”  I said pondering. “And to me you are.”

“I thought he looked like a weird Minotaur.”  The male guard commented.

“You fuckin what mate?”  I said. “A Minotaur? Like the mythical beast?  What's next griffons and hydras?”


“You gotta be fucking with me.”  I said dumbfounded. “I should have researched this place like Luna was researching Earth.”

“You know Princess Luna?”  The female guard asked, losing her starstruck look.  “This isn’t good.”

“This is more than not good, this is bad.”  The male guard said alarmed. “Is she looking for you?”

“Well I imagine she is.”  I said confused as to their alarm.  Maybe they weren't on good terms? “Her and Celestia were the ones that brought me here, they are probably worried that I didn't appear next to them.”

“This is very bad!”  The male guard said, losing most of his cool collected composure.  “I’ll notify the queen, you get him out of here!”

“Guessing you guys aren't pals?”  I asked knowingly.

“Well the sisters have been trying to wipe us out for a while now.”  The female guard said zapping me free from my cocoon of suffering. “And having you here will lead them straight to our hive.  So if you could work with us and get out that would be great.”

“O, well that's not nice.”  I said. “But I’m all for getting out of here.  Which way do we go?”

What a question, it was left-left-right-left-right-up-right-strait and some other ways.  This place wasn't just huge, it was also a labyrinth. How the guards knew which way to go was beyond me.  After about five minutes of running around I finally had enough, I needed a break.

“Go on without me.”  I said out of breath.  “I’ll only slow you down.”

“No way.”  The guard replied, backtracking to get back to where I fell over.  “You’re the whole reason we’re running at all. You need to get out of here!”

“Who’s to say that Luna didn't already use the tracking spell to find my location.”  I said breathing heavy. “She already knows where I am, so making me go outside doesn't really do anything.”

“If you’re outside she won't know you were abducted by changelings.”  She said pausing. “Wait no, we didn't abduct you, you appeared here.”

“That aside, who's to say I don’t just tell her where this place is?”  I said, finding serious flaws in this plan.

“Because you’re nice?”  She said desperately. “Come on can't you help a ling out?”

“There are way too many things I don't know to even begin this conversation.”  I said shaking my head. “If this all works out and I leave before they find me I’ll play along.  But you can bet your shiny eyeballs I’m gonna do some research on you guys.”

“Yes fine whatever.”  She said bouncing from one hoof to hoof.  “Now let's go! We’re halfway there.”

“What?”  I said standing and starting to jog after her.  “Halfway? What the hell is this, Aperture Laboratories?”

“I don't know what that means but would agreeing with you make you faster?”  She asked.

“It was rhetorical so not really.”  I answered. “But if you did I would feel like my joke went over better.”

“Then yes, this is Aperture.”  She said quickly, totally killing the fun in the process.  “Lets go!”

And thus my journey continued.  Escape from this stupid big and convoluted underground hell.  At least it was lit now not sure what was up with that tunnel off the queens room but since then it’s been bright enough to not bust my face.  Good thing because I lost enough blood from the two spit take guards dropping me. Finally, after another five minutes and two breaks, I could see outside light.  

“There's the exit.”  The guard exclaimed. “Get out of here quick.”

“Yah yah, I’m going.”  I said quite out of breath at this point.  “Thanks for having me, I probably won’t visit.”

I made my way to the mouth of the cave to see a winter shithole.  Great.

“You guys got a spare coat or something?”  I said stopping at the entrance looking out across white landscape.  “I forgot mine on a different planet.”

“No, sorry.  Go!” The guard said pushing me out.

“You imbecile, he needs to go much further than that!”  Chrysalis said rounding the corner. “I'll teleport him away.”

“No no no, I have bad experiences with that.”  I said frantically. “Last time I ended up here!”

“And we all regret it.”  She sneered, charging her horn.  “Get lost, and stay away from us!”

“That's what I’m afraid of!”  I said, eyes wide. But it was to late, she already fired her green beam of world warping energy at me.

