//------------------------------// // Day -7 // Story: 1000 Years // by DekaSkittalz //------------------------------// “...Ugh…. Stupid cat… Stop meowing!” I yell as I chuck a small pillow at my door frame, hoping to silence the incessant yowling. I’m rewarded with the sound of tiny claws scrambling to run away, causing me to smirk. Having no door has its perks and downsides. Turning back over to try and fall asleep again, I lay there unable to pass out. I deduce that I’m not going to be getting any more sleep today until it’s time for bed; and with a groan and a little bit more effort than I’m willing to admit, I kick off my blankets and roll off my mattress four inches down to the floor. Yeah, my bed is a mattress on the floor in the corner; life’s rough man. I look up at my digital clock and see that it’s 10:48 A.M. It would be so easy to just keep sleeping; it’s the middle of summer, my parents are at work, and I’m an only child. But thanks to that cat, I can’t. Oh well. I push myself up, stretching in that way you wouldn’t really stretch around anyone; cracking my back in all kinds of ways. You know the one, the morning one where you hold your breath manage to touch the floor as you do it. Letting out a huff of breath, I take a deep breath through my nose and hop from one foot to the other doing a bit of playful shadow boxing in an effort to wake myself up more. Stopping after about 10 seconds of this, I yawn and head for the kitchen to find something to eat. I look through the fridge for a good 5 minutes before deciding on a bowl of cereal. I bring my bowl to the living room and turn the T.V. on, flipping it to the cartoons. ‘Ah Spongebob… you never fail to disappoint.’ I ended up watching cartoons til noon, and decide to do something I haven’t done in a while. I head into my room and change into something a little more acceptable for exploring in. I say exploring, but I really just mean going to meet my friends in the woods. We built a little hidey hole there and usually hang out there on our days off. Even if nobody is there, it’s still a decent place to chill. Settling on a hooded shirt and cargo pants, because why not, and grabbing my backpack loaded up with some odds and ends. Solar charger, a really good slingshot I got for christmas, and a sizable ammo pouch filled with various sized metal balls for said slingshot, a couple of spare slings for the slingshot, notebook, pencils, a knife my dad gave me, a reusable water bottle, and probably more than what’s an acceptable amount of beef jerky. Because you can never have enough jerky. After putting on my shoes, I sling my backpack over my shoulder and grab my phone and earbuds. I put them in, open the music app and hit shuffle a bunch of times until I find something that catches my interest. After putting on my watch, I head out the door with a purpose, then immediately turn around and head back inside as I forgot my keys and wallet. After snatching them from my window sill and putting them in the appropriate pockets, I return to the door and lock it after going outside. I start walking down the street in the sunny afternoon. The heat is annoying but bearable; better than the frigid temperatures we get any other time of the year. The woods are a little ways away, but not so far as to warrant a bike or anything; not that I have one anyways. After a twenty minute walk, I find myself at a bridge that just crosses a little gap. No water under it, just solid ground. This bridge usually marks the path I take to get to our little hang out. But I recall my friend told me about a different path he takes that he says is faster. I shrug to myself and decide to test that theory for myself. Setting my watch to stopwatch mode, I start heading to where my friend said his path was. Long story short, his path is NOT faster… I’ve been walking for half an hour, which is double the amount of time it usually takes me. I don’t mind the exercise, and the breeze that flows through here is nice, but that doesn’t change the fact that my friend’s a dumbass. Out of boredom, I pull out my slingshot and put on my ammo pouch. As I’m walking I start slinging some of my smaller steel shots in random directions as I walk; I don’t really care, I have a whole tub of these things at home. As I walk, I notice the ground to my left getting more and more steep; but being who I am, I keep walking close to it. Not on it, but close. Curiosity gets the better of me and I pull out an earbud and fire off a steel shot down there just to see what would happen. To my surprise, it flies true, managing to not hit the abundance of trees, and I’m met with the sound of steel pinging off something metallic. That’s odd… firing taking out my other earbud and pocketing them, I fire off another steel shot in the same general direction. Another metallic ping. So I’m not going crazy. Pocketing my slingshot, I carefully descend the steep hillside and nearly trip a couple times on some roots, but manage to get down unscathed. I start walking in the general direction I fired off at, and not long after I’m surprised to see a cave I couldn’t