Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom


Chapter 19

Aaron sat up and yawned. What a night!

Last night was his second date with Vinyl Scratch, and it was amazing.

They had spent most of the night in town, but ended up at her house.

He chuckled to him self, remembering the events of last night. He looked to the pony next to him in the bed.

Vinyl was still asleep, a smile on her face. Her goggles was off, taken off before they got to the bed.

Aaron laid back and put his hoofs behind his head. Wondering if she would be ready for round three when she woke.


Zane walked down the dirt road, alone.

He glanced around him as he walked. The forest on either side of him seemed to beckon him towards it.

He looked straight ahead, keeping his destination in mind. He was on his way to New Mane City.

The Princess had told him that what he was seeking would be there.

So, three days into the trip and he's not even close. He had at least another four days of walking and flying to go.

He sighted, it may be a long trip, but would be worth it in the end.


Peter smiled with pride at his work. His newest prank.

He connected the string to the door knob and smirked. He knocked on the door and ran down the hall. Ready to see it in action.


David stood in front of his newest painting. It was a painting of Ponyville.

He put down his brush and turned to Leonardo, who was asleep on a pillow.

Leonardo had finally been able to perfect his drumming skills.

A knock at the door broke David's train of thought.

He walked to the door and opened it. A large barrel pointed straight at him.

His eyes widened, "What the..."

There was a loud bang. Something wet and creamy slammed into his face.

David blinked. What just happened?

Somepony began to laugh outside in the hall. He looked down the hall to see Peter, laying on his back laughing.

Peter stopped laughing and smirked, "Got yeah dude."


Twilight stood reading the letter from the Princess, a smile on her face.

Next to the letter was a stack of tickets, enough for all her friends and Lance's friends.

She turned to Spike, a large smile on her face, "Spike! Do you know what those tickets are for?!"

Spike shrugged, "Beats me."

Twilight beamed with joy, "Those are tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!"

Spike smiled, "Already time for it again, huh?"

Twilight nodded, "Yep." She smiled, "This year is going to be fun."

Spike looked at her strangely, "Why?"

"Because, Lance and his friends are going. It is going to be very interesting."

Spike smirked, "I have to see that."


Greg looked at the School house, and at the ponies in white walking around it.

What happened there?

He looked down at Weedy, who was looking at the scene with amusement. "What do you think happened?"

Weedy looked up and shrugged.

Greg looked back at the scene. Something happened, and it doesn't look like it was pretty. Considering that they have already brought out five pony shaped bags.

He pulled out a blunt and put it in his mouth. "Looks like things aren't as peaceful as they seem, huh Weedy."

Weedy just barked in response.


Captain Barehoof slowly made his way down the long hall of the Royal Guard Barracks.

It had been a long night for him. His body was sore, his face was still throbbing from the kick, and two of his teeth are missing, but worst of all, he lost eleven good Stallions today.

He walked down the rolls of bunk beds, all the Royal Guards looking at him, looks of concern on their faces.

They all knew what had happened the night before. This was the first ever killing in Equestria history for over one thousand years.

Captain Barehoof walked up to his bunk and pulled his armor off and the suit under it. He placed them in the trunk with the rest of his things.

As he laid back in bed, a young private walked up, "Captain, was it really as bad as they say?"

The Captain looked at him, a look of sadness on his face, "Worse, Private, so much worse."

The Private looked down, "Oh." He kicked at the floor and looked up, "Do you think it will happen again sir?"

"I don't know Private." With that he turned over and closed his eyes. Ready for the peacefulness of sleep to take him.