A real Canterlot wedding

by Shenzy


It was early in the morning, when princess Celestia and princess Luna traded places on their posts - the white alicorn rose the Sun above Canterlot, while her beloved sister lowered the moon behind the horizon, holding on to the eternal circle of harmony.

The ray's of sunshine floated the room, in which Shinning Armor and his enchanting mare was sleeping peacefully.

Shining Armor was on the first glance just another well trained unicorn, serving for the royal guard, being a big white stallion, with baby blue eyes and a dark blue mane, which had some natural cyan highlights in it.

There wasn't to much special about him, except two things: first being his cutiemark which happened to be a blue shield with a big pink star represented on it and three smaller ones above, which he had earned so many years ago, when he had discovered his incredible talent to summon large and strong force-field's, which are able to banish all kind of evil spirits alike.

Second being, his rank in the royal guard.

He wasn't just an ordinary soldier or officer, he was, in fact, the Captain of the Royal Canterlot guard, which puts him right below the princesses in therms of authority.

Speaking of princesses, Shining Armor was sleeping next to one of them and it was nopony less than Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the royal leader of the Crystal Empire.

Her name might be misleading at first, but her character was lovely like her appearance.

Her fur was a soft pink tone, her eyes also being pink. Her mane was a candy-like mix out of purple, pink and a yellow note which almost looked like white at times, giving her appearance an sugar sweet touch, while her flank showed the main symbol of the Crystal Empire – a heart made out of shimmering cyan crystal, which was also representative of her special alicorn power.

Cadance could literally spread love, when ever she used her magic on other pony's, where ever she was going - settling minor conflicts and reminding everypony on what's most important in life, making her the undoubted Princess of Love.

Shining Armor was the first one to wake up. His daily duty was about to begin. He didn't need an alarm to get up, since his daily rhythm was trained very well from serving many years... also he didn't want to wake up Cadance in the process.

The stallion got up on his feet and snuck trough the room, taming his mane, brushing is teeth and was about to put on his armor. His armor would cover his howl body, as well his head, being made out of a strong but light iron, covered in purple and gold paint, as well his cutiemark on his chest as emblem.

He was just about to snatch his helmet and sneak out to the door, when it slipped away and landed on the ground with some noise, waking up his special somepony.

“... Shi...Shining Armor?” she blinked, as he walked right over to her, since she was now awake anyway.

“Sorry, my helmet slipped” he said a little embarrassed, giving her a short kiss on the forehead.

The mare blinked once more “Its barely morning...”.

“Yes, but my duty begins soon and there is much work ahead... why don't you sleep a little longer and we see another later” he said calmly.

The mare just smiled at him, still half asleep “sounds almost like a command”

“It's just an advice, my princess” he said with a playful nod, before giving her another kiss on the lips and leaving her behind, dozing off again.

She always was like this, even in the morning cheer and playful, when other pony's still had their frown. It was like waking up to a second spring, every single day.

Shining Armor closed quietly the door and already was accompanied by two royal guards, an white and gray one, who had waited for him, giving him simultaneously a sharp salute, which he replied.

“Its 0600 gentleman, we got three hours for the objective... is everything prepared?”

The gray stallion, stretched out his chest and replied “Sir, the preparations are almost done... the thunderbolts are in position and we are awaiting your orders, only thing missing are some of the civilians - their equipment is not in position yet”.

Shining thought about this for a moment “Good, but not good enough” he said thoughtful, but not worried “I want you to take squad five and reinforce them on their tasks, we only got one chance to get this right and the clock is running, no mistakes”.

The two stallions gave once more a salute and got right to their designated work.

Hours passed and Cadance now finally was the one to get up. Usual she also would had a lot tighter schedule, but right now she was guest and her Kingdom was doing fine on it's own for a few days. If necessary her trusty consultant's would send her a magic letter, to which she could reply within minutes.

The mare loved to sleep in, it was so refreshing for a change. When she got up, first thing she always would do, was to walk over to the window and give the new day a first look ...and as usual, Canterlot weather was just stunning, given the great view she had from the castle on the land down below, since the Castle as well the rest of the town was build onto the biggest mountain of all of Equestria, standing in the middle of the land.

The local weather pony's sure had outdone them self once again.