see through the trees. Even more shocking, there’s a metallic door just 6 feet in. curiosity grips me even harder as I walk towards the door. What could be behind the door I wonder. Stopping in front of the door, I eye it for a moment. It’s rusted to hell and back, and there’s a small glass window in the door. Looking through it reveals nothing as it leads deeper into the cave and the light from outside isn’t enough to reach it. I look at the door itself one more time before finally giving it the proverbial fuck it and reaching for the handle. “To adventure and all that jazz.” I’m extremely surprised when the door actually gives a little. “Holy fuck!” I yell out as I jump back. My hearts pounding a little bit as whatever this is, is a legitimate thing and my sense of adventure is getting to me. Ya know when you discover something alone and you just want to know more? Yeah, it’s that kind of feeling I got. Hesitant to go on, but curious enough to do it anyways. I grab the door once more, and give it another tug. It budges a few centimeters. I start giving it a series of tugs; and with each one, I feel the door giving more and more. Eventually I get the door open enough to where I can slip through. Let go of the handle and slide through the doorway, pulling out my phone and using the flashlight app to see where I’m going. So far, after walking for about 3 minutes, it looks like a regular cave. But there was a really heavy metal door; There has to be a reason for it! I’m about to turn around and give up, but I notice something shining in the light of my phone on the wall. Walking closer to it, I notice that it’s a fucking crystal of some sort. Grabbing at it, I try to pull it from the wall; but the damn thing just refuses to come free. Giving up on that little venture with a sigh at not being able to get that cool looking crystal, I continue forward. By this point I’ve already taken out my earbuds and jammed them haphazardly in my bag. As I keep walking, I notice more and more crystals along the wall. As much as I’d want one, I’m not going to try my luck with each and every single one of them. Pretty soon though, there starts to be more crystal than rock, almost as if I was in a crystal cave of some sort. I decide to take a few pictures for the hell of it, and proof in case anyone wouldn’t believe me. Eventually, I come to a dead end. Now, I’m taking that with a grain of salt; if video games has taught me anything, that wall over there is lookin pretty breakable. Walking over to it, I knock on it a few times. It sounds hollow, but still pretty thick… looking around for something to break it, I spot a small head sized rock. My sense of adventure overriding my regard for the structural integrity of this cave, I pick up the rock and start smashing it against the wall. Smashy smashy as they say. CRACK A few more hits and the wall is busted down! Get fucked upon wall! I’m about to step through, when I notice a loud rumbling from behind me. Stopping dead in my tracks, I slowly turn around to the direction I came from. Fear taking over, I book it back the way I came. Only about halfway there, right where the cave starts to look like a cave made entirely of crystal, there’s a huge pile of rocks. A fucking cave-in! “No… no no no no no no no! This can’t be happening!” I yell out to myself as I scramble to the rubble and start trying to pull rocks away to try and get through. I move about 8 rocks before I hear more collapsing and see dust falling from the ceiling, prompting me to back away for fear of getting crushed. Fear gripping me completely, I grab my phone and attempt to call 911…. ... What? Nothing? looking back at my phone, I see a no signal sign, and my heart sinks. There’s no way out… this is it? This is how I’m going to die? Alone in a stupid fucking cave? God damnit… Looking at my phone, I note that I’m at 78%. I sit there for… I don’t know how long… just watching the battery percentage. It drops by one percent before I realize something. When this dies, I’ll have no light. My solar charger can’t do anything because there’s no light here. I’m forced to face the realization that I might never get out of here… opening the camera app on my phone, the beginnings of tears forming in my eyes, I start recording. I pan from right to left, first showing the crystal caves, then the cave in to my left. I turn it and face the camera towards myself. “Hello. My name is Jace Ingram Soto, and I’m 14 years old.” I look at my watch and point the camera at it. “It is, 1:48 P.M., Thursday, June 20th, 2014, as of recording this.” turning the camera back towards myself, I continue to speak. “Today I was going to meet up with a couple friends of mine, and I got a bit sidetracked, and found a cave; this cave was closed with a metal door that I pulled open to get in here. Like an idiot, I wandered deeper into the cave. There was a couple crystals along the way, and as you can see now, the cave from this point on is almost entirely crystal. It’s beautiful… but despite its beauty, I’m trapped in here. I was being stupid, and used a rock to break down a crystal