Suddenly, Fluttershy

by Nehem

Chapter 5 - Breakfast

Fluttershy glumly averts her gaze from the screen. You honestly hadn’t thought of what might have become of her friends up until now. If she was brought here, the rest of the crew are definitely not immune to cross dimensional teleportation. The look on her face is enough to put a small crack in even your hardened heart. Something about the expressiveness of the mare’s brightly colored eyes causes your empathetic side to take over.

You’re flying by the seat of your pants here, but you need to at least try to reassure her that things will turn out okay. This is something that you aren’t even sure of, but you can’t just stand by while she worries herself to death.

Right now, you are the only living thing that can help her.

You rest your hand on her back, right above her wings.  The warm softness of her fur provides a pleasant contrast to the somewhat cold temperature of your room.

“I’m sure they’re safe and sound at their homes. If they haven’t already, they’ll be ready to do everything they can to get you back safely once they find out you’re missing.” you say, hoping that stating the obvious will be enough to bring her out of this slump. She seems to be more worried about them than herself right now, but hopefully you can stop any feelings of abandonment before they begin with that extra bit at the end.

This really isn’t your field of expertise. Sure, you can help people through minor issues in their lives, but when it comes to serious shit, that’s when you usually run into a dead end. Much to your surprise however, this seems to pick her spirits up a little. A small smile returns to her face as your words sink in.

“I think you’re right,” she starts, hopefulness beginning to show in her voice. “Me and my friends have been in worse situations, and we always find a way to fix them. We’d never leave anypony behind, either.” At this point, Fluttershy’s smile is back to the way it was before reality hit her. The feeling seems to be contagious, as seeing her like this causes a smile of your own to permeate your face.

Silence overtakes the both of you soon after, and you notice that your hand is still resting on her back. You can’t detect any discomfort from her end, but you elect to retract your hand before any awkwardness happens.

“I hope it goes without saying, but I’ll do what I can to help out.” you chuckle somewhat bitterly. “I’ve got a beef with whoever or whatever did this, too. You know how big of a pain it’s gonna be to get my window replaced?”

Fluttershy looks up at you, gratefulness displayed on her expression.Obviously, you have no fucking clue where you’d begin trying to find out how a fictional character became real. A yawn escapes your mouth and you look over to your clock. It’s just about four AM. So much for getting some extra sleep tonight.

“Hey, I’m getting kind of tired, how about we continue this in the morning?” you say, looking back over to Fluttershy. The pony looks just a bit disappointed at having to stop almost right after you started getting into the interesting parts of using the computer, but agrees nonetheless. She gets out of the chair and looks at you somewhat expectantly.

Oh, right. Sleeping arrangements.

“You can sleep on this bed tonight. It might be a good idea to stay in here if you don’t like the cold.” Realization strikes you as you receive a questioning look from the pegasus below. By the time she woke up, you had already taken her out of the box. The sound of the window breaking probably evaded her as well.

”Um, what’s wrong with the other rooms, if I can ask?” she asks, tilting her head to the side.

With a sigh, you begin to tell her the tale of your dear, departed window. “Well, as I mentioned earlier, my window in the other room is broken. Well, it wasn’t broken by a brick, or another kind of small object. Somehow, they threw that entire crate right through the glass.”
Fluttershy’s eyes widen at the realization that she went through such an ordeal without being aware of it.

“Oh my,” she says at a volume you can just barely hear. “I’m sorry that happened, I don’t know why anyone would do something like that...”

Without any idea of what else to say, you simply shrug in response.

    “Me either. Just another unexpected bump in the road of life, I guess. Anyways, let’s try to get some sleep. We should talk some more in the morning, if you’re up for it”

The pale yellow pegasus meekly nods her head and gives off a high pitched yawn before climbing into your bed. You, on the other hand, lower yourself into your chair.

“Could you get the light while you’re over there, too?” you lazily request, closing your eyes. Your bed creaks a bit and the sheets rustle.

”Is, um… Is that really where you are sleeping? I don’t want to take your bed away from you…” Fluttershy timidly inquires, concern apparent in her tone. Already drifting off, you answer.

“I fall asleep here four nights out of seven anyways. I’m good. Thanks though.” For once in your life, you aren’t lying to make someone feel better. You really need to work on actually using your bed. Another shuffle of sheets, a click, and the absence of light are the last things that register to your tired mind before your consciousness fades away.

Your sleep is restless and filled with breaks in its cycle. It’s nothing too unusual, this happens quite often when you fall asleep at your desk like this. You keep telling yourself to get up and stagger to your bed, but you’d be lying if you said you are too uncomfortable to move right now. After an undetermined amount of time however, you get enough clarity to force yourself out of your chair and onto your feet. It’s still dark out, so you haven’t been asleep all that long. A small chill runs up your body from the temperature of the room. Is your heater broken again?