I fell and rolled down a, thankfully, grass covered mountainside.  Not like the whole thing, but at least a hundred feet or so. Once I finally stopped I looked back to where I thought I came from to glare at basically nothing.

“Fuck you too guys.”  I said to the air. “Guess I’ll aimlessly wander here now.”

I didn’t plan on it.  The sky was starting to get dark, a storm was brewing and I had cargo pants and a t-shirt on.  I didn't even have shoes. If I didn't find another cave to hang out in soon, I’d get soaked, and that is never fun.

I got to my feet and started looking for a cave to take shelter in.  I finally found one as it started to sprinkle and made my way inside, just kinda hoping it wasn't occupied.

Once inside a crack of thunder threatened to split the mountain in half.  I shook involuntarily, that was some wild weather out there.  I ventured further into the cave, half out of curiosity and half because I wanted to see if I was alone or not. That and the storm started to pick up making it a little chilly where I was.  If it was deep enough it should be warmer than the entrance. If not, it's at least dry and not windy.

Turns out this cave was quite deep.  As I felt my way deeper I could actually feel the temperature picking up.  I kept going until it started getting stifling hot. I stopped where I was, sweat running down my face.

“What the hell is this.”  I said out loud. “Is there lava down here or something?”

I decided to take a break before venturing on any further.  Breathing deeply I started to dissect my situation. To try and find the best course of action.

“Hot here, cold outside.”  I said. “Could find a good midpoint and wait for my rescue.  No telling when that would be though.”

I thought a little longer.

“Well first I’m thirsty.”  I said getting up and making my way back to the entrance.  “It’ll be tough to gather the rain but whatever. I’ll just strip so my clothes stay dry.  And after I get water, I’ll see if I can snag some wood from a tree nearby to start a fire or something.”

And I did just that.  I made it to the entrance again, the crisp air felt great for all of ten seconds.  Then it was chilly, I did sweat a bit. I got my water, looked at some nearby trees from the cave, and made my way back from the entrance a little bit.  

“You know other than food and oppressive darkness, this isn't so bad.”  I said leaning against the warm wall. “And, you know, basic comforts.”

I sighed,  and started getting prepped to run outside again.  The prepping didn’t really take that long, it was really more of a “ok lets go” and then I went.  And surprise, it was still raining, and the sun was starting to set so I needed to finish my scavenging soon.

“Ok, run to that tree, snap off some lower branches that are dead, maybe a few live ones too, and come back.”  I told myself. “See if I can make another run before it’s too dark. If I lose my cave I’m screwed.”

I managed three runs before my soaking socks and dimming light said it was enough.  I was still wearing socks to provide some protection, if I just had time to grab my shoes and jacket, I would be so much less miserable.  And my phone, that would at least be useful as a flashlight and time killer.

I removed my socks, strained them out and used them as makeshift towels.  Once I was kinda more dry, I put my clothes back on, skipping my underwear.  That could wait till I was completely dry, wet underwear and socks were the worst, and I already had one of those.

I felt my way down to a comfortable if a little cool depth of the cave, dragging my spoiles.  Once I had everything I got to work blindly making a fire. The cave angled downwards so as long as I stayed towards the inside, the smoke should go up and out.  After a few minutes of rubbing sticks together I had two slightly warm sticks.

“This sucks.”  I said simply. “I don't even need fire, I’m just doing this to kill time.  How big is Equestria and how long does it take two ponies that can teleport through dimensions to find a guy in a cave?”

“Even if I’m in a different cave now…”  I said pausing. “Ok, I can give them a little break for that one, no idea how far I was teleported.  At Least it’s not blizzarding out like it was where I was before.”

I decided to try and chip at the cave.  Maybe there was some flint and that could get me fire.  I did have my Gerber after all. I took my phone out of my pocket to sleep but my Gerber stays on till my pants come off.

Clack, clack, clack, was the tune I worked to for a while.  But I was finally rewarded with a chunk of cave stuffs.

“This feels surprisingly like flint.”  I said feeling the piece over. “What are the odds of that?”

