The Lost Pegasus

by J8ck78

Chapter 6 - Well it's true!

“You know, I thought I had this figured out, but it has come to my attention, I didn't.” commented Jack

“What do you mean?” inquired Derpy

Jack briefly gave an embarrassed chuckle, “I forgot it doesn't have wheels.”

“Well of course the TARDIS doesn't have wheels!” she yelled, amazed he would even think that!

He stood there, pondering over what he should do now. The only answer he thought of wasn't very comforting toward him. Yet, it was the simplest answer he could think of. He turned to Derpy who was standing there, trying to think of an idea as well when he spoke. “Do you know how to operate that thing?”

Derpy didn't exactly understand the question at first, but as it sat in her head, she figured out what he said.

“Well?” he impatiently waited for an answer.

“I don't know how to operate that thing!" Her left eyebrow rose up, "What makes you think I can operate it!?”

Jack's frustration to the situation began to show on his face, “You ride with the Doctor don't you? Surely you must've picked something up along the road!”

“No, I have not picked something up along the road!”

Jack noticed that she was mentioning the road they were nearby and he gave a groan.

"I mean, you haven't learned what any of the buttons or levers or whatsits do inside it?"

Derpy shook her head, only making Jack more stressed.

“Well, I don't know any other way to get that thing moving!” he stated, exasperated at his loss for ideas.

Derpy's eyes shrunk back in fear, “Wait, you want to actually fly that thing home!?”

“What? No! God no!” he replied as if she had grown three heads.

“Then what's your plan?” she asked him.

“Just get the TARDIS to hover in midair and I can attach a rope around it and tow it home. Kinda like a balloon.” He paused for a brief moment, realizing how stupid that just sounded now that he said it aloud.

“You sure that will work?” Derpy questioned, now fearing that Jack was just second guessing by this point.

Jack grit his teeth slightly, not wanting to look like an idiot, “If that fails, I'm renting a trailer and we're taking it home the hard way!”

He clearly was in way over his head. He knew it, Derpy knew it, the TARDIS probably knew it. Still, he was going to at least try and get the fabled Time Machine off the road and back to his apartment where at the very least he could keep an eye on it. He kept on thinking of other ways to getting it to his house, while Derpy kept on wondering on his last idea.

“If I do that, it will be another few hours before I can get the thing, and even then, my Cruiser doesn't have a trailer hitch.”

“Is that Cruiser your only mode of transport?” Derpy looked behind Jack's shoulder to the ever trusty police cruiser, sitting there as the small conversation continued.

“I have a truck in the shop, the one I was talking about this morning? Turns out the transmission blew out.” Jack's face turned grim, thinking back on when he figured out when that happened as he was driving. Someone could've gotten hurt if he didn't notice it right away.

“Transmission?" That sounded like one of the funny words Doctor Hooves would use, "What's that?”

Jack wondered if he could even explain the basics of how an engine was supposed to work, “Complicated.”

He walked over and looked over the door to the TARDIS. If there was one advanced thing he knew about this space/time ship, was that it was sentient. It would easily choose to not let him in since he was only an acquaintance of it's Doctors assistant. Despite this, there was one thing he could do to try and make peace with it. He grasped the handle on the door and with a move of his hand, pulled it open. Poking his head in, he saw the machine glowing a brilliant blue, the central console a mixture of the later two versions of the Doctor's TARDIS control room. Gold and blue danced around amazingly. Doors lead off to all corners of the TARDIS, the idea of it hurting his head, but he was giddy with excitement that he was looking inside the TARDIS. The TARDIS! How many people would give up a limb to have this chance, and all he had to do was meet Derpy.

All in all, It was bittersweet for him. Despite the fact he wanted to, he dare not set foot inside it. He was still technically a uninvited guest inside it, well, he sort of felt like one. Maybe it was respect for the Doctor and his TARDIS, or the underlying fear of what this represented. This sitting here meant it could all be true. Daleks, Cyberman, The Last Great Time War, the Master, that one thing that turned people into pictures... all of it could be real. The hair on the back of his neck stood up when a finger tapped on his shoulder He jumped and turned around only to see Derpy standing there. “Done looking around?”

