//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: My Pet Nightshine // by TwiPON3 //------------------------------// A few minutes later, I ran into a girl who was running late to class, she must have been held over. From what I gathered, the teachers were pretty chill about showing up a little late, though. She was two shades brighter than my eye color at best, short, black hair, brown eyes, wore a sweater, eyeshadow, and ripped jeans. "For a witch, I can't make potions do right," she said, hastily labeling bottles from a bag She ran into me a second later, knocking my glasses and the bottle she was holding onto the floor. It didn't survive, sadly. "Oh I'm so sorry!" "No, it's fine," I said as she took out a bottle labeled ეხთრა სფეედ ხ10. "I gotta get to the lab, otherwise Chrysalis is going to kill me!" I didn't know witch-script, but, assuming it was correct, had something to do with speed. "I just got thr-" was all I got out before she fell down and started screaming, two lumps forming, "Do I need to get someone?" "Oh Christ, this hurts!" there was a pool of blood on the floor as two lumps in the back of her shirt finished growing. "What do I need to do?" I said, getting down next to her. "Ithinkitwasapairofwingsthatcameout." "What?" "Just get my sharpie and mark around where the lumps are." I did as she said, then she took her sweater off, "Okay, I know I said this before, and I don't understand witch culture, but are you okay?" "I... I just need to... make holes for these wings," she said, taking a piece of the shattered glass bottle and cutting a crude hole for each wing, "God! Shit, that hurt!" "Part of the reason I'm glad to have had mine from birth." She stood up, "I'm Raven Dusk." "Midnight Fang. Maybe I can help you get your potions labeled?" "And how would..." she stretched out her new wings as if they were stiff, "...you plan to do that?" "I could test a spoonful of them." "I don't know," she said, "Some of them are weird and kinky." "I'm a motherfucking vampire, I'm sure I can take it." "I guess we'll meet up at my place after school?" "I have your, and my soon-to-be, Vice-Principal to trash in a race this afternoon. Care to join us?" "I like to see a good race, but I bet Luna's gonna win." "Versus my '87 Škoda? I seriously have other opinions." "A what?" I showed her a video of a rallycross I did with it fifteen years ago. "Okay then," she said, giving me an address, "I'll see you later?" she held one of her wings, "I'm pretty sure Chrys is gonna understand." "Yeah, if you show up with a pair of wings and blood all over you, I'm pretty sure she'll laugh it off," I said as she made her way to the lab.