wall; after which, a cave in happened as you can see here.” I was aiming the camera at each thing I was talking about as I talked about it. Taking a deep breath after a moment of silence, I feel my breath hitch in my throat. I clear my throat, and with a shaky voice, continue on. “I don’t want to die here… I’ve got some snacks and water, but it won’t last me long. I don’t want to die… but I understand that it’s a huge possibility that it could happen. That’s why I’m making this video. I don’t want to just disappear without a trace, found a couple years later with nothing to identify myself. First… Mom and dad… I love you… and if you’re watching this… I’m sorry… I’m sorry I was such an idiot… I’m sorry for giving you two a hard time…” I choke up and tears are now freely flowing down my face. I cry to myself for a solid minute before regaining my composure. I stand up and start walking towards the wall I broke down. “I’m going to try and find a way out of here. Hopefully, nobody ever has to see this video. And… if I find anything else worthy of note, I’ll record it.” I say more to myself than the video. Stopping the recording, I close the camera app and step through the decently sized hole in the wall. “I’ll be damned if I die down here without at least trying to find a way out.” I tell myself. Now on the other side, I see the path continues down for an indeterminate amount of distance. Giving out a shaky breath and wiping away a bit of snot that had dripped from my nose, I start walking. I walk for a while before I notice a bit of light that isn’t coming from my phone. It’s a soft blue light, and it seems to be coming from all around me. Turning off my flashlight app and putting my phone in my bag to save battery, I notice the faint blue light is enough to see by. I can’t see very far, but it’s enough to where I decide to save battery. As I continue to walk, I notice the light get brighter and brighter. I turn a corner and see a bright blue ball floating at a dead end. The only dead end. The only path. My heart sinks at not having found a way out, but I’m mildly curious about this bright blue ball. Teary eyed, I approach the ball of light. As I get closer and closer, I start to notice a reverberating hum coming from it; and I might be going crazy, but I swear I hear some whispers as well. I can’t tell what they’re saying, but I’m a bit distracted by the light. Its…. calming almost… but despite its calming effect, my heart is still planted deep within my gut. I circle the small ball, examining it. It’s just… there. Floating… not attached to anything. Pulling out my phone, I record myself again. “Jace here… uh… so. Looks like I am going to die after all. I couldn’t find a way out, and the cave leads to a dead end. But, as you might have noticed, there’s some natural light here. I don’t know how, but the crystals are glowing enough for me to see by. Even stranger, I found this weird ball of light.” I point the camera at it. “It’s just. Here. floating.” I circle around it to show that it is indeed floating. “I don’t know what it is. But I intend to find out.” I stop the recording and put my phone in the bag again, and reach out to touch the light. As soon as I touch it, I’m blinded as a bright blue light envelops my vision; beyond that, there’s a searing pain in my left eye. I try to scream but no sound comes out. Or maybe it does, but I just can’t hear it. I certainly can’t feel anything other than the pain. Scratch that, I can, but everything is numb. Like that feeling of when you can feel something but you can’t at the same time. It feels like my entire body fell asleep. Pins and needles all over, convulsing muscle spasms, and a splitting headache. All of this goes on for… hell if I know how long. It eventually stops however, and I feel a sense of vertigo and weightlessness. My hearing comes back to me, and I notice the sound of something flapping in the wind. Next is my sense of touch, and I notice that it’s my clothes, still on me, flapping in the wind. This confuses me and scares me to high hell. I slam my right eye open, and look around. I can’t open my left eye because it still hurts like hell. With my right eye open, I notice I’m up in the sky. Really high up. Like… above the clouds high up. My body is too sore to react however, as I just continue falling lazily upside down. “Well… at least it’ll be quick and painless.” I continue to fall upside down, and I notice my bag falling beside me and continuing to drift further away from me. Closing my eyes, I let happy thoughts of my parents take over. SPLASH I scramble around, sore from hitting the water so hard, and sore all over anyways. where the hell was there water!? I struggle but reach the surface, and take a huge gulp of air. Looking around, I see I’m in a lake, and the shore isn’t that far. Swimming, if you could even call it that, to the shore, I lay there and catch my breath, staring at the sky, half my body still in the water. After however long, I gather the strength to pull myself up and observe my surroundings. I notice I’m at a lake in a huge field. “...where the hell am I?”