Whatever, the blankets will solve that issue for the time being. Arriving at the head of your bed, you look to your clock. It’s a little after six in the morning. Not bad, you’ll have plenty of time to get some real sleep. Your hair stands up on end as an unexpected noise emanates from beside you. It sounds close to a whimper, but you can’t quite place… You turn around, and still to your surprise you can see the faint outline of a sleeping equine laying her head on your pillow. So that wasn’t a dream…

Through the darkness you can see that Fluttershy is completely uncovered, and is heavily shivering while letting out an occasional feeble whine. You can’t blame her, it IS pretty cold in here. Might as well plug in the space heater while you’re thinking about it. Quickly, you take the small heating implement from your closet and plug it in next to your bed. With sleep clouding your mind yet again, you sit next to the sleeping pony and begin to absentmindedly stroke her side.

After a bit, she stops shivering and subconsciously snuggles herself into your warm touch with a murmur of comfort. You smile tiredly. That’s it, you have to help her somehow. If you weren’t before, you are now. Removing your hand from the pony, you get up and tuck a blanket around her before going back to your chair. Sleep comes much easier than before.

Before you know it, you are awoken by the alarm of your watch on your desk. You really have no idea why you use this instead of the perfectly fine desk clock next to your bed, but whatever. The light that tries to poke through the window blinds is a dull grey, telling you that today is going to be filled with clouds once again. Groggily you get up from your chair, a nice soreness in your back greeting you. Looking over at your bed, you see that Fluttershy is still asleep and that this is indeed still not a dream.

It appears to be ten thirty on the dot from what your clock says. Good enough time to wake up, you suppose. You decide to let the bed’s occupant sleep a bit longer, seeing as she’s had a much rougher night than you. Yawning, you head for the door, wishing all the while that you had used something to insulate your room. By the time you open the door, you want to just say “fuck it” and beg the gods to smite you where you stand. Nobody deserves to go through something like this in the dead of winter. As soon as you walk into your living room, your mouth drops. Speaking of winter…

Snow. A huge pile of it, right under the base of your window. It’s also still coming in, most of the outside world beyond it being obstructed by the fog of what might as well be a blizzard. You knew there were going to be snow showers, but not THIS bad! For a while, you just stare. Fuck it, you’re making breakfast. It’s the floor’s issue now. You ponder on what to eat on your way to the kitchen. Whatever it is, you’ll have to make double what you normally do. It’s been a while since you’ve made breakfast for two.

You open your cabinet and notice the box of pancake mix. Yeah, the last time you had a woman over and made her breakfast… you can’t remember much, but when you came to, your wallet was missing, and your toaster was leaking a weird fluid. Maybe it was the pancakes. Maybe you said a few things that you shouldn’t have. Whatever happened, the sex was totally worth it, even if she left without a trace.

You grab the mix and settle on trying this again. If Fluttershy turns out to be a demon or something similar, it’ll be a win-win situation. If you die, you’ll go down fighting a monster like you’ve always wanted. If you don’t, you have something to sell to the government to make a pretty penny. And if none of THAT happens, well at least you’ll be making some interesting memories in the future. Setting out a bowl and some plates, you proceed to pour the powder into the bowl and mix it with some milk.

The counter is already a mess. Once the batter is well mixed, you set a skillet on the old gas stove, you ignite the burners and pour half of the contents of the bowl on two different parts. A while later, you have two very large golden brown pillows of… whatever this mix is made of. You slide one onto each plate. Before leaving, you get out some syrup and butter. Once back at your room, you quietly open the door and creep back to your bed. As Fluttershy lets out small, near inaudible snores, you see a single strand of her light pink mane blow out with every breath she exhales.

You sort of want to brush the hair back into its rightful place, but you’ve already been fucking creepy enough with how much you’ve been touching her. Instead, you softly begin to try getting her attention.

“Hey, time to wake up.” The mare stirs a bit. “It’s morning. You don’t want to sleep the rest of the day away, do you?”

Slowly she stirs, making small squeaking sounds before stretching and letting out a large yawn. Well, large for her at least. Her eyes open up partially, trying to comprehend the space around her now that it actually has daylight filling it. “Good morning, Fluttershy. Feeling better this morning, I hope?”

The pony sits up, rubbing her eye with a hoof. ”Mmmh… Good morning… I’m fine…” Turning around, you begin to head back to the room in which your holy bounty of breakfast awaits. “I’ve got food waiting in the kitchen if you’re hungry. It’s two rooms to the right as soon as you leave this room.”