I opened my multi-tool and flipped out the file.  No need to destroy my knife blade, I might need it.  Striking the chunk with the file produced a tiny little spark, but it was enough.  Using my knife I shaved the wet bark off a few sticks, then shaved some dry wood into a small pile.  Then I made a lean to formation of small sticks partly over it. I prefer log cabin but in this situation a lean to would work better.  Striking my flint ball I managed to catch the pile of shavings alight, thus spreading to the rest of the lean to.

“I got fire, I got fire.”  I sang. “Take that nobody in particular.  I made fire!”

“You have some pretty impressive survival skills.”  A female voice said behind me.

“What the fuck!”  I totally calmly replied, whirling around with a stick and striking whatever just snuck up on me.



“Oops.”  I said, looking down at the unconscious form of the female guard from before.  “Sorry about that.”

I stepped out of the way letting the light from the fire spill over her now unconscious form.  She didn’t look to worse for wear other than the crack in her head.

“O god you have a crack in your head!”  I exclaimed. “Shit I’m sorry! We need to stop the...bleeding?”

There was no blood.  Well, regardless she was knocked unconscious by blunt force so I can’t imagine she will feel to good upon waking up.  I carefully picked her up and set her a little closer to the fire. Lacking any sort of comforts, I decided to lay her head in my lap as I sat cross legged.  

This also gave me a good view to look at her head.  I added a few sticks to the fire to provide more light.  There was indeed a crack, but it looked like just the outer layer of her hard shell.

“That's good I guess.”  I said as I studied her.  “At least your brains aren’t leaking out.  I’d kinda feel bad if they were.”

With not much else to do, I occupied myself studying her form in the fire light.  Not in a perverted way or anything, but she is kinda an alien, or I guess I am...wonder if they have that weird thing about anal probing here?

“The fuck are you thinking about.”  I said rubbing my forehead. “Maybe I should get some sleep.  If she wants to kill me when she wakes up so be it.”

First I removed my socks and laid them out by the fire to dry.  Then I carefully shifted so I was laying down, with her head now resting on my chest.  It was exceedingly uncomfortable laying on the stone, but using her as a pillow seemed kinda like insult to injury.  Injury I caused for no real reason other than being startled.

With her being closer to my face now I noticed little twitches of her ears and nostrils.  So her blunt force trauma coma had transitioned into nap time. Well she was just on guard duty, who knows how long she’s been working or if her sleep schedule is messed up.  

“Look at me, thinking about the well being of some aliens that tried to ‘drain me of love’ not a few hours prior.”  I said quietly to myself. “Then again she is the one that got me out of there...she kinda seemed to take an interest in me.  Or at least my alien status.”

I sighed, grabbing some live branches to act as the world's shittiest pillow, and laid down letting my mind wander with the flickering of the fire light.  The fact that I was lost on an alien planet settling on a little harder now that I had time to think. What was going to happen to me if Celestia or Luna couldn't find me?

“What a mess those ponies got me into.”  I said, looking down to the snoozing changeling.  “You too, why in the world did you surprise me like that?”

“Wait, how the hell did you find me so fast!?”  I said surprised looking at the still sleeping changeling.  “It only took you like two hours to find me, and they can’t?  They’re the bloody Princesses.”

Sighing for what had to be the tenth time in the past hour, I closed my eyes and let my mind drift into the twilight between sleep and consciousness.  Not wanting to fall completely asleep yet, but also not content to be conscious. It was a weird quirk I developed whenever I slept around others. I never really liked letting my guard completely down.  This way I would pass time faster but it usually only felt like I slept an hour even if I kept myself in this state for an entire night.

This time however, I felt like something was pulling me more towards sleep.  Like someone was shaking me trying to wake me up, but opposite. I was just about to give in and see why but I heard something.  Instantly waking up I stayed frozen, hoping whatever woke me wouldn’t notice.

“There they are, the intruders.”  A male voice said quietly from deeper in the cave.  “It looks like a changeling and some weird Minotaur.”

“They seem like they are just taking refuge from the storm.”  A female voice replied. “We will continue monitoring, no need to get involved if we don't need to.”

Great, another male and female guard set.  I need to start learning names or this is going to get confusing.  