Her face was somewhat annoyed and bemused that he had taken so long. He rubbed the back of his head kind of embarrassed and backed out of the way. Derpy walked into the TARDIS, everything alive now as if nothing had happened. She walked up to the console and ran her hand over the controls, hoping that there would be something that would help her. They felt cold for some odd reason, as if the TARDIS knew the Doctor was missing and wanted him back. Derpy felt the same way and was silent.

“Anything?” came Jack's voice

Derpy looked over to see him still standing in the door. He looked around with his eyes a few times looking at the various doors and objects inside the TARDIS waiting for a answer. What he got was a question. “Aren't you coming in?”

“I ain't setting foot in there!” he replied, alarmed at the prospect of disturbing one thing inside it.

“Why?” she inquired, “It wont hurt you.”

“Nope! Not goin' in there!” he retorted adamantly.

He was not budging and actually took a step back. Derpy laughed a little at how afraid he was of entering the TARDIS and went back to the controls and looked them over. Maybe Jack was right, all the adventures she had with the Doctor, she had to at least learned a thing or two on how it operated. Looking over the console, she saw buttons, levels, a large screen, a keyboard, two phones, a shoe, and a twisty thingy the Doctor always liked to twist. Tossing the shoe off as it had no place on the console, she saw a small red button. Something was calling to her to push it. Taking that chance, she pressed it. The machine roared to life rocked back and forth. Derpy looked outside in fear as Jack seemed to sink into the ground. No, she was rising up off the ground! She did it! She got the TARDIS to fly!

“HAHA! You did it!” cheered Jack in sheer joy before running back to his cruiser, “Hold it there! I'll get the rope!”

He opened the trunk of his car and grabbed the large neon green rope praising himself for bringing it. Right now, it was going to serve this purpose of towing the TARDIS, which was quite the feet considering this ropes true purpose and why he kept it in his room. Tying it around the blue police Box, he hopped into his Police car and started it up. Derpy was standing there in the TARDIS doorway as Jack gave the cruiser a little gas. It, and the TARDIS, moved a few inches.

“WHOO HOO!” screamed Derpy

“Yes!” said Jack in victory

He stepped out and checked to see if the rope would hold and turned back to Derpy.

“It wont be long till we get to my apartment! Stay in there and make sure everything stays okay alright!”

“You got it!” saluted Derpy returning inside the TARDIS

“Okay!” said Jack putting the cruiser into gear and putting all fears aside, “Hopefully, no one will find this odd.”

He knew that was hopeless, a police car towing a floating box. Heads were going to turn. Regardless, he had no choice and drove on anyway.


Twilight stirred at the smell of pine needles and the sounds of bids chirping in the air. She opened her eyes slowly and stirred a little. She noticed she was wrapped in a blanket and laying up against the side of a tree. The light from the sun shimmered through the trees and down to the ground. To her left she could hear footsteps, and she turned her head to see a tall slender, thing, pacing back and forth. He was talking to himself and scratching his chin. She had never seen a creature like this before, and she guessed it to be a human since it looked like what the Doctor had talked about. At first she was alarmed to think that she had been found by some strange human. She never read any books on them for there were none in Equestria. She looked around for the Doctor when she noticed something about this human. First off: it was wearing his clothes! It also had a similar hairstyle to him, as well as eyes. She sat up, and the human noticed this instantly.

“Good, Twilight, you're awake!” Twilight recognized the voice as none other than the Time Lord she came with.

“Doctor?” Her voice was the same as well.

He laughed a little and held out his arms and spun around for her to see. “In the flesh! Ah, it feels good to have fingers again! As much fun it was being a pony you never get over fingers! You'll see what I'm talking about.”

Twilight tried to think over what The Doctor was talking about, but couldn't quiet understand what he meant. “What do you mean?”

“Why, just look at your hands!” he told her happily.

“You mean hoove-.” Twilight cut herself off the moment she brought her arms up and looked at her hooves. No, these weren't hooves, they were hands! Looking herself over, she suddenly realized she wasn't a unicorn anymore, she was a human just like the Doctor! “What happened to me?!”

“Dimensional Transmorphication. A by product of inter universal travel. Don't worry, you're not completely a human. You still have your horn!”

Twilight nervously reached up her her new left hand and touched her horn on her head.

The Doctor stared at it closely, marveling at such a concept that a unicorn could still retain their horn. “Yes, it seems using your force field had a added side effect to your transmorfication, allowing you to keep your horn." He gave a slight pause, realizing a problem that needed to be taken care of. "Do you know of a way to hide it? Humans don't have horns... at least this dimension doesn't.”

