fear,night,and shadow

by Moonghost

Chapter 20

"Twilight, No, I'm not going to teach you advanced dark magic," said moonghost to a begging twilight,

"Why can you, sombra, and chrysalis get to know shadowform and wrath spells, but, I do not get to know at least shadowform," twilight wined at moonghost,

"BECAUSE I LOST TOO MANY TO THEIR OWN POWER!!!" yelled Moonghost, "too many, too many..."Moonghost slowly whispered,

"Are you, oh,ok?" twilight said,

"Hmmm, yes, I'm fine, we will begin on a hour." moonghost said to a surprised twilight,

"Begin what?" twilight asked

"Advanced dark magic of course." moonghost said flatly,

"W-w-w-what," twilight sputtered,

"Yes, twilight?" moonghost said,

"oh ok" twilight said stunned,

"No, shadowform, for now," moonghost,