“Affirmative.”  The male voice replied.  “I'll inform others to avoid using this entrance.”

The pair retreated back into the depths of the cave.  I listened till I was sure they were gone before letting out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.

“Looks like we’re of interest.”  The changeling snuggled against me whispered.  “You are quite the popular one aren't you.”

“Thank goodness you’re alright.”  I said smiling a bit. “I was worried I had killed you.”

“This is nothing.”  She replied “I’ll put some healing slime on it and it’ll be better by morning.”

“Healing slime?”  I said skeptically.  “Dare I ask?”

“Umm, I can produce slime that helps me heal?”  She said equally as skeptically. “Is that weird?”

“ an alien, yes.”  I said laughing a little. “I find that a little strange if not oddly fascinating.”

“Sorry to ask.”  She said quietly.  “But could you build up the fire again?  Changelings aren’t good with cold.”

“Sure thing.”  I said sitting up.  “But only if you tell me your name.”

“M-my name?”  She said, scooching closer to me.  “Why do you ask?”

“Because I’m curious silly.”  I said stirring the remnants of the fire.  “What’s wrong with wanting to know your name?”

“I...I don’t..”  She stuttered. “It’s...well…”

“You ok there?”  I said adding some sticks to the now small fire.  “If you’re uncomfortable sharing that's fine. You don't need to push yourself.”

“I don't have a name.”  She sputtered out quickly.

“ don't have a name?”  I said a little surprised. “How do people get you attention when they want to talk with you?”

“I’m changeling four thirteen twenty-two.”  She explained. “Fourth Queen, thirteenth brood, twenty-second hatchling.”

“That's a mouthful.”  I said. “Is there a shorter version?”

“Well we usually drop the fourth part because we are all from the fourth Queen other than the Queen herself.”  She said scuffing her hoof at the floor.

“Well...I’m gonna give you the nickname Ling.”  I said smiling. “Because calling you by a number is weird.”

“But shortening my races name is fine?”  She said smiling back. “What about you? I’ve just been calling you alien all this time.”

“I don’t know, I kinda like the ring of that.”  I said pausing. “Nah, I’m Shawn.”

“Nice to meet you Shawn.”  She said holding out a hoof.

“Likewise Ling.”  I said grasping and shaking it.  “Well now that I’m sure you won’t kill me and the cave is safe, I’m gonna get some rest.”

“I can keep watch if you want.”  She said stretching a bit, looking quite like a cat.  “I got some deep sleep from that thwacking you gave me.”

“No, don’t trouble yourself.”  I said adding another few sticks to the fire.  “You should rest and let that wound heal. What if you have a concussion?”

“A con-who-what?”  She said scrunching up her face.  “Don’t know what that is but it's just some cracked chitin.  Like I said some slime and it’ll be better in no time. Besides, I want to keep the fire going.  You’re quite warm, but I don't want to impose.”

“Nonsense.”  I said grabbing her by the midsection and pulling her close like a teddy bear, ignoring her adorable squeaks of protest.  “There’s no imposing here.”

“Hey, what are you doing.”  She said, obviously not really trying to get free.  “I’m fine, let me go.”

“Nope.”  I replied.  “Sleep time for both of us.”

“At least let me put some slime on my crack.”  She said.

“Dirty…”  I said quietly before releasing her.  “Ok, but I want you back here once you’re done.”

“Yah yah.”  She said, sitting so I couldn't see what she was doing.

I closed my eyes and began my drift back to my twilight sleep state.  After a few minutes I felt Ling snuggle back up to me again. Now satisfied I let my mind drift off completely and I fell asleep.

“Shawn!”  I heard a voice call out.  “Shawn, come this way.”

“What way.”  I replied into the haze around me.  “I don't know what way is up, much less where ‘this way’ is.”

“Just come forward.”  She continued. “You’re so close.”

“I think I’m coming?”  I said, my body drifting forward.  “I don’t quite feel right...and who are you?  You sound familiar.”

“Just a little further.”  She replied. “It will all be clear soon.”