"Don't you have someway of doing that yourself? Aren't you a Time Lord?” asked Twilight as she stood up, not exactly used to two legs.

“Eeehhh, Part Human, Part Time Lord," He responded, giving one of his hands a side-to-side shake. "More Time Lord than anything though. Quite surprising that Time Lords evolved to a similar look with humans. Sure made my adventures all the more easier." He tried to get Twilight to focus, "You have anyway of hiding the horn, perhaps?”

Twilight looked around and found a small branch lying there. Concentrating, the branch illuminated in her magical powers glow before instantly popping into existence as a hair band. Putting it on, she again used her magic to hide her horn under it. The Doctor clapped at the results. “Marvelous Miss Sparkle! Now then! I think there is a city not too far from here, -”

“Let me guess: Allons-y?” chuckled Twilight.

The Doctor gave a conflicted look before returning to a smile, “I was going to say 'Let's go save Derpy', but that works too!”

Soon, the two were walking through the forest, the Doctor leading the way, mind set on the mission. Twilight was more marveling at how everything seemed to do things on their own! Animals were caring for themselves, the wind was blowing without anyone moving it. looking up and around, noticing the clouds moving on her own, and the fact that the sun seemed to be at a different position then when she woke up. It was like Everfree forest, but somehow, it wasn't as threatening. In fact, it was peaceful, as if everything was right.

“So, this is...Earth?” she said still looking around.

“Yep! It's not like Equestria where magic and physics intertwine! Nope, everything here is good old fashioned physics and rules! Well, actually, it depends on what your definition of physics and rules are, but I like them here, more than most others really. Lovely I'd say, although not as fun as magic when you think about it.”

Twilight kept looking around, hoping to see another face to observe, “So, Humans live in forests and what not?”

“They used to back when they were a real primitive race," He turned his head slightly as they continued to walk, "Kind of how your Equestria started, bare bones, nothing but the fat of the land and survival of the fittest! They've grown into quite the robust race! Flying machines, space travel! All of it just because they want to!”

“You speak highly of them,” commented Twilight.

“Outside you pony folk, I have never come across a more indomitable race in all my life! If there is something that confuses them, they don't just leave it alone, they go in and study it just because it arouses their curiosity! Almost poking it with a stick seems to satisfy some of their needs. However, there are times when they are some of the cruelest species outside the Daleks. Some have even wiped out their own race just because they viewed things differently." His voice had changed to a lower tone that Twilight had rarely heard him use. "Be careful Twilight Sparkle, just because one Human seems friendly, doesn't mean he is friendly.”

Looking at him, his face had darkened, the Doctor remembering some of the dark deeds that mankind had done.

“Are they that bad?” Twilight asked, remarking the expression on The Doctor's face.

“Nope!” he said as his face and tone lit up with its usual jovial attitude, “Some are, but at the very least, Humans have a understanding of ethics that at least keep them from killing everything like the Daleks.”

“So, when will I get to see one?” asked Twilight, a little excited and worried.

“Well, if my ears don't deceive me, we should be near, at least, what they call a highway!”

Twilight's eyelids lowered in natural response, “I know what those are Doctor.”

He never answered. He stepped out of the trees and sprawling before them laid a average sized town with a larger city out behind it. Twilight stood amazed, it was almost as big as Canterlot, if not bigger! The Doctor meanwhile, groaned in distaste.

Twilight continued to look over the marvelous city, “How can you be like this!? This is amazing!”

“No, look at that banner over there.” He pointed to a pole where a large, blue, red, and white banner flapped in the breeze. Twilight looked at the design and couldn't find anything wrong with it.

“What? It looks like a regular flag to me.” Unlike Equestria's flag, it looked rather simplictic, using only lines and the left top corner covered in five point stars.

“Yes, but it's a American flag! Of the United States!”

Twilight seemed worried about why The Doctor would be acting like this, “What's wrong with them?”

“Nothing. I actually find them to be quite the robust people. I just prefer England!”

“England?” Twilight's mind started to try and store all of the things that he spoke, finding a lot of pieces just outright confusing. Perhaps if she found a book that explained some of it...

“Trottingham is the best example I currently have to relate to it, prim, proper, clean.”

“So, places like that?”

