Learning How To Live

by AnUnCozyGlow

Prolouge: Rock N Roll-Out!

"Check, Check. One, Two, One Two" A voice echoed through the microphone.

"Yea I think it's working, obviously" another noted with a fair amount of snark present in her tone.

"Oh Aria, you're always so caddy" a third voice teased with a chuckle.

"Am not dumbass!" Aria growled.

"Enough of that girls. We only have this warehouse rented out for the day, we need to get in as much practice as we can before our time is up!" Adagio scolded her sisters.

"Sorry Adagio" Aria and Sonata replied in unison.

"There, now that's more like it" Adagio smirked. "Let's get this show started!"

Adagio danced and swayed up on the old stage looking around the empty warehouse as she sang her song while Aria shredded on guitar and Sonata beat on the drums. Even though the building was empty, Adagio couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. When she and her sisters had lost their magic all those moons ago at the Battle of The Bands she had feared things were over for them! But thankfully fate had granted them at least some mercy. They managed to pick themselves up out of the dirt & grim of depression and they worked hard to learn to sing without magic, they learned how to play instruments and even ended traveling with other bands for awhile. Given during that tour they had the unfortunate surprise of running into Sunset and her friends again, and being victims of some silly magical time loop Sunset may or may not have been responsible for, to be honest Adagio's memories were a bit blurry on the whole ordeal which she just figures was a side effect of whatever had transpired, though she did remember enough to know at least she didn't have to consider Sunset an enemy any more, which was good overall she supposed.

'Hey Adagio, pay attention!" Aria panicked as she ran towards her sister whom was falling of the stage. Alas the girl was not quite fast enough as all she could do was watch as her sister turned around right before she fell. Aria & Sonata seeing the horror in Adagio's eyes both of the sisters running towards the edge bending down crying out in a panic as Adagio hit the cold concrete floor with a thud and everything went black.

"Adagio. Adagio!" A voice echoed, the sound seemingly muffled as if it were underwater. All of a sudden however a thought, a memory, then a return to consciousness! Adagio groaned furiously as the blur of lights seemed to be trying to blind her. After some profuse whincing and blinking however her world came into focus. She was in a bed, small and not as comfortable as she would prefer, but a bad none the less. On each side of the bed were her sisters, their eyes wet with fresh tears. Past them was a woman in a white coat, she seemed about middle age, or close to whatever that was for a human. She had short but beautiful turquoise hair and a light crimson complexion. Her eyes were deep and violet.

"Hello Ms. Dazzle. Welcome back to the world of the waking" she softly smiled. "I am Doctor Somnambula" she introduced herself, her strong accent surprisingly calming.

"What? W-why is a doctor here?" Adagio asked confused despite part of her already knowing the answer, even in her somewhat groggy state.

"You had a rather nasty fall you see Ms. Dazzle. Your sisters were fast to act and called for an ambulance, and I imagine you can guess the rest." The Doctor explained.

Adagio attempted to lean further up but felt a sharp pain followed by an odd tingling almost numb sensation. "H-how long was I out?" She asked as she tried to get her mind off the pain.

"Not long, just a day now" Somnambula replied.

"And, W-what happened to me!?" She anxiously asked, her voice nervously cracking as she did.

"Well, on the bright side you're still alive." The Doctor responded.

"But..." Adagio added looking at the oddly calm caretaker.

" But you fell from a height of roughly 3 meters, and onto a cold hard cement floor." The doctor explained. "The fall fractured your spin, I-I'm sorry miss Dazzle, but I'm afraid you won't be dancing for awhile."

The words hit Adagio like an anvil and she began to panic. "No, No, No, No You're wrong, I'm fine, you're wrong!!" She repeated over and over as she attempted to get out of the bed, finding her body didn't want to listen, pain shooting through as her arms flailed around, but no matter how hard she tried she just couldn't get her legs to move.

"Adagio, stop it, you're going to hurt yourself even worse!!" Aria scolded.

"D-Dagi!!" Sonata began to sob, not being able to stand the sight of her sister in such pain.

"It....its not fair!" Adagio began to sob. "Its not right! My sisters and I....we...we were just starting to be happy, content. We started a band...we....we even went on tour with others, we weren't the best, but-but we were getting better." Adagio continued to cry "We were finally gonna have a good life, after losing so much again and again...we were going to be happy, or...or at the very least content." Adagio finished explaining to the Doctor as she wiped away her tears.

The Doctor let out a heavy sigh and put her hand on Adagio's shoulder. "I know things seem bleak now, but in time your body will hill. This isn't a death sentence for you or your sister's dream, just...another unfortunate bump in the road. It will take time, but someday you will walk again Adagio, of that I can promise you, just have hope." The Doctor calmly reassured her.

"Though I feel I must ask, do you girls have any place to go? That rather gaudy tour bus your sister Aria parked in the parking lot is hardly what I'd call a proper home, and while I commend whomever made all your falsified documents and identification for their thouroughness, not every hospital is as open hearted as we here at the Seven Pillars Regional are." The Doctor stated giving off a somewhat haughty chuckle.

"Yes, I-I think there are some friends my sisters and I can stay with while I recover." Adagio reluctantly rasped.

"Friends, wait....no. Y-you don't mean!" Aria began to panic.

"I'm afraid so" Adagio sighed as she looked over towards Sonata. "Sonna would you be a dear and go get my phone out of the bus?" Adagio politely asked her sister with a soft smile.

"Uhh, sure. But why?" Sonata asked seemingly confused by the request.

"Well, I think it's time to cash in that favor our dear friend Sunset owes us...don't you?" Adagio replied trying her best to maintain her calm demeanor as Aria continued to freak out and the Doctor just nodded her head and sighed, wondering why she always got the odd cases.

Sunset pressed down the ZR button as fast as she could but alas it was too late, she could only watch on as the beautiful green haired goddess she was playing as got sent flying out of the ring.

"Every time. I don't know how you beat me every time!" She laughed doing her best not to rage throw her controller at the TV.

"And she beats you every time only playing as Isabelle!" Twilight teased.

"Oh, I-I'm sure it's only dumb luck" Fluttershy tried to reassure her friend. But before they could finish their discussion Sunset's phone began to ring.

"Yes, Hello?" Sunset asked as she answered. "Wait, is this....you're where!?" Sunset gasped. "What happened?" She asked, and then there was a long pause. "I see. No, I-I understand its perfectly ok if you and your sisters wanna come back down to Canterlot. I'll talk to my friends, we'll set something-up, you-you can meet us at Twilight's house when you get here. I'll text you the address. OK, bye."

"Um...what was all that about?" Twilight asked looking rather confused.

"Well you see Twilight...I may kind of have a super mega ultra big favor to ask you." Sunset nervously exclaimed. Fluttershy and Twilight still not 100% sure what was going on.