“If that isn't a villainous line I don't know what is.”  I said continuing to drift forward through the haze. “Where am-”

I didn’t finish my sentence because a purple hoof grabbed me from my haze and pulled me into darkness.  I could feel my body again, but I still wasn’t sure where I was. Only that I was with someone else now.
“Well, I don’t know if this is better or worse.”  I said to the darkness. “If this is your idea of clear, I think I have bad news for’re blind.”

“Thank goodness I found you!”  The voice excitedly said. “Hold out you and rest it on my back.  I’ll take you to where there is light.”

“Ooookaaaay.”  I said holding out my hand.  I felt something brush against it so I rested my hand on it.  “Can’t you tell me anything?”

“Where’s the fun in that.”  The what I was becoming sure was a pony replied.  “Just follow me for a little.”

And I did. I followed this recently embodied, disembodied voice for a few minutes in dead silence.  All I had for guidance was my hand on her back and the clip clop of her hooves. And that was strange because my feet didn't make any noise.

Then, out of nowhere, I could see.  Like a blindfold had been lifted, suddenly there was light and color.  There were sounds too, making me realize that her hooves were the only noises at all before.  Speaking of her, I looked to my right to see who had led me out of the darkness.

And I saw my hand not on a back, but in fact on the butt of who, at first, I thought was Luna, but it wasn't.  Her eyes were the right color but the wrong shape, she was slimmer than Luna, darker, sharper teeth, and her mane and tail were more animated and primal than Luna's calm night sky.

“Well, hello there.”  I said to this new pony.  “Thanks for helping me I think...I am able to see now, but clarity still eludes me.”

“Just a second.”  She replied, smiling.  Then she was suddenly surrounded by darkness.  Like her mane had wrapped around her in a ball, swirling around and crackling with black lighting like energy.  Then suddenly it wa dispersed, leaving a smiling Luna in her place.

“Hello Shawn.”  She said, smiling and blushing slightly.  “Glad I finally found you.”

“Luna!”  I exclaimed.  I went to hug her a little to quickly and ended up tackling her to the ground.  She didn't seem to mind though as she nuzzled my ear. “I’m so happy to see you.  You wouldn't believe what I’ve been through.”

“Tell me where you are first.”  She said getting serious. “Just in case you wake up unexpectedly.”

“Wake up?”  I said, pausing to think.  “I’m asleep...I remember now, I fell asleep and ended up in that gray haze.  So this is a dream? Dang it.”

“No no, this is good.”  She said shaking her head.  “I am the ruler of the night remember?  Along with the power to move the moon and stars, I also patrol the dream realm to banish nightmares.”

"What?”  I said confused.  “What kind of crazy super power is that.”

“I’ll tell you soon enough, just tell me where you are.”  She said poking me in the chest with a hoof.

“I’m in a cave on a mountain.”  I said skeptically. “I’m not familiar with this world so I don’t know how to narrow it down for you.”

“Give me details, I can do some research to determine location.”  She said.

“Well it’s storming outside, the cave is deep in the mountain and gets really hot.”  I listed off. “Someone lives deep in the caves but they decided to leave us alone, there are-”

“We?”  Luna interrupted.  “You are with somepony else?”

“Yah, a changeling I met in the hive.”  I said dismissively. “The mountain range is-”

“A what!?”  She said jumping up.  “You need to get away from that thing as quick as possible!  And you met her in the hive? You were IN the hive?”

“Yah, I was teleported right into the queens chambers.”  I said looking at the now pacing Luna. “They kicked me out when I said you guys were looking for me and Chrysalis teleported me to this new place.  Then one of the changeling guards that was carrying me around found me a few hours later and I accidentally knocked her senseless.”

“So she is unconscious at the moment?”  She said calming down slightly. “That may buy you some time but I insist you get away while you can.”

“Well, she’s asleep now...probably.”  I said explaining a little better. “What do you want, my situation or location?  I can only explain one at a time.”

“Situation.”  She said quickly.  “Changelings are dangerous.”

“Ok, here's the full story.”  I said as Luna sat in front of me.  “When you teleported me I ended up in darkness…”