Now it was the rest of her usual routine. Brush teeth, tame the mane, put on her royal insignia and so on, before she would head downstairs and try to get some breakfast.

Hopefully Luna would had left over some of the strawberry pie... she could be quiet a sweet tooth after her long night duty...

The princess got out of the room and was heading down the main corridor, when some mess was blocking the path. It looked like some restaurateur workers tried to fix some of the ceiling-paintings... so she just took another way.

The castle was really big, even bigger so then her own, so it was not to hard to get around such a obstacle. The only worry she might could have, was not to get lost in the process, since she wasn't to often here and at times the rooms and hallway's looked quiet similar.

She almost was back on track when she noticed one of the large main doors was locked for some apparent reason and no guard was nearby who could unlock it for her either, so she had to change her path once again.

“Unbelievable... at this rate, the cake is sure gone when i get there” she mumbled to her self a little annoyed.

But well, she tried to cheer up once more, there still would plenty other good stuff there... the Canterlot backers are the best in all of Equestria and with some of her princess charm, she sure could make them give in to some of her requests.

This raised her mood once again and she got back on track, heading downstairs and across a minor entrance hall, trying to cross from building to building, when she was hold up by two guards, a white and a gray one, both giving her an respectful salute.

“Good morning” she greeted them both casual and tried to get past, but the guards didn't bother move from the gate behind them, holding an straight face, starring blend in front of them.

“You mind, i want to pass” she said nicely.

“Mam, i'm afraid we cannot let you pass” the gray one spoke up.

“What? Why not?” she rose an eyebrow at this.

“Mam, i'm afraid we cannot tell you” once again the gray replied.

Was this some conspiracy? Maybe Luna had set them up... unlikely but still possible.

“I order you to step aside” she said a little more sharp. The two stallions obviously got nervous, but still didn't move.

Once again the mare calmed down her temper. Fine, than they don't move. No problem.

“Well, i will find another way than...” she said, about to walk off “... but just you two wait till Shining Armor hears from this” she added just loud enough, so they could hear it.

The princess was out of sight, when the white stallion gave the gray one a hint “sometimes... i hate my job”, receiving an agreeing nod on this one.

The princess now was walking across the main garden of the castle, when she noticed even more guards standing around on pretty much any other door as well some side paths, blocking of her way in nearly any direction.

“Since when needs the garden such many guards?” she was wondering “Did she miss some kind of alarm?” something was going and she had no idea what it could be, making her a little bit nervous.

“Well … than I will just try plan B” as she spread her wings, when one of the guards was running towards her “Your majesty, please follow me, there is an contingency”.

Her face turned to a frown and she retraced her wings “An contingency?”

“Yes, your highness. Its important you follow me immediately” the stallion said with an urgent tone.

Despite their unusual behavior, she was a princess after all, so if there was some kind of emergency, she had to react - it was her duty, so she gave in.

“I hope its important, or I will have a serious talk with Princess Celestia about this” she said and followed the white stallion further into the garden middle, when they got into the very middle of the complex.

It was a big place with four entrances, having a big hedge running all around it, in the middle was a big water well, framed with statues of all kind of pony's in different poses, as well some stone seats and fields of beautiful flowers scattered around them.

As soon she entered the place she took a close look around “so... where is this... contingency...” to find nothing out of the ordinary, except the fact the entrance behind her was now also blocked of by two nervous looking guards.

“Is this some kind of setup!?” she asked all around, but got no response, until a voice raised behind her. “Yes it is... but I fear i'm the one behind it”

The mare turned toward the familiar voice to find Shining Armor, walking out from the other side of the fountain.

“Whats going on? Why is none of this guards listening? If that's some kind of joke, its not funny” she said annoyed and even more nervous than before.

Shining Armor slowly walked closer to her “Oh, its no joke... its quiet serious” he said dry.

The alicorn felt really uncomfortable. All the guards starred at her, still blocking the entrance and her beloved Shining Armor turned out to be the ring leader.

Somehow she felt the need to run or fly away, it was nothing like him to do such a thing, usual he was straight forward, private as well when on duty, so what could make him act so strange?

Suddenly she noticed a large group of pegasus flying in a sharp maneuver above their head, just to get directly into a straight climb upwards, while others shot down from above, which stood hidden in white clouds nearby until now, filling the sky with their presents as they performed loops, curves and dives in between one another, barely missing their comrades in the process. If it wasn't for the blue uniforms, by now there was no doubt those flyer's must been the Wonderbolt's – performing at their best.