You’ve walked out of the bedroom, deciding to give the occupant some time to wake up and get herself together. The kitchen smells of fresh cooking, something you have always enjoyed, an opposite you draw with some members of your family. They’d always insist on venting it out. You’d insisted that they were in need of a psychological evaluation. You arrive at the table shortly, and prepare for the meal ahead.

Opening up the butter, you scrape some off with the knife and smear some on your pancake. For yours, you pour some syrup over the top and begin digging in. It isn’t long until you hear the strange new sound of hooves clopping on your tiled floor. You hope like hell this isn’t going to leave scratches. Seeing this cartoon character walk through your kitchen is still one of the most surreal things you’ve experienced in your life. You smile at her.

“Didn’t have any trouble finding the place, I hope.”

Fluttershy shakes her head, wearing a soft smile of her own. ”Oh no, not at all.”

When she reaches the table, you scoot out a seat for her. What? These seats are big, heavy, AND hard to move across the floor, even for you. She’s smaller than them. You aren’t reaching maximum fedora tippidge just yet. After fluttering up to the chair, you move her in closer to the table.

“I wasn’t too sure what all you might like on yours. I might have some whipped cream in the fridge, or some strawberries I could still chop up. I’m kind of boring when it comes to food.” Well, at least in comparison to some of the stuff you’ve seen in the show. You’d like to at least consider yourself not bland in taste.

”Oh, that’s okay, I couldn’t ask for more than you’ve already given. Thank you for the food, it smells great!” Fluttershy says with a sweet smile.

You shrug. “It was nothing, really.”

No, really, it was nothing. Just add milk to the powder, mix, then cook. They probably don’t have the all in one mix in Equestria, though. After putting some butter of her own onto her serving, Fluttershy begins to reach towards the bottle of syrup, only to be stopped by the shortness of her own front arm. You kind of just let it happen, chewing on a bite of your food before you realize that she could probably use some help. Quickly, you lean over and pass the bottle to her.

She takes it with a sheepish grin. Once her flapjack is covered with syrup, her next action surprises you just a bit. She goes headfirst into the plate, then back up, emerging with a piece of the food in her mouth. Right. Ponies. Hooves. Surprisingly, her face isn’t dirtied in the slightest. Minutes pass as the only sound in the room is that of chewing, and the occasional clank of silverware from your side of the table. Silence has reigned as the ruler of this room for long enough that you decide now is as good a time as any to strike up a conversation.

“So… How’s about we get to know each other a little better?” you ask, wiping a crumb from your mouth.

An apprehensive look is cast your way, the food in her mouth swallowed like a large pill with no water. Looks like you’ll have to take the initiative here. “Here, I’ll start. My name is Anonymous. You can just call me Anon for short, though. I like to relax at home on quiet evenings after a long day of work, though I also enjoy the occasional outing with friends whenever we’re in the same place.” You also enjoy long walks on the beach on warm sunny evenings.
Oh wait, this isn’t your dating profile. You list off a few more of your interests, along with your job. “So, that’s about it for me. What about you?”

Hesitantly swallowing, the gathers her courage and answers. ”W-well… My name is Fluttershy. I like to interact and take care of… animals…” Her sentence trails off at the last word, but you can still hear it.

“Interesting. Do you have any pets?” you inquire, resting your head on a hand.

Fluttershy’s eyes brighten somewhat at the prospect of discussing something she’s interested in. ”Well, I have a bunny. His name is Angel.”

You faintly remember that white puffball. If you aren’t wrong, that rabbit’s name betrayed its personality.

“Any others?” you ask, hoping to keep her going. Almost as if composing a list in her head, she looks down at her plate, only a small bit of the once large pancake remaining. Then she lists off what animals she takes care of. They range all the way from tiny things like mice to bigger animals such as bears. In all your life, you’ve never heard one living being list off as many different creatures as she has just now.

”But I just take care of them, they’re not really pets. They’re my furry little friends! I feed them and help them when they’re sick or injured.” She’s much more opened up, now.

“That’s good to hear that you care for them like that.” you claim.

The pony nods and points at her rear end. ”In fact, that’s what my cutie mark symbolizes.”

Your eyes fall to the three butterflies on her flank. “Cutie mark, eh? Can’t say I’ve heard of those before. What’s that all about?”

She goes on to summarize how each pony earns one specific to them whenever they find their special talent. Honestly, you kind of zoned out seeing as you already know about all that. Then, she goes on to tell you how she got hers.  Again, something you know about, but it’s still interesting to hear it be told to you first hand. You try not to laugh at the fact that she opened her story up the exact same way as she did in that one episode. This also leads to her telling you about the rest of her friends and how they got theirs, though these were much shorter summaries since they weren’t her own.

After the discussion, you take the empty plates from the table and over to the sink. Perhaps you and her can get along better than you initially assumed.