“Yep! Jolly old England!" Breathing in the air deeply, he put his hands in his pockets, "Well, I'm back on Earth, so I might as well be happy. Come on! Let's go explore!”

He skidded down the side of the hill they were on and kept on walking, humming some tune to himself. Twilight sighed and followed after him.


It took longer than they hoped, but after two hours, Jack and Derpy had made it all the way back to his apartment. The TARDIS sat on a corner hidden behind some trees after Derpy had managed to land it by pressing the button again. Currently, Derpy was watching the news eating a muffin, which was quite possibly the only thing Jack had that she could eat. He had very little in his refrigerator for a salad. In fact, most of Jack's foods were meat related in some way. Jack himself was a testament to this by eating a ham sandwich. It was relatively peaceful at that moment when a knock came at his door. Both were caught off guard and looked in surprise toward the door to see if it was real. Sure enough, it knocked again, this time more forcefully.

“Probably someone complaining about the TARDIS.” grunted Jack as he ate his sandwich. He had no intention of answering the door and tried his best to ignore it. The door knocked harder several more times, each one progressively getting louder and more violent by the moment.

“Alright! Alright! I'm coming!” yelled Jack, forced to set his sandwhich down on the small table nearby. There was one loud slam that nearly tore the already battered door down. “Hey! I'm a Police Officer! You really don't want me angry!”

The banging continued as he grabbed the doorknob. “Who the hell is this, is this is some drunk I swear-" Jack's eyes met the attacker of his door and felt his heart jump into his throat. "LOU!”

With a scowled face and crossed arms, Lou looked to Jack angrily, wanting a answer.

“Uh, Hi.... I thought you weren't going to be back for another few....”

“Days?” she cut off Jack, finishing his sentence with a huff.

“Yeah, basically. Nice surprise.” He smiled nervously, but she lowered her brow in anger and narrowed her eyes at him.

“What the hell?” she asked, the fury burning behind her eyes making Jack feel more confused and frightened as to what she was talking about.

“What?” asked Jack, “What did I do?”

“I'm gone a week and you go and decide to cheat on me?”

Jack felt his body nearly gave away before he caught himself from falling over, “Cheat on you?!”

“You think I wouldn't find out?!” she yelled at the top of her lungs.

His eyes shot behind him into his apartment, fearing the worst of what sort of picture Lou was painting about the situation he now faced. “No, really! It's not what you-”

Lou pointed a finger into his chest and continued to scream at him, “I got a message that you were bringing some blonde haired girl here a few days ago!”

“How the heck did you find that out?” yelled Jack alarmed. She gave him a dark look and pointed down the hall. Standing there was a old woman who quickly withdrew into her room. Jack gave a sigh of relief. “She wont report this to the station. I can still keep my job.”

Lou's voice seemed to hit a new pitch of anger, “Are you serious!? You're more concerned about your job over me!?”

"This is going to end badly!" Jack thought, realizing where this was going, fast.

From behind Jack back in his kitchen, Derpy poked her head out to see what all the yelling was about. Lou caught sight of this, and directed all of her anger toward the confused pegasus turned human. Derpy couldn't put her finger on it, but she had seen and felt that stare and anger before, and every instinct told her to run for her life. She ducked back into the kitchen before Lou tore off after her, screaming something incomprehensible. Unfortunately for Derpy, she had nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide before the dark haired girl was upon her, ready to tear her apart limb from limb. There was a sudden crack, and before any of the two knew it, a tazer dart was stuck on Lou's back.

Lou gave a howl of pain as she hit the floor from the shock, forced to look at Jack from her now compromised position. Jack gave a regretful look to both of the women.

“Lou! I can explain!” Jack tried to reason, as he rounded the corner, trying his best not to look like he was the villain in the situation.

“Oh you better have a damn good reason!” she shouted to him before turning her eyes to the dart, “And get this thing off me!”

Jack nodded before Lou tore the tazer dart from her body. The wire retracted up into the little weapon and he put it away. She was expecting words, and Derpy was expecting the worst. Jack wanted to make words, but he fell short each time. It was if he was wanting to create a story to explain it all, but nothing was coming together. Stammering on a few words, he sighed and began to speak.

“Lou... meet... meet, meet Derpy Hooves.”

“Who?” asked Lou.

“Derpy Hooves... the Derpy Hooves. From Equestria...”

Lou looked at the cross eyed blonde, and then at Jack with confusion.