Amereep's Anthology of Flashfics

by Amereep

I Was Blind, (But Now I See)

I entered this world the usual way; just like many ponies have before me.

I was greeted by my parents; just like many ponies have done prior.

But unlike the ponies hitherto been; I never saw them back.

Cursed? Perhaps; for my vision is impaired to watch nothing but darkness.

A cure? Nothing but a ploy; to raise my hopes only for them to be shot down.

But as luck would favor, I was born as a certain breed; a Unicorn, the magic wielding race.

Proof of this stood at my forehead; a symbol that marked all of our kind.

Like a beacon, my horn acts like a radar that detects the magic swarming about; caressing us, forging us, empowering us to march forward.

It enlightens me.

It guides me.

I can feel..... no, I can see the magic flowing through the air; forging new light to my darken world.