“What is going on!?” her sight once again came back to Shining Armor who was kneeing now right in front of her, while romantic music began to play, as group of musician's entered from all four sides.

Her face turned all around and once again rose to the sky, as the pegasus now circled what they had done - skywriting >Will you marry me?< as her sight slowly came back to the white stallion in front of her “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, I, Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Canterlot Guard... want to hold on to your hoof with this” giving her an sheepishly smile, as a golden ring with three diamonds hoovered out of his pocket, in front of her.

Cadance hold her hooves in front of her lips, being speechless and overwhelmed, by this incredible romantic act, shattering tears of glee and relief.

“Yes! Yes! I will!” she cheered unable to hold back and fell around his neck. If he had not been so well trained, she sure had thrown him to the ground, but he still had a hard time to keep his own knees from shaking.

“I love you so much” he said overly happy, trying to fetch his calm tone, but it was no use.

“I love you too” she said as she gave him a gentle, but long lasting kiss on the lips, as both could not help to blush at this, like young filly's.

Even some of the veteran guards found a hard time holding a straight face, biting their lips while shattering singled out proud tears.

As the moment had settled a little more, he was the one to ask “so... when you want to get official married?”

She thought about it for a moment, while still holding on to him. “How about... three weeks?”

If he wasn't already white, his face color had changed now.

“Three weeks?” this was a really short time span.

She nodded, still shining like the sun itself, so how could he decline her request?

“Three weeks than it is” he said... “but I guess I will need some help” he added silently to himself.

The couple left the main garden slowly and walked towards the castle, as they came by the two stallion guards from before and she could not hold back “I still tell on you” she said, showing her tongue towards them, to disappear a few moments later into the castle alongside her new husband.

“D-... did... she mean that?” the gray one asked,

the white one shrugged sadly “i hate my job”.

Shining Armor had thought of anything, so even some of the strawberry cake his wife loved so much had been saved, in case there was need for a distraction, which was now.

While she enjoyed her meal, he made him self right onto his way to princess Celestia, since Luna was resting by now and he didn't want to bother his wife with this task.

He got onto the big balcony on which he knew, the last available princess would be at this time, greeting her with an respectful salute.

As always the alicorn princess had an warm and motherly expression to her face, it was so soothing, he almost had forgot why he was here for.

Princess Celestia was not just the oldest alicorn there is, she also was the most graceful. Holding over a thousand years of wisdom, while still looking more beautiful than you could image, in her snow white appearance and deep purple eyes.

“Shining Armor, what can I do for you?” she asked, with a warm tone to her voice, like sunshine would crawl into his ears.

The stallion cleared his throat, since he kinda felt a frog sticking in it. Speaking to royals was his daily bread and butter and even Celestia was no exception to this rule, but asking for a personal favor? This was his first try on that.

“Your highness,... I … well I kinda have an request, if I may ask...”

The alicorn got a step closer, to put her head a little onto the side “I assume it is about your marriage?”

“Uhm, yes, in fact it is” he said, uncomfortable.

“I also assume you got very little time to make it happen?”

Once again she hit an bullseye with this and since her sister Luna was able to walk in dreams...

“Excuse the question, but … can your highness read minds?”

The princess giggled at this question for a moment, before she pointed hoof onto his shaking knees “Your legs gave it away” making him blush ashamed, which made her giggle once more.

“You are of course right... and that's why I would like to ask for your help” with this he bowed down humble.

“My dear Shining Armor, since you served me very well the past years and seeing that you left nothing to chance in order to make Princess Cadance happy... I will gladly grant you my full help” giving him an approval nod to this.

The stallions grin got wide from ear to ear - for obvious reasons, while the unicorn continued to talk.

“Of course... a wedding isn't a simple task, so I will call in my most trusty student and her friends, in order to help you on the necessary preparations...”.

“Twilight!?” he said somehow surprised “... your majesty...”

“Indeed” giving him a playful smile with this “... and I think she will remember you well”.

Of course, Twilight Sparkle would remember him! How could it be any different?
She not just had lived a long time in the Canterlot Palace, where they grew up together - she also was his younger sister and he was her B.B.B.F.F. – big brother best friend forever.